When a CredentialIssuer is switched from one service type to another (or switched to disabled mode), the `impersonatorconfig` controller will delete the previous Service, if any. Normally one Concierge pod will succeed to delete this initially and any other pods will see a NotFound error. Before this change, the NotFound would bubble up and cause the strategy to enter a ErrorDuringSetup status until the next reconcile loop. We now handle this case without reporting an error. Signed-off-by: Matt Moyer <moyerm@vmware.com>
1032 lines
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// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package impersonatorconfig
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
corev1informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"
pinnipedclientset "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/concierge/clientset/versioned"
conciergeconfiginformers "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/concierge/informers/externalversions/config/v1alpha1"
pinnipedcontroller "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller"
const (
impersonationProxyPort = 8444
defaultHTTPSPort = 443
approximatelyOneHundredYears = 100 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour
caCommonName = "Pinniped Impersonation Proxy CA"
caCrtKey = "ca.crt"
caKeyKey = "ca.key"
appLabelKey = "app"
type impersonatorConfigController struct {
namespace string
credentialIssuerResourceName string
generatedLoadBalancerServiceName string
generatedClusterIPServiceName string
tlsSecretName string
caSecretName string
impersonationSignerSecretName string
k8sClient kubernetes.Interface
pinnipedAPIClient pinnipedclientset.Interface
credIssuerInformer conciergeconfiginformers.CredentialIssuerInformer
servicesInformer corev1informers.ServiceInformer
secretsInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer
labels map[string]string
clock clock.Clock
impersonationSigningCertProvider dynamiccert.Provider
impersonatorFunc impersonator.FactoryFunc
hasControlPlaneNodes *bool
serverStopCh chan struct{}
errorCh chan error
tlsServingCertDynamicCertProvider dynamiccert.Private
infoLog logr.Logger
debugLog logr.Logger
func NewImpersonatorConfigController(
namespace string,
credentialIssuerResourceName string,
k8sClient kubernetes.Interface,
pinnipedAPIClient pinnipedclientset.Interface,
credentialIssuerInformer conciergeconfiginformers.CredentialIssuerInformer,
servicesInformer corev1informers.ServiceInformer,
secretsInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer,
withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
generatedLoadBalancerServiceName string,
generatedClusterIPServiceName string,
tlsSecretName string,
caSecretName string,
labels map[string]string,
clock clock.Clock,
impersonatorFunc impersonator.FactoryFunc,
impersonationSignerSecretName string,
impersonationSigningCertProvider dynamiccert.Provider,
log logr.Logger,
) controllerlib.Controller {
secretNames := sets.NewString(tlsSecretName, caSecretName, impersonationSignerSecretName)
log = log.WithName("impersonator-config-controller")
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "impersonator-config-controller",
Syncer: &impersonatorConfigController{
namespace: namespace,
credentialIssuerResourceName: credentialIssuerResourceName,
generatedLoadBalancerServiceName: generatedLoadBalancerServiceName,
generatedClusterIPServiceName: generatedClusterIPServiceName,
tlsSecretName: tlsSecretName,
caSecretName: caSecretName,
impersonationSignerSecretName: impersonationSignerSecretName,
k8sClient: k8sClient,
pinnipedAPIClient: pinnipedAPIClient,
credIssuerInformer: credentialIssuerInformer,
servicesInformer: servicesInformer,
secretsInformer: secretsInformer,
labels: labels,
clock: clock,
impersonationSigningCertProvider: impersonationSigningCertProvider,
impersonatorFunc: impersonatorFunc,
tlsServingCertDynamicCertProvider: dynamiccert.NewServingCert("impersonation-proxy-serving-cert"),
infoLog: log.V(2),
debugLog: log.V(4),
pinnipedcontroller.SimpleFilterWithSingletonQueue(func(obj metav1.Object) bool {
return obj.GetName() == credentialIssuerResourceName
pinnipedcontroller.SimpleFilterWithSingletonQueue(func(obj metav1.Object) bool {
return obj.GetNamespace() == namespace && obj.GetName() == generatedLoadBalancerServiceName
pinnipedcontroller.SimpleFilterWithSingletonQueue(func(obj metav1.Object) bool {
return obj.GetNamespace() == namespace && secretNames.Has(obj.GetName())
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) Sync(syncCtx controllerlib.Context) error {
c.debugLog.Info("starting impersonatorConfigController Sync")
// Load the CredentialIssuer that we'll update with status.
