platform: k3s: version: v1.27.1+k3s1 packaged_components: - name: traefik namespace: kube-system config: |2 additionalArguments: - "--certificatesResolvers.stepca.acme.caserver=https://step-certificates.step-ca.svc.cluster.local/acme/acme/directory" - "" - "" - "--certificatesResolvers.stepca.acme.tlsChallenge=true" - "--certificatesresolvers.stepca.acme.certificatesduration=24" globalArguments: [] ingressRoute: dashboard: enabled: false ports: ssh: port: 8022 protocol: TCP web: redirectTo: websecure websecure: tls: certResolver: stepca updateStrategy: type: Recreate rollingUpdate: null helm_repositories: - name: argo url: - name: bitnami url: - name: dexidp url: - name: gitea-charts url: - name: harbor url: - name: jetstack url: - name: longhorn url: - name: prometheus-community url: - name: smallstep url: - name: spamasaurus url: components: argo-cd: helm: version: 5.27.4 # (= ArgoCD v2.6.7) chart: argo/argo-cd parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | configs: secret: argocdServerAdminPassword: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] | password_hash('bcrypt') }}" server: extraArgs: - --insecure ingress: enabled: true hosts: - gitops.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} cert-manager: helm: version: 1.11.0 chart: jetstack/cert-manager parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' # chart_values: !unsafe | # installCRDs: true clusterapi: management: version: # Must match the version referenced at `dependencies.static_binaries[.filename==clusterctl].url` base: v1.4.0 # Must match the version referenced at `components.cert-manager.helm.version` cert_manager: v1.11.0 infrastructure_vsphere: v1.6.0 ipam_incluster: v0.1.0-alpha.2 # Refer to `` for available tags cpi_vsphere: v1.26.2 workload: version: calico: v3.25.0 k8s: v1.27.1 node_template: url: https://{{ repo_username }}:{{ repo_password }} dex: helm: version: 0.15.3 # (= Dex 2.37.0) chart: dexidp/dex parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | config: issuer: https://idps.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} storage: type: kubernetes config: inCluster: true staticClients: - id: pinniped-supervisor secret: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', '/dev/null length=64 chars=ascii_lowercase,digits seed=' ~ vapp['metacluster.fqdn']) }}" name: Pinniped Supervisor client redirectURIs: - https://auth.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }}/sso/callback enablePasswordDB: true staticPasswords: - email: user@{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} hash: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] | password_hash('bcrypt') }}" username: user userID: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.password', '/dev/null length=64 chars=ascii_lowercase,digits seed=' ~ vapp['metacluster.fqdn']) | to_uuid }}" ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: idps.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix gitea: helm: version: v7.0.2 # (= Gitea v1.18.3) chart: gitea-charts/gitea parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | sed '/:/!s/$/:latest/' chart_values: !unsafe | extraVolumes: - secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: step-certificates-certs name: step-certificates-certs extraVolumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-chain.crt name: step-certificates-certs readOnly: true subPath: ca_chain.crt gitea: admin: username: administrator password: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] }}" email: admin@{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} config: server: OFFLINE_MODE: true PROTOCOL: http ROOT_URL: https://git.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }}/ image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: git.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix service: ssh: type: ClusterIP port: 22 clusterIP: harbor: helm: version: 1.11.0 # (= Harbor v2.7.0) chart: harbor/harbor parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | expose: ingress: annotations: {} hosts: core: registry.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} tls: certSource: none enabled: false externalURL: https://registry.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} harborAdminPassword: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] }}" notary: enabled: false persistence: persistentVolumeClaim: registry: size: 25Gi json-server: helm: version: v0.8.3 chart: spamasaurus/json-server parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: version.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix jsonServer: seedData: configInline: {} sidecar: targetUrl: version.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} kube-prometheus-stack: helm: version: 45.2.0 chart: prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | alertmanager: enabled: false global: imageRegistry: registry.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} kubevip: # Must match the version referenced at `dependencies.container_images` version: v0.5.8 longhorn: helm: version: 1.4.1 chart: longhorn/longhorn parse_logic: cat values.yaml | yq eval '.. | select(has("repository")) | .repository + ":" + .tag' chart_values: !unsafe | defaultSettings: allowNodeDrainWithLastHealthyReplica: true defaultDataPath: /mnt/blockstorage defaultReplicaCount: 1 ingress: enabled: true host: storage.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }} persistence: defaultClassReplicaCount: 1 pinniped: helm: version: 1.3.4 # (= Pinniped v0.26.0) chart: bitnami/pinniped parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u | awk '!/ /' chart_values: !unsafe | concierge: enabled: false supervisor: service: public: type: ClusterIP step-certificates: helm: version: 1.23.0 chart: smallstep/step-certificates parse_logic: helm template . | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sed '/:/!s/$/:latest/' | sort -u chart_values: !unsafe | ca: dns: ca.{{ vapp['metacluster.fqdn'] }},step-certificates.step-ca.svc.cluster.local, password: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] }}" provisioner: name: admin password: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] }}" inject: secrets: ca_password: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] | b64encode }}" provisioner_password: "{{ vapp['metacluster.password'] | b64encode }}" service: targetPort: 9000 dependencies: ansible_galaxy_collections: - ansible.posix - ansible.utils - community.crypto - community.general - community.vmware - kubernetes.core - lvrfrc87.git_acp container_images: # This should match the image tag referenced at `platform.packaged_components[.name==traefik].config` - busybox:1 - # The following list is generated by running the following commands: # $ clusterctl init -i vsphere: [...] # $ clusterctl generate cluster [...] | yq eval '' | yq --no-doc eval '.. | .image? | select(.)' | sort -u - - - - - - - static_binaries: - filename: clusterctl url: - filename: govc url: archive: compressed - filename: helm url: archive: compressed extra_opts: --strip-components=1 - filename: kubectl-slice url: archive: compressed - filename: pinniped url: - filename: skopeo url: - filename: step url: archive: compressed extra_opts: --strip-components=2 - filename: yq url: packages: apt: - lvm2 pip: - jmespath - kubernetes - netaddr - passlib - pyvmomi