Previously, when triggering a Tilt reload via a *.go file change, a reload would take ~13 seconds and we would see this error message in the Tilt logs for each component. Live Update failed with unexpected error: command terminated with exit code 2 Falling back to a full image build + deploy Now, Tilt should reload images a lot faster (~3 seconds) since we are running the images as root. Note! Reloading the Concierge component still takes ~13 seconds because there are 2 containers running in the Concierge namespace that use the Concierge image: the main Concierge app and the kube cert agent pod. Tilt can't live reload both of these at once, so the reload takes longer and we see this error message. Will not perform Live Update because: Error retrieving container info: can only get container info for a single pod; image target image:image/concierge has 2 pods Falling back to a full image build + deploy Signed-off-by: Andrew Keesler <akeesler@vmware.com>
Connecting Pinniped to an Identity Provider
If you would like to try Pinniped, but you don't have a compatible identity provider, you can use Pinniped's test identity provider. See deploy/local-user-authenticator/README.md for details.
Installing the Latest Version with Default Options
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/releases/download/$(curl https://api.github.com/repos/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/releases/latest -s | jq .name -r)/install-pinniped-concierge.yaml
Installing an Older Version with Default Options
Choose your preferred release version number and use it to replace the version number in the URL below.
# Replace v0.2.0 with your preferred version in the URL below
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/pinniped/releases/download/v0.2.0/install-pinniped-concierge.yaml
Installing with Custom Options
Creating your own deployment YAML file requires ytt
from Carvel to template the YAML files
in the deploy/concierge
Either install ytt
or use the container image from Dockerhub.
git clone
this repo andgit checkout
the release version tag of the release that you would like to deploy.- The configuration options are in deploy/concierge/values.yml.
Fill in the values in that file, or override those values using additional
command-line options in the command below. Use the release version tag as theimage_tag
value. - In a terminal, cd to this
directory - To generate the final YAML files, run
ytt --file .
- Deploy the generated YAML using your preferred deployment tool, such as
. For example:ytt --file . | kapp deploy --yes --app pinniped --diff-changes --file -