To make the subject of the downstream ID token more unique when there are multiple IDPs. It is possible to define two IDPs in a FederationDomain using the same identity provider CR, in which case the only thing that would make the subject claim different is adding the IDP display name into the values of the subject claim.
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// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package token provides a handler for the OIDC token endpoint.
package token
import (
errorsx "github.com/pkg/errors"
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
func NewHandler(
idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI,
oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider,
) http.Handler {
return httperr.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
session := psession.NewPinnipedSession()
accessRequest, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessRequest(r.Context(), r, session)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("token request error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
// Check if we are performing a refresh grant.
if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken) {
// The above call to NewAccessRequest has loaded the session from storage into the accessRequest variable.
// The session, requested scopes, and requested audience from the original authorize request was retrieved
// from the Kube storage layer and added to the accessRequest. Additionally, the audience and scopes may
// have already been granted on the accessRequest.
err = upstreamRefresh(r.Context(), accessRequest, idpLister)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("upstream refresh error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
// When we are in the authorization code flow, check if we have any warnings that previous handlers want us
// to send to the client to be printed on the CLI.
if accessRequest.GetGrantTypes().ExactOne(oidcapi.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode) {
storedSession := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
customSessionData := storedSession.Custom
if customSessionData != nil {
for _, warningText := range customSessionData.Warnings {
warning.AddWarning(r.Context(), "", warningText)
accessResponse, err := oauthHelper.NewAccessResponse(r.Context(), accessRequest)
if err != nil {
plog.Info("token response error", oidc.FositeErrorForLog(err)...)
oauthHelper.WriteAccessError(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, err)
return nil
oauthHelper.WriteAccessResponse(r.Context(), w, accessRequest, accessResponse)
return nil
func errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError() *fosite.RFC6749Error {
return &fosite.RFC6749Error{
ErrorField: "error",
DescriptionField: "There was an internal server error.",
HintField: "Required upstream data not found in session.",
CodeField: http.StatusInternalServerError,
func errUpstreamRefreshError() *fosite.RFC6749Error {
return &fosite.RFC6749Error{
ErrorField: "error",
DescriptionField: "Error during upstream refresh.",
CodeField: http.StatusUnauthorized,
func upstreamRefresh(ctx context.Context, accessRequest fosite.AccessRequester, idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI) error {
session := accessRequest.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
customSessionData := session.Custom
if customSessionData == nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
providerName := customSessionData.ProviderName
providerUID := customSessionData.ProviderUID
if providerUID == "" || providerName == "" {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
grantedScopes := accessRequest.GetGrantedScopes()
clientID := accessRequest.GetClient().GetID()
switch customSessionData.ProviderType {
case psession.ProviderTypeOIDC:
return upstreamOIDCRefresh(ctx, idpLister, session, grantedScopes, clientID)
case psession.ProviderTypeLDAP, psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory:
return upstreamLDAPRefresh(ctx, idpLister, session, grantedScopes, clientID)
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
func upstreamOIDCRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI,
session *psession.PinnipedSession,
grantedScopes []string,
clientID string,
) error {
s := session.Custom
groupsScopeGranted := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups)
if s.OIDC == nil {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
accessTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken != ""
refreshTokenStored := s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken != ""
exactlyOneTokenStored := (accessTokenStored || refreshTokenStored) && !(accessTokenStored && refreshTokenStored)
if !exactlyOneTokenStored {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
p, err := findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, idpLister)
if err != nil {
return err
plog.Debug("attempting upstream refresh request",
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
var tokens *oauth2.Token
if refreshTokenStored {
tokens, err = p.Provider.PerformRefresh(ctx, s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Upstream refresh failed.",
).WithTrace(err).WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
} else {
tokens = &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: s.OIDC.UpstreamAccessToken}
// Upstream refresh may or may not return a new ID token. From the spec:
// "the response body is the Token Response of Section except that it might not contain an id_token."
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RefreshTokenResponse
_, hasIDTok := tokens.Extra("id_token").(string)
// We may or may not have an ID token, and we may or may not have a userinfo endpoint to call for more claims.
// Use what we can (one, both, or neither) and return the union of their claims. If we stored an access token,
// then require that the userinfo endpoint exists and returns a successful response, or else we would have no
// way to check that the user's session was not revoked on the server.
// The spec is not 100% clear about whether an ID token from the refresh flow should include a nonce, and at
// least some providers do not include one, so we skip the nonce validation here (but not other validations).
validatedTokens, err := p.Provider.ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(ctx, tokens, "", hasIDTok, accessTokenStored)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh returned an invalid ID token or UserInfo response.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
mergedClaims := validatedTokens.IDToken.Claims
// To the extent possible, check that the user's basic identity hasn't changed. We check that their downstream
// username has not changed separately below, as part of reapplying the transformations.
err = validateSubjectAndIssuerUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims, session)
if err != nil {
return err
var refreshedUntransformedGroups []string
if groupsScopeGranted {
// If possible, update the user's group memberships. The configured groups claim name (if there is one) may or
// may not be included in the newly fetched and merged claims. It could be missing due to a misconfiguration of the
// claim name. It could also be missing because the claim was originally found in the ID token during login, but
// now we might not have a refreshed ID token.
