# lucidAuth [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-in%20production-%23003399.svg)](#) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributors-1-green.svg) ](#) > *Respect* the unexpected, mitigate your risks Forward Authentication for use with proxies (caddy, nginx, traefik, etc) ## Usage - Create a new folder, navigate to it in a commandprompt and run the following command: `git clone https://code.spamasaurus.com/djpbessems/lucidAuth.git` - Edit `include/lucidAuth.config.php.example` to reflect your configuration and save as `include/lucidAuth.config.php` - Create a new website (within any php-capable webserver) and make sure that the documentroot points to the `public` folder - Check if you are able to browse to `https:///lucidAuth.login.php` (where `` is the actual domain -or IP address- your webserver is listening on) - Edit your proxy's configuration to use the new website as forward proxy: - #### ~~in Caddy/nginx~~ (planned for a later stage) - #### in Traefik Add the following lines (change to reflect your existing configuration): ##### 1.7 ``` [frontends.server1] entrypoints = ["https"] backend = "server1" [frontends.server1.auth.forward] address = "https:///lucidAuth.validateRequest.php" [frontends.server1.routes] [frontends.server1.routes.ext] rule = "Host:" ``` ##### 2.0 Either whitelist IP's which should be trusted to send `HTTP_X-Forwarded-*` headers, ór enable insecure-mode in your static configuration: ``` entryPoints: https: address: :443 forwardedHeaders: trustedIPs: - "" - "" # insecure: true ``` Define a middleware that tells Traefik to forward requests for authentication in your dynamic file provider: ``` https: middlewares: ldap-authentication: forwardAuth: address: "https:///lucidAuth.validateRequest.php" trustForwardHeader: true ``` And finally add the new middleware to your service (different methods; this depends on your configuration): ``` # as a label (when using Docker provider) traefik.http.routers.router1.middlewares: "ldap-authentication@file" # as yaml (when using file provider) routers: router1: middlewares: - "ldap-authentication" ``` - #### Important! The domainname of the website made in step 3, needs to match the domainname (*ignoring subdomains, if any*) of the resource utilizing this authentication proxy. ## Questions or bugs Feel free to open issues in this repository.