This flag is (for now) meant only to facilitate end-to-end testing, allowing us to force the "manual" login flow. If it ends up being useful we can un-hide it, but this seemed like the safest option to start with. There is also a corresponding `--oidc-skip-listen` on the `pinniped get kubeconfig` command. Signed-off-by: Matt Moyer <moyerm@vmware.com>
328 lines
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328 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientauthv1beta1 "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1beta1"
//nolint: gochecknoinits
func init() {
type oidcLoginCommandDeps struct {
lookupEnv func(string) (string, bool)
login func(string, string, ...oidcclient.Option) (*oidctypes.Token, error)
exchangeToken func(context.Context, *conciergeclient.Client, string) (*clientauthv1beta1.ExecCredential, error)
func oidcLoginCommandRealDeps() oidcLoginCommandDeps {
return oidcLoginCommandDeps{
lookupEnv: os.LookupEnv,
login: oidcclient.Login,
exchangeToken: func(ctx context.Context, client *conciergeclient.Client, token string) (*clientauthv1beta1.ExecCredential, error) {
return client.ExchangeToken(ctx, token)
type oidcLoginFlags struct {
issuer string
clientID string
listenPort uint16
scopes []string
skipBrowser bool
skipListen bool
sessionCachePath string
caBundlePaths []string
caBundleData []string
debugSessionCache bool
requestAudience string
conciergeEnabled bool
conciergeAuthenticatorType string
conciergeAuthenticatorName string
conciergeEndpoint string
conciergeCABundle string
conciergeAPIGroupSuffix string
credentialCachePath string
upstreamIdentityProviderName string
upstreamIdentityProviderType string
func oidcLoginCommand(deps oidcLoginCommandDeps) *cobra.Command {
var (
cmd = &cobra.Command{
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
Use: "oidc --issuer ISSUER",
Short: "Login using an OpenID Connect provider",
SilenceUsage: true,
flags oidcLoginFlags
conciergeNamespace string // unused now
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.issuer, "issuer", "", "OpenID Connect issuer URL")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.clientID, "client-id", "pinniped-cli", "OpenID Connect client ID")
cmd.Flags().Uint16Var(&flags.listenPort, "listen-port", 0, "TCP port for localhost listener (authorization code flow only)")
cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&flags.scopes, "scopes", []string{oidc.ScopeOfflineAccess, oidc.ScopeOpenID, "pinniped:request-audience"}, "OIDC scopes to request during login")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.skipBrowser, "skip-browser", false, "Skip opening the browser (just print the URL)")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.skipListen, "skip-listen", false, "Skip starting a localhost callback listener (manual copy/paste flow only)")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.sessionCachePath, "session-cache", filepath.Join(mustGetConfigDir(), "sessions.yaml"), "Path to session cache file")
cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&flags.caBundlePaths, "ca-bundle", nil, "Path to TLS certificate authority bundle (PEM format, optional, can be repeated)")
cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&flags.caBundleData, "ca-bundle-data", nil, "Base64 encoded TLS certificate authority bundle (base64 encoded PEM format, optional, can be repeated)")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.debugSessionCache, "debug-session-cache", false, "Print debug logs related to the session cache")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.requestAudience, "request-audience", "", "Request a token with an alternate audience using RFC8693 token exchange")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&flags.conciergeEnabled, "enable-concierge", false, "Use the Concierge to login")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&conciergeNamespace, "concierge-namespace", "pinniped-concierge", "Namespace in which the Concierge was installed")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.conciergeAuthenticatorType, "concierge-authenticator-type", "", "Concierge authenticator type (e.g., 'webhook', 'jwt')")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.conciergeAuthenticatorName, "concierge-authenticator-name", "", "Concierge authenticator name")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.conciergeEndpoint, "concierge-endpoint", "", "API base for the Concierge endpoint")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.conciergeCABundle, "concierge-ca-bundle-data", "", "CA bundle to use when connecting to the Concierge")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.conciergeAPIGroupSuffix, "concierge-api-group-suffix", groupsuffix.PinnipedDefaultSuffix, "Concierge API group suffix")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.credentialCachePath, "credential-cache", filepath.Join(mustGetConfigDir(), "credentials.yaml"), "Path to cluster-specific credentials cache (\"\" disables the cache)")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.upstreamIdentityProviderName, "upstream-identity-provider-name", "", "The name of the upstream identity provider used during login with a Supervisor")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flags.upstreamIdentityProviderType, "upstream-identity-provider-type", "oidc", "The type of the upstream identity provider used during login with a Supervisor (e.g. 'oidc', 'ldap')")
// --skip-listen is mainly needed for testing. We'll leave it hidden until we have a non-testing use case.
mustMarkHidden(cmd, "skip-listen")
mustMarkHidden(cmd, "debug-session-cache")
mustMarkRequired(cmd, "issuer")
cmd.RunE = func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return runOIDCLogin(cmd, deps, flags) }
mustMarkDeprecated(cmd, "concierge-namespace", "not needed anymore")
mustMarkHidden(cmd, "concierge-namespace")
return cmd
func runOIDCLogin(cmd *cobra.Command, deps oidcLoginCommandDeps, flags oidcLoginFlags) error { //nolint:funlen
pLogger, err := SetLogLevel(deps.lookupEnv)
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("Received error while setting log level", err)
// Initialize the session cache.
var sessionOptions []filesession.Option
// If the hidden --debug-session-cache option is passed, log all the errors from the session cache with klog.
if flags.debugSessionCache {
logger := klogr.New().WithName("session")
sessionOptions = append(sessionOptions, filesession.WithErrorReporter(func(err error) {
logger.Error(err, "error during session cache operation")
sessionCache := filesession.New(flags.sessionCachePath, sessionOptions...)
