This change updates the TLS config used by all pinniped components. There are no configuration knobs associated with this change. Thus this change tightens our static defaults. There are four TLS config levels: 1. Secure (TLS 1.3 only) 2. Default (TLS 1.2+ best ciphers that are well supported) 3. Default LDAP (TLS 1.2+ with less good ciphers) 4. Legacy (currently unused, TLS 1.2+ with all non-broken ciphers) Highlights per component: 1. pinniped CLI - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" for all other connections 2. concierge - uses "secure" config as an aggregated API server - uses "default" config as a impersonation proxy API server - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" config for JWT authenticater (mostly, see code) - no changes to webhook authenticater (see code) 3. supervisor - uses "default" config as a server - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" config against OIDC IDPs - uses "default LDAP" config against LDAP IDPs Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
686 lines
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686 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package jwtcachefiller
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
auth1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/concierge/authentication/v1alpha1"
pinnipedfake "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/concierge/clientset/versioned/fake"
pinnipedinformers "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/client/concierge/informers/externalversions"
func TestController(t *testing.T) {
const (
goodECSigningKeyID = "some-ec-key-id"
goodRSASigningKeyID = "some-rsa-key-id"
goodAudience = "some-audience"
goodECSigningKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
goodECSigningAlgo := jose.ES256
require.NoError(t, err)
goodRSASigningKey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048)
require.NoError(t, err)
goodRSASigningAlgo := jose.RS256
mux := http.NewServeMux()
server := tlsserver.TLSTestServer(t, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tlsserver.AssertTLS(t, r, ptls.Default)
mux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
}), tlsserver.RecordTLSHello)
mux.Handle("/.well-known/openid-configuration", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"issuer": "%s", "jwks_uri": "%s"}`, server.URL, server.URL+"/jwks.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
mux.Handle("/jwks.json", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ecJWK := jose.JSONWebKey{
Key: goodECSigningKey,
KeyID: goodECSigningKeyID,
Algorithm: string(goodECSigningAlgo),
Use: "sig",
rsaJWK := jose.JSONWebKey{
Key: goodRSASigningKey,
KeyID: goodRSASigningKeyID,
Algorithm: string(goodRSASigningAlgo),
Use: "sig",
jwks := jose.JSONWebKeySet{
Keys: []jose.JSONWebKey{ecJWK.Public(), rsaJWK.Public()},
require.NoError(t, json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(jwks))
goodIssuer := server.URL
someJWTAuthenticatorSpec := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: goodIssuer,
Audience: goodAudience,
TLS: tlsSpecFromTLSConfig(server.TLS),
someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithUsernameClaim := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: goodIssuer,
Audience: goodAudience,
TLS: tlsSpecFromTLSConfig(server.TLS),
Claims: auth1alpha1.JWTTokenClaims{
Username: "my-custom-username-claim",
someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithGroupsClaim := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: goodIssuer,
Audience: goodAudience,
TLS: tlsSpecFromTLSConfig(server.TLS),
Claims: auth1alpha1.JWTTokenClaims{
Groups: "my-custom-groups-claim",
otherJWTAuthenticatorSpec := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: "https://some-other-issuer.com",
Audience: goodAudience,
missingTLSJWTAuthenticatorSpec := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: goodIssuer,
Audience: goodAudience,
invalidTLSJWTAuthenticatorSpec := &auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: "https://some-other-issuer.com",
Audience: goodAudience,
TLS: &auth1alpha1.TLSSpec{CertificateAuthorityData: "invalid base64-encoded data"},
tests := []struct {
name string
cache func(*testing.T, *authncache.Cache, bool)
syncKey controllerlib.Key
jwtAuthenticators []runtime.Object
wantClose bool
wantErr string
wantLogs []string
wantCacheEntries int
wantUsernameClaim string
wantGroupsClaim string
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator bool
name: "not found",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="Sync() found that the JWTAuthenticator does not exist yet or was deleted"`,
name: "valid jwt authenticator with CA",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="added new jwt authenticator" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: true,
name: "valid jwt authenticator with custom username claim",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithUsernameClaim,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="added new jwt authenticator" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
wantUsernameClaim: someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithUsernameClaim.Claims.Username,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: true,
name: "valid jwt authenticator with custom groups claim",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithGroupsClaim,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="added new jwt authenticator" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
wantGroupsClaim: someJWTAuthenticatorSpecWithGroupsClaim.Claims.Groups,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: true,
name: "updating jwt authenticator with new fields closes previous instance",
cache: func(t *testing.T, cache *authncache.Cache, wantClose bool) {
Name: "test-name",
Kind: "JWTAuthenticator",
APIGroup: auth1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
newCacheValue(t, *otherJWTAuthenticatorSpec, wantClose),
wantClose: true,
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="added new jwt authenticator" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: true,
name: "updating jwt authenticator with the same value does nothing",
cache: func(t *testing.T, cache *authncache.Cache, wantClose bool) {
Name: "test-name",
Kind: "JWTAuthenticator",
APIGroup: auth1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
newCacheValue(t, *someJWTAuthenticatorSpec, wantClose),
wantClose: false,
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="actual jwt authenticator and desired jwt authenticator are the same" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: false, // skip the tests because the authenticator left in the cache is the mock version that was added above
name: "updating jwt authenticator when cache value is wrong type",
cache: func(t *testing.T, cache *authncache.Cache, wantClose bool) {
Name: "test-name",
Kind: "JWTAuthenticator",
APIGroup: auth1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
struct{ authenticator.Token }{},
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *someJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantLogs: []string{
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="wrong JWT authenticator type in cache" "actualType"="struct { authenticator.Token }"`,
`jwtcachefiller-controller "level"=0 "msg"="added new jwt authenticator" "issuer"="` + goodIssuer + `" "jwtAuthenticator"={"name":"test-name"}`,
wantCacheEntries: 1,
runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator: true,
name: "valid jwt authenticator without CA",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *missingTLSJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantErr: `failed to build jwt authenticator: could not initialize provider: Get "` + goodIssuer + `/.well-known/openid-configuration": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority`,
name: "invalid jwt authenticator CA",
syncKey: controllerlib.Key{Name: "test-name"},
jwtAuthenticators: []runtime.Object{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-name",
Spec: *invalidTLSJWTAuthenticatorSpec,
wantErr: "failed to build jwt authenticator: invalid TLS configuration: illegal base64 data at input byte 7",
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
fakeClient := pinnipedfake.NewSimpleClientset(tt.jwtAuthenticators...)
