Changes made to both components: 1. Logs are always flushed on process exit 2. Informer cache sync can no longer hang process start up forever Changes made to concierge: 1. Add pre-shutdown hook that waits for controllers to exit cleanly 2. Informer caches are synced in post-start hook Changes made to supervisor: 1. Add shutdown code that waits for controllers to exit cleanly 2. Add shutdown code that waits for active connections to become idle Waiting for controllers to exit cleanly is critical as this allows the leader election logic to release the lock on exit. This reduces the time needed for the next leader to be elected. Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package server is the command line entry point for pinniped-concierge.
package server
import (
genericapiserver "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server"
genericoptions "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/options"
conciergescheme "go.pinniped.dev/internal/concierge/scheme"
// App is an object that represents the pinniped-concierge application.
type App struct {
cmd *cobra.Command
// CLI flags
configPath string
downwardAPIPath string
// New constructs a new App with command line args, stdout and stderr.
func New(ctx context.Context, args []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) *App {
app := &App{}
app.addServerCommand(ctx, args, stdout, stderr)
return app
// Run the server.
func (a *App) Run() error {
return a.cmd.Execute()
// Create the server command and save it into the App.
func (a *App) addServerCommand(ctx context.Context, args []string, stdout, stderr io.Writer) {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "pinniped-concierge",
Long: here.Doc(`
pinniped-concierge provides a generic API for mapping an external
credential from somewhere to an internal credential to be used for
authenticating to the Kubernetes API.`),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return a.runServer(ctx) },
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
addCommandlineFlagsToCommand(cmd, a)
a.cmd = cmd
// Define the app's commandline flags.
func addCommandlineFlagsToCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, app *App) {
"path to configuration file",
"path to Downward API volume mount",
// Boot the aggregated API server, which will in turn boot the controllers.
func (a *App) runServer(ctx context.Context) error {
// Read the server config file.
cfg, err := concierge.FromPath(a.configPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not load config: %w", err)
// Discover in which namespace we are installed.
podInfo, err := downward.Load(a.downwardAPIPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not read pod metadata: %w", err)
// Initialize the cache of active authenticators.
authenticators := authncache.New()
// This cert provider will provide certs to the API server and will
// be mutated by a controller to keep the certs up to date with what
// is stored in a k8s Secret. Therefore it also effectively acting as
// an in-memory cache of what is stored in the k8s Secret, helping to
// keep incoming requests fast.
dynamicServingCertProvider := dynamiccert.NewServingCert("concierge-serving-cert")
// This cert provider will be used to provide the Kube signing key to the
// cert issuer used to issue certs to Pinniped clients wishing to login.
dynamicSigningCertProvider := dynamiccert.NewCA("concierge-kube-signing-cert")
// This cert provider will be used to provide the impersonation proxy signing key to the
// cert issuer used to issue certs to Pinniped clients wishing to login.
impersonationProxySigningCertProvider := dynamiccert.NewCA("impersonation-proxy-signing-cert")
// Get the "real" name of the login concierge API group (i.e., the API group name with the
// injected suffix).
scheme, loginGV, identityGV := conciergescheme.New(*cfg.APIGroupSuffix)
// Prepare to start the controllers, but defer actually starting them until the
// post start hook of the aggregated API server.
buildControllers, err := controllermanager.PrepareControllers(
ServerInstallationInfo: podInfo,
APIGroupSuffix: *cfg.APIGroupSuffix,
NamesConfig: &cfg.NamesConfig,
Labels: cfg.Labels,
KubeCertAgentConfig: &cfg.KubeCertAgentConfig,
DiscoveryURLOverride: cfg.DiscoveryInfo.URL,
DynamicServingCertProvider: dynamicServingCertProvider,
DynamicSigningCertProvider: dynamicSigningCertProvider,
ImpersonationSigningCertProvider: impersonationProxySigningCertProvider,
ServingCertDuration: time.Duration(*cfg.APIConfig.ServingCertificateConfig.DurationSeconds) * time.Second,
ServingCertRenewBefore: time.Duration(*cfg.APIConfig.ServingCertificateConfig.RenewBeforeSeconds) * time.Second,
AuthenticatorCache: authenticators,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not prepare controllers: %w", err)
certIssuer := issuer.ClientCertIssuers{
dynamiccertauthority.New(dynamicSigningCertProvider), // attempt to use the real Kube CA if possible
dynamiccertauthority.New(impersonationProxySigningCertProvider), // fallback to our internal CA if we need to
// Get the aggregated API server config.
