2058 lines
84 KiB
2058 lines
84 KiB
// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package oidcclient
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// mockSessionCache exists to avoid an import cycle if we generate mocks into another package.
type mockSessionCache struct {
t *testing.T
getReturnsToken *oidctypes.Token
sawGetKeys []SessionCacheKey
sawPutKeys []SessionCacheKey
sawPutTokens []*oidctypes.Token
func (m *mockSessionCache) GetToken(key SessionCacheKey) *oidctypes.Token {
m.t.Logf("saw mock session cache GetToken() with client ID %s", key.ClientID)
m.sawGetKeys = append(m.sawGetKeys, key)
return m.getReturnsToken
func (m *mockSessionCache) PutToken(key SessionCacheKey, token *oidctypes.Token) {
m.t.Logf("saw mock session cache PutToken() with client ID %s and ID token %s", key.ClientID, token.IDToken.Token)
m.sawPutKeys = append(m.sawPutKeys, key)
m.sawPutTokens = append(m.sawPutTokens, token)
func TestLogin(t *testing.T) { // nolint:gocyclo
time1 := time.Date(2035, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, time.UTC)
time1Unix := int64(2075807775)
require.Equal(t, time1Unix, time1.Add(2*time.Minute).Unix())
testToken := oidctypes.Token{
AccessToken: &oidctypes.AccessToken{Token: "test-access-token", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(1 * time.Minute))},
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(2 * time.Minute))},
testExchangedToken := oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time1.Add(3 * time.Minute))},
// Start a test server that returns 500 errors
errorServer := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, "some discovery error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with a broken response_modes_supported value.
brokenResponseModeMux := http.NewServeMux()
brokenResponseModeServer := httptest.NewServer(brokenResponseModeMux)
brokenResponseModeMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
ResponseModesSupported string `json:"response_modes_supported"` // Wrong type (should be []string).
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: brokenResponseModeServer.URL,
ResponseModesSupported: "invalid",
// Start a test server that returns discovery data with a broken token URL
brokenTokenURLMux := http.NewServeMux()
brokenTokenURLServer := httptest.NewServer(brokenTokenURLMux)
brokenTokenURLMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&providerJSON{
Issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
AuthURL: brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: "%",
JWKSURL: brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "/keys",
discoveryHandler := func(server *httptest.Server, responseModes []string) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
http.Error(w, "unexpected method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
ResponseModesSupported []string `json:"response_modes_supported,omitempty"`
Issuer: server.URL,
AuthURL: server.URL + "/authorize",
TokenURL: server.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: server.URL + "/keys",
ResponseModesSupported: responseModes,
tokenHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodPost {
http.Error(w, "unexpected method", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
var response struct {
IDToken string `json:"id_token,omitempty"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
IssuedTokenType string `json:"issued_token_type,omitempty"`
switch r.Form.Get("grant_type") {
case "refresh_token":
if r.Form.Get("client_id") != "test-client-id" {
http.Error(w, "expected client_id 'test-client-id'", http.StatusBadRequest)
response.AccessToken = testToken.AccessToken.Token
response.ExpiresIn = int64(time.Until(testToken.AccessToken.Expiry.Time).Seconds())
response.RefreshToken = testToken.RefreshToken.Token
response.IDToken = testToken.IDToken.Token
if r.Form.Get("refresh_token") == "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token" {
response.IDToken = "not a valid JWT"
} else if r.Form.Get("refresh_token") != "test-refresh-token" {
http.Error(w, "expected refresh_token to be 'test-refresh-token'", http.StatusBadRequest)
case "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange":
if r.Form.Get("client_id") != "test-client-id" {
http.Error(w, "bad client_id", http.StatusBadRequest)
switch r.Form.Get("audience") {
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response":
http.Redirect(w, r, "%", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
case "test-audience-produce-http-400":
http.Error(w, "some server error", http.StatusBadRequest)
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "invalid/invalid;=")
case "test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "invalid")
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-json":
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{`))
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype":
response.TokenType = "invalid"
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype":
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "invalid"
case "test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt":
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
response.AccessToken = "not-a-valid-jwt"
response.TokenType = "N_A"
response.IssuedTokenType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
response.AccessToken = testExchangedToken.IDToken.Token
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("invalid grant_type %q", r.Form.Get("grant_type")), http.StatusBadRequest)
w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
require.NoError(t, json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&response))
// Start a test server that returns a real discovery document and answers refresh requests.
