Upstream ldap group refresh:
- Doing it inline on the refresh request
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ type UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI interface {
// PerformRefresh performs a refresh against the upstream LDAP identity provider
PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes StoredRefreshAttributes) error
PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes StoredRefreshAttributes) ([]string, error)
type StoredRefreshAttributes struct {
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ func upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx context.Context, providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentit
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError)
// run PerformRefresh
err = p.PerformRefresh(ctx, provider.StoredRefreshAttributes{
groups, err := p.PerformRefresh(ctx, provider.StoredRefreshAttributes{
Username: username,
Subject: subject,
DN: dn,
@ -312,6 +312,10 @@ func upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx context.Context, providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentit
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithWrap(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
// If we got groups back, then replace the old value with the new value.
if groups != nil {
session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidc.DownstreamGroupsClaim] = groups
return nil
@ -1339,6 +1339,60 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
name: "happy path refresh grant when the upstream refresh returns new group memberships from LDAP, it updates groups",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithLDAP(&oidctestutil.TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider{
Name: ldapUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: ldapUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
PerformRefreshGroups: []string{"new-group1", "new-group2", "new-group3"},
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
customSessionData: happyLDAPCustomSessionData,
want: happyAuthcodeExchangeTokenResponseForOpenIDAndOfflineAccess(
refreshRequest: refreshRequestInputs{
want: tokenEndpointResponseExpectedValues{
wantStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantSuccessBodyFields: []string{"refresh_token", "access_token", "id_token", "token_type", "expires_in", "scope"},
wantRequestedScopes: []string{"openid", "offline_access"},
wantGrantedScopes: []string{"openid", "offline_access"},
wantGroups: []string{"new-group1", "new-group2", "new-group3"},
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: happyLDAPUpstreamRefreshCall(),
wantCustomSessionDataStored: happyLDAPCustomSessionData,
name: "happy path refresh grant when the upstream refresh returns empty list of group memberships from LDAP, it updates groups to an empty list",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithLDAP(&oidctestutil.TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider{
Name: ldapUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: ldapUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
PerformRefreshGroups: []string{},
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
customSessionData: happyLDAPCustomSessionData,
want: happyAuthcodeExchangeTokenResponseForOpenIDAndOfflineAccess(
refreshRequest: refreshRequestInputs{
want: tokenEndpointResponseExpectedValues{
wantStatus: http.StatusOK,
wantSuccessBodyFields: []string{"refresh_token", "access_token", "id_token", "token_type", "expires_in", "scope"},
wantRequestedScopes: []string{"openid", "offline_access"},
wantGrantedScopes: []string{"openid", "offline_access"},
wantGroups: []string{},
wantUpstreamRefreshCall: happyLDAPUpstreamRefreshCall(),
wantCustomSessionDataStored: happyLDAPCustomSessionData,
name: "error from refresh grant when the upstream refresh does not return new group memberships from the merged ID token and userinfo results by returning group claim with illegal nil value",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithOIDC(
@ -1967,9 +2021,10 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
name: "upstream ldap refresh happy path",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithLDAP(&oidctestutil.TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider{
Name: ldapUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: ldapUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
Name: ldapUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: ldapUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
PerformRefreshGroups: goodGroups,
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
@ -1987,9 +2042,10 @@ func TestRefreshGrant(t *testing.T) {
name: "upstream active directory refresh happy path",
idps: oidctestutil.NewUpstreamIDPListerBuilder().WithActiveDirectory(&oidctestutil.TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider{
Name: activeDirectoryUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: activeDirectoryUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
Name: activeDirectoryUpstreamName,
ResourceUID: activeDirectoryUpstreamResourceUID,
URL: ldapUpstreamURL,
PerformRefreshGroups: goodGroups,
authcodeExchange: authcodeExchangeInputs{
modifyAuthRequest: func(r *http.Request) { r.Form.Set("scope", "openid offline_access") },
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ type TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider struct {
