Compare commits


No commits in common. "ADDS" and "master" have entirely different histories.
ADDS ... master

46 changed files with 85 additions and 2699 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 29 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 249 KiB

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
kind: pipeline
type: kubernetes
name: 'Packer Build'
- name: Debugging information
- yamllint --version
- packer --version
- pwsh --version
- ovftool --version
- name: Active Directory Domain Services
pull: always
- |
yamllint -d "{extends: relaxed, rules: {line-length: disable}}" scripts
- |
packer init -upgrade \
- |
packer validate \
-var vsphere_password=$${VSPHERE_PASSWORD} \
-var winrm_password=$${WINRM_PASSWORD} \
- |
packer build \
-on-error=cleanup -timestamp-ui \
-var vsphere_password=$${VSPHERE_PASSWORD} \
-var winrm_password=$${WINRM_PASSWORD} \
from_secret: vsphere_password
from_secret: winrm_password
- name: output
path: /output
- name: output
name: flexvolsmb-drone-output

View File

@ -1,108 +1,15 @@
# Packer.Images [![Build Status](]( # Packer.Images
This OVA appliance allows deploying an Active Directory Domain Controller fully automated: Opinionated set of packer templates for producing .OVA appliances, which can then be deployed (semi)unattended through the use of vApp properties:
The included `.ovf` file has the following XML contents (simplified for clarity) to facilitate the different `DeploymentOption`s: ## [![Build Status]( **Ubuntu Server 20.04**]( - <small>LTS</small>
```xml Lorem ipsum.
<Envelope [...]>
<Info>Deployment Type</Info>
<Configuration ovf:id="primary">
<Label>Primary (redundant deployment)</Label>
<Description>Initial Domain Controller with 'PDC Emulator'-role</Description>
<Configuration ovf:id="secondary">
<Label>Secondary (redundant deployment)</Label>
<Description>Additional Domain Controller</Description>
<Configuration ovf:id="standalone">
<Label>Stand-alone (non-redundant deployment)</Label>
<Description>Single Domain Controller</Description>
<VirtualSystem ovf:id="[...]">
<Category>1) Operating System</Category>
<Property ovf:configuration="primary secondary standalone" ovf:key="guestinfo.hostname" [...]>
<Category>2) Networking</Category>
<Property ovf:configuration="secondary" ovf:key="guestinfo.dnsserver" [...]>
<Label>DNS server*</Label>
<Category>3) Active Directory Domain Services</Category>
<Property ovf:configuration="primary standalone" ovf:key="addsconfig.ntpserver" [...]>
<Label>NTP Server*</Label>
When **provisioning** the appliance through the vCenter 'Deploy OVF template...' wizard, or through vApp-compatible *Infrastructure as code* tooling (e.g. HashiCorp Terraform), it is possible to provide all relevant configuration through vApp properties. ## [![Build Status]( **Windows Server 2019**]( - <small>LTSC xx09</small>
This image in itself does not actually provide much benefit over other customization methods that are available during an unattended deployment; it serves primarily as a basis for the following images.
<table> ## [![Build Status]( **ADDS**]( - <small>Active Directory Domain Services</small>
<tr> Lorem ipsum.
<td><em>vSphere 'Deploy OVF template...' wizard</em></td> <td> <a href="">HashiCorp Terraform vSphere provider</a> </td>
<td><img src=".assets/vAppConfigurations-ADDS-example.png" alt="vApp properties" width="400" /><br/><img src=".assets/vAppProperties-ADDS-example.png" alt="vApp properties" width="400" /></td>
```hcl ## [![Build Status]( **ADCS**]( - <small>Active Directory Certificate Services</small>
vapp { Lorem ipsum.
properties = {
# "deployment.type = "primary"
"guestinfo.hostname" = "DC01"
"guestinfo.ipaddress" = ""
"guestinfo.prefixlength" = "24"
# "guestinfo.dnsserver" = ""
"guestinfo.gateway" = ""
"addsconfig.domainname" = ""
"addsconfig.netbiosname" = "CONTOSO"
"addsconfig.administratorpw" = var.adds_adminpassword
"addsconfig.safemodepw" = var.adds_safemodepassword
# "addsconfig.ntpserver" = ",,"
"vault.api" = ""
"vault.token" = var.vault_token
"vault.pwpolicy" = "complex"
"vault.secret" = "contoso-project42"
# "dhcpconfig.startip" = ""
# "dhcpconfig.endip" = ""
# "dhcpconfig.subnetmask" = ""
# "dhcpconfig.gateway" = ""
# "dhcpconfig.leaseduration" = "01:00:00.00"
On first boot, the appliance will start **configuring** itself without any further user-input, by performing the following steps:
- Change hostname
- Configure network
- Set password for local administrator
- Promote to Domain Controller
- Iterate through all payload scripts:
- Create Active Directory Organizational Units
- Create Active Directory security groups
- Create Active Directory user accounts
- Set up Delegation of Control
- Configure Active Directory Group Policy Objects with Windows Firewall settings
- Configure DHCP (scopes, options and Failover relationship)
- Create DNS records
- Define Active Directory Group Policy WMI Filters
- Define and link Active Directory Group Policy Objects and Preferences
- Set Active Directory Default domain Password policy

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
packer {
required_plugins {
windows-update = {
version = ">= 0.12.0"
source = ""
source "vsphere-clone" "adds" {
vcenter_server = var.vcenter_server
username = var.vsphere_username
password = var.vsphere_password
insecure_connection = "true"
vm_name = "adds-${var.vm_name}"
datacenter = var.vsphere_datacenter
host = var.vsphere_host
folder = var.vsphere_folder
datastore = var.vsphere_datastore
template = "Windows-Server-2019-LTSC"
boot_order = "disk,cdrom"
boot_command = [""]
boot_wait = "2m30s"
communicator = "winrm"
winrm_password = var.winrm_password
winrm_timeout = "10m"
winrm_username = "administrator"
RAM = 8192
CPUs = 2
floppy_files = [
shutdown_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:\\Sysprep_Unattend.xml"
shutdown_timeout = "1h"
export {
images = false
build {
sources = ["source.vsphere-clone.adds"]
provisioner "powershell" {
inline = [
"New-Item -Path 'C:\\Payload\\Scripts' -ItemType 'Directory' -Force:$True -Confirm:$False"
provisioner "file" {
destination = "C:\\Payload\\"
source = "scripts/ADDS/payload/"
provisioner "powershell" {
scripts = [
post-processor "shell-local" {
inline = [
"pwsh -command \"& scripts/Update-OvfConfiguration.ps1 \\",
" -OVFFile './output-adds/adds-${var.vm_name}.ovf' \\",
" -Parameter @{''='ADDS';'appliance.version'='${var.vm_name}'}\"",
"pwsh -file scripts/Update-Manifest.ps1 \\",
" -ManifestFileName './output-adds/adds-${var.vm_name}.mf'",
"ovftool --acceptAllEulas --allowExtraConfig --overwrite \\",
" './output-adds/adds-${var.vm_name}.ovf' \\",
" /output/ADDS-appliance.ova"
post-processor "shell-local" {
inline = [
"pwsh -file scripts/Remove-Resources.ps1 \\",
" -VMName 'adds-${var.vm_name}' \\",
" -VSphereFQDN '${var.vcenter_server}' \\",
" -VSphereUsername '${var.vsphere_username}' \\",
" -VSpherePassword '${var.vsphere_password}'"

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="generalize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
variable "vcenter_server" {}
variable "vsphere_username" {}
variable "vsphere_password" {}
variable "vsphere_host" {}
variable "vsphere_datacenter" {}
variable "vsphere_templatefolder" {}
variable "vsphere_folder" {}
variable "vsphere_datastore" {}
variable "vsphere_network" {}
variable "vm_name" {}
variable "winrm_password" {}

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ vcenter_server = "bv11-vc.bessems.lan"
vsphere_username = "administrator@vsphere.local" vsphere_username = "administrator@vsphere.local"
vsphere_datacenter = "DeSchakel" vsphere_datacenter = "DeSchakel"
vsphere_host = "bv11-esx.bessems.lan" vsphere_host = "bv11-esx.bessems.lan"
vsphere_hostip = ""
vsphere_datastore = "Datastore01.SSD" vsphere_datastore = "Datastore01.SSD"
vsphere_folder = "/Packer" vsphere_folder = "/Packer"
vsphere_templatefolder = "/Templates" vsphere_templatefolder = "/Templates"
vsphere_network = "LAN" vsphere_network = "LAN"

