365 lines
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365 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package callback provides a handler for the OIDC callback endpoint.
package callback
import (
coreosoidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc"
const (
// The name of the email claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
emailClaimName = "email"
// The name of the email_verified claim from https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
emailVerifiedClaimName = "email_verified"
func NewHandler(
idpListGetter oidc.IDPListGetter,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
stateDecoder, cookieDecoder oidc.Decoder,
redirectURI string,
) http.Handler {
return securityheader.Wrap(httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
state, err := validateRequest(r, stateDecoder, cookieDecoder)
if err != nil {
return err
upstreamIDPConfig := findUpstreamIDPConfig(state.UpstreamName, idpListGetter)
if upstreamIDPConfig == nil {
plog.Warning("upstream provider not found")
return httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "upstream provider not found")
downstreamAuthParams, err := url.ParseQuery(state.AuthParams)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("error reading state downstream auth params", err)
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error reading state downstream auth params")
// Recreate enough of the original authorize request so we can pass it to NewAuthorizeRequest().
reconstitutedAuthRequest := &http.Request{Form: downstreamAuthParams}
authorizeRequester, err := oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeRequest(r.Context(), reconstitutedAuthRequest)
if err != nil {
plog.Error("error using state downstream auth params", err)
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error using state downstream auth params")
// Automatically grant the openid, offline_access, and pinniped:request-audience scopes, but only if they were requested.
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, coreosoidc.ScopeOpenID)
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, coreosoidc.ScopeOfflineAccess)
oidc.GrantScopeIfRequested(authorizeRequester, "pinniped:request-audience")
token, err := upstreamIDPConfig.ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens(
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("error exchanging and validating upstream tokens", err, "upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName())
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadGateway, "error exchanging and validating upstream tokens")
subject, username, err := getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, token.IDToken.Claims)
if err != nil {
return err
groups, err := getGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(upstreamIDPConfig, token.IDToken.Claims)
if err != nil {
return err
openIDSession := makeDownstreamSession(subject, username, groups)
authorizeResponder, err := oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeResponse(r.Context(), authorizeRequester, openIDSession)
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("error while generating and saving authcode", err, "upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName())
return httperr.Wrap(http.StatusInternalServerError, "error while generating and saving authcode", err)
oauthHelper.WriteAuthorizeResponse(w, authorizeRequester, authorizeResponder)
return nil
func authcode(r *http.Request) string {
return r.FormValue("code")
func validateRequest(r *http.Request, stateDecoder, cookieDecoder oidc.Decoder) (*oidc.UpstreamStateParamData, error) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet {
return nil, httperr.Newf(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "%s (try GET)", r.Method)
csrfValue, err := readCSRFCookie(r, cookieDecoder)
if err != nil {
plog.InfoErr("error reading CSRF cookie", err)
return nil, err
if authcode(r) == "" {
plog.Info("code param not found")
return nil, httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "code param not found")
if r.FormValue("state") == "" {
plog.Info("state param not found")
return nil, httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "state param not found")
state, err := readState(r, stateDecoder)
if err != nil {
plog.InfoErr("error reading state", err)
return nil, err
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(state.CSRFToken), []byte(csrfValue)) != 1 {
plog.InfoErr("CSRF value does not match", err)
return nil, httperr.Wrap(http.StatusForbidden, "CSRF value does not match", err)
return state, nil
func findUpstreamIDPConfig(upstreamName string, idpListGetter oidc.IDPListGetter) provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI {
for _, p := range idpListGetter.GetIDPList() {
if p.GetName() == upstreamName {
return p
return nil
func readCSRFCookie(r *http.Request, cookieDecoder oidc.Decoder) (csrftoken.CSRFToken, error) {
receivedCSRFCookie, err := r.Cookie(oidc.CSRFCookieName)
if err != nil {
// Error means that the cookie was not found
return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusForbidden, "CSRF cookie is missing", err)
var csrfFromCookie csrftoken.CSRFToken
err = cookieDecoder.Decode(oidc.CSRFCookieEncodingName, receivedCSRFCookie.Value, &csrfFromCookie)
if err != nil {
return "", httperr.Wrap(http.StatusForbidden, "error reading CSRF cookie", err)
return csrfFromCookie, nil
func readState(r *http.Request, stateDecoder oidc.Decoder) (*oidc.UpstreamStateParamData, error) {
var state oidc.UpstreamStateParamData
if err := stateDecoder.Decode(
); err != nil {
return nil, httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error reading state")
if state.FormatVersion != oidc.UpstreamStateParamFormatVersion {
return nil, httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "state format version is invalid")
return &state, nil
func getSubjectAndUsernameFromUpstreamIDToken(
upstreamIDPConfig provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) (string, string, error) {
// The spec says the "sub" claim is only unique per issuer,
// so we will prepend the issuer string to make it globally unique.
