This updates our issuerconfig.UpdateStrategy to sort strategies according to a weighted preference. The TokenCredentialRequest API strategy is preffered, followed by impersonation proxy, followed by any other unknown types. Signed-off-by: Matt Moyer <moyerm@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package issuerconfig
import (
// UpdateStrategy creates or updates the desired strategy in the CredentialIssuer status.strategies field.
// The CredentialIssuer will be created if it does not already exist.
func UpdateStrategy(ctx context.Context,
name string,
credentialIssuerLabels map[string]string,
pinnipedAPIClient versioned.Interface,
strategy v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy,
) error {
return CreateOrUpdateCredentialIssuerStatus(
func(configToUpdate *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStatus) { mergeStrategy(configToUpdate, strategy) },
func mergeStrategy(configToUpdate *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStatus, strategy v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy) {
var existing *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy
for i := range configToUpdate.Strategies {
if configToUpdate.Strategies[i].Type == strategy.Type {
existing = &configToUpdate.Strategies[i]
if existing != nil {
} else {
configToUpdate.Strategies = append(configToUpdate.Strategies, strategy)
// Special case: the "TokenCredentialRequestAPI" data is mirrored into the deprecated status.kubeConfigInfo field.
if strategy.Frontend != nil && strategy.Frontend.Type == v1alpha1.TokenCredentialRequestAPIFrontendType {
configToUpdate.KubeConfigInfo = &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerKubeConfigInfo{
Server: strategy.Frontend.TokenCredentialRequestAPIInfo.Server,
CertificateAuthorityData: strategy.Frontend.TokenCredentialRequestAPIInfo.CertificateAuthorityData,
// weights are a set of priorities for each strategy type.
//nolint: gochecknoglobals
var weights = map[v1alpha1.StrategyType]int{
v1alpha1.KubeClusterSigningCertificateStrategyType: 2, // most preferred strategy
v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType: 1,
// unknown strategy types will have weight 0 by default
type sortableStrategies []v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy
func (s sortableStrategies) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s sortableStrategies) Less(i, j int) bool {
if wi, wj := weights[s[i].Type], weights[s[j].Type]; wi != wj {
return wi > wj
return s[i].Type < s[j].Type
func (s sortableStrategies) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }