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Name: 'COMP: Example GPO' # Prefix the name with either 'COMP:' or 'USER:'
Type: Preference # Either 'Object' or 'Preference' (respectively for GPO or GPP)
LinkedOUs: # Entries will be concatenated with ',DC=<example>,DC=<org>' automatically
- OU=Servers
- FilterA
- FilterB
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyA
Value: 1
Action: Replace # Valid values are: Create, Update, Replace or Delete
Context: Computer # Valid values are: User or Computer
Disable: False # Change to 'True' when GPP entry should not be applied
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyB
Value: 0xFFFFFFFF # Hexadecimal values are prefixed with '0x'
Action: Replace
Context: Computer
Disable: False
- Key: HKLM\Software\Test
Type: String
ValueName: PropertyOVF
Value: "{{ guestinfo.dnsserver }}" # Values can contain variablenames (respective entries must be declared under 'Variables' below)
Action: Replace
Context: Computer
Disable: False
Variables: # Each variable consists of a name that is used as a placeholder in the yaml file above, and a PowerShell expression
- Name: guestinfo.dnsserver
Expression: | # The variable '$Parameter' will automatically contain all defined OVF Properties