Load the setting in the controller. Use the setting during authentication and during refreshes.
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// Copyright 2021-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Package upstreamldap implements an abstraction of upstream LDAP IDP interactions.
package upstreamldap
import (
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
const (
ldapsScheme = "ldaps"
distinguishedNameAttributeName = "dn"
searchFilterInterpolationLocationMarker = "{}"
groupSearchPageSize = uint32(250)
defaultLDAPPort = uint16(389)
defaultLDAPSPort = uint16(636)
// Conn abstracts the upstream LDAP communication protocol (mostly for testing).
type Conn interface {
Bind(username, password string) error
Search(searchRequest *ldap.SearchRequest) (*ldap.SearchResult, error)
SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *ldap.SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*ldap.SearchResult, error)
// Our Conn type is subset of the ldap.Client interface, which is implemented by ldap.Conn.
var _ Conn = &ldap.Conn{}
// LDAPDialer is a factory of Conn, and the resulting Conn can then be used to interact with an upstream LDAP IDP.
type LDAPDialer interface {
Dial(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error)
// LDAPDialerFunc makes it easy to use a func as an LDAPDialer.
type LDAPDialerFunc func(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error)
var _ LDAPDialer = LDAPDialerFunc(nil)
func (f LDAPDialerFunc) Dial(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error) {
return f(ctx, addr)
type LDAPConnectionProtocol string
const (
StartTLS = LDAPConnectionProtocol("StartTLS")
TLS = LDAPConnectionProtocol("TLS")
// ProviderConfig includes all of the settings for connection and searching for users and groups in
// the upstream LDAP IDP. It also provides methods for testing the connection and performing logins.
// The nested structs are not pointer fields to enable deep copy on function params and return values.
type ProviderConfig struct {
// Name is the unique name of this upstream LDAP IDP.
Name string
// ResourceUID is the Kubernetes resource UID of this identity provider.
ResourceUID types.UID
// Host is the hostname or "hostname:port" of the LDAP server. When the port is not specified,
// the default LDAP port will be used.
Host string
// ConnectionProtocol determines how to establish the connection to the server. Either StartTLS or TLS.
ConnectionProtocol LDAPConnectionProtocol
// PEM-encoded CA cert bundle to trust when connecting to the LDAP server. Can be nil.
CABundle []byte
// BindUsername is the username to use when performing a bind with the upstream LDAP IDP.
BindUsername string
// BindPassword is the password to use when performing a bind with the upstream LDAP IDP.
BindPassword string
// UserSearch contains information about how to search for users in the upstream LDAP IDP.
UserSearch UserSearchConfig
// GroupSearch contains information about how to search for group membership in the upstream LDAP IDP.
GroupSearch GroupSearchConfig
// Dialer exists to enable testing. When nil, will use a default appropriate for production use.
Dialer LDAPDialer
// UIDAttributeParsingOverrides are mappings between an attribute name and a way to parse it as a UID when
// it comes out of LDAP.
UIDAttributeParsingOverrides map[string]func(*ldap.Entry) (string, error)
// GroupNameMappingOverrides are the mappings between an attribute name and a way to parse it as a group
// name when it comes out of LDAP.
GroupAttributeParsingOverrides map[string]func(*ldap.Entry) (string, error)
// RefreshAttributeChecks are extra checks that attributes in a refresh response are as expected.
RefreshAttributeChecks map[string]func(*ldap.Entry, provider.RefreshAttributes) error
// UserSearchConfig contains information about how to search for users in the upstream LDAP IDP.
type UserSearchConfig struct {
// Base is the base DN to use for the user search in the upstream LDAP IDP.
Base string
// Filter is the filter to use for the user search in the upstream LDAP IDP.
Filter string
// UsernameAttribute is the attribute in the LDAP entry from which the username should be
// retrieved.
UsernameAttribute string
// UIDAttribute is the attribute in the LDAP entry from which the user's unique ID should be
// retrieved.
UIDAttribute string
// GroupSearchConfig contains information about how to search for group membership for users in the upstream LDAP IDP.
type GroupSearchConfig struct {
// Base is the base DN to use for the group search in the upstream LDAP IDP. Empty means to skip group search
// entirely, in which case authenticated users will not belong to any groups from the upstream LDAP IDP.
Base string
// Filter is the filter to use for the group search in the upstream LDAP IDP. Empty means to use `member={}`.
Filter string
// UserAttributeForFilter is the name of the user attribute whose value should be used to replace the placeholder
// in the Filter. Empty means to use 'dn'.
UserAttributeForFilter string
// GroupNameAttribute is the attribute in the LDAP group entry from which the group name should be
// retrieved. Empty means to use 'cn'.
GroupNameAttribute string
// SkipGroupRefresh skips the group refresh operation that occurs with each refresh
// (every 5 minutes). This can be done if group search is very slow or resource intensive for the LDAP
// server.
