- For backwards compatibility with older Pinniped CLIs, the pinniped-cli client does not need to request the username or groups scopes for them to be granted. For dynamic clients, the usual OAuth2 rules apply: the client must be allowed to request the scopes according to its configuration, and the client must actually request the scopes in the authorization request. - If the username scope was not granted, then there will be no username in the ID token, and the cluster-scoped token exchange will fail since there would be no username in the resulting cluster-scoped ID token. - The OIDC well-known discovery endpoint lists the username and groups scopes in the scopes_supported list, and lists the username and groups claims in the claims_supported list. - Add username and groups scopes to the default list of scopes put into kubeconfig files by "pinniped get kubeconfig" CLI command, and the default list of scopes used by "pinniped login oidc" when no list of scopes is specified in the kubeconfig file - The warning header about group memberships changing during upstream refresh will only be sent to the pinniped-cli client, since it is only intended for kubectl and it could leak the username to the client (which may not have the username scope granted) through the warning message text. - Add the user's username to the session storage as a new field, so that during upstream refresh we can compare the original username from the initial authorization to the refreshed username, even in the case when the username scope was not granted (and therefore the username is not stored in the ID token claims of the session storage) - Bump the Supervisor session storage format version from 2 to 3 due to the username field being added to the session struct - Extract commonly used string constants related to OIDC flows to api package. - Change some import names to make them consistent: - Always import github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc as "coreosoidc" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc as "oidcapi" - Always import go.pinniped.dev/internal/oidc as "oidc"
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// Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package token provides a handler for the OIDC token endpoint.
package token
import (
errorsx "github.com/pkg/errors"
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
func NewHandler(
idpLister oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
) http.Handler {
return httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
session := psession.NewPinnipedSession()
accessRequest, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessRequest(r.Context(), r, session)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("token request error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
// Check if we are performing a refresh grant.
if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken) {
// The above call to NewAccessRequest has loaded the session from storage into the accessRequest variable.
// The session, requested scopes, and requested audience from the original authorize request was retrieved
// from the Kube storage layer and added to the accessRequest. Additionally, the audience and scopes may
// have already been granted on the accessRequest.
err = upstreamRefresh(r.Context(), accessRequest, idpLister)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("upstream refresh error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
// When we are in the authorization code flow, check if we have any warnings that previous handlers want us
// to send to the client to be printed on the CLI.
if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode) {
storedSession := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
customSessionData := storedSession.Custom
if customSessionData != nil {
for _, warningText := range customSessionData.Warnings {
warning.AddWarning(r.Context(), "", warningText)
accessResponse, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessResponse(r.Context(), accessRequest)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("token response error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
oauthHelper.WriteAccessResponse(w, accessRequest, accessResponse)
return nil
func errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError() *fosite.RFC6749Error {
return &fosite.RFC6749Error{
ErrorField: "error",
DescriptionField: "There was an internal server error.",
HintField: "Required upstream data not found in session.",
CodeField: http.StatusInternalServerError,
func errUpstreamRefreshError() *fosite.RFC6749Error {
return &fosite.RFC6749Error{
ErrorField: "error",
DescriptionField: "Error during upstream refresh.",
CodeField: http.StatusUnauthorized,
func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester, providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister) error {
session := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
customSessionData := session.Custom
if customSessionData == nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
providerName := customSessionData.ProviderName
providerUID := customSessionData.ProviderUID
if providerUID == "" || providerName == "" {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
grantedScopes := accessRequest.GetGrantedScopes()
clientID := accessRequest.GetClient().GetID()
switch customSessionData.ProviderType {
case psession.ProviderTypeOIDC:
return upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx, session, providerCache, grantedScopes, clientID)
case psession.ProviderTypeLDAP:
return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, providerCache, session, grantedScopes, clientID)
case psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory:
return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, providerCache, session, grantedScopes, clientID)
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
func upstreamOIDCRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
session *psession.PinnipedSession,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
grantedScopes []string,
clientID string,
) error {
s := session.Custom
if s.OIDC == nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
accessTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken != ""
refreshTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken != ""
exactlyOneTokenStored := (accessTokenStored || refreshTokenStored) && !(accessTokenStored && refreshTokenStored)
if !exactlyOneTokenStored {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
p, err := findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, providerCache)
if err != nil {
return err
plog.Debug("attempting upstream refresh request",
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
var tokens *oauth2.Token
if refreshTokenStored {
tokens, err = p.PerformRefresh(ctx, s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Upstream refresh failed.",
).WithTrace(err).WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
} else {
tokens = &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken}
// Upstream refresh may or may not return a new ID token. From the spec:
// "the response body is the Token Response of Section except that it might not contain an id_token."
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RefreshTokenResponse
_, hasIDTok := tokens.Extra("id_token").(string)
// We may or may not have an ID token, and we may or may not have a userinfo endpoint to call for more claims.
// Use what we can (one, both, or neither) and return the union of their claims. If we stored an access token,
// then require that the userinfo endpoint exists and returns a successful response, or else we would have no
// way to check that the user's session was not revoked on the server.
// The spec is not 100% clear about whether an ID token from the refresh flow should include a nonce, and at
// least some providers do not include one, so we skip the nonce validation here (but not other validations).
validatedTokens, err := p.ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(ctx, tokens, "", hasIDTok, accessTokenStored)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh returned an invalid ID token or UserInfo response.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
mergedClaims := validatedTokens.IDToken.Claims
// To the extent possible, check that the user's basic identity hasn't changed.
err = validateIdentityUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims, session, p.GetUsernameClaim())
if err != nil {
return err
groupsScope := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups)
if groupsScope { //nolint:nestif
// If possible, update the user's group memberships. The configured groups claim name (if there is one) may or
// may not be included in the newly fetched and merged claims. It could be missing due to a misconfiguration of the
// claim name. It could also be missing because the claim was originally found in the ID token during login, but
// now we might not have a refreshed ID token.