performRefreshCallCount int
performRefreshArgs []*PerformRefreshArgs
PerformRefreshErr error
PerformRefreshGroups []string
var _ provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI = &TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider{}
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ func (u *TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider) GetURL() *url.URL {
return u.URL
func (u *TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) error {
func (u *TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) ([]string, error) {
if u.performRefreshArgs == nil {
u.performRefreshArgs = make([]*PerformRefreshArgs, 0)
@ -133,9 +134,9 @@ func (u *TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, s
ExpectedSubject: storedRefreshAttributes.Subject,
if u.PerformRefreshErr != nil {
return u.PerformRefreshErr
return nil, u.PerformRefreshErr
return nil
return u.PerformRefreshGroups, nil
func (u *TestUpstreamLDAPIdentityProvider) PerformRefreshCallCount() int {
@ -170,61 +170,11 @@ func (p *Provider) GetConfig() ProviderConfig {
return p.c
func (p *Provider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) error {
func (p *Provider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) ([]string, error) {
t := trace.FromContext(ctx).Nest("slow ldap refresh attempt", trace.Field{Key: "providerName", Value: p.GetName()})
defer t.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond) // to help users debug slow LDAP searches
userDN := storedRefreshAttributes.DN
searchResult, err := p.performRefresh(ctx, userDN)
if err != nil {
p.traceRefreshFailure(t, err)
return err
// if any more or less than one entry, error.
// we don't need to worry about logging this because we know it's a dn.
if len(searchResult.Entries) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q resulted in %d search results, but expected 1 result`,
userDN, len(searchResult.Entries),
userEntry := searchResult.Entries[0]
if len(userEntry.DN) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(`searching for user with original DN %q resulted in search result without DN`, userDN)
newUsername, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return err
if newUsername != storedRefreshAttributes.Username {
return fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q returned a different username than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`,
userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Username, newUsername,
newUID, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return err
newSubject := downstreamsession.DownstreamLDAPSubject(newUID, *p.GetURL())
if newSubject != storedRefreshAttributes.Subject {
return fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q produced a different subject than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`, userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Subject, newSubject)
for attribute, validateFunc := range p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks {
err = validateFunc(userEntry, storedRefreshAttributes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`validation for attribute %q failed during upstream refresh: %w`, attribute, err)
// we checked that the user still exists and their information is the same, so just return.
return nil
func (p *Provider) performRefresh(ctx context.Context, userDN string) (*ldap.SearchResult, error) {
search := p.refreshUserSearchRequest(userDN)
conn, err := p.dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error dialing host %q: %w`, p.c.Host, err)
@ -236,6 +186,65 @@ func (p *Provider) performRefresh(ctx context.Context, userDN string) (*ldap.Sea
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error binding as %q before user search: %w`, p.c.BindUsername, err)
searchResult, err := p.performUserRefresh(conn, userDN)
if err != nil {
p.traceRefreshFailure(t, err)
return nil, err
// if any more or less than one entry, error.
// we don't need to worry about logging this because we know it's a dn.
if len(searchResult.Entries) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q resulted in %d search results, but expected 1 result`,
userDN, len(searchResult.Entries),
userEntry := searchResult.Entries[0]
if len(userEntry.DN) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user with original DN %q resulted in search result without DN`, userDN)
newUsername, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newUsername != storedRefreshAttributes.Username {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q returned a different username than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`,
userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Username, newUsername,
newUID, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newSubject := downstreamsession.DownstreamLDAPSubject(newUID, *p.GetURL())
if newSubject != storedRefreshAttributes.Subject {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q produced a different subject than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`, userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Subject, newSubject)
for attribute, validateFunc := range p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks {
err = validateFunc(userEntry, storedRefreshAttributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`validation for attribute %q failed during upstream refresh: %w`, attribute, err)
// If we have group search configured, search for groups to update the value.
if len(p.c.GroupSearch.Base) > 0 {
mappedGroupNames, err := p.searchGroupsForUserDN(conn, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mappedGroupNames, nil
return nil, nil
func (p *Provider) performUserRefresh(conn Conn, userDN string) (*ldap.SearchResult, error) {
search := p.refreshUserSearchRequest(userDN)
searchResult, err := conn.Search(search)
if err != nil {
@ -455,7 +464,7 @@ func (p *Provider) searchGroupsForUserDN(conn Conn, userDN string) ([]string, er
groupAttributeName = distinguishedNameAttributeName
var groups []string
groups := []string{}
for _, groupEntry := range searchResult.Entries {
if len(groupEntry.DN) == 0 {
@ -1100,6 +1100,18 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
Controls: nil, // don't need paging because we set the SizeLimit so small
expectedGroupSearch := &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: testGroupSearchBase,
Scope: ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree,
DerefAliases: ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
SizeLimit: 0, // unlimited size because we will search with paging
TimeLimit: 90,
TypesOnly: false,
Filter: testGroupSearchFilterInterpolated,
Attributes: []string{testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute},
Controls: nil, // nil because ldap.SearchWithPaging() will set the appropriate controls for us
happyPathUserSearchResult := &ldap.SearchResult{
Entries: []*ldap.Entry{
@ -1146,6 +1158,7 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
setupMocks func(conn *mockldapconn.MockConn)
dialError error
wantErr string
wantGroups []string
name: "happy path where searching the dn returns a single entry",
@ -1156,6 +1169,89 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
name: "happy path where group search returns groups",
providerConfig: &ProviderConfig{
Name: "some-provider-name",
Host: testHost,
CABundle: nil, // this field is only used by the production dialer, which is replaced by a mock for this test
ConnectionProtocol: TLS,
BindUsername: testBindUsername,
BindPassword: testBindPassword,
UserSearch: UserSearchConfig{
Base: testUserSearchBase,
UIDAttribute: testUserSearchUIDAttribute,
UsernameAttribute: testUserSearchUsernameAttribute,
GroupSearch: GroupSearchConfig{
Base: testGroupSearchBase,
Filter: testGroupSearchFilter,
GroupNameAttribute: testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute,
RefreshAttributeChecks: map[string]func(*ldap.Entry, provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) error{
pwdLastSetAttribute: AttributeUnchangedSinceLogin(pwdLastSetAttribute),
setupMocks: func(conn *mockldapconn.MockConn) {
conn.EXPECT().Bind(testBindUsername, testBindPassword).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().Search(expectedUserSearch).Return(happyPathUserSearchResult, nil).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().SearchWithPaging(expectedGroupSearch, expectedGroupSearchPageSize).Return(&ldap.SearchResult{
Entries: []*ldap.Entry{
DN: testGroupSearchResultDNValue1,
Attributes: []*ldap.EntryAttribute{
ldap.NewEntryAttribute(testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute, []string{testGroupSearchResultGroupNameAttributeValue1}),
DN: testGroupSearchResultDNValue2,
Attributes: []*ldap.EntryAttribute{
ldap.NewEntryAttribute(testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute, []string{testGroupSearchResultGroupNameAttributeValue2}),
Referrals: []string{}, // note that we are not following referrals at this time
Controls: []ldap.Control{},
}, nil).Times(1)
wantGroups: []string{testGroupSearchResultGroupNameAttributeValue1, testGroupSearchResultGroupNameAttributeValue2},
name: "happy path where group search returns no groups",
providerConfig: &ProviderConfig{
Name: "some-provider-name",
Host: testHost,
CABundle: nil, // this field is only used by the production dialer, which is replaced by a mock for this test
ConnectionProtocol: TLS,
BindUsername: testBindUsername,
BindPassword: testBindPassword,
UserSearch: UserSearchConfig{
Base: testUserSearchBase,
UIDAttribute: testUserSearchUIDAttribute,
UsernameAttribute: testUserSearchUsernameAttribute,
GroupSearch: GroupSearchConfig{
Base: testGroupSearchBase,
Filter: testGroupSearchFilter,
GroupNameAttribute: testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute,
RefreshAttributeChecks: map[string]func(*ldap.Entry, provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) error{
