Migrate to .hcl;Add new packer init step
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
Danny Bessems 2021-06-04 16:41:43 +02:00
parent 22f7a433f7
commit b3e7070f6e
5 changed files with 243 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -21,27 +21,28 @@ steps:
- |
yamllint -d "{extends: relaxed, rules: {line-length: disable}}" scripts
- |
packer init -upgrade \
- |
packer validate \
-var-file=packer/variables.vsphere.json \
-var vm_guestos=server2019 \
-var repo_username=$${REPO_USERNAME} \
-var repo_password=$${REPO_PASSWORD} \
-var vsphere_password=$${VSPHERE_PASSWORD} \
-var winrm_password=$${WINRM_PASSWORD} \
- |
packer build \
-on-error=cleanup -timestamp-ui \
-var-file=packer/variables.vsphere.json \
-var vm_guestos=server2019 \
-var repo_username=$${REPO_USERNAME} \
-var repo_password=$${REPO_PASSWORD} \
-var vsphere_password=$${VSPHERE_PASSWORD} \
-var winrm_password=$${WINRM_PASSWORD} \
from_secret: vsphere_password

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
vcenter_server = "bv11-vc.bessems.lan"
vsphere_username = "administrator@vsphere.local"
vsphere_datacenter = "DeSchakel"
vsphere_host = "bv11-esx.bessems.lan"
vsphere_hostip = ""
vsphere_datastore = "Datastore01.SSD"
vsphere_folder = "/Packer"
vsphere_templatefolder = "/Templates"
vsphere_network = "LAN"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
packer {
required_plugins {
windows-update = {
version = "0.12.0"
source = "github.com/rgl/windows-update"
source "vsphere-iso" "srv2019-t" {
vcenter_server = "${var.vcenter_server}"
username = "${var.vsphere_username}"
password = "${var.vsphere_password}"
insecure_connection = "true"
vm_name = "${var.vm_guestos}-${var.vm_name}-t"
datacenter = "${var.vsphere_datacenter}"
host = "${var.vsphere_host}"
folder = "${var.vsphere_folder}"
datastore = "${var.vsphere_datastore}"
guest_os_type = "windows9Server64Guest"
boot_order = "disk,cdrom"
boot_command = ""
boot_wait = "5m"
communicator = "winrm"
winrm_username = "administrator"
winrm_password = "${var.winrm_password}"
winrm_timeout = "10m"
RAM = 8192
cpus = 2
network_adapters {
network = "${var.vsphere_network}"
network_card = "vmxnet3"
storage {
disk_size = 20480
disk_thin_provisioned = true
disk_controller_type = "lsilogic-sas"
usb_controller = "xhci"
floppy_files = [
iso_checksum = "sha256:4c5dd63efee50117986a2e38d4b3a3fbaf3c1c15e2e7ea1d23ef9d8af148dd2d"
iso_paths = [
iso_url = "https://${var.repo_username}:${var.repo_password}@sn.itch.fyi/Repository/iso/Microsoft/Windows%20Server%202019/LTSC/en_windows_server_2019_x64_dvd_4cb967d8.iso"
shutdown_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:\\Sysprep_Unattend.xml"
shutdown_timeout = "1h"
export = {
images = false
output_directory = "/scratch/srv2019-t"
remove_cdrom = true
source "vsphere-iso" "srv2019-v" {
vcenter_server = "${var.vcenter_server}"
username = "${var.vsphere_username}"
password = "${var.vsphere_password}"
insecure_connection = "true"
vm_name = "${var.vm_guestos}-${var.vm_name}-v"
datacenter = "${var.vsphere_datacenter}"
host = "${var.vsphere_host}"
folder = "${var.vsphere_folder}"
datastore = "${var.vsphere_datastore}"
guest_os_type = "windows9Server64Guest"
boot_order = "disk,cdrom"
boot_command = ""
boot_wait = "5m"
communicator = "winrm"
winrm_password = "${var.winrm_password}"
winrm_timeout = "10m"
winrm_username = "administrator"
RAM = 8192
cpus = 2
network_adapters {
network = "${var.vsphere_network}"
network_card = "vmxnet3"
storage {
disk_size = 20480
disk_thin_provisioned = true
disk_controller_type = "lsilogic-sas"
usb_controller = "xhci"
floppy_files = [
iso_checksum = "sha256:4c5dd63efee50117986a2e38d4b3a3fbaf3c1c15e2e7ea1d23ef9d8af148dd2d"
iso_paths = [
iso_url = "https://${var.repo_username}:${var.repo_password}@sn.itch.fyi/Repository/iso/Microsoft/Windows%20Server%202019/LTSC/en_windows_server_2019_x64_dvd_4cb967d8.iso"
shutdown_command = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /unattend:A:\\Sysprep_Unattend.xml"
shutdown_timeout = "1h"
export = {
images = false
output_directory = "/scratch/srv2019-v"
remove_cdrom = true
build {
sources = [
provisioner "windows-update" {
provisioner "powershell" {
inline = [
"[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12",
"Invoke-Expression ((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))"
provisioner "powershell" {
inline = [
"choco config set --name=limit-output --value=LimitOutput",
"choco install -y dotnetfx",
"choco install -y 7zip.install",
"choco install -y sysinternals",
"choco install -y firefox"
valid_exit_codes = [0, 3010]
provisioner "windows-update" {
provisioner "powershell" {
only = ["srv2019-v"]
inline = [
"New-Item -Path 'C:\\Payload\\Scripts' -ItemType 'Directory' -Force:$True -Confirm:$False"
provisioner "file" {
only = ["srv2019-v"]
destination = "C:\\Payload\\"
source = "scripts/Server2019/payload/"
provisioner "powershell" {
only = ["srv2019-v"]
scripts = [
post-processors {
post-processor "vsphere" {
only = ["srv2019-t"]
host = "${var.vcenter_server}"
username = "${var.vsphere_username}"
password = "${var.vsphere_password}"
insecure = true
vm_name = "Windows-Server-2019-LTSC"
datacenter = "${var.vsphere_datacenter}"
cluster = "${var.vsphere_host}"
vm_folder = "${var.vsphere_templatefolder}"
vm_network = "${var.vsphere_network}"
datastore = "${var.vsphere_datastore}"
disk_mode = "thin"
keep_input_artifact = true
overwrite = true
post-processor "vsphere-template" {
only = ["srv2019-t"]
host = "${var.vcenter_server}"
username = "${var.vsphere_username}"
password = "${var.vsphere_password}"
insecure = true
datacenter = "${var.vsphere_datacenter}"
folder = "${var.vsphere_templatefolder}"
reregister_vm = false
post-processor "shell-local" {
only = ["srv2019-v"]
inline = [
"pwsh -command \"& scripts/Update-OvfConfiguration.ps1 \\",
" -OVFFile '/scratch/srv2019-v/${var.vm_guestos}-${var.vm_name}-v.ovf' \\",
" -Parameter @{'appliance.name'='${var.vm_guestos}';'appliance.version'='${var.vm_name}'}\"",
"pwsh -file scripts/Update-Manifest.ps1 \\",
" -ManifestFileName '/scratch/srv2019-v/${var.vm_guestos}-${var.vm_name}-v.mf'",
"ovftool --acceptAllEulas --allowExtraConfig --overwrite \\",
" '/scratch/srv2019-v/${var.vm_guestos}-${var.vm_name}-v.ovf' \\",
" /output/Windows-Server-2019-LTSC.ova"