// If the claim is found, then use it to update the user's group membership in the session.
// If the claim is not found, then we have no new information about groups, so skip updating the group membership
// and let any old groups memberships in the session remain.
refreshedGroups, err := downstreamsession.GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(p, mergedClaims)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh error while extracting groups claim.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
if refreshedGroups != nil {
oldGroups, err := getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
username, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldGroups, refreshedGroups, username, clientID)
session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = refreshedGroups
// Upstream refresh may or may not return a new refresh token. If we got a new refresh token, then update it in
// the user's session. If we did not get a new refresh token, then keep the old one in the session by avoiding
// overwriting the old one.
if tokens.RefreshToken != "" {
plog.Debug("upstream refresh request returned a new refresh token",
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken = tokens.RefreshToken
return nil
// print out the diff between two lists of sorted groups.
func diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups []string) ([]string, []string) {
oldGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(oldGroups...)
newGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(newGroups...)
added := newGroupsAsSet.Difference(oldGroupsAsSet) // groups in newGroups that are not in oldGroups i.e. added
removed := oldGroupsAsSet.Difference(newGroupsAsSet) // groups in oldGroups that are not in newGroups i.e. removed
return added.List(), removed.List()
func validateIdentityUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims map[string]interface{}, session *psession.PinnipedSession, usernameClaimName string) error {
s := session.Custom
// If we have any claims at all, we better have a subject, and it better match the previous value.
// but it's possible that we don't because both returning a new id token on refresh and having a userinfo
// endpoint are optional.
if len(mergedClaims) == 0 {
return nil
newSub, hasSub := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject)
if !hasSub {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh not found")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
if s.OIDC.UpstreamSubject != newSub {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
newUsername, hasUsername := getString(mergedClaims, usernameClaimName)
oldUsername, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
// It's possible that a username wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh,
// but if it is, verify that it hasn't changed.
if hasUsername && oldUsername != newUsername {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("username in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
newIssuer, hasIssuer := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimIssuer)
// It's possible that an issuer wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh,
// but if it is, verify that it hasn't changed.
if hasIssuer && s.OIDC.UpstreamIssuer != newIssuer {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("issuer in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
return nil
func getString(m map[string]interface{}, key string) (string, bool) {
val, ok := m[key].(string)
return val, ok
func findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID(
s *psession.CustomSessionData,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
) (provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI, error) {
for _, p := range providerCache.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() {
if p.GetName() == s.ProviderName {
if p.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication."))
return p, nil
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().
WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
func upstreamLDAPRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
session *psession.PinnipedSession,
grantedScopes []string,
clientID string,
) error {
username, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
subject := session.Fosite.Claims.Subject
var oldGroups []string
if slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) {
oldGroups, err = getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
s := session.Custom
// if you have neither a valid ldap session config nor a valid active directory session config
validLDAP := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP && s.LDAP != nil && s.LDAP.UserDN != ""
validAD := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory && s.ActiveDirectory != nil && s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN != ""
if !(validLDAP || validAD) {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
var additionalAttributes map[string]string
if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP {
additionalAttributes = s.LDAP.ExtraRefreshAttributes
} else {
additionalAttributes = s.ActiveDirectory.ExtraRefreshAttributes
// get ldap/ad provider out of cache
p, dn, err := findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, providerCache)
if err != nil {
return err
if session.IDTokenClaims().AuthTime.IsZero() {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
// run PerformRefresh
groups, err := p.PerformRefresh(ctx, provider.RefreshAttributes{
Username: username,
Subject: subject,
DN: dn,
Groups: oldGroups,
AdditionalAttributes: additionalAttributes,
GrantedScopes: grantedScopes,
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
groupsScope := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups)
if groupsScope {
warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldGroups, groups, username, clientID)
// Replace the old value with the new value.
session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = groups
return nil
func findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID(
s *psession.CustomSessionData,
providerCache oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister,
) (provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI, string, error) {
var providers []provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI
var dn string
if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP {
providers = providerCache.GetLDAPIdentityProviders()
dn = s.LDAP.UserDN
} else if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory {
providers = providerCache.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders()
dn = s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN
for _, p := range providers {
if p.GetName() == s.ProviderName {
if p.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID {
return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
return p, dn, nil
return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().
WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
func getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) (string, error) {
downstreamUsername := session.Custom.Username
if len(downstreamUsername) == 0 {
return "", errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
return downstreamUsername, nil
func getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) ([]string, error) {
extra := session.Fosite.Claims.Extra
if extra == nil {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroupsInterface := extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups]
if downstreamGroupsInterface == nil {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroupsInterfaceList, ok := downstreamGroupsInterface.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroups := make([]string, 0, len(downstreamGroupsInterfaceList))
for _, downstreamGroupInterface := range downstreamGroupsInterfaceList {
downstreamGroup, ok := downstreamGroupInterface.(string)
if !ok || len(downstreamGroup) == 0 {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroups = append(downstreamGroups, downstreamGroup)
return downstreamGroups, nil
func warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx context.Context, oldGroups, newGroups []string, username string, clientID string) {
if clientID != oidcapi.ClientIDPinnipedCLI {
// Only send these warnings to the CLI client. They are intended for kubectl to print to the screen.
// A webapp using a dynamic client wouldn't know to look for these special warning headers, and
// if the dynamic client lacked the username scope, then these warning messages would be leaking
// the user's username to the client within the text of the warning.
added, removed := diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups)
if len(added) > 0 {
warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been added to the following groups: %q", username, added))
if len(removed) > 0 {
warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been removed from the following groups: %q", username, removed))