pwdLastSetAttribute: AttributeUnchangedSinceLogin(pwdLastSetAttribute),
setupMocks: func(conn *mockldapconn.MockConn) {
conn.EXPECT().Bind(testBindUsername, testBindPassword).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().Search(expectedUserSearch).Return(happyPathUserSearchResult, nil).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().SearchWithPaging(expectedGroupSearch, expectedGroupSearchPageSize).Return(&ldap.SearchResult{
Entries: []*ldap.Entry{},
Referrals: []string{}, // note that we are not following referrals at this time
Controls: []ldap.Control{},
}, nil).Times(1)
wantGroups: []string{},
name: "error where dial fails",
providerConfig: providerConfig,
@ -1421,6 +1517,37 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
wantErr: "validation for attribute \"pwdLastSet\" failed during upstream refresh: value for attribute \"pwdLastSet\" has changed since initial value at login",
name: "group search returns an error",
providerConfig: &ProviderConfig{
Name: "some-provider-name",
Host: testHost,
CABundle: nil, // this field is only used by the production dialer, which is replaced by a mock for this test
ConnectionProtocol: TLS,
BindUsername: testBindUsername,
BindPassword: testBindPassword,
UserSearch: UserSearchConfig{
Base: testUserSearchBase,
UIDAttribute: testUserSearchUIDAttribute,
UsernameAttribute: testUserSearchUsernameAttribute,
GroupSearch: GroupSearchConfig{
Base: testGroupSearchBase,
Filter: testGroupSearchFilter,
GroupNameAttribute: testGroupSearchGroupNameAttribute,
RefreshAttributeChecks: map[string]func(*ldap.Entry, provider.StoredRefreshAttributes) error{
pwdLastSetAttribute: AttributeUnchangedSinceLogin(pwdLastSetAttribute),
setupMocks: func(conn *mockldapconn.MockConn) {
conn.EXPECT().Bind(testBindUsername, testBindPassword).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().Search(expectedUserSearch).Return(happyPathUserSearchResult, nil).Times(1)
conn.EXPECT().SearchWithPaging(expectedGroupSearch, expectedGroupSearchPageSize).Return(nil, errors.New("some search error")).Times(1)
wantErr: "error searching for group memberships for user with DN \"some-upstream-user-dn\": some search error",
for _, tt := range tests {
@ -1435,9 +1562,9 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
dialWasAttempted := false
providerConfig.Dialer = LDAPDialerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error) {
tt.providerConfig.Dialer = LDAPDialerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error) {
dialWasAttempted = true
require.Equal(t, providerConfig.Host, addr.Endpoint())
require.Equal(t, tt.providerConfig.Host, addr.Endpoint())
if tt.dialError != nil {
return nil, tt.dialError
@ -1446,9 +1573,9 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
initialPwdLastSetEncoded := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte("132801740800000000"))
ldapProvider := New(*providerConfig)
ldapProvider := New(*tt.providerConfig)
subject := "ldaps://"
err := ldapProvider.PerformRefresh(context.Background(), provider.StoredRefreshAttributes{
groups, err := ldapProvider.PerformRefresh(context.Background(), provider.StoredRefreshAttributes{
Username: testUserSearchResultUsernameAttributeValue,
Subject: subject,
DN: testUserSearchResultDNValue,
@ -1461,6 +1588,7 @@ func TestUpstreamRefresh(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, true, dialWasAttempted)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantGroups, groups)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ func TestLDAPSearch_Parallel(t *testing.T) {
p.GroupSearch.Base = "ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" // there are no groups under this part of the tree
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: nil},
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ func TestLDAPSearch_Parallel(t *testing.T) {
p.GroupSearch.Filter = "foobar={}" // foobar is not a valid attribute name for this LDAP server's schema
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: nil},
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
// Either revoke the user's session on the upstream provider, or manipulate the user's session
// data in such a way that it should cause the next upstream refresh attempt to fail.
breakRefreshSessionData func(t *testing.T, sessionData *psession.PinnipedSession, idpName, username string)
// Edit the refresh session data between the initial login and the refresh, which is expected to
// succeed.