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# No parameters
$InstallWindowsFeatureSplat = @{
Name = 'AD-Domain-Services', 'DHCP', 'RSAT-DNS-Server'
IncludeAllSubFeature = $True
IncludeManagementTools = $True
Restart = $False
Confirm = $False
Install-WindowsFeature @InstallWindowsFeatureSplat
$InstallPackageProviderSplat = @{
Name = 'NuGet'
MinimumVersion = ''
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Install-PackageProvider @InstallPackageProviderSplat
$SetPSRepositorySplat = @{
Name = 'PSGallery'
InstallationPolicy = 'Trusted'
Set-PSRepository @SetPSRepositorySplat
$InstallModuleSplat = @{
Name = 'powershell-yaml','gpwmifilter'
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Install-Module @InstallModuleSplat
$SetPSRepositorySplat = @{
Name = 'PSGallery'
InstallationPolicy = 'Untrusted'
Set-PSRepository @SetPSRepositorySplat
# Double check whether the required PowerShell modules are available
$RequiredModules = @(
'powershell-yaml', # Provides cmdlets 'ConvertTo-Yaml' and 'ConvertFrom-Yaml'
'gpwmifilter', # Provides cmdlets '*-GPWmiFilter' and '*-GPWmiFilterAssignment'
'psframework' # Dependency for GMWmiFilter
ForEach ($Module in $RequiredModules) {
If ([boolean](Get-Module -Name $Module -ListAvailable) -ne $True) {
Write-Error -Message "Missing PowerShell module '$($Module)'"
Exit 1

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# No parameters
# Create scheduled task
& schtasks.exe /Create /TN 'FirstBoot' /SC ONSTART /RU SYSTEM /TR "powershell.exe -file C:\Payload\Apply-FirstBootConfig.ps1"

View File

@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ADDSDeployment'
# No parameters
$SetLocationSplat = @{
Path = $PSScriptRoot
Set-Location @SetLocationSplat
$NewEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
New-EventLog @NewEventLogSplat
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Information'
EventID = 1
Message = "FirstBoot sequence initiated [working directory: '$PWD']"
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
$VMwareToolsExecutable = "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\vmtoolsd.exe"
[xml]$ovfEnv = & $VMwareToolsExecutable --cmd "info-get guestinfo.ovfEnv" | Out-String
$ovfProperties = $ovfEnv.ChildNodes.NextSibling.PropertySection.Property
$ovfPropertyValues = @{}
foreach ($ovfProperty in $ovfProperties) {
$ovfPropertyValues[$ovfProperty.key] = $ovfProperty.Value
# Check for mandatory values
Switch ($ovfPropertyValues['deployment.type']) {
'primary' {
$MandatoryProperties, $MissingProperties = @('guestinfo.hostname', 'guestinfo.ipaddress', 'guestinfo.prefixlength', 'guestinfo.gateway', 'addsconfig.domainname', 'addsconfig.netbiosname', 'addsconfig.administratorpw', 'addsconfig.safemodepw', 'addsconfig.ntpserver'), @()
'secondary' {
$MandatoryProperties, $MissingProperties = @('guestinfo.hostname', 'guestinfo.ipaddress', 'guestinfo.prefixlength', 'guestinfo.dnsserver', 'guestinfo.gateway', 'addsconfig.domainname', 'addsconfig.netbiosname', 'addsconfig.administratorpw', 'addsconfig.safemodepw', 'dhcpconfig.startip', 'dhcpconfig.endip', 'dhcpconfig.subnetmask', 'dhcpconfig.gateway', 'dhcpconfig.leaseduration'), @()
'standalone' {
$MandatoryProperties, $MissingProperties = @('guestinfo.hostname', 'guestinfo.ipaddress', 'guestinfo.prefixlength', 'guestinfo.gateway', 'addsconfig.domainname', 'addsconfig.netbiosname', 'addsconfig.administratorpw', 'addsconfig.safemodepw', 'addsconfig.ntpserver', 'dhcpconfig.startip', 'dhcpconfig.endip', 'dhcpconfig.subnetmask', 'dhcpconfig.gateway', 'dhcpconfig.leaseduration'), @()
default {
# Mandatory values missing, cannot provision.
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Error'
EventID = 66
Message = "Unexpected or no value set for property 'deployment.type', cannot provision."
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
& schtasks.exe /Change /TN 'FirstBoot' /DISABLE
Stop-Computer -Force
ForEach ($Property in $MandatoryProperties) {
If (!$ovfPropertyValues[$Property]) {
$MissingProperties += $Property
If ($MissingProperties.Length -gt 0) {
# Mandatory values missing, cannot provision.
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Error'
EventID = 66
Message = "Missing values for mandatory properties $(($MissingProperties | ForEach-Object {"'{0}'" -f $_}) -join ', '), cannot provision."
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
& schtasks.exe /Change /TN 'FirstBoot' /DISABLE
Stop-Computer -Force
# Set hostname and description
If ($Env:ComputerName -ne $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.hostname']) {
$RenameComputerSplat = @{
NewName = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.hostname']
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Rename-Computer @RenameComputerSplat
$SetCimInstanceSplat = @{
InputObject = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_OperatingSystem')
Property = @{
Description = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.hostname']
Set-CimInstance @SetCimInstanceSplat
# Restart the computer to apply changes
Restart-Computer -Force
# Configure network interface
If ((Get-WmiObject -Class 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration').IPAddress -NotContains $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.ipaddress']) {
$NewNetIPAddressSplat = @{
InterfaceAlias = (Get-NetAdapter).Name
AddressFamily = 'IPv4'
IPAddress = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.ipaddress']
PrefixLength = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.prefixlength']
DefaultGateway = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.gateway']
$IPAddress = New-NetIPAddress @NewNetIPAddressSplat
# Wait for network connection to become available
$Timestamp, $TimeoutMinutes = (Get-Date), 5
Do {
If ($Timestamp.AddMinutes($TimeoutMinutes) -lt (Get-Date)) {
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Warning'
EventID = 13
Message = "Timeout after $($TimeoutMinutes) minutes waiting for network connection to become available."
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
$GetNetIPAddressSplat = @{
IPAddress = $ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.ipaddress']
InterfaceIndex = $IPAddress.InterfaceIndex
AddressFamily = 'IPv4'
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
} Until ((Get-NetIPAddress @GetNetIPAddressSplat).AddressState -eq 'Preferred')
$OldErrorActionPreference, $ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference, 'SilentlyContinue'
$TestNetConnectionSplat = @{
ComputerName = ([IPAddress]$ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.dnsserver']).IPAddressToString
InformationLevel = 'Quiet'
$SetDnsClientServerAddressSplat = @{
InterfaceAlias = (Get-NetAdapter).Name
ServerAddresses = If (
[boolean]($ovfPropertyValues['guestinfo.dnsserver'] -as [IPaddress]) -and (Test-NetConnection @TestNetConnectionSplat)) {
} else {
Validate = $False
Set-DnsClientServerAddress @SetDnsClientServerAddressSplat
$ErrorActionPreference, $OldErrorActionPreference = $OldErrorActionPreference, $NULL
# Promote to Domain Controller
If ((4,5) -NotContains (Get-WmiObject -Class 'Win32_ComputerSystem').DomainRole) {
# Change password of built-in Administrator
$BuiltinAdministrator = (Get-LocalUser | Where-Object {$_.SID -match '-500'})
$ConvertToSecureStringSplat = @{
String = $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.administratorpw']
AsPlainText = $True
Force = $True
$SetLocalUserSplat = @{
InputObject = $BuiltinAdministrator
Password = ConvertTo-SecureString @ConvertToSecureStringSplat
PasswordNeverExpires = $True
AccountNeverExpires = $True
### This setting is not allowed on the last administrator
#UserMayChangePassword = $False
Confirm = $False
Set-LocalUser @SetLocalUserSplat
$ResolveDNSNameSplat = @{
Name = "_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.$($ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.domainname'])"
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$DNSRecord = Resolve-DnsName @ResolveDNSNameSplat
If ([boolean]$DNSRecord.PrimaryServer -eq $False) {
# No Primary Domain Controller found, installing as primary
$InstallADDSForestSplat = @{
DomainName = $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.domainname']
DomainNetbiosName = $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.netbiosname']
SafeModeAdministratorPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.safemodepw'] -AsPlainText -Force
InstallDns = $True
DomainMode = 'WinThreshold'
ForestMode = 'WinThreshold'
Confirm = $False
Force = $True
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Try {
Install-ADDSForest @InstallADDSForestSplat
# Previous cmdlet performs a reboot on completion; so these are commented out
# Restart-Computer -Force
# Exit
Catch {
& schtasks.exe /Change /TN 'FirstBoot' /DISABLE
Stop-Computer -Force
Else {
# Primary Domain Controller is present, installing as secondary
$InstallADDSDomainControllerSplat = @{
DomainName = $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.domainname']
Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("$($ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.netbiosname'])\$($BuiltinAdministrator.Name)", (ConvertTo-SecureString @ConvertToSecureStringSplat))
SafeModeAdministratorPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $ovfPropertyValues['addsconfig.safemodepw'] -AsPlainText -Force
InstallDns = $True
Confirm = $False
Force = $True
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Try {
Install-ADDSDomainController @InstallADDSDomainControllerSplat
# Previous cmdlet performs a reboot on completion; so these are commented out
# Restart-Computer -Force
# Exit
Catch {
& schtasks.exe /Change /TN 'FirstBoot' /DISABLE
Stop-Computer -Force
# Wait for Active Directory to become available
$Timestamp, $TimeoutMinutes = (Get-Date), 15
Do {
If ($Timestamp.AddMinutes($TimeoutMinutes) -lt (Get-Date)) {
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Warning'
EventID = 13
Message = "Timeout after $($TimeoutMinutes) minutes waiting for Active Directory to become available."
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
$GetADComputerSplat = @{
Identity = $Env:ComputerName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Get-ADComputer @GetADComputerSplat | Out-Null
} Until ($?)
# Iterate through and invoke all payload scripts
#! TODO: add registry values to determine which scripts have already been invoked (in case of intermediate reboots)
$GetItemSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\Scripts\*.ps1"
ForEach ($Script in (Get-Item @GetItemSplat)) {
Try {
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Information'
EventID = 4
Message = "Running script: '$($Script.FullName)'"
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
& $Script.FullName -Parameter $ovfPropertyValues
Catch {
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Error'
EventID = 66
Message = @"
Error occurred while executing script '$($Script.Name)':
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'FirstBoot'
EntryType = 'Information'
EventID = 42
Message = 'FirstBoot sequence applied and finished'
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
& schtasks.exe /Change /TN 'FirstBoot' /DISABLE

