#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xo pipefail # osie_download from url and save it to directory osie_download() { local url="$1" local directory="$2" wget "${url}" -O "${directory}"/osie.tar.gz } # osie_extract from tarball and save it to directory osie_extract() { local source_dir="$1" local dest_dir="$2" tar -zxvf "${source_dir}"/osie.tar.gz -C "${dest_dir}" --strip-components 1 } # osie_move_helper_scripts moves workflow helper scripts to the workflow directory osie_move_helper_scripts() { local source_dir="$1" local dest_dir="$2" cp "${source_dir}"/workflow-helper.sh "${source_dir}"/workflow-helper-rc "${dest_dir}"/ } # hook_rename_files renames the kernel and initrd files from the github downloaded tar # to the default names that the OSIE installer in Boots is expecting. # See https://github.com/tinkerbell/boots/blob/78d4f74e6944ae3bd04e1297dc8e354fc93d9320/installers/osie/main.go#L160 and # https://github.com/tinkerbell/boots/blob/78d4f74e6944ae3bd04e1297dc8e354fc93d9320/installers/osie/main.go#L168 hook_rename_files() { local src_kernel="$1" local src_initrd="$2" local dest_dir="$3" mv "${src_kernel}" "${dest_dir}/vmlinuz-x86_64" mv "${src_initrd}" "${dest_dir}/initramfs-x86_64" } # main runs the functions in order to download, extract, and move helper scripts main() { local url="$1" local extract_dir="$2" local source_dir="$3" local dest_dir="$4" local use_hook="$5" if [ ! -f "${extract_dir}"/osie.tar.gz ]; then echo "downloading osie..." osie_download "${url}" "${extract_dir}" else echo "osie already downloaded" fi if [ "${use_hook}" == "true" ]; then if [ ! -f "${source_dir}"/hook-x86_64-kernel ] && [ ! -f "${source_dir}"/hook-x86_64-initrd.img ]; then echo "extracting hook..." osie_extract "${extract_dir}" "${source_dir}" else echo "hook files already exist, not extracting" fi hook_rename_files "${source_dir}"/hook-x86_64-kernel "${source_dir}"/hook-x86_64-initrd.img "${source_dir}" else if [ ! -f "${source_dir}"/workflow-helper.sh ] && [ ! -f "${source_dir}"/workflow-helper-rc ]; then echo "extracting osie..." osie_extract "${extract_dir}" "${source_dir}" else echo "osie files already exist, not extracting" fi osie_move_helper_scripts "${source_dir}" "${dest_dir}" fi } main "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5"