providerMux := http.NewServeMux()
successServer := httptest.NewServer(providerMux)
providerMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", discoveryHandler(successServer, nil))
providerMux.HandleFunc("/token", tokenHandler)
// Start a test server that returns a real discovery document and answers refresh requests, _and_ supports form_mode=post.
formPostProviderMux := http.NewServeMux()
formPostSuccessServer := httptest.NewServer(formPostProviderMux)
formPostProviderMux.HandleFunc("/.well-known/openid-configuration", discoveryHandler(formPostSuccessServer, []string{"query", "form_post"}))
formPostProviderMux.HandleFunc("/token", tokenHandler)
defaultDiscoveryResponse := func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
// Call the handler function from the test server to calculate the response.
handler, _ := providerMux.Handler(req)
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
handler.ServeHTTP(recorder, req)
return recorder.Result(), nil
defaultLDAPTestOpts := func(t *testing.T, h *handlerState, authResponse *http.Response, authError error) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) { return "some-upstream-username", nil }
h.promptForSecret = func(_ string) (string, error) { return "some-upstream-password", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
return authResponse, authError
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
tests := []struct {
name string
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
issuer string
clientID string
wantErr string
wantToken *oidctypes.Token
wantLogs []string
name: "option error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return fmt.Errorf("some option error")
wantErr: "some option error",
name: "error generating state",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating state") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating state",
name: "error generating nonce",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating nonce") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating nonce",
name: "error generating PKCE",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "", fmt.Errorf("some error generating PKCE") }
return nil
wantErr: "some error generating PKCE",
name: "session cache hit but token expired",
issuer: "test-issuer",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.NewTime(time.Now()), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: "test-issuer",
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
return WithSessionCache(cache)(h)
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"test-issuer\""},
wantErr: `could not perform OIDC discovery for "test-issuer": Get "test-issuer/.well-known/openid-configuration": unsupported protocol scheme ""`,
name: "session cache hit with valid token",
issuer: "test-issuer",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: "test-issuer",
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
return WithSessionCache(cache)(h)
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "discovery failure due to 500 error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error { return nil }
issuer: errorServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + errorServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("could not perform OIDC discovery for %q: 500 Internal Server Error: some discovery error\n", errorServer.URL),
name: "discovery failure due to invalid response_modes_supported",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error { return nil }
issuer: brokenResponseModeServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + brokenResponseModeServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("could not decode response_modes_supported in OIDC discovery from %q: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field .response_modes_supported of type []string", brokenResponseModeServer.URL),
name: "session cache hit with refreshable token",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateToken(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true).
Return(&testToken, nil)
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), testToken.RefreshToken.Token).
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Len(t, cache.sawPutTokens, 1)
require.Equal(t, testToken.IDToken.Token, cache.sawPutTokens[0].IDToken.Token)
h.cache = cache
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "session cache hit but refresh returns invalid token",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateToken(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some validation error"))
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token").
