This change updates the TLS config used by all pinniped components. There are no configuration knobs associated with this change. Thus this change tightens our static defaults. There are four TLS config levels: 1. Secure (TLS 1.3 only) 2. Default (TLS 1.2+ best ciphers that are well supported) 3. Default LDAP (TLS 1.2+ with less good ciphers) 4. Legacy (currently unused, TLS 1.2+ with all non-broken ciphers) Highlights per component: 1. pinniped CLI - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" for all other connections 2. concierge - uses "secure" config as an aggregated API server - uses "default" config as a impersonation proxy API server - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" config for JWT authenticater (mostly, see code) - no changes to webhook authenticater (see code) 3. supervisor - uses "default" config as a server - uses "secure" config against KAS - uses "default" config against OIDC IDPs - uses "default LDAP" config against LDAP IDPs Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package downstreamsession provides some shared helpers for creating downstream OIDC sessions.
package downstreamsession
import (
coreosoidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc"
const (
// The name of the email claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
emailClaimName = "email"
// The name of the email_verified claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
emailVerifiedClaimName = "email_verified"
requiredClaimMissingErr = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token missing")
requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
requiredClaimEmptyErr = constable.Error("required claim in upstream ID token is empty")
emailVerifiedClaimInvalidFormatErr = constable.Error("email_verified claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
emailVerifiedClaimFalseErr = constable.Error("email_verified claim in upstream ID token has false value")
// MakeDownstreamSession creates a downstream OIDC session.
func MakeDownstreamSession(subject string, username string, groups []string, custom *psession.CustomSessionData) *psession.PinnipedSession {
now := time.Now().UTC()
openIDSession := &psession.PinnipedSession{
Fosite: &openid.DefaultSession{
Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
Subject: subject,
RequestedAt: now,
AuthTime: now,
Custom: custom,
if groups == nil {
groups = []string{}
openIDSession.IDTokenClaims().Extra = map[string]interface{}{
oidc.DownstreamUsernameClaim: username,
oidc.DownstreamGroupsClaim: groups,
return openIDSession
// GrantScopesIfRequested auto-grants the scopes for which we do not require end-user approval, if they were requested.
func GrantScopesIfRequested(authorizeRequester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) {
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, coreosoidc.ScopeOpenID)
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, coreosoidc.ScopeOfflineAccess)
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, "pinniped:request-audience")
// GetDownstreamIdentityFromUpstreamIDToken returns the mapped subject, username, and group names, in that order.
func GetDownstreamIdentityFromUpstreamIDToken(
upstreamIDPConfig provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) (string, string, []string, error) {
subject, username, err := getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, idTokenClaims)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
groups, err := getGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, idTokenClaims)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
return subject, username, groups, err
func getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(
upstreamIDPConfig provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) (string, string, error) {
// The spec says the "sub" claim is only unique per issuer,
// so we will prepend the issuer string to make it globally unique.
upstreamIssuer, err := extractStringClaimValue(oidc.IDTokenIssuerClaim, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
upstreamSubject, err := extractStringClaimValue(oidc.IDTokenSubjectClaim, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
subject := downstreamSubjectFromUpstreamOIDC(upstreamIssuer, upstreamSubject)
usernameClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetUsernameClaim()
if usernameClaimName == "" {
return subject, subject, nil
// If the upstream username claim is configured to be the special "email" claim and the upstream "email_verified"
// claim is present, then validate that the "email_verified" claim is true.
emailVerifiedAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[emailVerifiedClaimName]
if usernameClaimName == emailClaimName && ok {
emailVerified, ok := emailVerifiedAsInterface.(bool)
if !ok {
"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim is not a boolean",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
"emailVerifiedClaim", emailVerifiedAsInterface,
return "", "", emailVerifiedClaimInvalidFormatErr
if !emailVerified {
"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim has false value",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
return "", "", emailVerifiedClaimFalseErr
username, err := extractStringClaimValue(usernameClaimName, upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(), idTokenClaims)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return subject, username, nil
func extractStringClaimValue(claimName string, upstreamIDPName string, idTokenClaims map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
value, ok := idTokenClaims[claimName]
if !ok {
"required claim in upstream ID token missing",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
"claimName", claimName,
return "", requiredClaimMissingErr
valueAsString, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
"required claim in upstream ID token is not a string value",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
"claimName", claimName,
return "", requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr
if valueAsString == "" {
"required claim in upstream ID token has an empty string value",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPName,
"claimName", claimName,
return "", requiredClaimEmptyErr
return valueAsString, nil
func DownstreamLDAPSubject(uid string, ldapURL url.URL) string {
q := ldapURL.Query()
q.Set(oidc.IDTokenSubjectClaim, uid)
ldapURL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return ldapURL.String()
func downstreamSubjectFromUpstreamOIDC(upstreamIssuerAsString string, upstreamSubject string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s=%s", upstreamIssuerAsString, oidc.IDTokenSubjectClaim, url.QueryEscape(upstreamSubject))
func getGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(
upstreamIDPConfig provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) ([]string, error) {
groupsClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetGroupsClaim()
if groupsClaimName == "" {
return nil, nil
groupsAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[groupsClaimName]
if !ok {
"no groups claim in upstream ID token",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
return nil, nil // the upstream IDP may have omitted the claim if the user has no groups
groupsAsArray, okAsArray := extractGroups(groupsAsInterface)
if !okAsArray {
"groups claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
return nil, requiredClaimInvalidFormatErr
return groupsAsArray, nil
func extractGroups(groupsAsInterface interface{}) ([]string, bool) {
groupsAsString, okAsString := groupsAsInterface.(string)
if okAsString {
return []string{groupsAsString}, true
groupsAsStringArray, okAsStringArray := groupsAsInterface.([]string)
if okAsStringArray {
return groupsAsStringArray, true
groupsAsInterfaceArray, okAsArray := groupsAsInterface.([]interface{})
if !okAsArray {
return nil, false
var groupsAsStrings []string
for _, groupAsInterface := range groupsAsInterfaceArray {
groupAsString, okAsString := groupAsInterface.(string)
if !okAsString {
return nil, false
if groupAsString != "" {
groupsAsStrings = append(groupsAsStrings, groupAsString)
return groupsAsStrings, true