// Initialize the login handler.
opts := []oidcclient.Option{
if flags.listenPort != 0 {
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithListenPort(flags.listenPort))
if flags.requestAudience != "" {
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithRequestAudience(flags.requestAudience))
if flags.upstreamIdentityProviderName != "" {
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithUpstreamIdentityProvider(
flags.upstreamIdentityProviderName, flags.upstreamIdentityProviderType))
switch flags.upstreamIdentityProviderType {
case "oidc":
// this is the default, so don't need to do anything
case "ldap":
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithCLISendingCredentials())
// Surprisingly cobra does not support this kind of flag validation. See https://github.com/spf13/pflag/issues/236
return fmt.Errorf(
"--upstream-identity-provider-type value not recognized: %s (supported values: oidc, ldap)",
var concierge *conciergeclient.Client
if flags.conciergeEnabled {
var err error
concierge, err = conciergeclient.New(
conciergeclient.WithAuthenticator(flags.conciergeAuthenticatorType, flags.conciergeAuthenticatorName),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid Concierge parameters: %w", err)
// --skip-browser skips opening the browser.
if flags.skipBrowser {
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithSkipBrowserOpen())
// --skip-listen skips starting the localhost callback listener.
if flags.skipListen {
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithSkipListen())
if len(flags.caBundlePaths) > 0 || len(flags.caBundleData) > 0 {
client, err := makeClient(flags.caBundlePaths, flags.caBundleData)
if err != nil {
return err
opts = append(opts, oidcclient.WithClient(client))
// Look up cached credentials based on a hash of all the CLI arguments and the cluster info.
cacheKey := struct {
Args []string `json:"args"`
ClusterInfo *clientauthv1beta1.Cluster `json:"cluster"`
Args: os.Args[1:],
ClusterInfo: loadClusterInfo(),
var credCache *execcredcache.Cache
if flags.credentialCachePath != "" {
credCache = execcredcache.New(flags.credentialCachePath)
if cred := credCache.Get(cacheKey); cred != nil {
pLogger.Debug("using cached cluster credential.")
return json.NewEncoder(cmd.OutOrStdout()).Encode(cred)
pLogger.Debug("Performing OIDC login", "issuer", flags.issuer, "client id", flags.clientID)
// Do the basic login to get an OIDC token.
token, err := deps.login(flags.issuer, flags.clientID, opts...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not complete Pinniped login: %w", err)
cred := tokenCredential(token)
// If the concierge was configured, exchange the credential for a separate short-lived, cluster-specific credential.
if concierge != nil {
pLogger.Debug("Exchanging token for cluster credential", "endpoint", flags.conciergeEndpoint, "authenticator type", flags.conciergeAuthenticatorType, "authenticator name", flags.conciergeAuthenticatorName)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
cred, err = deps.exchangeToken(ctx, concierge, token.IDToken.Token)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not complete Concierge credential exchange: %w", err)
pLogger.Debug("Successfully exchanged token for cluster credential.")
} else {
pLogger.Debug("No concierge configured, skipping token credential exchange")
// If there was a credential cache, save the resulting credential for future use.
if credCache != nil {
pLogger.Debug("caching cluster credential for future use.")
credCache.Put(cacheKey, cred)
return json.NewEncoder(cmd.OutOrStdout()).Encode(cred)
func makeClient(caBundlePaths []string, caBundleData []string) (*http.Client, error) {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, p := range caBundlePaths {
pem, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read --ca-bundle: %w", err)
for _, d := range caBundleData {
pem, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(d)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read --ca-bundle-data: %w", err)
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: pool,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
client.Transport = transport.DebugWrappers(client.Transport)
return client, nil
func tokenCredential(token *oidctypes.Token) *clientauthv1beta1.ExecCredential {
cred := clientauthv1beta1.ExecCredential{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "ExecCredential",
APIVersion: "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1",
Status: &clientauthv1beta1.ExecCredentialStatus{
Token: token.IDToken.Token,
if !token.IDToken.Expiry.IsZero() {
cred.Status.ExpirationTimestamp = &token.IDToken.Expiry
return &cred
func SetLogLevel(lookupEnv func(string) (string, bool)) (*plog.PLogger, error) {
debug, _ := lookupEnv("PINNIPED_DEBUG")
if debug == "true" {
err := plog.ValidateAndSetLogLevelGlobally(plog.LevelDebug)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logger := plog.New("Pinniped login: ")
return &logger, nil
// mustGetConfigDir returns a directory that follows the XDG base directory convention:
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should
// be stored. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used.
// [1] https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
func mustGetConfigDir() string {
const xdgAppName = "pinniped"
if path := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); path != "" {
return filepath.Join(path, xdgAppName)
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return filepath.Join(home, ".config", xdgAppName)