credIssuer, err := c.credIssuerInformer.Lister().Get(c.credentialIssuerResourceName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get CredentialIssuer to update: %w", err)
strategy, err := c.doSync(syncCtx, credIssuer)
if err != nil {
strategy = &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType,
Status: v1alpha1.ErrorStrategyStatus,
Reason: strategyReasonForError(err),
Message: err.Error(),
LastUpdateTime: metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()),
// The impersonator is not ready, so clear the signer CA from the dynamic provider.
err = utilerrors.NewAggregate([]error{err, issuerconfig.Update(
if err == nil {
c.debugLog.Info("successfully finished impersonatorConfigController Sync")
return err
// strategyReasonForError returns the proper v1alpha1.StrategyReason for a sync error. Some errors are occasionally
// expected because there are multiple pods running, in these cases we should report a Pending reason and we'll
// recover on a following sync.
func strategyReasonForError(err error) v1alpha1.StrategyReason {
switch {
case k8serrors.IsConflict(err), k8serrors.IsAlreadyExists(err):
return v1alpha1.PendingStrategyReason
return v1alpha1.ErrorDuringSetupStrategyReason
type certNameInfo struct {
// ready will be true when the certificate name information is known.
// ready will be false when it is pending because we are waiting for a load balancer to get assigned an ip/hostname.
// When false, the other fields in this struct should not be considered meaningful and may be zero values.
ready bool
// The IP address or hostname which was selected to be used as the name in the cert.
// Either selectedIP or selectedHostname will be set, but not both.
selectedIPs []net.IP
selectedHostname string
// The name of the endpoint to which a client should connect to talk to the impersonator.
// This may be a hostname or an IP, and may include a port number.
clientEndpoint string
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) doSync(syncCtx controllerlib.Context, credIssuer *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuer) (*v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy, error) {
ctx := syncCtx.Context
impersonationSpec, err := c.loadImpersonationProxyConfiguration(credIssuer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make a live API call to avoid the cost of having an informer watch all node changes on the cluster,
// since there could be lots and we don't especially care about node changes.
// Once we have concluded that there is or is not a visible control plane, then cache that decision
// to avoid listing nodes very often.
if c.hasControlPlaneNodes == nil {
hasControlPlaneNodes, err := clusterhost.New(c.k8sClient).HasControlPlaneNodes(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.hasControlPlaneNodes = &hasControlPlaneNodes
c.debugLog.Info("queried for control plane nodes", "foundControlPlaneNodes", hasControlPlaneNodes)
if c.shouldHaveImpersonator(impersonationSpec) {
if err = c.ensureImpersonatorIsStarted(syncCtx); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err = c.ensureImpersonatorIsStopped(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.shouldHaveLoadBalancer(impersonationSpec) {
if err = c.ensureLoadBalancerIsStarted(ctx, impersonationSpec); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err = c.ensureLoadBalancerIsStopped(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.shouldHaveClusterIPService(impersonationSpec) {
if err = c.ensureClusterIPServiceIsStarted(ctx, impersonationSpec); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err = c.ensureClusterIPServiceIsStopped(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
nameInfo, err := c.findDesiredTLSCertificateName(impersonationSpec)
if err != nil {
// Unexpected error while determining the name that should go into the certs, so clear any existing certs.
return nil, err
var impersonationCA *certauthority.CA
if c.shouldHaveTLSSecret(impersonationSpec) {
if impersonationCA, err = c.ensureCASecretIsCreated(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = c.ensureTLSSecret(ctx, nameInfo, impersonationCA); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
credentialIssuerStrategyResult := c.doSyncResult(nameInfo, impersonationSpec, impersonationCA)
if err = c.loadSignerCA(credentialIssuerStrategyResult.Status); err != nil {
return nil, err
return credentialIssuerStrategyResult, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) loadImpersonationProxyConfiguration(credIssuer *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuer) (*v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec, error) {
// Make a copy of the spec since we got this object from informer cache.
spec := credIssuer.Spec.DeepCopy().ImpersonationProxy
if spec == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load CredentialIssuer: spec.impersonationProxy is nil")
// Default service type to LoadBalancer (this is normally already done via CRD defaulting).
