Add integration test where we don't get groups back

This commit is contained in:
Margo Crawford 2022-02-11 10:23:44 -08:00
parent 013b521838
commit cd7538861a
2 changed files with 88 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ func (p *Provider) searchGroupsForUserDN(conn Conn, userDN string) ([]string, er
groups := []string{}
for _, groupEntry := range searchResult.Entries {
if len(groupEntry.DN) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for group memberships for user with DN %q resulted in search result without DN`, userDN)
@ -476,7 +475,6 @@ entries:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding groups for user %s: %w", userDN, err)
groups = append(groups, overrideGroupName)
continue entries
// if none of the overrides matched, use the default behavior (no mapping)
mappedGroupName, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(groupAttributeName, groupEntry, userDN)

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@ -307,6 +307,94 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
wantDownstreamIDTokenGroups: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserDirectGroupsDNs,
name: "ldap with email as username and group search base that doesn't return anything, and using an LDAP provider which supports TLS",
maybeSkip: func(t *testing.T) {
if len(env.ToolsNamespace) == 0 && !env.HasCapability(testlib.CanReachInternetLDAPPorts) {
t.Skip("LDAP integration test requires connectivity to an LDAP server")
if env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.UserSearchBase == env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.GroupSearchBase {
// This test relies on using the user search base as the group search base, to simulate
// searching for groups and not finding any.
// If the users and groups are stored in the same place, then we will get groups
// back, so this test wouldn't make sense.
t.Skip("must have a different user search base than group search base")
createIDP: func(t *testing.T) string {
secret := testlib.CreateTestSecret(t, env.SupervisorNamespace, "ldap-service-account", v1.SecretTypeBasicAuth,
v1.BasicAuthUsernameKey: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.BindUsername,
v1.BasicAuthPasswordKey: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.BindPassword,
ldapIDP := testlib.CreateTestLDAPIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderSpec{
Host: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.Host,
TLS: &idpv1alpha1.TLSSpec{
CertificateAuthorityData: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.CABundle)),
Bind: idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderBind{
SecretName: secret.Name,
UserSearch: idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearch{
Base: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.UserSearchBase,
Filter: "",
Attributes: idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearchAttributes{
Username: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeName,
UID: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserUniqueIDAttributeName,
GroupSearch: idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearch{
Base: env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.UserSearchBase, // groups not stored at the user search base
Filter: "",
Attributes: idpv1alpha1.LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes{
GroupName: "dn",
}, idpv1alpha1.LDAPPhaseReady)
expectedMsg := fmt.Sprintf(
`successfully able to connect to "%s" and bind as user "%s" [validated with Secret "%s" at version "%s"]`,
env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.Host, env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.BindUsername,
secret.Name, secret.ResourceVersion,
requireSuccessfulLDAPIdentityProviderConditions(t, ldapIDP, expectedMsg)
return ldapIDP.Name
requestAuthorization: func(t *testing.T, downstreamAuthorizeURL, _, _, _ string, httpClient *http.Client) {
env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeValue, // username to present to server during login
env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserPassword, // password to present to server during login
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking: func(t *testing.T, sessionData *psession.PinnipedSession) {
// even if we update this group to the wrong thing, we expect that it will return to the correct
// value after we refresh.
sessionData.Fosite.Claims.Extra["groups"] = []string{"some-wrong-group", "some-other-group"}
breakRefreshSessionData: func(t *testing.T, pinnipedSession *psession.PinnipedSession, _, _ string) {
customSessionData := pinnipedSession.Custom
require.Equal(t, psession.ProviderTypeLDAP, customSessionData.ProviderType)
require.NotEmpty(t, customSessionData.LDAP.UserDN)
fositeSessionData := pinnipedSession.Fosite
fositeSessionData.Claims.Subject = "not-right"
// the ID token Subject should be the Host URL plus the value pulled from the requested UserSearch.Attributes.UID attribute
wantDownstreamIDTokenSubjectToMatch: "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(
) + "$",
// the ID token Username should have been pulled from the requested UserSearch.Attributes.Username attribute
wantDownstreamIDTokenUsernameToMatch: func(_ string) string {
return "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeValue) + "$"
wantDownstreamIDTokenGroups: []string{},
name: "ldap with CN as username and group names as CNs and using an LDAP provider which only supports StartTLS", // try another variation of configuration options
maybeSkip: func(t *testing.T) {