Changes made to both components: 1. Logs are always flushed on process exit 2. Informer cache sync can no longer hang process start up forever Changes made to concierge: 1. Add pre-shutdown hook that waits for controllers to exit cleanly 2. Informer caches are synced in post-start hook Changes made to supervisor: 1. Add shutdown code that waits for controllers to exit cleanly 2. Add shutdown code that waits for active connections to become idle Waiting for controllers to exit cleanly is critical as this allows the leader election logic to release the lock on exit. This reduces the time needed for the next leader to be elected. Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package leaderelection
import (
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const ErrNotLeader constable.Error = "write attempt rejected as client is not leader"
// New returns a client that has a leader election middleware injected into it.
// This middleware will prevent all non-read requests to the Kubernetes API when
// the current process does not hold the leader election lock. Unlike normal
// leader election where the process blocks until it acquires the lock, this
// middleware approach lets the process run as normal for all read requests.
// Another difference is that if the process acquires the lock and then loses it
// (i.e. a failed renewal), it will not exit (i.e. restart). Instead, it will
// simply attempt to acquire the lock again.
// The returned function is blocking and will run the leader election polling
// logic and will coordinate lease release with the input controller starter function.
func New(podInfo *downward.PodInfo, deployment *appsv1.Deployment, opts ...kubeclient.Option) (
) {
internalClient, err := kubeclient.New(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create internal client for leader election: %w", err)
isLeader := &isLeaderTracker{tracker: atomic.NewBool(false)}
identity := podInfo.Name
leaseName := deployment.Name
leaderElectionConfig := newLeaderElectionConfig(podInfo.Namespace, leaseName, identity, internalClient.Kubernetes, isLeader)
// validate our config here before we rely on it being functioning below
if _, err := leaderelection.NewLeaderElector(leaderElectionConfig); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid config - could not create leader elector: %w", err)
writeOnlyWhenLeader := kubeclient.MiddlewareFunc(func(_ context.Context, rt kubeclient.RoundTrip) {
switch rt.Verb() {
case kubeclient.VerbGet, kubeclient.VerbList, kubeclient.VerbWatch:
// reads are always allowed.
// note that while our pods/exec into the kube cert agent pod is a write request from the
// perspective of the Kube API, it is semantically a read request since no mutation occurs.
// we simply use it to fill a cache, and we need all pods to have a functioning cache.
// however, we do not need to handle it here because remotecommand.NewSPDYExecutor uses a
// kubeclient.Client.JSONConfig as input. since our middleware logic is only injected into
// the generated clientset code, this JSONConfig simply ignores this middleware all together.
if isLeader.canWrite() { // only perform "expensive" test for writes
return // we are currently the leader, all actions are permitted
rt.MutateRequest(func(_ kubeclient.Object) error {
return ErrNotLeader // we are not the leader, fail the write request
leaderElectionOpts := append(
// all middleware are always executed so this being the first middleware is not relevant
opts..., // do not mutate input slice
client, err := kubeclient.New(leaderElectionOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create leader election client: %w", err)
controllersWithLeaderElector := func(ctx context.Context, controllers controllerinit.Runner) {
plog.Debug("leader election loop start", "identity", identity)
defer plog.Debug("leader election loop shutdown", "identity", identity)
leaderElectorCtx, leaderElectorCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) // purposefully detached context
go func() {
controllers(ctx) // run the controllers with the global context, this blocks until the context is canceled
if isLeader.stop() { // remove our in-memory leader status before we release the lock
plog.Debug("leader lost", "identity", identity, "reason", "controller stop")
leaderElectorCancel() // once the controllers have all stopped, tell the leader elector to release the lock
for { // run (and rerun on release) the leader elector with its own context (blocking)
select {
case <-leaderElectorCtx.Done():
return // keep trying to run until process exit
// blocks while trying to acquire lease, unblocks on release.
// note that this creates a new leader elector on each loop to
// prevent any bugs from reusing that struct across elections.
