- For backwards compatibility with older Pinniped CLIs, the pinniped-cli client does not need to request the username or groups scopes for them to be granted. For dynamic clients, the usual OAuth2 rules apply: the client must be allowed to request the scopes according to its configuration, and the client must actually request the scopes in the authorization request. - If the username scope was not granted, then there will be no username in the ID token, and the cluster-scoped token exchange will fail since there would be no username in the resulting cluster-scoped ID token. - The OIDC well-known discovery endpoint lists the username and groups scopes in the scopes_supported list, and lists the username and groups claims in the claims_supported list. - Add username and groups scopes to the default list of scopes put into kubeconfig files by "pinniped get kubeconfig" CLI command, and the default list of scopes used by "pinniped login oidc" when no list of scopes is specified in the kubeconfig file - The warning header about group memberships changing during upstream refresh will only be sent to the pinniped-cli client, since it is only intended for kubectl and it could leak the username to the client (which may not have the username scope granted) through the warning message text. - Add the user's username to the session storage as a new field, so that during upstream refresh we can compare the original username from the initial authorization to the refreshed username, even in the case when the username scope was not granted (and therefore the username is not stored in the ID token claims of the session storage) - Bump the Supervisor session storage format version from 2 to 3 due to the username field being added to the session struct - Extract commonly used string constants related to OIDC flows to api package. - Change some import names to make them consistent: - Always import github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc as "coreosoidc" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc as "oidcapi" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc as "oidc"
290 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package supervisorstorage
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
corev1informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"
clocktesting "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
pinnipedcontroller "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller"
const minimumRepeatInterval = 30 * time.Second
type garbageCollectorController struct {
idpCache UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface
clock clock.Clock
timeOfMostRecentSweep time.Time
// UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache is a thread safe cache that holds a list of validated upstream OIDC IDP configurations.
type UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache interface {
GetOIDCIdentityProviders() []provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI
func GarbageCollectorController(
idpCache UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderICache,
clock clock.Clock,
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface,
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer,
withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
) controllerlib.Controller {
isSecretWithGCAnnotation := func(obj metav1.Object) bool {
secret, ok := obj.(*v1.Secret)
if !ok {
return false
_, ok = secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey]
return ok
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "garbage-collector-controller",
Syncer: &garbageCollectorController{
idpCache: idpCache,
secretInformer: secretInformer,
kubeClient: kubeClient,
clock: clock,
AddFunc: isSecretWithGCAnnotation,
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj metav1.Object) bool {
return isSecretWithGCAnnotation(oldObj) || isSecretWithGCAnnotation(newObj)
DeleteFunc: func(obj metav1.Object) bool { return false }, // ignore all deletes
ParentFunc: pinnipedcontroller.SingletonQueue(),
func (c *garbageCollectorController) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error {
// make sure we have a consistent, static meaning for the current time during the sync loop
frozenClock := clocktesting.NewFakeClock(c.clock.Now())
// The Sync method is triggered upon any change to any Secret, which would make this
// controller too chatty, so it rate limits itself to a more reasonable interval.
// Note that even during a period when no secrets are changing, it will still run
// at the informer's full-resync interval (as long as there are some secrets).
if since := frozenClock.Since(c.timeOfMostRecentSweep); since < minimumRepeatInterval {
ctx.Queue.AddAfter(ctx.Key, minimumRepeatInterval-since)
return nil
plog.Info("starting storage garbage collection sweep")
c.timeOfMostRecentSweep = frozenClock.Now()
listOfSecrets, err := c.secretInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range listOfSecrets {
secret := listOfSecrets[i]
timeString, ok := secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey]
if !ok {
// Secret did not request garbage collection via annotations, so skip deletion.
garbageCollectAfterTime, err := time.Parse(crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationDateFormat, timeString)
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("could not parse resource timestamp for garbage collection", err, logKV(secret)...)
// Can't tell if the Secret has expired or not, so skip deletion.
if !garbageCollectAfterTime.Before(frozenClock.Now()) {
// Secret is not old enough yet, so skip deletion.
// The Secret has expired. Check if it is a downstream session storage Secret, which may require extra processing.
storageType, isSessionStorage := secret.Labels[crud.SecretLabelKey]
if isSessionStorage {
revokeErr := c.maybeRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx.Context, storageType, secret)
if revokeErr != nil {
plog.WarningErr("garbage collector could not revoke upstream OIDC token", revokeErr, logKV(secret)...)
// Note that RevokeToken (called by the private helper) might have returned an error of type
// provider.RetryableRevocationError, in which case we would like to retry the revocation later.
// If the error is of a type that is worth retrying, then do not delete the Secret right away.
// A future call to Sync will try revocation again for that secret. However, if the Secret is
// getting too old, then just delete it anyway. We don't want to extend the lifetime of these
// session Secrets by too much time, since the garbage collector is the only thing that is
// cleaning them out of etcd storage.
fourHoursAgo := frozenClock.Now().Add(-4 * time.Hour)
nowIsLessThanFourHoursBeyondSecretGCTime := garbageCollectAfterTime.After(fourHoursAgo)
if errors.As(revokeErr, &provider.RetryableRevocationError{}) && nowIsLessThanFourHoursBeyondSecretGCTime {
// Hasn't been very long since secret expired, so skip deletion to try revocation again later.
plog.Trace("garbage collector keeping Secret to retry upstream OIDC token revocation later", logKV(secret)...)
