diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 00dbc43..2fc4b9c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # lucidAuth [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-in%20production-%23003399.svg)](#) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributors-1-green.svg) ](#) > *Respect* the unexpected, mitigate your risks -Forward Authentication for use with proxies (caddy, nginx, traefik, etc) +Forward Authentication for use with loadbalancers/proxies/webservers (Apache, ~~Caddy~~, Lighttpd, NGINX, Traefik, etc) ## Usage - Create a new folder, navigate to it in a commandprompt and run the following command: @@ -9,12 +9,39 @@ Forward Authentication for use with proxies (caddy, nginx, traefik, etc) - Edit `include/lucidAuth.config.php.example` to reflect your configuration and save as `include/lucidAuth.config.php` - Create a new website (within any php-capable webserver) and make sure that the documentroot points to the `public` folder - Check if you are able to browse to `https:///lucidAuth.login.php` (where `` is the actual domain -or IP address- your webserver is listening on) -- Edit your proxy's configuration to use the new website as forward proxy: - - #### ~~in Caddy/nginx~~ (planned for a later stage) +- Edit your webserver's/proxy's configuration to use the new website for forward authentication: + - #### ~~in Apache~~ (Soon™) + + - #### ~~in Caddy~~ (Never, due to lacking functionality) + + - #### ~~in Lighttpd~~ (Soon™) + + - #### in NGINX + Add the following lines (adjust to reflect your existing configuration - more [details](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-subrequest-authentication/)): + ``` + http { + #... + server { + #... + location /private/ { + auth_request /auth; + auth_request_set $auth_status $upstream_status; + } + + location = /auth { + internal; + proxy_pass https:///lucidAuth.validateRequest.php; + proxy_pass_request_body off; + proxy_set_header Content-Length ""; + proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri; + } + } + } + ``` - #### in Traefik Add the following lines (change to reflect your existing configuration): -##### 1.7 +##### 1.7.x (more [details](https://docs.traefik.io/v1.7/configuration/entrypoints/#forward-authentication)) ``` [frontends.server1] entrypoints = ["https"] @@ -25,7 +52,7 @@ Forward Authentication for use with proxies (caddy, nginx, traefik, etc) [frontends.server1.routes.ext] rule = "Host:" ``` -##### 2.0 +##### 2.x (more [details](https://docs.traefik.io/middlewares/forwardauth/)) Either whitelist IP's which should be trusted to send `HTTP_X-Forwarded-*` headers, ór enable insecure-mode in your static configuration: ``` entryPoints: diff --git a/public/lucidAuth.manage.php b/public/lucidAuth.manage.php index 22653d3..7dfc55f 100644 --- a/public/lucidAuth.manage.php +++ b/public/lucidAuth.manage.php @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ if ($validateTokenResult['status'] === "Success") { switch ($_REQUEST['do']) { + case 'mutateusers': +// Do magic! + break; case 'retrievesessions': $storedTokens = []; diff --git a/public/misc/script.manage.js b/public/misc/script.manage.js index 175d13c..7bf0f95 100644 --- a/public/misc/script.manage.js +++ b/public/misc/script.manage.js @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ jQuery.fn.ConfirmDelete = function() { 'data-translation': 'button_yes', 'data-sessionid': sessionID }).on('click', function() { +// Move this out of 'ConfirmDelete()' var pressedButton = $(this); $(pressedButton).prop('disabled', true).css({ 'background': '#999 url() no-repeat center', @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ jQuery.fn.ConfirmDelete = function() { 'data-translation': 'button_no', 'data-sessionid': sessionID }).on('click', function() { +// Move this out of 'ConfirmDelete()' var pressedButton = $(this); $(pressedButton).closest('td').empty() .append( @@ -185,14 +187,15 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ }); console.log({'new': newEntries, 'removed': removedEntries}); - -/* $.get("psworker.php", { - do: "mutate", - mutations: { - new: newEntries, - removed: removedEntries - } - })*/ +/* + $.post("lucidAuth.manage.php", { + do: "mutateusers", + new: newEntries, + removed: removedEntries + }) + .done(function(data,_status) { + } +*/ }); $('#btncancel').click(function() {