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
# Generate new password
$InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{
Uri = "$($VaultAPIAddress)/sys/policies/password/$($VaultPwPolicy)/generate"
Headers = @{'X-Vault-Token'="$VaultToken"}
UseBasicParsing = $True
$NewPassword = (Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat | ConvertFrom-Json).data.password
# Check for existense of secret
$Response, $ErrResponse = $Null, $Null
Try {
$InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{
Uri = "$($VaultAPIAddress)/secret/metadata/$($VaultSecret)"
Headers = @{'X-Vault-Token' = "$VaultToken"}
UseBasicParsing = $True
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat
Catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$StreamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
$StreamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0
$ErrResponse = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd()
If ([boolean]$Response) {
# Secret already exists; retrieve existing key/value pairs
$InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{
Uri = "$($VaultAPIAddress)/secret/data/$($VaultSecret)"
Headers = @{'X-Vault-Token' = "$VaultToken"}
UseBasicParsing = $True
$Secret = (Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat | ConvertFrom-Json).data
# Merge new password into dictionary
$AddMemberSplat = @{
MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
Name = "password.$($Username)"
Value = $NewPassword
Force = $True
$ | Add-Member @AddMemberSplat
# Store as new version
$InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{
Uri = "$($VaultAPIAddress)/secret/data/$($VaultSecret)"
Method = 'POST'
UseBasicParsing = $True
Headers = @{'X-Vault-Token'="$VaultToken"}
Body = @{
data = $
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat | Out-Null
ElseIf ([boolean]$ErrResponse) {
# Secret did not exist yet, store as new secret
$InvokeWebRequestSplat = @{
Uri = "$($VaultAPIAddress)/secret/data/$($VaultSecret)"
Method = 'POST'
UseBasicParsing = $True
Headers = @{'X-Vault-Token'="$VaultToken"}
Body = @{
data = @{
"password.$($Username)" = $NewPassword
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestSplat | Out-Null
Return $NewPassword

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$Entries = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Entries = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($OU in $Entries.OrganizationalUnits) {
$OUName, $OUPath = $OU.DistinguishedName -split ',', 2
If ($OUPath.Length -ne 0) {
$OUPath += ','
$NewADOrganizationalUnitSplat = @{
Name = $OUName.Substring(3)
Path = $OUPath + (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext
Description = $OU.Description
ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion = $False
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
New-ADOrganizationalUnit @NewADOrganizationalUnitSplat

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- DistinguishedName: OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Desktops,OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Laptops,OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Kiosks,OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Servers,OU=Computer accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Groups
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Resources,OU=Groups
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Roles,OU=Groups
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Administrators,OU=Privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Service accounts,OU=Privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Non-privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Employees,OU=Non-privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''
- DistinguishedName: OU=Contractors,OU=Non-privileged,OU=User accounts
Description: ''

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$Entries = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Entries = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($Group in $Entries.SecurityGroups) {
$NewADGroupSplat = @{
Name = ($Group.DistinguishedName -split ',', 2)[0].Substring(3)
Path = ($Group.DistinguishedName -split ',', 2)[1] + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
Description = $Group.Description
GroupCategory = 'Security'
GroupScope = $Group.Scope
PassThru = $True
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$NewADGroup = New-ADGroup @NewADGroupSplat
If ([boolean]$Group.MemberOf) {
ForEach ($ParentGroup in $Group.MemberOf) {
$AddADGroupMemberSplat = @{
Identity = $ParentGroup + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
Members = $NewADGroup.DistinguishedName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Add-ADGroupMember @AddADGroupMemberSplat

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# Resource groups
- DistinguishedName: CN=RemoteDesktop - Management servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
Description: ''
Scope: 'DomainLocal'
MemberOf: []
- DistinguishedName: CN=ContentLibraryAdmin - vSphere servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
Description: ''
Scope: 'DomainLocal'
MemberOf: []
- DistinguishedName: CN=DatastoreAdmin - vSphere servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
Description: ''
Scope: 'DomainLocal'
MemberOf: []
# Role groups
- DistinguishedName: CN=Hypervisor administrators,OU=Roles,OU=Groups
Description: ''
Scope: 'Global'
- CN=RemoteDesktop - Management servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
- CN=DatastoreAdmin - vSphere servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
- CN=ContentLibraryAdmin - vSphere servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups
- DistinguishedName: CN=Firewall administrators,OU=Roles,OU=Groups
Description: ''
Scope: 'Global'
- CN=RemoteDesktop - Management servers,OU=Resources,OU=Groups

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$Entries = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Entries = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($User in $Entries.Users) {
$UserName = ($User.DistinguishedName -split ',', 2)[0].Substring(3)
$SanitizedUPN = ($UserName -replace "[^a-zA-Z0-9'\.-_!#\^~]").Trim('.')
# Create new user
$NewADUserSplat = @{
Name = $UserName
UserPrincipalName = "$($SanitizedUPN)@$((Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot)"
Path = ($User.DistinguishedName -split ',', 2)[1] + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
AccountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $User.Password -AsPlainText -Force
PassThru = $True
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$NewADUser = New-ADUser @NewADUserSplat
# Add user to group(s)
If ([boolean]$User.MemberOf) {
ForEach ($Group in $User.MemberOf) {
$AddADGroupMemberSplat = @{
Identity = $Group + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
Members = $NewADUser.DistinguishedName
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Add-ADGroupMember @AddADGroupMemberSplat
# Enable user
$EnableADAccountSplat = @{
Identity = $NewADUser.DistinguishedName
ErrorAction = 'Continue'
Enable-ADAccount @EnableADAccountSplat

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- DistinguishedName: CN=Jane Doe,OU=Employees,OU=Non-privileged,OU=User accounts
Password: "{{ password.janedoe }}"
MemberOf: []
- DistinguishedName: CN=John Doe,OU=Contractors,OU=Non-privileged,OU=User accounts
Password: "{{ password.johndoe }}"
MemberOf: []
- DistinguishedName: CN=admJaneD,OU=Administrators,OU=Privileged,OU=User accounts
Password: "{{ password.admjaned }}"
MemberOf: []
- DistinguishedName: CN=zzLDAP,OU=Service accounts,OU=Privileged,OU=User accounts
Password: "{{ password.zzldap }}"
MemberOf: []
- Name: password.janedoe
Expression: |
& ".\Provision-VaultPassword.ps1" -VaultSecret $Parameter['vault.secret'] -Username 'janedoe' -VaultAPIAddress $Parameter['vault.api'] -VaultToken $Parameter['vault.token'] -VaultPwPolicy $Parameter['vault.pwpolicy']
- Name: password.johndoe
Expression: |
& ".\Provision-VaultPassword.ps1" -VaultSecret $Parameter['vault.secret'] -Username 'johndoe' -VaultAPIAddress $Parameter['vault.api'] -VaultToken $Parameter['vault.token'] -VaultPwPolicy $Parameter['vault.pwpolicy']
- Name: password.admjaned
Expression: |
& ".\Provision-VaultPassword.ps1" -VaultSecret $Parameter['vault.secret'] -Username 'admjaned' -VaultAPIAddress $Parameter['vault.api'] -VaultToken $Parameter['vault.token'] -VaultPwPolicy $Parameter['vault.pwpolicy']
- Name: password.zzldap
Expression: |
& ".\Provision-VaultPassword.ps1" -VaultSecret $Parameter['vault.secret'] -Username 'zzldap' -VaultAPIAddress $Parameter['vault.api'] -VaultToken $Parameter['vault.token'] -VaultPwPolicy $Parameter['vault.pwpolicy']

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$PSDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name 'AD'
If ([boolean]$PSDrive -eq $False) {
$NewPSDriveSplat = @{
Name = 'ADDS'
Root = ''
PSProvider = 'ActiveDirectory'
$PSDrive = New-PSDrive @NewPSDriveSplat
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$Delegations = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Delegations = $YamlDocuments
# Store GUIDs for all known AD schema classes
$GUIDMap, $GetADObjectSplat = @{}, @{
SearchBase = (Get-ADRootDSE).SchemaNamingContext
LDAPFilter = '(schemaidguid=*)'
Properties = 'lDAPDisplayName','schemaIDGUID'
Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat | ForEach-Object {
$GUIDMap[$_.lDAPDisplayName] = [GUID]$_.schemaIDGUID
# Store GUIDs for all extended rights
$GetADObjectSplat = @{
SearchBase = (Get-ADRootDSE).ConfigurationNamingContext
LDAPFilter = '(&(objectclass=controlAccessRight)(rightsguid=*))'
Properties = 'displayName','rightsGuid'
Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat | ForEach-Object {
$GUIDMap[$_.displayName] = [GUID]$_.rightsGuid
$GUIDMap['null'] = [Guid]::Empty
ForEach ($Entry in $Delegations.DelegationEntries) {
$GetADObjectSplat = @{
Filter = "sAMAccountName -eq '$($Entry.Principal)'"
Properties = 'objectSID'
$Principal = Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat
ForEach ($OU in $Entry.OrganizationalUnit) {
$GetADObjectSplat = @{
Identity = ($OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext))
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
$OU = Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat
If ([boolean]$OU) {
$GetACLSPlat = @{
Path = "$($PSDrive.Name):\$($OU.DistinguishedName)"
$ACL = Get-ACL @GetACLSPlat
Else {
# Respective OU was not found in Active Directory; skipping permission assignment
ForEach ($Rule in $Entry.AccessRules) {
If ($Rule.ObjectType -eq '') {
$Rule.ObjectType = 'null'
If ($Rule.InheritedObjectType -eq '') {
$Rule.InheritedObjectType = 'null'
$NewACE = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(
# An IdentityReference object that identifies the trustee of the access rule.
# A combination of one or more of the ActiveDirectoryRights enumeration values that specifies the rights of the access rule.
# One of the AccessControlType enumeration values that specifies the access rule type.
# The schema GUID of the object to which the access rule applies.
# One of the ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance enumeration values that specifies the inheritance type of the access rule.
# The schema GUID of the child object type that can inherit this access rule.
$SetAclSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSDrive.Name):\$($OU.DistinguishedName)"
AclObject = $ACL
ErrorAction = 'Continue'
Set-Acl @SetAclSplat
If ([boolean]($PSDrive.Name -eq 'ADDS') -eq $True) {
$RemovePSDriveSplat = @{
Name = 'ADDS'
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Remove-PSDrive @RemovePSDriveSplat | Out-Null

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- Principal: admJaneD # Entries will be concatenated with ',DC=<example>,DC=<org>' automatically
- CN=Computers
- OU=Kiosks,OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
- ActiveDirectoryRights: Self # A combination of one or more of the ActiveDirectoryRights enumeration values that specifies the rights of the access rule.
AccessControlType: Allow # One of the AccessControlType enumeration values that specifies the access rule type.
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents # One of the ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance enumeration values that specifies the inheritance type of the access rule.
ObjectType: Validated write to DNS host name # The object type to which the access rule applies.
InheritedObjectType: Computer # The child object type that can inherit this access rule.
- ActiveDirectoryRights: Self
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: Validated write to service principal name
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: WriteProperty, WriteDacl
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: ''
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: ExtendedRight
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: Reset Password
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: ExtendedRight
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: Change Password
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: ReadProperty
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: ''
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: WriteProperty
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: ''
InheritedObjectType: Computer
- ActiveDirectoryRights: CreateChild, DeleteChild
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: All
ObjectType: Computer
InheritedObjectType: ''
- ActiveDirectoryRights: GenericAll
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: Computer
InheritedObjectType: ''
- Principal: admJaneD
- OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
- ActiveDirectoryRights: CreateChild, DeleteChild
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: All
ObjectType: User
InheritedObjectType: ''
- ActiveDirectoryRights: GenericAll
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: ''
InheritedObjectType: ''
- ActiveDirectoryRights: WriteProperty, ReadProperty
AccessControlType: Allow
ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance: Descendents
ObjectType: Member
InheritedObjectType: Group
# ---
# Variables:
# - Name: foo
# Expression: |
# Write-Host 'bar'

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Firewall (Clients)'
- OU=Clients,OU=Computer accounts
- Description: Rule A
Action: Block
Direction: Inbound
Program: ''
Port: '21-22,25'
Protocol: TCP
- Description: Rule B
Action: Allow
Direction: Inbound
Program: D:\MSSQL\sqlsvr.exe
Port: ''
Protocol: ''
- Name: Domain
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\domainfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Private
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\privatefw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Public
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\publicfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
# ---
# Variables:
# - Name: foo
# Expression: |
# Write-Host 'bar'

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Firewall (DomainControllers)'
- OU=Domain Controllers
- Description: Rule A
Action: Block
Direction: Inbound
Program: ''
Port: '21-22,25'
Protocol: TCP
- Description: Rule B
Action: Allow
Direction: Inbound
Program: D:\MSSQL\sqlsvr.exe
Port: ''
Protocol: ''
- Name: Domain
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\domainfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Private
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\privatefw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Public
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\publicfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
# ---
# Variables:
# - Name: foo
# Expression: |
# Write-Host 'bar'

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'NetSecurity'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetItemSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', '.yml')
ForEach ($File in (Get-Item @GetItemSplat)) {
Try {
Write-Host "Loading/parsing file '$($File)' ..."
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = $File
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "While processing '$($File)': $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
Try {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "While processing '$($File)' (after substitutions): $($_.Exception.Message)"
$Settings = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Settings = $YamlDocuments
$NewGPOSplat = @{
Name = $Settings.Name
$NewGPO = New-GPO @NewGPOSplat
$OpenNetGPOSplat = @{
PolicyStore = "$($Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'])\$($NewGPO.DisplayName)"
$GPOSession = Open-NetGPO @OpenNetGPOSplat
ForEach ($Rule in $Settings.FirewallRules) {
$NewNetFirewallRuleSplat = @{
# Using so-called string formatting with the '-f' operator (looks more complicated than it is) to create consistent policy names:
# Examples:
# 'DENY: Inbound port 443 (TCP)'
# 'ALLOW: Inbound 'D:\MSSQL\bin\sqlservr.exe'
DisplayName = ("{0}: {1} {2} {3} {4}" -f
("'$($Rule.Program)'", $NULL)[!($Rule.Program)],
("Port $($Rule.Port)", $NULL)[!($Rule.Port)],
("($($Rule.Protocol))", $NULL)[!($Rule.Protocol)]
) -replace '\s+',' '
Description = $Rule.Description
Action = $Rule.Action
Direction = $Rule.Direction
Program = ($Rule.Program, 'Any')[!($Rule.Program)]
LocalPort = ($Rule.Port.Split(','), 'Any')[!($Rule.Port)]
Protocol = ($Rule.Protocol, 'Any')[!($Rule.Protocol)]
GPOSession = $GPOSession
PolicyStore = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Confirm = $False
New-NetFirewallRule @NewNetFirewallRuleSplat
ForEach ($Profile in $Settings.FirewallProfiles) {
$SetNetFirewallProfileSplat = @{
Name = $Profile.Name
Enabled = $Profile.Enabled
DefaultInboundAction = $Profile.Connections.Inbound
DefaultOutboundAction = $Profile.Connections.Outbound
LogAllowed = $Profile.Logging.LogSuccessfullConnections
LogBlocked = $Profile.Logging.LogDroppedPackets
LogFileName = $Profile.Logging.Name
LogMaxSizeKilobytes = $Profile.Logging.SizeLimit
AllowLocalFirewallRules = $Profile.Settings.ApplyLocalFirewallRules
AllowLocalIPsecRules = $Profile.Settings.ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules
NotifyOnListen = $Profile.Settings.DisplayNotification
GPOSession = $GPOSession
PolicyStore = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Confirm = $False
Set-NetFirewallProfile @SetNetFirewallProfileSplat
$SaveNetGPOSplat = @{
GPOSession = $GPOSession
Save-NetGPO @SaveNetGPOSplat
ForEach ($OU in $Settings.LinkedOUs) {
If (Test-Path "AD:\$($OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext))") {
Try {
Write-Host "Linking policy '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' to OU '$($OU)' ..."
$NewGPLinkSplat = @{
Name = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Target = $OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
New-GPLink @NewGPLinkSplat | Out-Null
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "Could not link GPO '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' to OU '$($OU)'"
Else {
$ParseErrors += "Path not accessible (referred to by '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)'): 'AD:\$($OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext))'"
If ($ParseErrors) {
Throw "One or more errors occurred:`n$($ParseErrors -join "`n")"

