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Configure the Pinniped Concierge to validate JWT tokens Set up JSON Web Token (JWT) based token authentication on an individual Kubernetes cluster.
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Configure Concierge JWT Authentication 25 howtos

The Concierge can validate JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which are commonly issued by OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers.

This guide shows you how to use this capability without the Pinniped Supervisor. This is most useful if you have only a single cluster and want to authenticate to it via an existing OIDC provider.

If you have multiple clusters, you may want to [install]({{< ref "install-supervisor" >}}) and [configure]({{< ref "configure-supervisor" >}}) the Pinniped Supervisor.


Before starting, you should have the [command-line tool installed]({{< ref "install-cli" >}}) locally and [Concierge running in your cluster]({{< ref "install-concierge" >}}).

You should also have some existing OIDC issuer configuration:

  • An OIDC provider that supports discovery and the email scope.
  • A public client with callback URI and email scope.

Create a JWTAuthenticator

Create a JWTAuthenticator describing how to validate tokens from your OIDC issuer:

kind: JWTAuthenticator
   name: my-jwt-authenticator
   audience: my-client-id
     username: email

If you've saved this into a file my-jwt-authenticator.yaml, then install it into your cluster using:

kubectl apply -f my-jwt-authenticator.yaml

Generate a kubeconfig file

Generate a kubeconfig file to target the JWTAuthenticator:

pinniped get kubeconfig \
  --oidc-client-id my-client-id \
  --oidc-scopes openid,email \
  --oidc-listen-port 12345 \
  > my-cluster.yaml

This creates a kubeconfig YAML file my-cluster.yaml that targets your JWTAuthenticator using pinniped login oidc as an ExecCredential plugin.

It should look something like below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
current-context: pinniped
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS[...]
  name: pinniped
- context:
    cluster: pinniped
    user: pinniped
  name: pinniped
- name: pinniped
      command: /usr/local/bin/pinniped
      - login
      - oidc
      - --enable-concierge
      - --concierge-authenticator-name=my-jwt-authenticator
      - --concierge-authenticator-type=jwt
      - --concierge-endpoint=
      - --concierge-ca-bundle-data=LS0tLS[...]
      - --issuer=
      - --client-id=my-client-id
      - --scopes=offline_access,openid,email
      - --listen-port=12345
      - --request-audience=my-client-id

Use the kubeconfig file

Use the kubeconfig with kubectl to access your cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig my-cluster.yaml get namespaces

You should see:

  • The pinniped login oidc command is executed automatically by kubectl.

  • Pinniped opens your browser window and directs you to login with your identity provider.

  • After you've logged in, you see a page telling you you have been logged in and may now close this tab.

  • In your shell, you see your clusters namespaces.

    If instead you get an access denied error, you may need to create a ClusterRoleBinding for the email of your OIDC account, for example:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding my-user-admin \
      --clusterrole admin \

Other notes

  • Pinniped kubeconfig files do not contain secrets and are safe to share between users.

  • Temporary OIDC session credentials such as ID, access, and refresh tokens are stored in:

    • ~/.config/pinniped/sessions.yaml (macOS/Linux)
    • %USERPROFILE%/.config/pinniped/sessions.yaml (Windows).
  • If your OIDC provider supports wildcard port number matching for localhost URIs, you can omit the --oidc-listen-port flag to use a randomly chosen ephemeral TCP port.

  • The Pinniped command-line tool can only act as a public client with no client secret. If your provider only supports non-public clients, consider using the Pinniped Supervisor.

  • In general, it is not safe to use the same OIDC client across multiple clusters. If you need to access multiple clusters, please [install the Pinniped Supervisor]({{< ref "install-supervisor" >}}).