SkipGroupRefresh bool
type Provider struct {
c ProviderConfig
var _ provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI = &Provider{}
var _ authenticators.UserAuthenticator = &Provider{}
// New creates a Provider. The config is not a pointer to ensure that a copy of the config is created,
// making the resulting Provider use an effectively read-only configuration.
func New(config ProviderConfig) *Provider {
return &Provider{c: config}
// GetConfig is a reader for the config. Returns a copy of the config to keep the underlying config read-only.
func (p *Provider) GetConfig() ProviderConfig {
return p.c
func (p *Provider) PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes provider.RefreshAttributes) ([]string, error) {
t := trace.FromContext(ctx).Nest("slow ldap refresh attempt", trace.Field{Key: "providerName", Value: p.GetName()})
defer t.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond) // to help users debug slow LDAP searches
userDN := storedRefreshAttributes.DN
conn, err := p.dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error dialing host %q: %w`, p.c.Host, err)
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.Bind(p.c.BindUsername, p.c.BindPassword)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error binding as %q before user search: %w`, p.c.BindUsername, err)
searchResult, err := p.performUserRefreshSearch(conn, userDN)
if err != nil {
p.traceRefreshFailure(t, err)
return nil, err
// if any more or less than one entry, error.
// we don't need to worry about logging this because we know it's a dn.
if len(searchResult.Entries) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q resulted in %d search results, but expected 1 result`,
userDN, len(searchResult.Entries),
userEntry := searchResult.Entries[0]
if len(userEntry.DN) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user with original DN %q resulted in search result without DN`, userDN)
newUsername, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newUsername != storedRefreshAttributes.Username {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q returned a different username than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`,
userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Username, newUsername,
newUID, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute, userEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newSubject := downstreamsession.DownstreamLDAPSubject(newUID, *p.GetURL())
if newSubject != storedRefreshAttributes.Subject {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q produced a different subject than the previous value. expected: %q, actual: %q`, userDN, storedRefreshAttributes.Subject, newSubject)
for attribute, validateFunc := range p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks {
err = validateFunc(userEntry, storedRefreshAttributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`validation for attribute %q failed during upstream refresh: %w`, attribute, err)
if p.c.GroupSearch.SkipGroupRefresh {
return storedRefreshAttributes.Groups, nil
// if we were not granted the groups scope, we should not search for groups or return any.
if !slices.Contains(storedRefreshAttributes.GrantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) {
return nil, nil
var groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue string
if p.useGroupSearchUserAttributeForFilter() {
groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue, err = p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.GroupSearch.UserAttributeForFilter, userEntry, newUsername)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappedGroupNames, err := p.searchGroupsForUserMembership(conn, userDN, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mappedGroupNames, nil
func (p *Provider) performUserRefreshSearch(conn Conn, userDN string) (*ldap.SearchResult, error) {
search := p.refreshUserSearchRequest(userDN)
searchResult, err := conn.Search(search)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error searching for user %q: %w`, userDN, err)
return searchResult, nil
func (p *Provider) dial(ctx context.Context) (Conn, error) {
tlsAddr, err := endpointaddr.Parse(p.c.Host, defaultLDAPSPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
startTLSAddr, err := endpointaddr.Parse(p.c.Host, defaultLDAPPort)
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
// Choose how and where to dial based on TLS vs. StartTLS config option.
var dialFunc LDAPDialerFunc
var addr endpointaddr.HostPort
switch {
case p.c.ConnectionProtocol == TLS:
dialFunc = p.dialTLS
addr = tlsAddr
case p.c.ConnectionProtocol == StartTLS:
dialFunc = p.dialStartTLS
addr = startTLSAddr
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, fmt.Errorf("did not specify valid ConnectionProtocol"))
// Override the real dialer for testing purposes sometimes.
if p.c.Dialer != nil {
dialFunc = p.c.Dialer.Dial
return dialFunc(ctx, addr)
// dialTLS is a default implementation of the Dialer, used when Dialer is nil and ConnectionProtocol is TLS.
// Unfortunately, the go-ldap library does not seem to support dialing with a context.Context,
// so we implement it ourselves, heavily inspired by ldap.DialURL.
func (p *Provider) dialTLS(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error) {
tlsConfig, err := p.tlsConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
dialer := &tls.Dialer{NetDialer: netDialer(), Config: tlsConfig}
c, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", addr.Endpoint())
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
conn := ldap.NewConn(c, true)
return conn, nil
// dialTLS is a default implementation of the Dialer, used when Dialer is nil and ConnectionProtocol is StartTLS.