aggregatedAPIServerConfig, err := getAggregatedAPIServerConfig(
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not configure aggregated API server: %w", err)
// Complete the aggregated API server config and make a server instance.
server, err := aggregatedAPIServerConfig.Complete().New()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create aggregated API server: %w", err)
// Run the server. Its post-start hook will start the controllers.
return server.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun().Run(ctx.Done())
// Create a configuration for the aggregated API server.
func getAggregatedAPIServerConfig(
dynamicCertProvider dynamiccert.Private,
authenticator credentialrequest.TokenCredentialRequestAuthenticator,
issuer issuer.ClientCertIssuer,
buildControllers controllerinit.RunnerBuilder,
apiGroupSuffix string,
scheme *runtime.Scheme,
loginConciergeGroupVersion, identityConciergeGroupVersion schema.GroupVersion,
) (*apiserver.Config, error) {
codecs := serializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
// this is unused for now but it is a safe value that we could use in the future
defaultEtcdPathPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("/pinniped-concierge-registry/%s", apiGroupSuffix)
recommendedOptions := genericoptions.NewRecommendedOptions(
codecs.LegacyCodec(loginConciergeGroupVersion, identityConciergeGroupVersion),
recommendedOptions.Etcd = nil // turn off etcd storage because we don't need it yet
recommendedOptions.SecureServing.ServerCert.GeneratedCert = dynamicCertProvider
recommendedOptions.SecureServing.BindPort = 8443 // Don't run on default 443 because that requires root
serverConfig := genericapiserver.NewRecommendedConfig(codecs)
// Note that among other things, this ApplyTo() function copies
// `recommendedOptions.SecureServing.ServerCert.GeneratedCert` into
// `serverConfig.SecureServing.Cert` thus making `dynamicCertProvider`
// the cert provider for the running server. The provider will be called
// by the API machinery periodically. When the provider returns nil certs,
// the API server will return "the server is currently unable to
// handle the request" error responses for all incoming requests.
// If the provider later starts returning certs, then the API server
// will use them to handle the incoming requests successfully.
if err := recommendedOptions.ApplyTo(serverConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
apiServerConfig := &apiserver.Config{
GenericConfig: serverConfig,
ExtraConfig: apiserver.ExtraConfig{
Authenticator: authenticator,
Issuer: issuer,
BuildControllersPostStartHook: buildControllers,
Scheme: scheme,
NegotiatedSerializer: codecs,
LoginConciergeGroupVersion: loginConciergeGroupVersion,
IdentityConciergeGroupVersion: identityConciergeGroupVersion,
return apiServerConfig, nil
func main() error { // return an error instead of klog.Fatal to allow defer statements to run
defer logs.FlushLogs()
// Dump out the time since compile (mostly useful for benchmarking our local development cycle latency).
var timeSinceCompile time.Duration
if buildDate, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, version.Get().BuildDate); err == nil {
timeSinceCompile = time.Since(buildDate).Round(time.Second)
klog.Infof("Running %s at %#v (%s since build)", rest.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent(), version.Get(), timeSinceCompile)
ctx := genericapiserver.SetupSignalContext()
return New(ctx, os.Args[1:], os.Stdout, os.Stderr).Run()
func Main() {
if err := main(); err != nil {