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token-returning-invalid-id-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
h.cache = cache
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\""},
wantErr: "some validation error",
name: "session cache hit but refresh fails",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "not-the-test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
h.cache = cache
h.listen = func(string, string) (net.Listener, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error") }
h.isTTY = func(int) bool { return false }
return nil
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + successServer.URL + `"`,
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Refreshing cached token."`,
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Refresh failed." "error"="oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request\nResponse: expected client_id 'test-client-id'\n"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
// Expect this to fall through to the authorization code flow, so it fails here.
wantErr: "login failed: must have either a localhost listener or stdin must be a TTY",
name: "listen failure and non-tty stdin",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.listen = func(net string, addr string) (net.Listener, error) {
assert.Equal(t, "tcp", net)
assert.Equal(t, "localhost:0", addr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error")
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool {
assert.Equal(t, fd, syscall.Stdin)
return false
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + successServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
wantErr: "login failed: must have either a localhost listener or stdin must be a TTY",
name: "listening disabled and manual prompt fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
require.NoError(t, WithSkipListen()(h))
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.openURL = func(authorizeURL string) error {
parsed, err := url.Parse(authorizeURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", parsed.Query().Get("redirect_uri"))
require.Equal(t, "form_post", parsed.Query().Get("response_mode"))
return fmt.Errorf("some browser open error")
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + formPostSuccessServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open browser" "error"="some browser open error"`,
wantErr: "error handling callback: failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error",
name: "listen success and manual prompt succeeds",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.listen = func(string, string) (net.Listener, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("some listen error") }
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.openURL = func(authorizeURL string) error {
parsed, err := url.Parse(authorizeURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "", parsed.Query().Get("redirect_uri"))
require.Equal(t, "form_post", parsed.Query().Get("response_mode"))
return nil
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
`"level"=4 "msg"="Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery" "issuer"="` + formPostSuccessServer.URL + `"`,
`"msg"="could not open callback listener" "error"="some listen error"`,
wantErr: "error handling callback: failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error",
name: "timeout waiting for callback",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(h.ctx)
h.ctx = ctx
h.openURL = func(_ string) error {
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "timed out waiting for token callback: context canceled",
name: "callback returns error",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.openURL = func(_ string) error {
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{err: fmt.Errorf("some callback error")}
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error handling callback: some callback error",
name: "callback returns success",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second})(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, successServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "callback returns success with request_mode=form_post",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second})(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"response_mode": []string{"form_post"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, formPostSuccessServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: formPostSuccessServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + formPostSuccessServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "upstream name and type are included in authorize request if upstream name is provided",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second})(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "oidc")(h))
h.openURL = func(actualURL string) error {
parsedActualURL, err := url.Parse(actualURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
actualParams := parsedActualURL.Query()
require.Contains(t, actualParams.Get("redirect_uri"), "")
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"oidc"},
}, actualParams)
parsedActualURL.RawQuery = ""
require.Equal(t, successServer.URL+"/authorize", parsedActualURL.String())
go func() {
h.callbacks <- callbackResult{token: &testToken}
return nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "ldap login when prompting for username returns an error",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Username: ", promptLabel)
return "", errors.New("some prompt error")
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error prompting for username: some prompt error",
name: "ldap login when prompting for password returns an error",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
h.promptForSecret = func(_ string) (string, error) { return "", errors.New("some prompt error") }
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error prompting for password: some prompt error",
name: "ldap login when there is a problem with parsing the authorize URL",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, nil)
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
type providerJSON struct {
Issuer string `json:"issuer"`
AuthURL string `json:"authorization_endpoint"`
TokenURL string `json:"token_endpoint"`
JWKSURL string `json:"jwks_uri"`
jsonResponseBody, err := json.Marshal(&providerJSON{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
AuthURL: "%", // this is not a legal URL!
