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2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
$configurationFile = '../lucidAuth.config.php';
if (!file_exists($configurationFile)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Missing config file. Please rename \'%1$s.example\' to \'%1$s\' and edit it to reflect your setup.', explode('../', $configurationFile)[1]));
2019-01-16 17:01:30 +00:00
$settings = include_once($configurationFile);
try {
# switch ($settings->Database['Driver']) {
# case 'sqlite':
# $database = new PDO('sqlite:' . $settings->Database['Path']);
if (is_writable($settings->Sqlite['Path'])) {
$pdoDB = new PDO('sqlite:' . $settings->Sqlite['Path']);
} else {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Database file \'%1$s\' is not writable', $settings->Sqlite['Path']));
# }
catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Unable to connect to database \'%1$s\'', $settings->Sqlite['Path']));
2019-01-16 17:01:30 +00:00
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
function authenticateLDAP (string $username, string $password) {
global $settings;
if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) {
// Handle login requests
$ds = ldap_connect($settings->LDAP['Server'], $settings->LDAP['Port']);
// Strict namingconvention: only allow alphabetic characters
$sanitizedUsername = preg_replace('([^a-zA-Z]*)', '', $_POST['username']);
$qualifiedUsername = $settings->LDAP['Domain'] . '\\' . $sanitizedUsername;
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
if (@ldap_bind($ds, $qualifiedUsername, utf8_encode($_POST['password']))) {
// Successful authentication; get additional userdetails from authenticationsource
$ldapSearchResults = ldap_search($ds, $settings->LDAP['BaseDN'], "sAMAccountName=$sanitizedUsername");
$commonName = ldap_get_entries($ds, $ldapSearchResults)[0]['cn'][0];
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
// Create JWT-payload
$jwtPayload = [
'iat' => time(), // Issued at: time when the token was generated
'iss' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], // Issuer
'sub' => $qualifiedUsername, // Subject (ie. username)
'name' => $commonName // Common name (as retrieved from AD)
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
$secureToken = JWT::encode($jwtPayload, base64_decode($settings->JWT['PrivateKey_base64']));
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
return ['status' => 'Success', 'token' => $secureToken];
} else {
// LDAP authentication failed!
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => '1'];
} else {
// Empty username or passwords not allowed!
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => '1'];
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
function storeToken (string $secureToken, string $qualifiedUsername, string $httpHost) {
global $settings, $pdoDB;
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
// Save authentication token in database serverside
try {
$pdoQuery = $pdoDB->prepare('
INSERT INTO SecureToken (UserId, Value)
SELECT User.Id, :securetoken
WHERE User.Username = :qualifiedusername
':securetoken' => $secureToken,
':qualifiedusername' => $qualifiedUsername
catch (Exception $e) {
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => $e];
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
// Save authentication token in cookie clientside
$cookieDomain = array_values(array_filter($settings->Session['CookieDomains'], function ($value) use ($httpHost) {
// Check if $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] matches any of the configured domains (either explicitly or as a subdomain)
// This might seem backwards, but relying on $_SERVER directly allows spoofed values with potential security risks
return (strlen($value) > strlen($httpHost)) ? false : (0 === substr_compare($httpHost, $value, -strlen($value)));
if ($cookieDomain && setcookie('JWT', $secureToken, (time() + $settings->Session['Duration']), '/', '.' . $cookieDomain)) {
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
return ['status' => 'Success'];
} else {
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => 'Unable to store cookie(s)'];
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
function validateToken (string $secureToken) {
global $settings, $pdoDB;
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
// Decode provided authentication token
try {
$jwtPayload = JWT::decode($secureToken, base64_decode($settings->JWT['PrivateKey_base64']), $settings->JWT['Algorithm']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Invalid token
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => '1'];
if ((int)$jwtPayload->iat < (time() - (int)$settings->Session['Duration'])) {
// Expired token
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => '3'];
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
// Retrieve all authentication tokens from database matching username
$pdoQuery = $pdoDB->prepare('
SELECT SecureToken.Value
FROM SecureToken
ON (User.Id=SecureToken.UserId)
WHERE User.Username = :username
':username' => (string)$jwtPayload->sub
foreach($pdoQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
try {
$storedTokens[] = JWT::decode($row['Value'], base64_decode($settings->JWT['PrivateKey_base64']), $settings->JWT['Algorithm']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
2019-01-16 17:01:30 +00:00
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
// Compare provided authentication token to all stored tokens in database
if (!empty($storedTokens) && sizeof(array_filter($storedTokens, function ($value) use ($jwtPayload) {
return $value->iat === $jwtPayload->iat;
})) === 1) {
2019-01-28 20:37:52 +00:00
return ['status' => 'Success'];
} else {
return ['status' => 'Fail', 'reason' => '2'];
2019-01-16 10:37:35 +00:00