// our config was validated above so this should never die.
leaderelection.RunOrDie(leaderElectorCtx, leaderElectionConfig)
return client, controllersWithLeaderElector, nil
func newLeaderElectionConfig(namespace, leaseName, identity string, internalClient kubernetes.Interface, isLeader *isLeaderTracker) leaderelection.LeaderElectionConfig {
return leaderelection.LeaderElectionConfig{
Lock: &releaseLock{
delegate: &resourcelock.LeaseLock{
LeaseMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: leaseName,
Client: internalClient.CoordinationV1(),
LockConfig: resourcelock.ResourceLockConfig{
Identity: identity,
isLeader: isLeader,
identity: identity,
ReleaseOnCancel: true, // semantics for correct release handled by releaseLock.Update and controllersWithLeaderElector below
// Copied from defaults used in OpenShift since we want the same semantics:
// https://github.com/openshift/library-go/blob/e14e06ba8d476429b10cc6f6c0fcfe6ea4f2c591/pkg/config/leaderelection/leaderelection.go#L87-L109
LeaseDuration: 137 * time.Second,
RenewDeadline: 107 * time.Second,
RetryPeriod: 26 * time.Second,
Callbacks: leaderelection.LeaderCallbacks{
OnStartedLeading: func(_ context.Context) {
plog.Debug("leader gained", "identity", identity)
OnStoppedLeading: func() {
if isLeader.stop() { // barring changes to client-go, this branch should only be taken on a panic
plog.Debug("leader lost", "identity", identity, "reason", "on stop")
OnNewLeader: func(newLeader string) {
if newLeader == identity {
plog.Debug("new leader elected", "newLeader", newLeader)
Name: leaseName,
// this must be set to nil because we do not want to associate /healthz with a failed
// leader election renewal as we do not want to exit the process if the leader changes.
WatchDog: nil,
type isLeaderTracker struct {
tracker *atomic.Bool
func (t *isLeaderTracker) canWrite() bool {
return t.tracker.Load()
func (t *isLeaderTracker) start() {
func (t *isLeaderTracker) stop() (didStop bool) {
return t.tracker.CAS(true, false)
// note that resourcelock.Interface is an internal, unstable interface.
// so while it would be convenient to embed the implementation within
// this struct, we need to make sure our Update override is used and
// that no other methods are added that change the meaning of the
// interface. thus we must have ~20 lines of boilerplate to have the
// compiler ensure that we keep up with this interface over time.
var _ resourcelock.Interface = &releaseLock{}
// releaseLock works around a limitation of the client-go leader election code:
// there is no "BeforeRelease" callback. By the time the "OnStoppedLeading"
// callback runs (this callback is meant to always run at the very end since it
// normally terminates the process), we have already released the lock. This
// creates a race condition in between the release call (the Update func) and the
// stop callback where a different client could acquire the lease while we still
// believe that we hold the lease in our in-memory leader status.
type releaseLock struct {
delegate resourcelock.Interface // do not embed this, see comment above
isLeader *isLeaderTracker
identity string
func (r *releaseLock) Update(ctx context.Context, ler resourcelock.LeaderElectionRecord) error {
// setting an empty HolderIdentity on update means that the client is releasing the lock.
// thus we need to make sure to update our in-memory leader status before this occurs
// since other clients could immediately acquire the lock. note that even if the Update
// call below fails, this client has already chosen to release the lock and thus we must
// update the in-memory status regardless of it we succeed in making the Kube API call.
// note that while resourcelock.Interface is an unstable interface, the meaning of an
// empty HolderIdentity is encoded into the Kube API and thus we can safely rely on that
// not changing (since changing that would break older clients).
if len(ler.HolderIdentity) == 0 && r.isLeader.stop() {
plog.Debug("leader lost", "identity", r.identity, "reason", "release")
return r.delegate.Update(ctx, ler)
// boilerplate passthrough methods below
func (r *releaseLock) Get(ctx context.Context) (*resourcelock.LeaderElectionRecord, []byte, error) {
return r.delegate.Get(ctx)
func (r *releaseLock) Create(ctx context.Context, ler resourcelock.LeaderElectionRecord) error {
return r.delegate.Create(ctx, ler)
func (r *releaseLock) RecordEvent(s string) {
func (r *releaseLock) Identity() string {
return r.delegate.Identity()
func (r *releaseLock) Describe() string {
return r.delegate.Describe()