if spec.Service.Type == "" {
spec.Service.Type = v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeLoadBalancer
if err := validateCredentialIssuerSpec(spec); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load CredentialIssuer spec.impersonationProxy: %w", err)
c.debugLog.Info("read impersonation proxy config", "credentialIssuer", c.credentialIssuerResourceName)
return spec, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) shouldHaveImpersonator(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return c.enabledByAutoMode(config) || config.Mode == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeEnabled
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) enabledByAutoMode(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return config.Mode == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeAuto && !*c.hasControlPlaneNodes
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) disabledByAutoMode(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return config.Mode == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeAuto && *c.hasControlPlaneNodes
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) disabledExplicitly(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return config.Mode == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeDisabled
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) shouldHaveLoadBalancer(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return c.shouldHaveImpersonator(config) && config.Service.Type == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeLoadBalancer
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) shouldHaveClusterIPService(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return c.shouldHaveImpersonator(config) && config.Service.Type == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeClusterIP
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) shouldHaveTLSSecret(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) bool {
return c.shouldHaveImpersonator(config)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) serviceExists(serviceName string) (bool, error) {
_, err := c.servicesInformer.Lister().Services(c.namespace).Get(serviceName)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if notFound {
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) tlsSecretExists() (bool, *v1.Secret, error) {
secret, err := c.secretsInformer.Lister().Secrets(c.namespace).Get(c.tlsSecretName)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if notFound {
return false, nil, nil
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return true, secret, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureImpersonatorIsStarted(syncCtx controllerlib.Context) error {
if c.serverStopCh != nil {
// The server was already started, but it could have died in the background, so make a non-blocking
// check to see if it has sent any errors on the errorCh.
select {
case runningErr := <-c.errorCh:
if runningErr == nil {
// The server sent a nil error, meaning that it shutdown without reporting any particular
// error for some reason. We would still like to report this as an error for logging purposes.
runningErr = constable.Error("unexpected shutdown of proxy server")
// The server has stopped, so finish shutting it down.
// If that fails too, return both errors for logging purposes.
// By returning an error, the sync function will be called again
// and we'll have a chance to restart the server.
close(c.errorCh) // We don't want ensureImpersonatorIsStopped to block on reading this channel.
stoppingErr := c.ensureImpersonatorIsStopped(false)
return errors.NewAggregate([]error{runningErr, stoppingErr})
// Seems like it is still running, so nothing to do.
return nil
c.infoLog.Info("starting impersonation proxy", "port", impersonationProxyPort)
startImpersonatorFunc, err := c.impersonatorFunc(
if err != nil {
return err
c.serverStopCh = make(chan struct{})
// use a buffered channel so that startImpersonatorFunc can send
// on it without coordinating with the main controller go routine
c.errorCh = make(chan error, 1)
// startImpersonatorFunc will block until the server shuts down (or fails to start), so run it in the background.
go func() {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
// The server has stopped, so enqueue ourselves for another sync,
// so we can try to start the server again as quickly as possible.
defer syncCtx.Queue.AddRateLimited(syncCtx.Key)
// Forward any errors returned by startImpersonatorFunc on the errorCh.
