#!/bin/bash export TERM=linux BGRN='\033[1;92m' BGRY='\033[1;30m' BBLU='\033[1;34m' BRED='\033[1;91m' BWHI='\033[1;97m' CBLA='\033[?16;0;30cm' # Hide blinking cursor DFLT='\033[1;0m' # Reset colour LCLR='\033[K' # Clear to end of line PRST='\033[1;92m' # Reset cursor position COMPONENTS=('ingress' 'storage' 'registry' 'git' 'gitops') FQDN='{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }}' IPADDRESS='{{ vapp['guestinfo.ipaddres'] }}' clear > /dev/tty1 while /bin/true; do echo -e "${PRST}" > /dev/tty1 echo -e "\n\n\t${DFLT}To manage this appliance, please connect to one of the following:${LCLR}\n" > /dev/tty1 for comp in "${COMPONENTS}"; do STATUS=$(curl -ks "https://${comp}.${FQDN}" -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}') if [[ "${STATUS}" -eq "200" ]]; then echo -e "\t [${BGRN}+${DFLT}] ${BBLU}https://${comp}.${FQDN}${DFLT}${LCLR}" > /dev/tty1 else echo -e "\t [${BRED}-${DFLT}] ${BBLU}https://${comp}.${FQDN}${DFLT}${LCLR}" > /dev/tty1 fi done echo -e "\n\t${BGRY}Note that your DNS zone ${DFLT}must have ${BGRY} respective records defined, each pointing to:${DFLT}${LCLR}" > /dev/tty1 echo -e "\t${BGRY} - ${DFLT}${IPADDRESS}${LCLR}" > /dev/tty1 echo -e "${CBLA}" > /dev/tty1 sleep 1 done