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking func(t *testing.T, sessionData *psession.PinnipedSession)
name: "oidc with default username and groups claim settings",
@ -128,6 +131,14 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
wantDownstreamIDTokenSubjectToMatch: "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer+"?sub=") + ".+",
wantDownstreamIDTokenUsernameToMatch: func(_ string) string { return "^" + regexp.QuoteMeta(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username) + "$" },
wantDownstreamIDTokenGroups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups,
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking: func(t *testing.T, sessionData *psession.PinnipedSession) {
// even if we update this group to the wrong thing, we expect that it will return to the correct
// value after we refresh.
// However if there are no expected groups then they will not update, so we should skip this.
if len(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups) > 0 {
sessionData.Fosite.Claims.Extra["groups"] = []string{"some-wrong-group", "some-other-group"}
name: "oidc without refresh token",
@ -272,6 +283,11 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking: func(t *testing.T, sessionData *psession.PinnipedSession) {
// even if we update this group to the wrong thing, we expect that it will return to the correct
// value after we refresh.
sessionData.Fosite.Claims.Extra["groups"] = []string{"some-wrong-group", "some-other-group"}
breakRefreshSessionData: func(t *testing.T, pinnipedSession *psession.PinnipedSession, _, _ string) {
customSessionData := pinnipedSession.Custom
require.Equal(t, psession.ProviderTypeLDAP, customSessionData.ProviderType)
@ -1272,6 +1288,7 @@ func TestSupervisorLogin_Browser(t *testing.T) {
@ -1405,8 +1422,9 @@ func requireEventuallySuccessfulActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderConditions(t *tes
func testSupervisorLogin(
t *testing.T,
createIDP func(t *testing.T) string,
requestAuthorization func(t *testing.T, downstreamAuthorizeURL, downstreamCallbackURL, username, password string, httpClient *http.Client),
breakRefreshSessionData func(t *testing.T, pinnipedSession *psession.PinnipedSession, idpName, username string),
requestAuthorization func(t *testing.T, downstreamAuthorizeURL string, downstreamCallbackURL string, username string, password string, httpClient *http.Client),
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking func(t *testing.T, pinnipedSession *psession.PinnipedSession),
breakRefreshSessionData func(t *testing.T, pinnipedSession *psession.PinnipedSession, idpName string, username string),
createTestUser func(t *testing.T) (string, string),
deleteTestUser func(t *testing.T, username string),
wantDownstreamIDTokenSubjectToMatch string,
@ -1565,6 +1583,28 @@ func testSupervisorLogin(
// token exchange on the original token
doTokenExchange(t, &downstreamOAuth2Config, tokenResponse, httpClient, discovery)
if editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking != nil {
latestRefreshToken := tokenResponse.RefreshToken
signatureOfLatestRefreshToken := getFositeDataSignature(t, latestRefreshToken)
// First use the latest downstream refresh token to look up the corresponding session in the Supervisor's storage.
kubeClient := testlib.NewKubernetesClientset(t)
supervisorSecretsClient := kubeClient.CoreV1().Secrets(env.SupervisorNamespace)
oauthStore := oidc.NewKubeStorage(supervisorSecretsClient, oidc.DefaultOIDCTimeoutsConfiguration())
storedRefreshSession, err := oauthStore.GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfLatestRefreshToken, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Next mutate the part of the session that is used during upstream refresh.
pinnipedSession, ok := storedRefreshSession.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
require.True(t, ok, "should have been able to cast session data to PinnipedSession")
editRefreshSessionDataWithoutBreaking(t, pinnipedSession)
// Then save the mutated Secret back to Kubernetes.
// There is no update function, so delete and create again at the same name.
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfLatestRefreshToken))
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfLatestRefreshToken, storedRefreshSession))
// Use the refresh token to get new tokens
refreshSource := downstreamOAuth2Config.TokenSource(oidcHTTPClientContext, &oauth2.Token{RefreshToken: tokenResponse.RefreshToken})
refreshedTokenResponse, err := refreshSource.Token()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user