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Firewall (Servers)'
- OU=Servers,OU=Computer accounts
- Description: Rule A
Action: Block
Direction: Inbound
Program: ''
Port: '21-22,25'
Protocol: TCP
- Description: Rule B
Action: Allow
Direction: Inbound
Program: D:\MSSQL\sqlsvr.exe
Port: ''
Protocol: ''
- Name: Domain
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\domainfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Private
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\privatefw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
- Name: Public
Enabled: 'True'
Inbound: Block
Outbound: Allow
DisplayNotification: 'False'
ApplyLocalFirewallRules: 'True'
ApplyLocalConnectionSecurityRules: 'True'
Name: '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Logfiles\Firewall\publicfw.log'
SizeLimit: 16384
LogDroppedPackets: 'True'
LogSuccessfullConnections: 'False'
# ---
# Variables:
# - Name: foo
# Expression: |
# Write-Host 'bar'

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'DhcpServer'
# Configure DHCP (if and only if this server is not already an authorized DHCP server)
If ((Get-DHCPServerInDC).IPAddress -NotContains $Parameter['guestinfo.ipaddress']) {
# Add DHCP security groups
& netsh dhcp add securitygroups
# Authorize DHCP server
$AddDhcpServerInDCSplat = @{
DnsName = "$($Parameter['guestinfo.hostname']).$($Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'])"
IPAddress = $($Parameter['guestinfo.ipaddress'])
Confirm = $False
Add-DhcpServerInDC @AddDhcpServerInDCSplat
# Notify Server Manager post-install configuration has completed
$SetItemPropertySplat = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ServerManager\Roles\12'
Name = 'ConfigurationState'
Value = 2
Set-ItemProperty @SetItemPropertySplat

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'DhcpServer'
# Only executed on secondary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('secondary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$AddDhcpServerv4ScopeSplat = @{
Name = 'Default DHCP scope'
StartRange = [ipaddress]$Parameter['dhcpconfig.startip']
EndRange = [ipaddress]$Parameter['dhcpconfig.endip']
SubnetMask = [ipaddress]$Parameter['dhcpconfig.subnetmask']
LeaseDuration = [timespan]$Parameter['dhcpconfig.leaseduration']
State = 'Active'
PassThru = $True
Confirm = $False
$DhcpScope = Add-DhcpServerv4Scope @AddDhcpServerv4ScopeSplat
$ScopeOptions = @(
# 003 Router
OptionId = 3
Value = $Parameter['dhcpconfig.gateway']
# 004 Time Server
OptionId = 4
Value = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']).IPAddress
# 006 DNS Server
OptionId = 6
Value = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']).IPAddress
# 015 DNS Domain Name
OptionId = 15
Value = $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']
ForEach ($Option in $ScopeOptions) {
$SetDhcpServerv4OptionValueSplat = @{
ScopeId = $DhcpScope.ScopeId
OptionId = $Option.OptionId
Value = $Option.Value
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue @SetDhcpServerv4OptionValueSplat

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'DhcpServer'
# Only executed on secondary Domain Controller
If ($Parameter['deployment.type'] -eq 'secondary') {
# Wait for secondary DHCP server to be registered in DNS
$Timestamp, $TimeoutMinutes = (Get-Date), 5
Do {
If ($Timestamp.AddMinutes($TimeoutMinutes) -lt (Get-Date)) {
$WriteEventLogSplat = @{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'OVF-Properties'
EntryType = 'Warning'
EventID = 13
Message = "Timeout after $($TimeoutMinutes) minutes waiting for secondary Domain Controller to be registered in DNS."
Write-EventLog @WriteEventLogSplat
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} Until ((Get-DhcpServerInDC).Count -gt 1)
$NewCimSessionSplat = @{
Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(
(Get-ADUser -Filter * | Where-Object {$_.SID -match '-500'}).SamAccountName,
(ConvertTo-SecureString $Parameter['addsconfig.administratorpw'] -AsPlainText -Force)
$AddDhcpServerv4FailoverSplat = @{
Name = 'Failover #42'
PartnerServer = (Get-DhcpServerInDC).DnsName | Where-Object {$_ -ne "$($Parameter['guestinfo.hostname']).$($Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'])"}
ServerRole = 'Active'
ScopeId = (Get-DhcpServerv4Scope).ScopeId.IPAddressToString
CimSession = New-CimSession @NewCimSessionSplat
Add-DhcpServerv4Failover @AddDhcpServerv4FailoverSplat

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'DnsServer'
# Only executed on secondary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('secondary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".$($Parameter['deployment.type']).yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$Records = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$Records = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($Record in $Records.Entries) {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat = @{
ComputerName = $Parameter['guestinfo.dnsserver']
ZoneName = $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']
Name = [string]$Record.Name
TimeToLive = (New-TimeSpan -Hours 1)
AgeRecord = $False
Confirm = $False
Switch ($Record.Type) {
'A' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('A', $True)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('IPv4Address', $Record.Value)
'AAAA' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('AAAA', $True)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('IPv6Address', $Record.Value)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('CNAME', $True)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('HostNameAlias', $Record.Value)
'MX' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('MX', $True)
# Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<preference>'
# ie. ''
$MailExch = $Record.Value -split ':'
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('MailExchange', $MailExch[0])
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('Preference', $MailExch[1])
'NS' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('NS', $True)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('NameServer', $Record.Value)
'SRV' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('SRV', $True)
# Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<priority>:<weight>:<port>'
# ie. ''
$SrvLocator = $Record.Value -split ':'
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('DomainName', $SrvLocator[0])
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('Priority', $SrvLocator[1])
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('Weight', $SrvLocator[2])
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('Port', $SrvLocator[3])
'TXT' {
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('TXT', $True)
$AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat.Add('DescriptiveText', $Record.Value)
Add-DnsServerResourceRecord @AddDnsServerResourceRecordSplat

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- Name: ldap
Type: A
Value: "{{ primarydc }}"
- Name: ldap
Type: A
Value: "{{ secondarydc }}"
- Name: timeserver
Type: A
Value: "{{ primarydc }}"
- Name: timeserver
Type: A
Value: "{{ secondarydc }}"
# - Name: mail
# Type: MX
# Value: # Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<preference>'
# - Name: voipserver
# Type: SRV
# Value: # Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<priority>:<weight>:<port>'
- Name: primarydc
Expression: |
(Resolve-DnsName -Name $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'] | Sort-Object)[0].IPAddress
- Name: secondarydc
Expression: |
(Resolve-DnsName -Name $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'] | Sort-Object)[1].IPAddress

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- Name: ldap
Type: A
Value: "{{ primarydc }}"
- Name: timeserver
Type: A
Value: "{{ primarydc }}"
# - Name: mail
# Type: MX
# Value: # Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<preference>'
# - Name: voipserver
# Type: SRV
# Value: # Value should match pattern '<fqdn>:<priority>:<weight>:<port>'
- Name: primarydc
Expression: |
(Resolve-DnsName -Name $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'] | Sort-Object)[0].IPAddress

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'GPWmiFilter'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', '.yml')
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$WmiFilters = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$WmiFilters = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($Filter in $WmiFilters) {
$NewGPWmiFilterSplat = @{
Name = $Filter.Name
Description = $Filter.Description
Expression = $Filter.Expressions
Server = $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
New-GPWmiFilter @NewGPWmiFilterSplat