// Garbage collect the Secret.
err = c.kubeClient.CoreV1().Secrets(secret.Namespace).Delete(ctx.Context, secret.Name, metav1.DeleteOptions{
Preconditions: &metav1.Preconditions{
UID: &secret.UID,
ResourceVersion: &secret.ResourceVersion,
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("failed to garbage collect resource", err, logKV(secret)...)
plog.Info("storage garbage collector deleted resource", logKV(secret)...)
return nil
func (c *garbageCollectorController) maybeRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx context.Context, storageType string, secret *v1.Secret) error {
// All downstream session storage types hold upstream tokens when the upstream IDP is an OIDC provider.
// However, some of them will be outdated because they are not updated by fosite after creation.
// Our goal below is to always revoke the latest upstream refresh token that we are holding for the
// session, and only the latest, or to revoke the original upstream access token. Note that we don't
// bother to store new upstream access tokens seen during upstream refresh because we only need to store
// the upstream access token when we intend to use it *instead* of an upstream refresh token.
// This implies that all the storage types will contain a copy of the original upstream access token,
// since it is never updated in the session. Thus, we can use the same logic to decide which upstream
// access token to revoke as we use for upstream refresh tokens, which allows us to avoid revoking an
// upstream access token more than once.
switch storageType {
case authorizationcode.TypeLabelValue:
authorizeCodeSession, err := authorizationcode.ReadFromSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if this downstream authcode was already used. If it was already used (i.e. not active anymore),
// then the latest upstream token can be found in one of the other storage types handled below instead.
if !authorizeCodeSession.Active {
return nil
// When the downstream authcode was never used, then its storage must contain the latest upstream token.
return c.tryRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx, authorizeCodeSession.Request.Session.(*psession.PinnipedSession).Custom, secret)
case accesstoken.TypeLabelValue:
// For access token storage, check if the "offline_access" scope was granted on the downstream session.
// If it was granted, then the latest upstream token should be found in the refresh token storage instead.
// If it was not granted, then the user could not possibly have performed a downstream refresh, so the
// access token storage has the latest version of the upstream token.
accessTokenSession, err := accesstoken.ReadFromSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
return err
pinnipedSession := accessTokenSession.Request.Session.(*psession.PinnipedSession)
if accessTokenSession.Request.GetGrantedScopes().Has(oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess) {
return nil
return c.tryRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx, pinnipedSession.Custom, secret)
case refreshtoken.TypeLabelValue:
// For refresh token storage, always revoke its upstream token. This refresh token storage could be
// the result of the initial downstream authcode exchange, or it could be the result of a downstream
// refresh. Either way, it always contains the latest upstream token when it exists.
refreshTokenSession, err := refreshtoken.ReadFromSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.tryRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx, refreshTokenSession.Request.Session.(*psession.PinnipedSession).Custom, secret)
case pkce.TypeLabelValue:
// For PKCE storage, its very existence means that the downstream authcode was never exchanged, because
// these are deleted during downstream authcode exchange. No need to do anything, since the upstream
// token revocation is handled by authcode storage case above.
return nil
case openidconnect.TypeLabelValue:
// For OIDC storage, there is no need to do anything for reasons similar to the PKCE storage.
// These are not deleted during downstream authcode exchange, probably due to a bug in fosite, even
// though it will never be read or updated again. However, the upstream token contained inside will
// be revoked by one of the other cases above.
return nil
// There are no other storage types, so this should never happen in practice.
return errors.New("garbage collector saw invalid label on Secret when trying to determine if upstream revocation was needed")
func (c *garbageCollectorController) tryRevokeUpstreamOIDCToken(ctx context.Context, customSessionData *psession.CustomSessionData, secret *v1.Secret) error {
// When session was for another upstream IDP type, e.g. LDAP, there is no upstream OIDC token involved.
if customSessionData.ProviderType != psession.ProviderTypeOIDC {
return nil
// Try to find the provider that was originally used to create the stored session.
var foundOIDCIdentityProviderI provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI
for _, p := range c.idpCache.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() {
if p.GetName() == customSessionData.ProviderName && p.GetResourceUID() == customSessionData.ProviderUID {
foundOIDCIdentityProviderI = p
if foundOIDCIdentityProviderI == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find upstream OIDC provider named %q with resource UID %q", customSessionData.ProviderName, customSessionData.ProviderUID)
// In practice, there should only be one of these tokens saved in the session.
upstreamRefreshToken := customSessionData.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken
upstreamAccessToken := customSessionData.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken
if upstreamRefreshToken != "" {
err := foundOIDCIdentityProviderI.RevokeToken(ctx, upstreamRefreshToken, provider.RefreshTokenType)
if err != nil {
return err
plog.Trace("garbage collector successfully revoked upstream OIDC refresh token (or provider has no revocation endpoint)", logKV(secret)...)
if upstreamAccessToken != "" {
err := foundOIDCIdentityProviderI.RevokeToken(ctx, upstreamAccessToken, provider.AccessTokenType)
if err != nil {
return err
plog.Trace("garbage collector successfully revoked upstream OIDC access token (or provider has no revocation endpoint)", logKV(secret)...)
return nil
func logKV(secret *v1.Secret) []interface{} {
return []interface{}{
"secretName", secret.Name,
"secretNamespace", secret.Namespace,
"secretType", string(secret.Type),
"garbageCollectAfter", secret.Annotations[crud.SecretLifetimeAnnotationKey],
"storageTypeLabelValue", secret.Labels[crud.SecretLabelKey],