TokenURL: successServer.URL + "/token",
JWKSURL: successServer.URL + "/keys",
require.NoError(t, err)
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusOK,
Header: http.Header{"content-type": []string{"application/json"}},
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(string(jsonResponseBody))),
}, nil
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `could not build authorize request: parse "%?access_type=offline&client_id=test-client-id&code_challenge=VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g&code_challenge_method=S256&nonce=test-nonce&pinniped_idp_name=some-upstream-name&pinniped_idp_type=ldap&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A0%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=test-scope&state=test-state": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "ldap login when there is an error calling the authorization endpoint",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, nil, errors.New("some error fetching authorize endpoint"))
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `authorization response error: Get "http://` + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() +
`/authorize?access_type=offline&client_id=test-client-id&code_challenge=VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g&code_challenge_method=S256&nonce=test-nonce&pinniped_idp_name=some-upstream-name&pinniped_idp_type=ldap&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A0%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=test-scope&state=test-state": some error fetching authorize endpoint`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint returns something other than a redirect",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{StatusCode: http.StatusBadGateway, Status: "502 Bad Gateway"}, nil)
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `error getting authorization: expected to be redirected, but response status was 502 Bad Gateway`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has an error and error description",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `login failed with code "access_denied": optional-error-description`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirects us to a different server",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `error getting authorization: redirected to the wrong location: http://other-server.example.com/callback?code=foo&state=test-state`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has an error but no error description",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
}, nil)
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `login failed with code "access_denied"`,
name: "ldap login when the OIDC provider authorization endpoint redirect has the wrong state value",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
return defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{""}},
}, nil)
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `missing or invalid state parameter in authorization response:`,
name: "ldap login when there is an error exchanging the authcode or validating the tokens",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
_ = defaultLDAPTestOpts(t, h, &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil)
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(nil, errors.New("some authcode exchange or token validation error"))
return mock
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: "error during authorization code exchange: some authcode exchange or token validation error",
name: "successful ldap login with prompts for username and password",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(_ string) string {
return "" // asking for any env var returns empty as if it were unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Username: ", promptLabel)
return "some-upstream-username", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.Equal(t, "Password: ", promptLabel)
return "some-upstream-password", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "successful ldap login with env vars for username and password",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(key string) string {
switch key {
return "some-upstream-username"
return "some-upstream-password"
return "" // all other env vars are treated as if they are unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusFound,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read username from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_USERNAME\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read password from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_PASSWORD\"",
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "successful ldap login with env vars for username and password, http.StatusSeeOther redirect",
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
fakeAuthCode := "test-authcode-value"
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
gomock.Any(), fakeAuthCode, pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), "").
Return(&testToken, nil)
return mock
h.generateState = func() (state.State, error) { return "test-state", nil }
h.generatePKCE = func() (pkce.Code, error) { return "test-pkce", nil }
h.generateNonce = func() (nonce.Nonce, error) { return "test-nonce", nil }
h.getEnv = func(key string) string {
switch key {
return "some-upstream-username"
return "some-upstream-password"
return "" // all other env vars are treated as if they are unset
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
h.promptForSecret = func(promptLabel string) (string, error) {
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected prompt from the CLI: %q", promptLabel))
return "", nil
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: nil}
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Equal(t, []*oidctypes.Token{&testToken}, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithCLISendingCredentials()(h))
require.NoError(t, WithUpstreamIdentityProvider("some-upstream-name", "ldap")(h))
discoveryRequestWasMade := false
authorizeRequestWasMade := false
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.True(t, discoveryRequestWasMade, "should have made an discovery request")
require.True(t, authorizeRequestWasMade, "should have made an authorize request")
require.NoError(t, WithClient(&http.Client{
Transport: roundtripper.Func(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
switch req.URL.Scheme + "://" + req.URL.Host + req.URL.Path {
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/.well-known/openid-configuration":
discoveryRequestWasMade = true
return defaultDiscoveryResponse(req)
case "http://" + successServer.Listener.Addr().String() + "/authorize":
authorizeRequestWasMade = true
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-username", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Username"))
require.Equal(t, "some-upstream-password", req.Header.Get("Pinniped-Password"))
require.Equal(t, url.Values{
// This is the PKCE challenge which is calculated as base64(sha256("test-pkce")). For example:
// $ echo -n test-pkce | shasum -a 256 | cut -d" " -f1 | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -d"=" -f1
// VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d+piN3r/mywoYj7fCR7g
"code_challenge": []string{"VVaezYqum7reIhoavCHD1n2d-piN3r_mywoYj7fCR7g"},
"code_challenge_method": []string{"S256"},
"response_type": []string{"code"},
"scope": []string{"test-scope"},
"nonce": []string{"test-nonce"},
"state": []string{"test-state"},
"access_type": []string{"offline"},
"client_id": []string{"test-client-id"},
"redirect_uri": []string{""},
"pinniped_idp_name": []string{"some-upstream-name"},
"pinniped_idp_type": []string{"ldap"},
}, req.URL.Query())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusSeeOther,
Header: http.Header{"Location": []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", fakeAuthCode),
}, nil
// Note that "/token" requests should not be made. They are mocked by mocking calls to ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens().