upstreamIssuer := idTokenClaims[oidc.IDTokenIssuerClaim]
if upstreamIssuer == "" {
"issuer claim in upstream ID token missing",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"issClaim", upstreamIssuer,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "issuer claim in upstream ID token missing")
upstreamIssuerAsString, ok := upstreamIssuer.(string)
if !ok {
"issuer claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"issClaim", upstreamIssuer,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "issuer claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
subjectAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[oidc.IDTokenSubjectClaim]
if !ok {
"no subject claim in upstream ID token",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "no subject claim in upstream ID token")
upstreamSubject, ok := subjectAsInterface.(string)
if !ok {
"subject claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "subject claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
subject := fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s=%s", upstreamIssuerAsString, oidc.IDTokenSubjectClaim, upstreamSubject)
usernameClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetUsernameClaim()
if usernameClaimName == "" {
return subject, subject, nil
// If the upstream username claim is configured to be the special "email" claim and the upstream "email_verified"
// claim is present, then validate that the "email_verified" claim is true.
emailVerifiedAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[emailVerifiedClaimName]
if usernameClaimName == emailClaimName && ok {
emailVerified, ok := emailVerifiedAsInterface.(bool)
if !ok {
"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim is not a boolean",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
"emailVerifiedClaim", emailVerifiedAsInterface,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "email_verified claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
if !emailVerified {
"username claim configured as \"email\" and upstream email_verified claim has false value",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "email_verified claim in upstream ID token has false value")
usernameAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[usernameClaimName]
if !ok {
"no username claim in upstream ID token",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "no username claim in upstream ID token")
username, ok := usernameAsInterface.(string)
if !ok {
"username claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredUsernameClaim", usernameClaimName,
return "", "", httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "username claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
return subject, username, nil
func getGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(
upstreamIDPConfig provider.UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI,
idTokenClaims map[string]interface{},
) ([]string, error) {
groupsClaimName := upstreamIDPConfig.GetGroupsClaim()
if groupsClaimName == "" {
return nil, nil
groupsAsInterface, ok := idTokenClaims[groupsClaimName]
if !ok {
"no groups claim in upstream ID token",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
return nil, nil // the upstream IDP may have omitted the claim if the user has no groups
groupsAsArray, okAsArray := extractGroups(groupsAsInterface)
if !okAsArray {
"groups claim in upstream ID token has invalid format",
"upstreamName", upstreamIDPConfig.GetName(),
"configuredGroupsClaim", groupsClaimName,
return nil, httperr.New(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "groups claim in upstream ID token has invalid format")
return groupsAsArray, nil
func extractGroups(groupsAsInterface interface{}) ([]string, bool) {
groupsAsString, okAsString := groupsAsInterface.(string)
if okAsString {
return []string{groupsAsString}, true
groupsAsStringArray, okAsStringArray := groupsAsInterface.([]string)
if okAsStringArray {
return groupsAsStringArray, true
groupsAsInterfaceArray, okAsArray := groupsAsInterface.([]interface{})
if !okAsArray {
return nil, false
var groupsAsStrings []string
for _, groupAsInterface := range groupsAsInterfaceArray {
groupAsString, okAsString := groupAsInterface.(string)
if !okAsString {
return nil, false
if groupAsString != "" {
groupsAsStrings = append(groupsAsStrings, groupAsString)
return groupsAsStrings, true
func makeDownstreamSession(subject string, username string, groups []string) *openid.DefaultSession {
now := time.Now().UTC()
openIDSession := &openid.DefaultSession{
Claims: &jwt.IDTokenClaims{
Subject: subject,
RequestedAt: now,
AuthTime: now,
if groups == nil {
groups = []string{}
openIDSession.Claims.Extra = map[string]interface{}{
oidc.DownstreamUsernameClaim: username,
oidc.DownstreamGroupsClaim: groups,
return openIDSession