informers := pinnipedinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(fakeClient, 0)
cache := authncache.New()
testLog := testlogger.New(t)
if tt.cache != nil {
tt.cache(t, cache, tt.wantClose)
controller := New(cache, informers.Authentication().V1alpha1().JWTAuthenticators(), testLog)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
controllerlib.TestRunSynchronously(t, controller)
syncCtx := controllerlib.Context{Context: ctx, Key: tt.syncKey}
if err := controllerlib.TestSync(t, controller, syncCtx); tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantErr)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantLogs, testLog.Lines())
require.Equal(t, tt.wantCacheEntries, len(cache.Keys()))
if !tt.runTestsOnResultingAuthenticator {
return // end of test unless we wanted to run tests on the resulting authenticator from the cache
// We expected the cache to have an entry, so pull that entry from the cache and test it.
expectedCacheKey := authncache.Key{
APIGroup: auth1alpha1.GroupName,
Kind: "JWTAuthenticator",
Name: syncCtx.Key.Name,
cachedAuthenticator := cache.Get(expectedCacheKey)
require.NotNil(t, cachedAuthenticator)
// Schedule it to be closed at the end of the test.
const (
goodSubject = "some-subject"
group0 = "some-group-0"
group1 = "some-group-1"
goodUsername = "pinny123"
if tt.wantUsernameClaim == "" {
tt.wantUsernameClaim = "username"
if tt.wantGroupsClaim == "" {
tt.wantGroupsClaim = "groups"
for _, test := range testTableForAuthenticateTokenTests(
) {
test := test
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
wellKnownClaims := jwt.Claims{
Issuer: goodIssuer,
Subject: goodSubject,
Audience: []string{goodAudience},
Expiry: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(time.Hour)),
NotBefore: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(-time.Hour)),
IssuedAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(-time.Hour)),
var groups interface{}
username := goodUsername
if test.jwtClaims != nil {
test.jwtClaims(&wellKnownClaims, &groups, &username)
var signingKey interface{} = goodECSigningKey
signingAlgo := goodECSigningAlgo
signingKID := goodECSigningKeyID
if test.jwtSignature != nil {
test.jwtSignature(&signingKey, &signingAlgo, &signingKID)
jwt := createJWT(
// Loop for a while here to allow the underlying OIDC authenticator to initialize itself asynchronously.
var (
rsp *authenticator.Response
authenticated bool
err error
_ = wait.PollImmediate(10*time.Millisecond, 5*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
rsp, authenticated, err = cachedAuthenticator.AuthenticateToken(context.Background(), jwt)
return !isNotInitialized(err), nil
if test.wantErrorRegexp != "" {
require.Error(t, err)
require.Regexp(t, test.wantErrorRegexp, err.Error())
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, test.wantResponse, rsp)
require.Equal(t, test.wantAuthenticated, authenticated)
// isNotInitialized checks if the error is the internally-defined "oidc: authenticator not initialized" error from
// the underlying OIDC authenticator, which is initialized asynchronously.