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- Name: PDC Emulator
Description: Primary Domain Controller Emulator only
- 'SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE DomainRole = 5'
# ---
# Variables:
# - Name: foo
# Expression: |
# Write-Host 'bar'

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Disable Server Manager at Logon'
Type: Object
- OU=Servers,OU=Computer accounts
- OU=Domain Controllers
WMIFilters: []
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager
Type: Dword
ValueName: DoNotOpenAtServerManagerAtLogon
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager
Type: Dword
ValueName: DoNotPopWACConsoleAtSMLaunch
Value: 1

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Loopback processing (Merge)'
Type: Object
LinkedOUs: []
WMIFilters: []
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: Dword
ValueName: UserPolicyMode
Value: 1
Name: 'COMP: Loopback processing (Replace)'
Type: Object
LinkedOUs: []
WMIFilters: []
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: Dword
ValueName: UserPolicyMode
Value: 2

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Timeserver configuration (W32Time)'
Type: Object
- OU=Domain Controllers
- PDC Emulator
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters
Type: String
- Type
- NtpServer
- "{{ addsconfig.ntpserver }}"
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
Type: DWord
ValueName: AnnounceFlags
Value: 0xA
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
Type: DWord
ValueName: MaxPosPhaseCorrection
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config
Type: DWord
ValueName: MaxNegPhaseCorrection
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer
Type: DWord
ValueName: Enabled
Value: 1
- Name: addsconfig.ntpserver
Expression: |
($Parameter['addsconfig.ntpserver'] -split ',' | ForEach-Object {'{0},0x1' -f $_}) -join ' '

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Restrict Internet Communication'
Type: Object
- OU=Servers,OU=Computer accounts
WMIFilters: []
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\InternetManagement
Type: DWord
ValueName: RestrictCommunication
Value: 1
# All below settings are set such that their respective features cannot access the Internet
# If any of these settings are in conflict with the above setting, gpmc.msc will behave erratic!
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Type: Dword
ValueName: NoPublishingWizard
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Type: Dword
ValueName: NoWebServices
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Type: DWord
ValueName: NoOnlinePrintsWizard
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Type: DWord
ValueName: NoInternetOpenWith
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\EventViewer
Type: DWord
ValueName: MicrosoftEventVwrDisableLinks
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Messenger\Client
Type: DWord
ValueName: CEIP
Value: 2
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting
Type: DWord
ValueName: DoReport
Value: 0
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\HelpSvc
Type: DWord
ValueName: Headlines
Value: 0
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\PCHealth\HelpSvc
Type: DWord
ValueName: MicrosoftKBSearch
Value: 0
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SearchCompanion
Type: DWord
ValueName: DisableContentFileUpdates
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot
Type: DWord
ValueName: DisableRootAutoUpdate
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows
Type: DWord
ValueName: CEIPEnable
Value: 0
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching
Type: DWord
ValueName: DontSearchWindowsUpdate
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\HandwritingErrorReports
Type: DWord
ValueName: PreventHandwritingErrorReports
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Internet Connection Wizard
Type: DWord
ValueName: ExitOnMSICW
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkConnectivityStatusIndicator
Type: Dword
ValueName: NoActiveProbe
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Registration Wizard Control
Type: DWord
ValueName: NoRegistration
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC
Type: DWord
ValueName: PreventHandwritingDataSharing
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting
Type: DWord
ValueName: Disabled
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Type: DWord
ValueName: DisableWindowsUpdateAccess
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform
Type: DWord
ValueName: NoGenTicket
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers
Type: DWord
ValueName: DisableHTTPPrinting
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers
Type: DWord
ValueName: DisableWebPnPDownload
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMovieMaker
Type: DWord
ValueName: WebHelp
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMovieMaker
Type: DWord
ValueName: CodecDownload
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsMovieMaker
Type: DWord
ValueName: WebPublish
Value: 1

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Example GPO' # Prefix the name with either 'COMP:' or 'USER:'
Type: Object # Either 'Object' or 'Preference' (respectively for GPO or GPP)
LinkedOUs: # Entries will be concatenated with ',DC=<example>,DC=<org>' automatically
- OU=Servers
- FilterA
- FilterB
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyA
Value: 1
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyB
Value: 0xFFFFFFFF # Hexadecimal values are prefixed with '0x'
- Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters
Type: String
ValueName: # Multiple entries are possible, but *only* for the data type 'String' and 'ExpandString' (REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ)
- PropertyP
- PropertyQ
- PropertyR
Value: # The amount of entries must match with 'ValueName'
- ValueP
- ValueQ
- ValueR
- Key: HKLM\Software\Test
Type: String
- PropertyX
- PropertyDate
- PropertyOVF
Value: # Values can contain variablenames (respective entries must be declared under 'Variables' below)
- ValueX
- "{{ date }}"
- "{{ guestinfo.dnsserver }}"
Variables: # Each variable consists of a name that is used as a placeholder in the yaml file above, and a PowerShell expression
- Name: date
Expression: | # The PowerShell script's output must evaluate to a [string]
- Name: guestinfo.dnsserver
Expression: | # The variable '$Parameter' will automatically contain all defined OVF Properties

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Name: 'COMP: Example GPO' # Prefix the name with either 'COMP:' or 'USER:'
Type: Preference # Either 'Object' or 'Preference' (respectively for GPO or GPP)
LinkedOUs: # Entries will be concatenated with ',DC=<example>,DC=<org>' automatically
- OU=Servers
- FilterA
- FilterB
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyA
Value: 1
Action: Replace # Valid values are: Create, Update, Replace or Delete
Context: Computer # Valid values are: User or Computer
Disable: False # Change to 'True' when GPP entry should not be applied
- Key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
Type: DWord
ValueName: PropertyB
Value: 0xFFFFFFFF # Hexadecimal values are prefixed with '0x'
Action: Replace
Context: Computer
Disable: False
- Key: HKLM\Software\Test
Type: String
ValueName: PropertyOVF
Value: "{{ guestinfo.dnsserver }}" # Values can contain variablenames (respective entries must be declared under 'Variables' below)
Action: Replace
Context: Computer
Disable: False
Variables: # Each variable consists of a name that is used as a placeholder in the yaml file above, and a PowerShell expression
- Name: guestinfo.dnsserver
Expression: | # The variable '$Parameter' will automatically contain all defined OVF Properties

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'powershell-yaml'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$NewPSSessionSplat = @{
ComputerName = $Parameter['guestinfo.hostname']
Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(
(Get-ADUser -Filter * | Where-Object {$_.SID -match '-500'}).SamAccountName,
(ConvertTo-SecureString $Parameter['addsconfig.administratorpw'] -AsPlainText -Force)
$PSSession = New-PSSession @NewPSSessionSplat
$ParseErrors = @()
$GetItemSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', '.*.yml')
ForEach ($File in (Get-Item @GetItemSplat)) {
Try {
Write-Host "Loading/parsing file '$($File)' ..."
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = $File
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "While processing '$($File)': $($_.Exception.Message)"
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
Try {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "While processing '$($File)' (after substitutions): $($_.Exception.Message)"
$GroupPolicies = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$GroupPolicies = $YamlDocuments
ForEach ($GroupPolicy in $GroupPolicies) {
Write-Host "Initiating policy '$($GroupPolicy.Name)' ..."
$NewGPOSplat = @{
Name = $GroupPolicy.Name
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
ErrorVariable = 'Failure'
$NewGPO = New-GPO @NewGPOSplat
If ($Failure) {
Switch ($GroupPolicy.Type) {
'Object' {
ForEach ($ValueSet in $GroupPolicy.RegistryEntries) {
Write-Host "Adding key/value to policy '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' ...`n [$($ValueSet.Key)/$($ValueSet.ValueName)]"
$SetGPRegistryValueSplat = @{
Name = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Key = $ValueSet.Key
ValueName = $ValueSet.ValueName
Type = $ValueSet.Type
Value = Switch ($ValueSet.Type) {
'Binary' {
# Accepted formats:
# 000A0F0100
# 00 0A 0F 01 00
# 00,0A,0F,01,00
[byte[]]([regex]::split(($ValueSet.Value -replace '[ ,]'), '([0-9a-eA-E]{2})') | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {'0x{0}' -f $_})
'DWord' {
'QWord' {
Default {
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Set-GPRegistryValue @SetGPRegistryValueSplat | Out-Null
'Preference' {
ForEach ($ValueSet in $GroupPolicy.RegistryEntries) {
Write-Host "Adding key/value to policy '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' ...`n [$($ValueSet.Key)/$($ValueSet.ValueName)]"
$SetGPPrefRegistryValueSplat = @{
Name = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Key = $ValueSet.Key
Context = $ValueSet.Context
Action = $ValueSet.Action
ValueName = $ValueSet.ValueName
Type = $ValueSet.Type
Value = Switch ($ValueSet.Type) {
'Binary' {
# Accepted formats:
# 000A0F0100
# 00 0A 0F 01 00
# 00,0A,0F,01,00
[byte[]]([regex]::split(($ValueSet.Value -replace '[ ,]'), '([0-9a-eA-E]{2})') | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {'0x{0}' -f $_})
'DWord' {
'QWord' {
Default {
Disable = [Convert]::ToBoolean($ValueSet.Disable)
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Set-GPPrefRegistryValue @SetGPPrefRegistryValueSplat | Out-Null
ForEach ($Filter in $GroupPolicy.WMIFilters) {
$InvokeCommandSplat = @{
Session = $PSSession
ArgumentList = $Filter, $Parameter, $NewGPO
ScriptBlock = {
#Requires -Modules 'GPWmiFilter'
$GetGPWmiFilterSplat = @{
Name = $Filter
Server = $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
If (Get-GPWMIFilter @GetGPWmiFilterSplat) {
$SetGPWmiFilterAssignmentSplat = @{
Policy = $NewGPO
Filter = $Filter
EnableException = $True
ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Set-GPWmiFilterAssignment @SetGPWmiFilterAssignmentSplat
Invoke-Command @InvokeCommandSplat
ForEach ($OU in $GroupPolicy.LinkedOUs) {
If (Test-Path "AD:\$($OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext))") {
Try {
Write-Host "Linking policy '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' to OU '$($OU)' ..."
$NewGPLinkSplat = @{
Name = $NewGPO.DisplayName
Target = $OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext)
New-GPLink @NewGPLinkSplat | Out-Null
Catch {
$ParseErrors += "Could not link GPO '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)' to OU '$($OU)'"
Else {
$ParseErrors += "Path not accessible (referred to by '$($NewGPO.DisplayName)'): 'AD:\$($OU + (',{0}' -f (Get-ADRootDSE).rootDomainNamingContext))'"
If ($ParseErrors) {
Throw "One or more errors occurred:`n$($ParseErrors -join "`n")"