c.errorCh <- startImpersonatorFunc(c.serverStopCh)
return nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureImpersonatorIsStopped(shouldCloseErrChan bool) error {
if c.serverStopCh == nil {
return nil
c.infoLog.Info("stopping impersonation proxy", "port", impersonationProxyPort)
stopErr := <-c.errorCh
if shouldCloseErrChan {
c.serverStopCh = nil
c.errorCh = nil
return stopErr
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureLoadBalancerIsStarted(ctx context.Context, config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) error {
appNameLabel := c.labels[appLabelKey]
loadBalancer := v1.Service{
Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{
Type: v1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
Ports: []v1.ServicePort{
TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(impersonationProxyPort),
Port: defaultHTTPSPort,
Protocol: v1.ProtocolTCP,
LoadBalancerIP: config.Service.LoadBalancerIP,
Selector: map[string]string{appLabelKey: appNameLabel},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: c.generatedLoadBalancerServiceName,
Namespace: c.namespace,
Labels: c.labels,
Annotations: config.Service.Annotations,
return c.createOrUpdateService(ctx, &loadBalancer)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureLoadBalancerIsStopped(ctx context.Context) error {
running, err := c.serviceExists(c.generatedLoadBalancerServiceName)
if err != nil {
return err
if !running {
return nil
c.infoLog.Info("deleting load balancer for impersonation proxy",
"service", klog.KRef(c.namespace, c.generatedLoadBalancerServiceName),
err = c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Services(c.namespace).Delete(ctx, c.generatedLoadBalancerServiceName, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
return utilerrors.FilterOut(err, k8serrors.IsNotFound)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureClusterIPServiceIsStarted(ctx context.Context, config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) error {
appNameLabel := c.labels[appLabelKey]
clusterIP := v1.Service{
Spec: v1.ServiceSpec{
Type: v1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
Ports: []v1.ServicePort{
TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(impersonationProxyPort),
Port: defaultHTTPSPort,
Protocol: v1.ProtocolTCP,
Selector: map[string]string{appLabelKey: appNameLabel},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: c.generatedClusterIPServiceName,
Namespace: c.namespace,
Labels: c.labels,
Annotations: config.Service.Annotations,
return c.createOrUpdateService(ctx, &clusterIP)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureClusterIPServiceIsStopped(ctx context.Context) error {
running, err := c.serviceExists(c.generatedClusterIPServiceName)
if err != nil {
return err
if !running {
return nil
c.infoLog.Info("deleting cluster ip for impersonation proxy",
"service", klog.KRef(c.namespace, c.generatedClusterIPServiceName),
err = c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Services(c.namespace).Delete(ctx, c.generatedClusterIPServiceName, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
return utilerrors.FilterOut(err, k8serrors.IsNotFound)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) createOrUpdateService(ctx context.Context, service *v1.Service) error {
log := c.infoLog.WithValues("serviceType", service.Spec.Type, "service", klog.KObj(service))
existing, err := c.servicesInformer.Lister().Services(c.namespace).Get(service.Name)
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
log.Info("creating service for impersonation proxy")
_, err := c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Services(c.namespace).Create(ctx, service, metav1.CreateOptions{})
return err
if err != nil {
return err
// Update only the specific fields that are meaningfully part of our desired state.
updated := existing.DeepCopy()
updated.ObjectMeta.Labels = service.ObjectMeta.Labels
updated.ObjectMeta.Annotations = service.ObjectMeta.Annotations
updated.Spec.LoadBalancerIP = service.Spec.LoadBalancerIP
updated.Spec.Type = service.Spec.Type
updated.Spec.Selector = service.Spec.Selector
// If our updates didn't change anything, we're done.
if equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(existing, updated) {
return nil
// Otherwise apply the updates.
c.infoLog.Info("updating service for impersonation proxy")
_, err = c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Services(c.namespace).Update(ctx, updated, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureTLSSecret(ctx context.Context, nameInfo *certNameInfo, ca *certauthority.CA) error {
secretFromInformer, err := c.secretsInformer.Lister().Secrets(c.namespace).Get(c.tlsSecretName)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if !notFound && err != nil {
return err
if !notFound {
secretWasDeleted, err := c.deleteTLSSecretWhenCertificateDoesNotMatchDesiredState(ctx, nameInfo, ca, secretFromInformer)
if err != nil {
return err
// If it was deleted by the above call, then set it to nil. This allows us to avoid waiting
// for the informer cache to update before deciding to proceed to create the new Secret below.
if secretWasDeleted {
secretFromInformer = nil
return c.ensureTLSSecretIsCreatedAndLoaded(ctx, nameInfo, secretFromInformer, ca)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) deleteTLSSecretWhenCertificateDoesNotMatchDesiredState(ctx context.Context, nameInfo *certNameInfo, ca *certauthority.CA, secret *v1.Secret) (bool, error) {
certPEM := secret.Data[v1.TLSCertKey]
block, _ := pem.Decode(certPEM)
if block == nil {
c.infoLog.Info("found missing or not PEM-encoded data in TLS Secret",
"invalidCertPEM", string(certPEM),
"secret", klog.KObj(secret),
deleteErr := c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx)
if deleteErr != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("found missing or not PEM-encoded data in TLS Secret, but got error while deleting it: %w", deleteErr)
return true, nil
actualCertFromSecret, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
c.infoLog.Error(err, "found missing or not PEM-encoded data in TLS Secret",
"invalidCertPEM", string(certPEM),
"secret", klog.KObj(secret),
if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("PEM data represented an invalid cert, but got error while deleting it: %w", err)
return true, nil
keyPEM := secret.Data[v1.TLSPrivateKeyKey]
_, err = tls.X509KeyPair(certPEM, keyPEM)
if err != nil {
c.infoLog.Error(err, "found invalid private key PEM data in TLS Secret",
"invalidCertPEM", string(certPEM),
"secret", klog.KObj(secret),
if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("cert had an invalid private key, but got error while deleting it: %w", err)
return true, nil
opts := x509.VerifyOptions{Roots: ca.Pool()}
if _, err = actualCertFromSecret.Verify(opts); err != nil {
// The TLS cert was not signed by the current CA. Since they are mismatched, delete the TLS cert
// so we can recreate it using the current CA.