func isNotInitialized(err error) bool {
return err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "authenticator not initialized")
func testTableForAuthenticateTokenTests(
t *testing.T,
goodRSASigningKey *rsa.PrivateKey,
goodRSASigningAlgo jose.SignatureAlgorithm,
goodRSASigningKeyID string,
group0 string,
group1 string,
goodUsername string,
expectedUsernameClaim string,
expectedGroupsClaim string,
) []struct {
name string
jwtClaims func(wellKnownClaims *jwt.Claims, groups *interface{}, username *string)
jwtSignature func(key *interface{}, algo *jose.SignatureAlgorithm, kid *string)
wantResponse *authenticator.Response
wantAuthenticated bool
wantErrorRegexp string
} {
tests := []struct {
name string
jwtClaims func(wellKnownClaims *jwt.Claims, groups *interface{}, username *string)
jwtSignature func(key *interface{}, algo *jose.SignatureAlgorithm, kid *string)
wantResponse *authenticator.Response
wantAuthenticated bool
wantErrorRegexp string
name: "good token without groups and with EC signature",
wantResponse: &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: goodUsername,
wantAuthenticated: true,
name: "good token without groups and with RSA signature",
jwtSignature: func(key *interface{}, algo *jose.SignatureAlgorithm, kid *string) {
*key = goodRSASigningKey
*algo = goodRSASigningAlgo
*kid = goodRSASigningKeyID
wantResponse: &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: goodUsername,
wantAuthenticated: true,
name: "good token with groups as array",
jwtClaims: func(_ *jwt.Claims, groups *interface{}, username *string) {
*groups = []string{group0, group1}
wantResponse: &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: goodUsername,
Groups: []string{group0, group1},
wantAuthenticated: true,
name: "good token with groups as string",
jwtClaims: func(_ *jwt.Claims, groups *interface{}, username *string) {
*groups = group0
wantResponse: &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: goodUsername,
Groups: []string{group0},
wantAuthenticated: true,
name: "good token with nbf unset",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.NotBefore = nil
wantResponse: &authenticator.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: goodUsername,
wantAuthenticated: true,
name: "bad token with groups as map",
jwtClaims: func(_ *jwt.Claims, groups *interface{}, username *string) {
*groups = map[string]string{"not an array": "or a string"}
wantErrorRegexp: "oidc: parse groups claim \"" + expectedGroupsClaim + "\": json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type string",
name: "bad token with wrong issuer",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.Issuer = "wrong-issuer"
wantResponse: nil,
wantAuthenticated: false,
name: "bad token with no audience",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.Audience = nil
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: expected audience "some-audience" got \[\]`,
name: "bad token with wrong audience",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.Audience = []string{"wrong-audience"}
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: expected audience "some-audience" got \["wrong-audience"\]`,
name: "bad token with nbf in the future",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.NotBefore = jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Date(3020, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC))
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: current time .* before the nbf \(not before\) time: 3020-.*`,
name: "bad token with exp in past",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.Expiry = jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Date(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC))
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: token is expired \(Token Expiry: .+`,
name: "bad token without exp",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
claims.Expiry = nil
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: token is expired \(Token Expiry: .+`,
name: "token does not have username claim",
jwtClaims: func(claims *jwt.Claims, _ *interface{}, username *string) {
*username = ""
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: parse username claims "` + expectedUsernameClaim + `": claim not present`,
name: "signing key is wrong",
jwtSignature: func(key *interface{}, algo *jose.SignatureAlgorithm, kid *string) {
var err error
*key, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err)
*algo = jose.ES256
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: failed to verify signature: failed to verify id token signature`,
name: "signing algo is unsupported",
jwtSignature: func(key *interface{}, algo *jose.SignatureAlgorithm, kid *string) {
var err error
*key, err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P384(), rand.Reader)
require.NoError(t, err)
*algo = jose.ES384
wantErrorRegexp: `oidc: verify token: oidc: id token signed with unsupported algorithm, expected \["RS256" "ES256"\] got "ES384"`,
return tests
func tlsSpecFromTLSConfig(tls *tls.Config) *auth1alpha1.TLSSpec {
pemData := make([]byte, 0)
for _, certificate := range tls.Certificates {
for _, reallyCertificate := range certificate.Certificate {
pemData = append(pemData, pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: reallyCertificate,
return &auth1alpha1.TLSSpec{
CertificateAuthorityData: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(pemData),
func createJWT(
t *testing.T,
signingKey interface{},
signingAlgo jose.SignatureAlgorithm,
kid string,
claims *jwt.Claims,
groupsClaim string,
groupsValue interface{},
usernameClaim string,
usernameValue string,
) string {
sig, err := jose.NewSigner(
jose.SigningKey{Algorithm: signingAlgo, Key: signingKey},
(&jose.SignerOptions{}).WithType("JWT").WithHeader("kid", kid),
require.NoError(t, err)
builder := jwt.Signed(sig).Claims(claims)
if groupsValue != nil {
builder = builder.Claims(map[string]interface{}{groupsClaim: groupsValue})
if usernameValue != "" {
builder = builder.Claims(map[string]interface{}{usernameClaim: usernameValue})
jwt, err := builder.CompactSerialize()
require.NoError(t, err)
return jwt
func newCacheValue(t *testing.T, spec auth1alpha1.JWTAuthenticatorSpec, wantClose bool) authncache.Value {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
tokenAuthenticatorCloser := mocktokenauthenticatorcloser.NewMockTokenAuthenticatorCloser(ctrl)
wantCloses := 0
if wantClose {
return &jwtAuthenticator{
tokenAuthenticatorCloser: tokenAuthenticatorCloser,
spec: &spec,