- For backwards compatibility with older Pinniped CLIs, the pinniped-cli client does not need to request the username or groups scopes for them to be granted. For dynamic clients, the usual OAuth2 rules apply: the client must be allowed to request the scopes according to its configuration, and the client must actually request the scopes in the authorization request. - If the username scope was not granted, then there will be no username in the ID token, and the cluster-scoped token exchange will fail since there would be no username in the resulting cluster-scoped ID token. - The OIDC well-known discovery endpoint lists the username and groups scopes in the scopes_supported list, and lists the username and groups claims in the claims_supported list. - Add username and groups scopes to the default list of scopes put into kubeconfig files by "pinniped get kubeconfig" CLI command, and the default list of scopes used by "pinniped login oidc" when no list of scopes is specified in the kubeconfig file - The warning header about group memberships changing during upstream refresh will only be sent to the pinniped-cli client, since it is only intended for kubectl and it could leak the username to the client (which may not have the username scope granted) through the warning message text. - Add the user's username to the session storage as a new field, so that during upstream refresh we can compare the original username from the initial authorization to the refreshed username, even in the case when the username scope was not granted (and therefore the username is not stored in the ID token claims of the session storage) - Bump the Supervisor session storage format version from 2 to 3 due to the username field being added to the session struct - Extract commonly used string constants related to OIDC flows to api package. - Change some import names to make them consistent: - Always import github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc as "coreosoidc" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc as "oidcapi" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc as "oidc"
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// Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package jwtcachefiller implements a controller for filling an authncache.Cache with each
// added/updated JWTAuthenticator.
package jwtcachefiller
import (
coreosoidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc"
auth1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/concierge/authentication/v1alpha1"
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
authinformers "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/concierge/informers/externalversions/authentication/v1alpha1"
pinnipedcontroller "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller"
pinnipedauthenticator "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller/authenticator"
// These default values come from the way that the Supervisor issues and signs tokens. We make these
// the defaults for a JWTAuthenticator so that they can easily integrate with the Supervisor.
const (
defaultUsernameClaim = oidcapi.IDTokenClaimUsername
defaultGroupsClaim = oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups
// defaultSupportedSigningAlgos returns the default signing algos that this JWTAuthenticator
// supports (i.e., if none are supplied by the user).
func defaultSupportedSigningAlgos() []string {
return []string{
// RS256 is recommended by the OIDC spec and required, in some capacity. Since we want the
// JWTAuthenticator to be able to support many OIDC ID tokens out of the box, we include this
// algorithm by default.
// ES256 is what the Supervisor does, by default. We want integration with the JWTAuthenticator
// to be as seamless as possible, so we include this algorithm by default.
type tokenAuthenticatorCloser interface {
type jwtAuthenticator struct {
spec *auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec
// New instantiates a new controllerlib.Controller which will populate the provided authncache.Cache.
func New(
cache *authncache.Cache,
jwtAuthenticators authinformers.JWTAuthenticatorInformer,
log logr.Logger,
) controllerlib.Controller {
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "jwtcachefiller-controller",
Syncer: &controller{
cache: cache,
jwtAuthenticators: jwtAuthenticators,
log: log.WithName("jwtcachefiller-controller"),
pinnipedcontroller.MatchAnythingFilter(nil), // nil parent func is fine because each event is distinct
type controller struct {
cache *authncache.Cache
jwtAuthenticators authinformers.JWTAuthenticatorInformer
log logr.Logger
// Sync implements controllerlib.Syncer.
func (c *controller) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error {
obj, err := c.jwtAuthenticators.Lister().Get(ctx.Key.Name)
if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) {
c.log.Info("Sync() found that the JWTAuthenticator does not exist yet or was deleted")
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get JWTAuthenticator %s/%s: %w", ctx.Key.Namespace, ctx.Key.Name, err)
cacheKey := authncache.Key{
APIGroup: auth1alpha1.GroupName,
Kind: "JWTAuthenticator",
Name: ctx.Key.Name,
// If this authenticator already exists, then only recreate it if is different from the desired
// authenticator. We don't want to be creating a new authenticator for every resync period.
// If we do need to recreate the authenticator, then make sure we close the old one to avoid
// goroutine leaks.
if value := c.cache.Get(cacheKey); value != nil {
jwtAuthenticator := c.extractValueAsJWTAuthenticator(value)
if jwtAuthenticator != nil {
if reflect.DeepEqual(jwtAuthenticator.spec, &obj.Spec) {
c.log.WithValues("jwtAuthenticator", klog.KObj(obj), "issuer", obj.Spec.Issuer).Info("actual jwt authenticator and desired jwt authenticator are the same")
return nil
// Make a deep copy of the spec so we aren't storing pointers to something that the informer cache
// may mutate!
jwtAuthenticator, err := newJWTAuthenticator(obj.Spec.DeepCopy())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to build jwt authenticator: %w", err)
c.cache.Store(cacheKey, jwtAuthenticator)
c.log.WithValues("jwtAuthenticator", klog.KObj(obj), "issuer", obj.Spec.Issuer).Info("added new jwt authenticator")
return nil
func (c *controller) extractValueAsJWTAuthenticator(value authncache.Value) *jwtAuthenticator {
jwtAuthenticator, ok := value.(*jwtAuthenticator)
if !ok {
actualType := "<nil>"
if t := reflect.TypeOf(value); t != nil {
actualType = t.String()
c.log.WithValues("actualType", actualType).Info("wrong JWT authenticator type in cache")
return nil
return jwtAuthenticator
// newJWTAuthenticator creates a jwt authenticator from the provided spec.
func newJWTAuthenticator(spec *auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec) (*jwtAuthenticator, error) {
rootCAs, _, err := pinnipedauthenticator.CABundle(spec.TLS)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid TLS configuration: %w", err)
usernameClaim := spec.Claims.Username
if usernameClaim == "" {
usernameClaim = defaultUsernameClaim
groupsClaim := spec.Claims.Groups
if groupsClaim == "" {
groupsClaim = defaultGroupsClaim
// copied from Kube OIDC code
issuerURL, err := url.Parse(spec.Issuer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if issuerURL.Scheme != "https" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("issuer (%q) has invalid scheme (%q), require 'https'", spec.Issuer, issuerURL.Scheme)
client := phttp.Default(rootCAs)
client.Timeout = 30 * time.Second // copied from Kube OIDC code
ctx := coreosoidc.ClientContext(context.Background(), client)
provider, err := coreosoidc.NewProvider(ctx, spec.Issuer)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not initialize provider: %w", err)
providerJSON := &struct {
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
if err := provider.Claims(providerJSON); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get provider jwks_uri: %w", err) // should be impossible because coreosoidc.NewProvider validates this
if len(providerJSON.JWKSURL) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("issuer %q does not have jwks_uri set", spec.Issuer)
oidcAuthenticator, err := oidc.New(oidc.Options{
IssuerURL: spec.Issuer,
KeySet: coreosoidc.NewRemoteKeySet(ctx, providerJSON.JWKSURL),
ClientID: spec.Audience,
UsernameClaim: usernameClaim,
GroupsClaim: groupsClaim,
SupportedSigningAlgs: defaultSupportedSigningAlgos(),
Client: client,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not initialize authenticator: %w", err)
return &jwtAuthenticator{
tokenAuthenticatorCloser: oidcAuthenticator,
spec: spec,
}, nil