if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
if !nameInfo.ready {
// We currently have a secret but we are waiting for a load balancer to be assigned an ingress, so
// our current secret must be old/unwanted.
if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
actualIPs := actualCertFromSecret.IPAddresses
actualHostnames := actualCertFromSecret.DNSNames
c.infoLog.Info("checking TLS certificate names",
"desiredIPs", nameInfo.selectedIPs,
"desiredHostname", nameInfo.selectedHostname,
"actualIPs", actualIPs,
"actualHostnames", actualHostnames,
"secret", klog.KObj(secret),
if certHostnameAndIPMatchDesiredState(nameInfo.selectedIPs, actualIPs, nameInfo.selectedHostname, actualHostnames) {
// The cert already matches the desired state, so there is no need to delete/recreate it.
return false, nil
if err = c.ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func certHostnameAndIPMatchDesiredState(desiredIPs []net.IP, actualIPs []net.IP, desiredHostname string, actualHostnames []string) bool {
if len(desiredIPs) > 0 && len(actualIPs) > 0 && len(actualIPs) == len(desiredIPs) && len(actualHostnames) == 0 {
for i := range desiredIPs {
if !actualIPs[i].Equal(desiredIPs[i]) {
return false
return true
if desiredHostname != "" && len(actualHostnames) == 1 && desiredHostname == actualHostnames[0] && len(actualIPs) == 0 {
return true
return false
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureTLSSecretIsCreatedAndLoaded(ctx context.Context, nameInfo *certNameInfo, secret *v1.Secret, ca *certauthority.CA) error {
if secret != nil {
err := c.loadTLSCertFromSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if !nameInfo.ready {
return nil
newTLSSecret, err := c.createNewTLSSecret(ctx, ca, nameInfo.selectedIPs, nameInfo.selectedHostname)
if err != nil {
return err
err = c.loadTLSCertFromSecret(newTLSSecret)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureCASecretIsCreated(ctx context.Context) (*certauthority.CA, error) {
caSecret, err := c.secretsInformer.Lister().Secrets(c.namespace).Get(c.caSecretName)
if err != nil && !k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, err
var impersonationCA *certauthority.CA
if k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
impersonationCA, err = c.createCASecret(ctx)
} else {
crtBytes := caSecret.Data[caCrtKey]
keyBytes := caSecret.Data[caKeyKey]
impersonationCA, err = certauthority.Load(string(crtBytes), string(keyBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return impersonationCA, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) createCASecret(ctx context.Context) (*certauthority.CA, error) {
impersonationCA, err := certauthority.New(caCommonName, approximatelyOneHundredYears)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create impersonation CA: %w", err)
caPrivateKeyPEM, err := impersonationCA.PrivateKeyToPEM()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
secret := v1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: c.caSecretName,
Namespace: c.namespace,
Labels: c.labels,
Data: map[string][]byte{
caCrtKey: impersonationCA.Bundle(),
caKeyKey: caPrivateKeyPEM,
Type: v1.SecretTypeOpaque,
c.infoLog.Info("creating CA certificates for impersonation proxy",
"secret", klog.KObj(&secret),
if _, err = c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Secrets(c.namespace).Create(ctx, &secret, metav1.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return impersonationCA, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) findDesiredTLSCertificateName(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) (*certNameInfo, error) {
if config.ExternalEndpoint != "" {
return c.findTLSCertificateNameFromEndpointConfig(config), nil
} else if config.Service.Type == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeClusterIP {
return c.findTLSCertificateNameFromClusterIPService()
return c.findTLSCertificateNameFromLoadBalancer()
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) findTLSCertificateNameFromEndpointConfig(config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) *certNameInfo {
addr, _ := endpointaddr.Parse(config.ExternalEndpoint, 443)
endpoint := strings.TrimSuffix(addr.Endpoint(), ":443")
if ip := net.ParseIP(addr.Host); ip != nil {
return &certNameInfo{ready: true, selectedIPs: []net.IP{ip}, clientEndpoint: endpoint}
return &certNameInfo{ready: true, selectedHostname: addr.Host, clientEndpoint: endpoint}
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) findTLSCertificateNameFromLoadBalancer() (*certNameInfo, error) {
lb, err := c.servicesInformer.Lister().Services(c.namespace).Get(c.generatedLoadBalancerServiceName)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if notFound {
// We aren't ready and will try again later in this case.