require.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("saw unexpected http call from the CLI: %s", req.URL.String()))
return nil, nil
return nil
issuer: successServer.URL,
wantLogs: []string{
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read username from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_USERNAME\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Read password from environment variable\" \"name\"=\"PINNIPED_PASSWORD\"",
wantToken: &testToken,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but discovery fails",
clientID: "test-client-id",
issuer: errorServer.URL,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: errorServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("cluster-1234")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"cluster-1234\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + errorServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf("failed to exchange token: could not perform OIDC discovery for %q: 500 Internal Server Error: some discovery error\n", errorServer.URL),
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token URL is invalid",
issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: brokenTokenURLServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("cluster-1234")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"cluster-1234\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + brokenTokenURLServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: could not build RFC8693 request: parse "%": invalid URL escape "%"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request fails",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-http-response\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: fmt.Sprintf(`failed to exchange token: Post "%s/token": failed to parse Location header "%%": parse "%%": invalid URL escape "%%"`, successServer.URL),
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns non-200",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-http-400")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-http-400\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: unexpected HTTP response status 400`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid content-type header",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-content-type\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: failed to decode content-type header: mime: invalid media parameter`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns wrong content-type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-wrong-content-type\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: unexpected HTTP response content type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid JSON",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-json")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-json\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: failed to decode response: unexpected EOF`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid token_type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-tokentype\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: got unexpected token_type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid issued_token_type",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-issuedtokentype\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: got unexpected issued_token_type "invalid"`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, but token exchange request returns invalid JWT",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt")(h))
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience-produce-invalid-jwt\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantErr: `failed to exchange token: received invalid JWT: oidc: malformed jwt: square/go-jose: compact JWS format must have three parts`,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid token, and token exchange request succeeds",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &testToken}
t.Cleanup(func() {
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
}}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Empty(t, cache.sawPutTokens)
require.NoError(t, WithSessionCache(cache)(h))
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience")(h))
h.validateIDToken = func(ctx context.Context, provider *oidc.Provider, audience string, token string) (*oidc.IDToken, error) {
require.Equal(t, "test-audience", audience)
require.Equal(t, "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", token)
return &oidc.IDToken{Expiry: testExchangedToken.IDToken.Expiry.Time}, nil
return nil
wantLogs: []string{"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Found unexpired cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\""},
wantToken: &testExchangedToken,
name: "with requested audience, session cache hit with valid refresh token, and token exchange request succeeds",
issuer: successServer.URL,
clientID: "test-client-id",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
cache := &mockSessionCache{t: t, getReturnsToken: &oidctypes.Token{
IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{
Token: "expired-test-id-token",
Expiry: metav1.Now(), // less than Now() + minIDTokenValidity
RefreshToken: &oidctypes.RefreshToken{Token: "test-refresh-token"},
t.Cleanup(func() {
cacheKey := SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: successServer.URL,
ClientID: "test-client-id",
Scopes: []string{"test-scope"},
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawGetKeys)
require.Equal(t, []SessionCacheKey{cacheKey}, cache.sawPutKeys)
require.Len(t, cache.sawPutTokens, 1)
require.Equal(t, testToken.IDToken.Token, cache.sawPutTokens[0].IDToken.Token)
h.cache = cache
h.getProvider = func(config *oauth2.Config, provider *oidc.Provider, client *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ValidateToken(gomock.Any(), HasAccessToken(testToken.AccessToken.Token), nonce.Nonce(""), true).
