Session['CookieDomains'] and iterate through the remaining domains, serving them in one page (which contains iframes already) // this might be slower because it means one additional roundtrip between client and server // approach 2: // let the client setup multiple iframes for all domains other than origin domains // this requires passing an array of domains to the client in asynchronous reply; which feels insecure if (!empty($_REQUEST['ref'])) { try { $queryString = json_decode(base64_decode($_REQUEST['ref']), JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY); } catch (Exception $e) { // Silently fail, unless explicitly specified otherwise if ($settings->Debug['Verbose']) throw new Exception($e); exit; } switch ($queryString['action']) { case 'login': break; default: break; } } include_once('../include/lucidAuth.template.php'); echo sprintf($pageLayout['bare'], '// iFrames go here' ); ?>