Highlights from this dep bump: 1. Made a copy of the v0.4.0 github.com/go-logr/stdr implementation for use in tests. We must bump this dep as Kube code uses a newer version now. We would have to rewrite hundreds of test log assertions without this copy. 2. Use github.com/felixge/httpsnoop to undo the changes made by ory/fosite#636 for CLI based login flows. This is required for backwards compatibility with older versions of our CLI. A separate change after this will update the CLI to be more flexible (it is purposefully not part of this change to confirm that we did not break anything). For all browser login flows, we now redirect using http.StatusSeeOther instead of http.StatusFound. 3. Drop plog.RemoveKlogGlobalFlags as klog no longer mutates global process flags 4. Only bump github.com/ory/x to v0.0.297 instead of the latest v0.0.321 because v0.0.298+ pulls in a newer version of go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv which breaks k8s.io/apiserver. We should update k8s.io/apiserver to use the newer code. 5. Migrate all code from k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/clock to k8s.io/utils/clock and k8s.io/utils/clock/testing 6. Delete testutil.NewDeleteOptionsRecorder and migrate to the new kubetesting.NewDeleteActionWithOptions 7. Updated ExpectedAuthorizeCodeSessionJSONFromFuzzing caused by fosite's new rotated_secrets OAuth client field. This new field is currently not relevant to us as we have no private clients. Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
Pinniped provides identity services to Kubernetes.
- Easily plug in external identity providers into Kubernetes clusters while offering a simple install and configuration experience. Leverage first class integration with Kubernetes and kubectl command-line.
- Give users a consistent, unified login experience across all your clusters, including on-premises and managed cloud environments.
- Securely integrate with an enterprise IDP using standard protocols or use secure, externally managed identities instead of relying on simple, shared credentials.
To learn more, please visit the Pinniped project's website, https://pinniped.dev.
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