return &certNameInfo{ready: false}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ingresses := lb.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress
if len(ingresses) == 0 || (ingresses[0].Hostname == "" && ingresses[0].IP == "") {
c.infoLog.Info("load balancer for impersonation proxy does not have an ingress yet, so skipping tls cert generation while we wait",
"service", klog.KObj(lb),
return &certNameInfo{ready: false}, nil
for _, ingress := range ingresses {
hostname := ingress.Hostname
if hostname != "" {
return &certNameInfo{ready: true, selectedHostname: hostname, clientEndpoint: hostname}, nil
for _, ingress := range ingresses {
ip := ingress.IP
parsedIP := net.ParseIP(ip)
if parsedIP != nil {
return &certNameInfo{ready: true, selectedIPs: []net.IP{parsedIP}, clientEndpoint: ip}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find valid IP addresses or hostnames from load balancer %s/%s", c.namespace, lb.Name)
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) findTLSCertificateNameFromClusterIPService() (*certNameInfo, error) {
clusterIP, err := c.servicesInformer.Lister().Services(c.namespace).Get(c.generatedClusterIPServiceName)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if notFound {
// We aren't ready and will try again later in this case.
return &certNameInfo{ready: false}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ip := clusterIP.Spec.ClusterIP
ips := clusterIP.Spec.ClusterIPs
if ip != "" {
// clusterIP will always exist when clusterIPs does, but not vice versa
var parsedIPs []net.IP
if len(ips) > 0 {
for _, ipFromIPs := range ips {
parsedIPs = append(parsedIPs, net.ParseIP(ipFromIPs))
} else {
parsedIPs = []net.IP{net.ParseIP(ip)}
return &certNameInfo{ready: true, selectedIPs: parsedIPs, clientEndpoint: ip}, nil
return &certNameInfo{ready: false}, nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) createNewTLSSecret(ctx context.Context, ca *certauthority.CA, ips []net.IP, hostname string) (*v1.Secret, error) {
var hostnames []string
if hostname != "" {
hostnames = []string{hostname}
impersonationCert, err := ca.IssueServerCert(hostnames, ips, approximatelyOneHundredYears)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create impersonation cert: %w", err)
certPEM, keyPEM, err := certauthority.ToPEM(impersonationCert)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newTLSSecret := &v1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: c.tlsSecretName,
Namespace: c.namespace,
Labels: c.labels,
Data: map[string][]byte{
v1.TLSPrivateKeyKey: keyPEM,
v1.TLSCertKey: certPEM,
Type: v1.SecretTypeTLS,
c.infoLog.Info("creating TLS certificates for impersonation proxy",
"ips", ips,
"hostnames", hostnames,
"secret", klog.KObj(newTLSSecret),
return c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Secrets(c.namespace).Create(ctx, newTLSSecret, metav1.CreateOptions{})
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) loadTLSCertFromSecret(tlsSecret *v1.Secret) error {
certPEM := tlsSecret.Data[v1.TLSCertKey]
keyPEM := tlsSecret.Data[v1.TLSPrivateKeyKey]
if err := c.tlsServingCertDynamicCertProvider.SetCertKeyContent(certPEM, keyPEM); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse TLS cert PEM data from Secret: %w", err)
c.infoLog.Info("loading TLS certificates for impersonation proxy",
"certPEM", string(certPEM),
"secret", klog.KObj(tlsSecret),
return nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) ensureTLSSecretIsRemoved(ctx context.Context) error {
tlsSecretExists, _, err := c.tlsSecretExists()
if err != nil {
return err
if !tlsSecretExists {
return nil
c.infoLog.Info("deleting TLS certificates for impersonation proxy",
"secret", klog.KRef(c.namespace, c.tlsSecretName),
err = c.k8sClient.CoreV1().Secrets(c.namespace).Delete(ctx, c.tlsSecretName, metav1.DeleteOptions{})
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if notFound {
// its okay if we tried to delete and we got a not found error. This probably means
// another instance of the concierge got here first so there's nothing to delete.
