- Edit `include/lucidAuth.config.php.example` to reflect your configuration and save as `include/lucidAuth.config.php`
- Create a new website (within any php-capable webserver) and make sure that the documentroot points to the `public` folder
- Check if you are able to browse to `https://<fqdn>/lucidAuth.login.php` (where `<fqdn>` is the actual domain -or IP address- your webserver is listening on)
- Edit your webserver's/proxy's configuration to use the new website for forward authentication:
- #### ~~in Apache~~<small>(Soon™)</small>
- #### ~~in Caddy~~<small>(Never, due to lacking functionality)</small>
- #### ~~in Lighttpd~~<small>(Soon™)</small>
- #### in NGINX
Add the following lines (adjust to reflect your existing configuration - more [details](https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/security-controls/configuring-subrequest-authentication/)):
The domainname of the website made in step 3, needs to match the domainname (*ignoring subdomains, if any*) of the resource utilizing this authentication proxy.