- To better support having multiple downstream providers configured, the authorize endpoint will share a CSRF cookie between all downstream providers' authorize endpoints. The first time a user's browser hits the authorize endpoint of any downstream provider, that endpoint will set the cookie. Then if the user starts an authorize flow with that same downstream provider or with any other downstream provider which shares the same domain name (i.e. differentiated by issuer path), then the same cookie will be submitted and respected. - Just in case we are sharing the domain name with some other app, we sign the value of any new CSRF cookie and check the signature when we receive the cookie. This wasn't strictly necessary since we probably won't share a domain name with other apps, but it wasn't hard to add this cookie signing. Signed-off-by: Ryan Richard <richardry@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package auth provides a handler for the OIDC authorization endpoint.
package auth
import (
const (
// Just in case we need to make a breaking change to the format of the upstream state param,
// we are including a format version number. This gives the opportunity for a future version of Pinniped
// to have the consumer of this format decide to reject versions that it doesn't understand.
upstreamStateParamFormatVersion = "1"
// The `name` passed to the encoder for encoding the upstream state param value. This name is short
// because it will be encoded into the upstream state param value and we're trying to keep that small.
upstreamStateParamEncodingName = "s"
// The name of the browser cookie which shall hold our CSRF value.
// `__Host` prefix has a special meaning. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#Cookie_prefixes
csrfCookieName = "__Host-pinniped-csrf"
// The `name` passed to the encoder for encoding and decoding the CSRF cookie contents.
csrfCookieEncodingName = "csrf"
type IDPListGetter interface {
GetIDPList() []provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider
// This is the encoding side of the securecookie.Codec interface.
type Encoder interface {
Encode(name string, value interface{}) (string, error)
func NewHandler(
issuer string,
idpListGetter IDPListGetter,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
generateCSRF func() (csrftoken.CSRFToken, error),
generatePKCE func() (pkce.Code, error),
generateNonce func() (nonce.Nonce, error),
upstreamStateEncoder Encoder,
cookieCodec securecookie.Codec,
) http.Handler {
return httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
if r.Method != http.MethodPost && r.Method != http.MethodGet {
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthRequest
// Authorization Servers MUST support the use of the HTTP GET and POST methods defined in
// RFC 2616 [RFC2616] at the Authorization Endpoint.
return httperr.Newf(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "%s (try GET or POST)", r.Method)
csrfFromCookie, err := readCSRFCookie(r, cookieCodec)
if err != nil {
plog.InfoErr("error reading CSRF cookie", err)
return err
authorizeRequester, err := oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeRequest(r.Context(), r)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("authorize request error", fositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAuthorizeError(w, authorizeRequester, err)
return nil
upstreamIDP, err := chooseUpstreamIDP(idpListGetter)
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("authorize upstream config", err)
return err
// Grant the openid scope (for now) if they asked for it so that `NewAuthorizeResponse` will perform its OIDC validations.
now := time.Now()
_, err = oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeResponse(r.Context(), authorizeRequester, &openid.DefaultSession{
Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
// Temporary claim values to allow `NewAuthorizeResponse` to perform other OIDC validations.
Subject: "none",
AuthTime: now,
RequestedAt: now,
if err != nil {
plog.Info("authorize response error", fositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAuthorizeError(w, authorizeRequester, err)
return nil
csrfValue, nonceValue, pkceValue, err := generateValues(generateCSRF, generateNonce, generatePKCE)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("authorize generate error", err)
return err
if csrfFromCookie != "" {
csrfValue = csrfFromCookie
upstreamOAuthConfig := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: upstreamIDP.ClientID,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
AuthURL: upstreamIDP.AuthorizationURL.String(),
RedirectURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/callback/%s", issuer, upstreamIDP.Name),
Scopes: upstreamIDP.Scopes,
encodedStateParamValue, err := upstreamStateParam(authorizeRequester, nonceValue, csrfValue, pkceValue, upstreamStateEncoder)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("authorize upstream state param error", err)
return err
if csrfFromCookie == "" {
// We did not receive an incoming CSRF cookie, so write a new one.
err := addCSRFSetCookieHeader(w, csrfValue, cookieCodec)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("error setting CSRF cookie", err)
return err
http.Redirect(w, r,
return nil
func readCSRFCookie(r *http.Request, codec securecookie.Codec) (csrftoken.CSRFToken, error) {
receivedCSRFCookie, err := r.Cookie(csrfCookieName)
if err != nil {
// Error means that the cookie was not found
return "", nil
var csrfFromCookie csrftoken.CSRFToken
err = codec.Decode(csrfCookieEncodingName, receivedCSRFCookie.Value, &csrfFromCookie)
if err != nil {
return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "error reading CSRF cookie", err)
return csrfFromCookie, nil
func grantOpenIDScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) {
for _, scope := range authorizeRequester.GetRequestedScopes() {
if scope == "openid" {
func chooseUpstreamIDP(idpListGetter IDPListGetter) (*provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProvider, error) {
allUpstreamIDPs := idpListGetter.GetIDPList()
if len(allUpstreamIDPs) == 0 {
return nil, httperr.New(
"No upstream providers are configured",
} else if len(allUpstreamIDPs) > 1 {
return nil, httperr.New(
"Too many upstream providers are configured (support for multiple upstreams is not yet implemented)",
return &allUpstreamIDPs[0], nil
func generateValues(
generateCSRF func() (csrftoken.CSRFToken, error),
generateNonce func() (nonce.Nonce, error),
generatePKCE func() (pkce.Code, error),
) (csrftoken.CSRFToken, nonce.Nonce, pkce.Code, error) {
csrfValue, err := generateCSRF()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error generating CSRF token", err)
nonceValue, err := generateNonce()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error generating nonce param", err)
pkceValue, err := generatePKCE()
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error generating PKCE param", err)
return csrfValue, nonceValue, pkceValue, nil
// Keep the JSON to a minimal size because the upstream provider could impose size limitations on the state param.
type upstreamStateParamData struct {
AuthParams string `json:"p"`
Nonce nonce.Nonce `json:"n"`
CSRFToken csrftoken.CSRFToken `json:"c"`
PKCECode pkce.Code `json:"k"`
StateParamFormatVersion string `json:"v"`
func upstreamStateParam(
authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester,
nonceValue nonce.Nonce,
csrfValue csrftoken.CSRFToken,
pkceValue pkce.Code,
encoder Encoder,
) (string, error) {
stateParamData := upstreamStateParamData{
AuthParams: authorizeRequester.GetRequestForm().Encode(),
Nonce: nonceValue,
CSRFToken: csrfValue,
PKCECode: pkceValue,
StateParamFormatVersion: upstreamStateParamFormatVersion,
encodedStateParamValue, err := encoder.Encode(upstreamStateParamEncodingName, stateParamData)
if err != nil {
return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error encoding upstream state param", err)
return encodedStateParamValue, nil
func addCSRFSetCookieHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, csrfValue csrftoken.CSRFToken, codec securecookie.Codec) error {
encodedCSRFValue, err := codec.Encode(csrfCookieEncodingName, csrfValue)
if err != nil {
return httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error encoding CSRF cookie", err)
http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{
Name: csrfCookieName,
Value: encodedCSRFValue,
HttpOnly: true,
SameSite: http.SameSiteStrictMode,
Secure: true,
return nil
func fositeErrorForLog(err error) []interface{} {
rfc6749Error := fosite.ErrorToRFC6749Error(err)
keysAndValues := make([]interface{}, 0)
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "name")
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Name)
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "status")
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Status())
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, "description")
keysAndValues = append(keysAndValues, rfc6749Error.Description)
return keysAndValues