Return(&testToken, nil)
PerformRefresh(gomock.Any(), testToken.RefreshToken.Token).
DoAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
// Call the real production code to perform a refresh.
return upstreamoidc.New(config, provider, client).PerformRefresh(ctx, refreshToken)
return mock
require.NoError(t, WithRequestAudience("test-audience")(h))
h.validateIDToken = func(ctx context.Context, provider *oidc.Provider, audience string, token string) (*oidc.IDToken, error) {
require.Equal(t, "test-audience", audience)
require.Equal(t, "test-id-token-with-requested-audience", token)
return &oidc.IDToken{Expiry: testExchangedToken.IDToken.Expiry.Time}, nil
return nil
wantLogs: []string{
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing OIDC discovery\" \"issuer\"=\"" + successServer.URL + "\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Refreshing cached token.\"",
"\"level\"=4 \"msg\"=\"Pinniped: Performing RFC8693 token exchange\" \"requestedAudience\"=\"test-audience\"",
wantToken: &testExchangedToken,
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
testLogger := testlogger.NewLegacy(t) //nolint: staticcheck // old test with lots of log statements
tok, err := Login(tt.issuer, tt.clientID,
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantErr)
require.Nil(t, tok)
require.NoError(t, err)
if tt.wantToken == nil {
require.Nil(t, tok)
require.NotNil(t, tok)
if want := tt.wantToken.AccessToken; want != nil {
require.NotNil(t, tok.AccessToken)
require.Equal(t, want.Token, tok.AccessToken.Token)
require.Equal(t, want.Type, tok.AccessToken.Type)
testutil.RequireTimeInDelta(t, want.Expiry.Time, tok.AccessToken.Expiry.Time, 5*time.Second)
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tok.AccessToken)
require.Equal(t, tt.wantToken.RefreshToken, tok.RefreshToken)
if want := tt.wantToken.IDToken; want != nil {
require.NotNil(t, tok.IDToken)
require.Equal(t, want.Token, tok.IDToken.Token)
testutil.RequireTimeInDelta(t, want.Expiry.Time, tok.IDToken.Expiry.Time, 5*time.Second)
} else {
assert.Nil(t, tok.IDToken)
func TestHandlePasteCallback(t *testing.T) {
const testRedirectURI = ""
tests := []struct {
name string
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
wantCallback *callbackResult
name: "no stdin available",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool {
require.Equal(t, syscall.Stdin, fd)
return false
h.useFormPost = true
return nil
name: "no form_post mode available",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = false
return nil
name: "prompt fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
assert.Equal(t, " Optionally, paste your authorization code: ", promptLabel)
return "", fmt.Errorf("some prompt error")
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("failed to prompt for manual authorization code: some prompt error"),
name: "redeeming code fails",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "invalid", nil
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "invalid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"))
return mock
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
err: fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"),
name: "success",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.isTTY = func(fd int) bool { return true }
h.useFormPost = true
h.promptForValue = func(_ context.Context, promptLabel string) (string, error) {
return "valid", nil
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
wantCallback: &callbackResult{
token: &oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}},
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
h := &handlerState{
callbacks: make(chan callbackResult, 1),
state: state.State("test-state"),
pkce: pkce.Code("test-pkce"),
nonce: nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"),
if tt.opt != nil {
require.NoError(t, tt.opt(t)(h))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
var buf bytes.Buffer
h.promptForWebLogin(ctx, "https://test-authorize-url/", &buf)
"Log in by visiting this link:\n\n https://test-authorize-url/\n\n",
if tt.wantCallback != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting to receive from callbacks channel")
case result := <-h.callbacks:
require.Equal(t, *tt.wantCallback, result)
func TestHandleAuthCodeCallback(t *testing.T) {
const testRedirectURI = ""
withFormPostMode := func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
return nil
tests := []struct {
name string