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory','powershell-yaml'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$PSDrive = Get-PSDrive -Name 'AD'
If ([boolean]$PSDrive -eq $False) {
$NewPSDriveSplat = @{
Name = 'ADDS'
Root = ''
PSProvider = 'ActiveDirectory'
$PSDrive = New-PSDrive @NewPSDriveSplat
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', '.yml')
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$WhiteList = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$GetADObjectSplat = @{
Filter = '*'
SearchBase = 'DC=' + $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname'].Replace('.', ',DC=')
SearchScope = 'OneLevel'
$WhiteListedOUs = @()
ForEach ($OU in $WhiteList.WhiteListedOUs) {
$WhiteListedOUs += Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat | Where-Object {
$_.DistinguishedName -match $OU
$ParentContainers = Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat | Where-Object {
('builtinDomain', 'container', 'organizationalUnit', <#'lostAndFound',#> 'msDS-QuotaContainer', 'msTPM-InformationObjectsContainer') -contains $_.ObjectClass
ForEach ($Parent in $ParentContainers) {
If ($WhiteListedOUs.DistinguishedName -notcontains $Parent.DistinguishedName) {
ForEach ($SecurityPrincipal in $WhiteList.LimitedSecurityPrincipals) {
$GetACLSPlat = @{
Path = "$($PSDrive.Name):\$($Parent.DistinguishedName)"
$ACL = Get-ACL @GetACLSPlat
$GetADObjectSplat = @{
Filter = "sAMAccountName -eq '$($SecurityPrincipal)'"
Properties = 'objectSID'
$NewACE = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(
(Get-ADObject @GetADObjectSplat).objectSID,
$SetAclSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSDrive.Name):\$($Parent.DistinguishedName)"
AclObject = $ACL
ErrorAction = 'Continue'
Set-Acl @SetAclSplat
If ([boolean]$PSDrive.Name -eq 'ADDS') {
$RemovePSDriveSplat = @{
Name = 'ADDS'
Force = $True
Confirm = $False
Remove-PSDrive @RemovePSDriveSplat | Out-Null

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
WhiteListedOUs: [] # Entries will be concatenated with ',DC=<example>,DC=<org>' automatically
#- OU=User accounts
LimitedSecurityPrincipals: []
#- Servicedesk employees

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#Requires -Modules 'ActiveDirectory'
# Only executed on primary or standalone Domain Controller
If (@('primary','standalone') -contains $Parameter['deployment.type']) {
$GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml")
Raw = $True
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$Policy = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$SetADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicySplat = @{
Identity = $Parameter['addsconfig.domainname']
ComplexityEnabled = [Convert]::ToBoolean($Policy.Password.RequireComplexity)
LockoutThreshold = [uint32]$Policy.Account.Lockout.Threshold
# LockoutDuration = [timespan]$Policy.Account.Lockout.Duration
# LockoutObservationWindow = [timespan]$Policy.Account.Lockout.ObservationWindow
MaxPasswordAge = [timespan]$Policy.Password.Age.Maximum
MinPasswordAge = [timespan]$Policy.Password.Age.Minimum
MinPasswordLength = [uint32]$Policy.Password.Length.Minimum
PasswordHistoryCount = [uint32]$Policy.Password.History
ReversibleEncryptionEnabled = [Convert]::ToBoolean($Policy.Password.ReversibleEncryption)
Confirm = $False
Set-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy @SetADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicySplat

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Threshold: 0
# Duration: '00:15:00.00'
# ObservationWindow: '00:05:00.00'
RequireComplexity: True
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 0
Minimum: 10
History: 0
ReversibleEncryption: False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
$PowerCliConfigurationSplat = @{
Scope = 'User'
ParticipateInCEIP = $False
Confirm = $False
InvalidCertificateAction = 'Ignore'
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration @PowerCliConfigurationSplat
$ConnectVIServerSplat = @{
Server = $VSphereFQDN
User = "$VSphereUsername"
Password = "$VSpherePassword"
WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
Connect-VIServer @ConnectVIServerSplat | Out-Null
$GetVMSplat = @{
Name = $VMName
$VM = Get-VM @GetVMSplat
$GetHarddiskSplat = @{
VM = $VM
$Harddisk = Get-Harddisk @GetHarddiskSplat
$VMFolder = ($Harddisk.Filename.Substring(0, $Harddisk.Filename.LastIndexOf('/')) -split ' ')[1]
$NewDatastoreDriveSplat = @{
Name = 'ds'
Datastore = ($VM | Get-Datastore)
New-DatastoreDrive @NewDatastoreDriveSplat
$CopyDatastoreItemSplat = @{
Item = "ds:\$($VMFolder)\*.vmdk"
Destination = (Get-Item $PWD)
Copy-DatastoreItem @CopyDatastoreItemSplat
Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$False