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) loadSignerCA(status v1alpha1.StrategyStatus) error {
// Clear it when the impersonator is not completely ready.
if status != v1alpha1.SuccessStrategyStatus {
return nil
signingCertSecret, err := c.secretsInformer.Lister().Secrets(c.namespace).Get(c.impersonationSignerSecretName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not load the impersonator's credential signing secret: %w", err)
certPEM := signingCertSecret.Data[apicerts.CACertificateSecretKey]
keyPEM := signingCertSecret.Data[apicerts.CACertificatePrivateKeySecretKey]
if err := c.impersonationSigningCertProvider.SetCertKeyContent(certPEM, keyPEM); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not load the impersonator's credential signing secret: %w", err)
c.infoLog.Info("loading credential signing certificate for impersonation proxy",
"certPEM", string(certPEM),
"secret", klog.KObj(signingCertSecret),
return nil
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) clearSignerCA() {
c.debugLog.Info("clearing credential signing certificate for impersonation proxy")
func (c *impersonatorConfigController) doSyncResult(nameInfo *certNameInfo, config *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec, ca *certauthority.CA) *v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy {
switch {
case c.disabledExplicitly(config):
return &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType,
Status: v1alpha1.ErrorStrategyStatus,
Reason: v1alpha1.DisabledStrategyReason,
Message: "impersonation proxy was explicitly disabled by configuration",
LastUpdateTime: metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()),
case c.disabledByAutoMode(config):
return &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType,
Status: v1alpha1.ErrorStrategyStatus,
Reason: v1alpha1.DisabledStrategyReason,
Message: "automatically determined that impersonation proxy should be disabled",
LastUpdateTime: metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()),
case !nameInfo.ready:
return &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType,
Status: v1alpha1.ErrorStrategyStatus,
Reason: v1alpha1.PendingStrategyReason,
Message: "waiting for load balancer Service to be assigned IP or hostname",
LastUpdateTime: metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()),
return &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerStrategy{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyStrategyType,
Status: v1alpha1.SuccessStrategyStatus,
Reason: v1alpha1.ListeningStrategyReason,
Message: "impersonation proxy is ready to accept client connections",
LastUpdateTime: metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()),
Frontend: &v1alpha1.CredentialIssuerFrontend{
Type: v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyFrontendType,
ImpersonationProxyInfo: &v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyInfo{
Endpoint: "https://" + nameInfo.clientEndpoint,
CertificateAuthorityData: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(ca.Bundle()),
func validateCredentialIssuerSpec(spec *v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxySpec) error {
// Validate that the mode is one of our known values.
switch spec.Mode {
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeDisabled:
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeAuto:
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeEnabled:
return fmt.Errorf("invalid proxy mode %q (expected auto, disabled, or enabled)", spec.Mode)
// If disabled, ignore all other fields and consider the configuration valid.
if spec.Mode == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyModeDisabled {
return nil
// Validate that the service type is one of our known values.
switch spec.Service.Type {
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeNone:
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeLoadBalancer:
case v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeClusterIP:
return fmt.Errorf("invalid service type %q (expected None, LoadBalancer, or ClusterIP)", spec.Service.Type)
// If specified, validate that the LoadBalancerIP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
if ip := spec.Service.LoadBalancerIP; ip != "" && len(validation.IsValidIP(ip)) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid LoadBalancerIP %q", spec.Service.LoadBalancerIP)
// If service is type "None", a non-empty external endpoint must be specified.
if spec.ExternalEndpoint == "" && spec.Service.Type == v1alpha1.ImpersonationProxyServiceTypeNone {
return fmt.Errorf("externalEndpoint must be set when service.type is None")
if spec.ExternalEndpoint != "" {
if _, err := endpointaddr.Parse(spec.ExternalEndpoint, 443); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid ExternalEndpoint %q: %w", spec.ExternalEndpoint, err)
return nil