method string
query string
body []byte
contentType string
opt func(t *testing.T) Option
wantErr string
wantHTTPStatus int
name: "wrong method",
method: "POST",
query: "",
wantErr: "wanted GET",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
name: "wrong method for form_post",
method: "GET",
query: "",
opt: withFormPostMode,
wantErr: "wanted POST",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
name: "invalid form for form_post",
method: "POST",
query: "",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: []byte(`%`),
opt: withFormPostMode,
wantErr: `invalid form: invalid URL escape "%"`,
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "invalid state",
query: "state=invalid",
wantErr: "missing or invalid state parameter",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusForbidden,
name: "error code from provider",
query: "state=test-state&error=some_error",
wantErr: `login failed with code "some_error"`,
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "error code with a description from provider",
query: "state=test-state&error=some_error&error_description=optional%20error%20description",
wantErr: `login failed with code "some_error": optional error description`,
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
name: "invalid code",
query: "state=test-state&code=invalid",
wantErr: "could not complete code exchange: some exchange error",
wantHTTPStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "invalid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("some exchange error"))
return mock
return nil
name: "valid",
query: "state=test-state&code=valid",
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
name: "valid form_post",
method: http.MethodPost,
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: []byte(`state=test-state&code=valid`),
opt: func(t *testing.T) Option {
return func(h *handlerState) error {
h.useFormPost = true
h.oauth2Config = &oauth2.Config{RedirectURL: testRedirectURI}
h.getProvider = func(_ *oauth2.Config, _ *oidc.Provider, _ *http.Client) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
mock := mockUpstream(t)
ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(gomock.Any(), "valid", pkce.Code("test-pkce"), nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"), testRedirectURI).
Return(&oidctypes.Token{IDToken: &oidctypes.IDToken{Token: "test-id-token"}}, nil)
return mock
return nil
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
h := &handlerState{
callbacks: make(chan callbackResult, 1),
state: state.State("test-state"),
pkce: pkce.Code("test-pkce"),
nonce: nonce.Nonce("test-nonce"),
if tt.opt != nil {
require.NoError(t, tt.opt(t)(h))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "/test-callback", bytes.NewBuffer(tt.body))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.URL.RawQuery = tt.query
if tt.method != "" {
req.Method = tt.method
if tt.contentType != "" {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", tt.contentType)
err = h.handleAuthCodeCallback(resp, req)
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantErr)
if tt.wantHTTPStatus != 0 {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
require.Equal(t, tt.wantHTTPStatus, rec.Code)
} else {
require.NoError(t, err)
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
require.Fail(t, "timed out waiting to receive from callbacks channel")
case result := <-h.callbacks:
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.EqualError(t, result.err, tt.wantErr)
require.NoError(t, result.err)
require.NotNil(t, result.token)
require.Equal(t, result.token.IDToken.Token, "test-id-token")
func mockUpstream(t *testing.T) *mockupstreamoidcidentityprovider.MockUpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
return mockupstreamoidcidentityprovider.NewMockUpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI(ctrl)
// hasAccessTokenMatcher is a gomock.Matcher that expects an *oauth2.Token with a particular access token.
type hasAccessTokenMatcher struct{ expected string }
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) Matches(arg interface{}) bool {
return arg.(*oauth2.Token).AccessToken == m.expected
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) Got(got interface{}) string {
return got.(*oauth2.Token).AccessToken
func (m hasAccessTokenMatcher) String() string {
return m.expected
func HasAccessToken(expected string) gomock.Matcher {
return hasAccessTokenMatcher{expected: expected}