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
#Requires -Modules 'powershell-yaml' #Requires -Modules 'powershell-yaml'
[CmdletBinding()] [CmdletBinding()]
Param( Param(
If ([boolean]($_.IndexOfAny([io.path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()) -lt 0)) {
} Else {
Throw 'Provided input contains invalid characters; aborting.'
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [Parameter(Mandatory)]
[ValidateScript({ [ValidateScript({
If (Test-Path($_)) { If (Test-Path($_)) {
@ -9,12 +18,11 @@ Param(
Throw "'$_' is not a valid filename (within working directory '$PWD'), or access denied; aborting." Throw "'$_' is not a valid filename (within working directory '$PWD'), or access denied; aborting."
} }
})] })]
[string]$OVFFile, [string]$OVFFile
) )
$GetContentSplat = @{ $GetContentSplat = @{
Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".yml") Path = "$($PSScriptRoot)\$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)".Replace('.ps1', ".$($TemplateName).yml")
Raw = $True Raw = $True
} }
$RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat $RawContent = Get-Content @GetContentSplat
@ -22,24 +30,7 @@ $ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True AllDocuments = $True
} }
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat $OVFConfig = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
# Check if the respective .yml file declared substitutions which need to be parsed
If (($YamlDocuments.Count -gt 1) -and $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
ForEach ($Pattern in $YamlDocuments[-1].Variables) {
$RawContent = $RawContent -replace "\{\{ ($($Pattern.Name)) \}\}", [string](Invoke-Expression -Command $Pattern.Expression)
# Perform conversion to Yaml again, now with parsed file contents
$ConvertFromYamlSplat = @{
Yaml = $RawContent
AllDocuments = $True
$YamlDocuments = ConvertFrom-Yaml @ConvertFromYamlSplat
$OVFConfig = $YamlDocuments[0..($YamlDocuments.Count - 2)]
Else {
$OVFConfig = $YamlDocuments
$SourceFile = Get-Item -Path $OVFFile $SourceFile = Get-Item -Path $OVFFile
$GetContentSplat = @{ $GetContentSplat = @{
@ -80,22 +71,6 @@ If ($OVFConfig.DeploymentConfigurations.Count -gt 0) {
$XMLAttrTransport = $XML.CreateAttribute('transport', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf) $XMLAttrTransport = $XML.CreateAttribute('transport', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
$XMLAttrTransport.Value = 'com.vmware.guestInfo' $XMLAttrTransport.Value = 'com.vmware.guestInfo'
[void]$XML.SelectSingleNode('//Any:VirtualHardwareSection', $NS).Attributes.Append($XMLAttrTransport) [void]$XML.SelectSingleNode('//Any:VirtualHardwareSection', $NS).Attributes.Append($XMLAttrTransport)
ForEach ($ExtraConfig in $OVFConfig.AdvancedOptions) {
$XMLExtraConfig = $XML.CreateElement('vmw:ExtraConfig', $XML.DocumentElement.vmw)
$XMLExtraConfigAttrRequired = $XML.CreateAttribute('required', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
$XMLExtraConfigAttrRequired.Value = "$([boolean]$ExtraConfig.Required)".ToLower()
$XMLExtraConfigAttrKey = $XML.CreateAttribute('key', $XML.DocumentElement.vmw)
$XMLExtraConfigAttrKey.Value = $ExtraConfig.Key
$XMLExtraConfigAttrValue = $XML.CreateAttribute('value', $XML.DocumentElement.vmw)
$XMLExtraConfigAttrValue.Value = $ExtraConfig.Value
[void]$XML.SelectSingleNode('//Any:VirtualHardwareSection', $NS).AppendChild($XMLExtraConfig)
Write-Host "Added $($OVFConfig.AdvancedOptions.Count) 'vmw:ExtraConfig' nodes"
$XMLProductSection = $XML.SelectSingleNode('//Any:ProductSection', $NS) $XMLProductSection = $XML.SelectSingleNode('//Any:ProductSection', $NS)
If ($XMLProductSection -eq $Null) { If ($XMLProductSection -eq $Null) {
@ -128,13 +103,13 @@ ForEach ($Category in $OVFConfig.PropertyCategories) {
$XMLPropertyAttrKey.Value = $Property.Key $XMLPropertyAttrKey.Value = $Property.Key
$XMLPropertyAttrType = $XML.CreateAttribute('type', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf) $XMLPropertyAttrType = $XML.CreateAttribute('type', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
Switch -regex ($Property.Type) { Switch -regex ($Property.Type) {
'^boolean' { 'boolean' {
$XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'boolean' $XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'boolean'
} }
'^int' { 'int' {
$XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'uint8' $XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'uint8'
$Qualifiers = @() $Qualifiers = @()
If ($Property.Type -match '^int\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') { If ($Property.Type -match 'int\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') {
If ($Matches[1]) { If ($Matches[1]) {
$Qualifiers += "MinValue($($Matches[1]))" $Qualifiers += "MinValue($($Matches[1]))"
} }
@ -146,20 +121,20 @@ ForEach ($Category in $OVFConfig.PropertyCategories) {
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers)
} }
} }
'^ip' { 'ip' {
$XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string' $XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string'
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.vmw) $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.vmw)
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = 'Ip' $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = 'Ip'
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers)
} }
'^password' { 'password' {
$XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string' $XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string'
$XMLPropertyAttrPassword = $XML.CreateAttribute('password', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf) $XMLPropertyAttrPassword = $XML.CreateAttribute('password', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
$XMLPropertyAttrPassword.Value = 'true' $XMLPropertyAttrPassword.Value = 'true'
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrPassword) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrPassword)
$Qualifiers = @() $Qualifiers = @()
If ($Property.Type -match '^password\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') { If ($Property.Type -match 'password\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') {
If ($Matches[1]) { If ($Matches[1]) {
$Qualifiers += "MinLen($($Matches[1]))" $Qualifiers += "MinLen($($Matches[1]))"
} }
@ -171,10 +146,10 @@ ForEach ($Category in $OVFConfig.PropertyCategories) {
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers)
} }
} }
'^string' { 'string' {
$XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string' $XMLPropertyAttrType.Value = 'string'
$Qualifiers = @() $Qualifiers = @()
If ($Property.Type -match '^string\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') { If ($Property.Type -match 'string\((\d*)\.\.(\d*)\)') {
If ($Matches[1]) { If ($Matches[1]) {
$Qualifiers += "MinLen($($Matches[1]))" $Qualifiers += "MinLen($($Matches[1]))"
} }
@ -184,7 +159,7 @@ ForEach ($Category in $OVFConfig.PropertyCategories) {
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf) $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = $Qualifiers -join ' ' $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = $Qualifiers -join ' '
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers)
} ElseIf ($Property.Type -match '^string\[(.*)\]') { } ElseIf ($Property.Type -match 'string\[(.*)\]') {
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf) $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers = $XML.CreateAttribute('qualifiers', $XML.DocumentElement.ovf)
$XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = "ValueMap{$($Matches[1] -replace '","', '", "')}" $XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers.Value = "ValueMap{$($Matches[1] -replace '","', '", "')}"
[void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers) [void]$XMLProperty.Attributes.Append($XMLPropertyAttrQualifiers)

View File

@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- Id: primary
Label: Primary (redundant deployment)
Description: Initial Domain Controller with 'PDC Emulator'-role
- Id: secondary
Label: Secondary (redundant deployment)
Description: Additional Domain Controller
- Id: standalone
Label: Stand-alone (non-redundant deployment)
Description: Single Domain Controller
- Name: ''
- Key: deployment.type
Type: string
- primary
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: false
- Name: 1) Operating System
- Key: guestinfo.hostname
Type: string(1..15)
Label: Hostname*
Description: '(max length: 15 characters)'
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Name: 2) Networking
- Key: guestinfo.ipaddress
Type: ip
Label: IP Address*
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: guestinfo.prefixlength
Type: int(8..32)
Label: Subnet prefix length*
Description: ''
DefaultValue: '24'
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: guestinfo.dnsserver
Type: ip
Label: DNS server*
Description: Specify IP address of existing primary Domain Controller
DefaultValue: ''
- secondary
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: guestinfo.gateway
Type: ip
Label: Gateway*
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Name: 3) Active Directory Domain Services
- Key: addsconfig.domainname
Type: string(5..)
Label: Domain name*
Description: 'Must be a valid FQDN'
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: addsconfig.netbiosname
Type: string(1..15)
Label: Domain short name (NetBIOS)*
Description: '(max length: 15 characters)'
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: addsconfig.administratorpw
Type: password(7..)
Label: Domain Administrator password*
Description: Must meet password complexity rules
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: addsconfig.safemodepw
Type: password(7..)
Label: Safe-mode password*
Description: Must meet password complexity rules
DefaultValue: ''
Configurations: '*'
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: addsconfig.ntpserver
Type: string(1..)
Label: Time server*
Description: A comma-separated list of upstream timeservers
- primary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Name: 4) Credential Management
- Key: vault.api
Type: string
Label: Vault API address
Description: The uri on which a HashiCorp Vault REST API can be reached
DefaultValue: ''
- primary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: vault.token
Type: password
Label: Vault API token
Description: An access token which has permissions to read/write to the Vault secrets engine
DefaultValue: ''
- primary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: vault.pwpolicy
Type: string
Label: Vault password policy
Description: A Vault password policy which determines complexity rules for generated passwords
DefaultValue: ''
- primary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: vault.secret
Type: string
Label: Vault secret name
Description: The name of the secret that all generated passwords will be stored in (as key/value pairs)
DefaultValue: ''
- primary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Name: 5) DHCP default scope
- Key: dhcpconfig.startip
Type: ip
Label: Start IP address
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: dhcpconfig.endip
Type: ip
Label: End IP address
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: dhcpconfig.subnetmask
Type: ip
Label: Subnet mask
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: dhcpconfig.gateway
Type: ip
Label: Gateway IP address
Description: ''
DefaultValue: ''
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key: dhcpconfig.leaseduration
Type: string(1..)
Label: Lease duration
Description: 'Enter as timestamp format (DD.HH:MM:SS.FFFF), or as a number of seconds'
DefaultValue: '01:00:00.00'
- secondary
- standalone
UserConfigurable: true
- Key:
Value: "{{ }}"
Required: false
- Key: appliance.version
Value: "{{ appliance.version }}"
Required: false
- Name:
Expression: |
- Name: appliance.version
Expression: |