// If the claim is found, then use it to update the user's group membership in the session.
// If the claim is not found, then we have no new information about groups, so skip updating the group membership
// and let any old groups memberships in the session remain.
refreshedUntransformedGroups, err = downstreamsession.GetGroupsFromUpstreamIDToken(p.Provider, mergedClaims)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh error while extracting groups claim.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
// It's possible that a username wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh,
// but if it is, verify that the transformed version of it hasn't changed.
refreshedUntransformedUsername, hasRefreshedUntransformedUsername := getString(mergedClaims, p.Provider.GetUsernameClaim())
oldUntransformedUsername := s.UpstreamUsername
oldUntransformedGroups := s.UpstreamGroups
if !hasRefreshedUntransformedUsername {
// If we could not get a new username, then we still need the untransformed username to be able to
// run the transformations again, so fetch the original untransformed username from the session.
refreshedUntransformedUsername = oldUntransformedUsername
if refreshedUntransformedGroups == nil {
// If we could not get a new list of groups, then we still need the untransformed groups list to be able to
// run the transformations again, so fetch the original untransformed groups list from the session.
// We should also run the transformations on the original groups even when the groups scope was not granted,
// because a transformation policy may want to reject the authentication based on the group memberships, even
// though the group memberships will not be shared with the client (in the code below) due to the groups scope
// not being granted.
refreshedUntransformedGroups = oldUntransformedGroups
oldTransformedUsername, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
var oldTransformedGroups []string
if groupsScopeGranted {
oldTransformedGroups, err = getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
transformationResult, err := transformRefreshedIdentity(ctx,
if err != nil {
return err
if groupsScopeGranted {
warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldTransformedGroups, transformationResult.Groups, transformationResult.Username, clientID)
// Replace the old value for the downstream groups in the user's session with the new value.
session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = transformationResult.Groups
// Upstream refresh may or may not return a new refresh token. If we got a new refresh token, then update it in
// the user's session. If we did not get a new refresh token, then keep the old one in the session by avoiding
// overwriting the old one.
if tokens.RefreshToken != "" {
plog.Debug("upstream refresh request returned a new refresh token",
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
s.OIDC.UpstreamRefreshToken = tokens.RefreshToken
return nil
// print out the diff between two lists of sorted groups.
func diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups []string) ([]string, []string) {
oldGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(oldGroups...)
newGroupsAsSet := sets.NewString(newGroups...)
added := newGroupsAsSet.Difference(oldGroupsAsSet) // groups in newGroups that are not in oldGroups i.e. added
removed := oldGroupsAsSet.Difference(newGroupsAsSet) // groups in oldGroups that are not in newGroups i.e. removed
return added.List(), removed.List()
func validateSubjectAndIssuerUnchangedSinceInitialLogin(mergedClaims map[string]interface{}, session *psession.PinnipedSession) error {
s := session.Custom
// If we have any claims at all, we better have a subject, and it better match the previous value.
// but it's possible that we don't because both returning a new id token on refresh and having a userinfo
// endpoint are optional.
if len(mergedClaims) == 0 {
return nil
newSub, hasSub := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimSubject)
if !hasSub {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh not found")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
if s.OIDC.UpstreamSubject != newSub {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("subject in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
newIssuer, hasIssuer := getString(mergedClaims, oidcapi.IDTokenClaimIssuer)
// It's possible that an issuer wasn't returned by the upstream provider during refresh,
// but if it is, verify that it hasn't changed.
if hasIssuer && s.OIDC.UpstreamIssuer != newIssuer {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(errors.New("issuer in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
return nil
func getString(m map[string]interface{}, key string) (string, bool) {
val, ok := m[key].(string)
return val, ok
func findOIDCProviderByNameAndValidateUID(
s *psession.CustomSessionData,
idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI,
) (*resolvedprovider.FederationDomainResolvedOIDCIdentityProvider, error) {
for _, p := range idpLister.GetOIDCIdentityProviders() {
if p.Provider.GetName() == s.ProviderName {
if p.Provider.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication."))
return p, nil
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().
WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
func upstreamLDAPRefresh(
ctx context.Context,
idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI,
session *psession.PinnipedSession,
grantedScopes []string,
clientID string,
) error {
s := session.Custom
groupsScopeGranted := slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups)
oldTransformedUsername, err := getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
var oldTransformedGroups []string
if groupsScopeGranted {
oldTransformedGroups, err = getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session)
if err != nil {
return err
validLDAP := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP && s.LDAP != nil && s.LDAP.UserDN != ""
validAD := s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory && s.ActiveDirectory != nil && s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN != ""
if !(validLDAP || validAD) {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
var additionalAttributes map[string]string
if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP {
additionalAttributes = s.LDAP.ExtraRefreshAttributes
} else {
additionalAttributes = s.ActiveDirectory.ExtraRefreshAttributes
p, dn, err := findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID(s, idpLister)
if err != nil {
return err
if session.IDTokenClaims().AuthTime.IsZero() {
return errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
plog.Debug("attempting upstream refresh request",
"providerName", s.ProviderName, "providerType", s.ProviderType, "providerUID", s.ProviderUID)
oldUntransformedUsername := s.UpstreamUsername
oldUntransformedGroups := s.UpstreamGroups
refreshedUntransformedGroups, err := p.Provider.PerformRefresh(ctx, upstreamprovider.RefreshAttributes{
Username: oldUntransformedUsername,
Subject: session.Fosite.Claims.Subject,
DN: dn,
Groups: oldUntransformedGroups,
AdditionalAttributes: additionalAttributes,
GrantedScopes: grantedScopes,
}, p.DisplayName)
if err != nil {
return errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Upstream refresh failed.").WithTrace(err).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType)
transformationResult, err := transformRefreshedIdentity(ctx,
oldUntransformedUsername, // LDAP PerformRefresh validates that the username did not change, so this is also the refreshed upstream username
if err != nil {
return err
if groupsScopeGranted {
warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx, oldTransformedGroups, transformationResult.Groups, transformationResult.Username, clientID)
// Replace the old value for the downstream groups in the user's session with the new value.
session.Fosite.Claims.Extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups] = transformationResult.Groups
return nil
func transformRefreshedIdentity(
ctx context.Context,
transforms *idtransform.TransformationPipeline,
oldTransformedUsername string,
upstreamUsername string,
upstreamGroups []string,
providerName string,
providerType psession.ProviderType,
) (*idtransform.TransformationResult, error) {
transformationResult, err := transforms.Evaluate(ctx, upstreamUsername, upstreamGroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh error while applying configured identity transformations.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType)
if !transformationResult.AuthenticationAllowed {
return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh rejected by configured identity policy: %s.", transformationResult.RejectedAuthenticationMessage).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType)
if oldTransformedUsername != transformationResult.Username {
return nil, errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHintf(
"Upstream refresh failed.").
WithTrace(errors.New("username in upstream refresh does not match previous value")).
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", providerName, providerType)
return transformationResult, nil
func findLDAPProviderByNameAndValidateUID(
s *psession.CustomSessionData,
idpLister federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvidersListerI,
) (*resolvedprovider.FederationDomainResolvedLDAPIdentityProvider, string, error) {
var providers []*resolvedprovider.FederationDomainResolvedLDAPIdentityProvider
var dn string
if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeLDAP {
providers = idpLister.GetLDAPIdentityProviders()
dn = s.LDAP.UserDN
} else if s.ProviderType == psession.ProviderTypeActiveDirectory {
providers = idpLister.GetActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders()
dn = s.ActiveDirectory.UserDN
for _, p := range providers {
if p.Provider.GetName() == s.ProviderName {
if p.Provider.GetResourceUID() != s.ProviderUID {
return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().WithHint(
"Provider from upstream session data has changed its resource UID since authentication.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
return p, dn, nil
return nil, "", errorsx.WithStack(errUpstreamRefreshError().
WithHint("Provider from upstream session data was not found.").
WithDebugf("provider name: %q, provider type: %q", s.ProviderName, s.ProviderType))
func getDownstreamUsernameFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) (string, error) {
downstreamUsername := session.Custom.Username
if len(downstreamUsername) == 0 {
return "", errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
return downstreamUsername, nil
func getDownstreamGroupsFromPinnipedSession(session *psession.PinnipedSession) ([]string, error) {
extra := session.Fosite.Claims.Extra
if extra == nil {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroupsInterface := extra[oidcapi.IDTokenClaimGroups]
if downstreamGroupsInterface == nil {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroupsInterfaceList, ok := downstreamGroupsInterface.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroups := make([]string, 0, len(downstreamGroupsInterfaceList))
for _, downstreamGroupInterface := range downstreamGroupsInterfaceList {
downstreamGroup, ok := downstreamGroupInterface.(string)
if !ok || len(downstreamGroup) == 0 {
return nil, errorsx.WithStack(errMissingUpstreamSessionInternalError())
downstreamGroups = append(downstreamGroups, downstreamGroup)
return downstreamGroups, nil
func warnIfGroupsChanged(ctx context.Context, oldGroups, newGroups []string, username string, clientID string) {
if clientID != oidcapi.ClientIDPinnipedCLI {
// Only send these warnings to the CLI client. They are intended for kubectl to print to the screen.
// A webapp using a dynamic client wouldn't know to look for these special warning headers, and
// if the dynamic client lacked the username scope, then these warning messages would be leaking
// the user's username to the client within the text of the warning.
added, removed := diffSortedGroups(oldGroups, newGroups)
if len(added) > 0 {
warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been added to the following groups: %q", username, added))
if len(removed) > 0 {
warning.AddWarning(ctx, "", fmt.Sprintf("User %q has been removed from the following groups: %q", username, removed))