// Unfortunately, the go-ldap library does not seem to support dialing with a context.Context,
// so we implement it ourselves, heavily inspired by ldap.DialURL.
func (p *Provider) dialStartTLS(ctx context.Context, addr endpointaddr.HostPort) (Conn, error) {
tlsConfig, err := p.tlsConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
// Unfortunately, this seems to be required for StartTLS, even though it is not needed for regular TLS.
tlsConfig.ServerName = addr.Host
c, err := netDialer().DialContext(ctx, "tcp", addr.Endpoint())
if err != nil {
return nil, ldap.NewError(ldap.ErrorNetwork, err)
conn := ldap.NewConn(c, false)
err = conn.StartTLS(tlsConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil
func netDialer() *net.Dialer {
return &net.Dialer{Timeout: time.Minute}
func (p *Provider) tlsConfig() (*tls.Config, error) {
var rootCAs *x509.CertPool
if p.c.CABundle != nil {
rootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
if !rootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(p.c.CABundle) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse CA bundle")
return ptls.DefaultLDAP(rootCAs), nil
// GetName returns a name for this upstream provider.
func (p *Provider) GetName() string {
return p.c.Name
func (p *Provider) GetResourceUID() types.UID {
return p.c.ResourceUID
// GetURL returns a URL which uniquely identifies this LDAP provider, e.g. "ldaps://host.example.com:1234?base=user-search-base".
// This URL is not used for connecting to the provider, but rather is used for creating a globally unique user
// identifier by being combined with the user's UID, since user UIDs are only unique within one provider.
func (p *Provider) GetURL() *url.URL {
u := &url.URL{Scheme: ldapsScheme, Host: p.c.Host}
q := u.Query()
q.Set("base", p.c.UserSearch.Base)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return u
// TestConnection provides a method for testing the connection and bind settings. It performs a dial and bind
// and returns any errors that we encountered.
func (p *Provider) TestConnection(ctx context.Context) error {
err := p.validateConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
conn, err := p.dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`error dialing host %q: %w`, p.c.Host, err)
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.Bind(p.c.BindUsername, p.c.BindPassword)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`error binding as %q: %w`, p.c.BindUsername, err)
return nil
// DryRunAuthenticateUser provides a method for testing all of the Provider settings in a kind of dry run of
// authentication for a given end user's username. It runs the same logic as AuthenticateUser except it does
// not bind as that user, so it does not test their password. It returns the same values that a real call to
// AuthenticateUser with the correct password would return.
func (p *Provider) DryRunAuthenticateUser(ctx context.Context, username string, grantedScopes []string) (*authenticators.Response, bool, error) {
endUserBindFunc := func(conn Conn, foundUserDN string) error {
// Act as if the end user bind always succeeds.
return nil
return p.authenticateUserImpl(ctx, username, grantedScopes, endUserBindFunc)
// AuthenticateUser authenticates an end user and returns their mapped username, groups, and UID. Implements authenticators.UserAuthenticator.
func (p *Provider) AuthenticateUser(ctx context.Context, username, password string, grantedScopes []string) (*authenticators.Response, bool, error) {
endUserBindFunc := func(conn Conn, foundUserDN string) error {
return conn.Bind(foundUserDN, password)
return p.authenticateUserImpl(ctx, username, grantedScopes, endUserBindFunc)
func (p *Provider) authenticateUserImpl(ctx context.Context, username string, grantedScopes []string, bindFunc func(conn Conn, foundUserDN string) error) (*authenticators.Response, bool, error) {
t := trace.FromContext(ctx).Nest("slow ldap authenticate user attempt", trace.Field{Key: "providerName", Value: p.GetName()})
defer t.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond) // to help users debug slow LDAP searches
err := p.validateConfig()
if err != nil {
p.traceAuthFailure(t, err)
return nil, false, err
if len(username) == 0 {
// Empty passwords are already handled by go-ldap.
p.traceAuthFailure(t, fmt.Errorf("empty username"))
return nil, false, nil
conn, err := p.dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
p.traceAuthFailure(t, err)
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf(`error dialing host %q: %w`, p.c.Host, err)
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.Bind(p.c.BindUsername, p.c.BindPassword)
if err != nil {
p.traceAuthFailure(t, err)
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf(`error binding as %q before user search: %w`, p.c.BindUsername, err)
response, err := p.searchAndBindUser(conn, username, grantedScopes, bindFunc)
if err != nil {
p.traceAuthFailure(t, err)
return nil, false, err
if response == nil {
p.traceAuthFailure(t, fmt.Errorf("bad username or password"))
return nil, false, nil
return response, true, nil
func (p *Provider) searchGroupsForUserMembership(conn Conn, userDN string, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue string) ([]string, error) {
// If we do not have group search configured, skip this search.
if len(p.c.GroupSearch.Base) == 0 {
return []string{}, nil
searchResult, err := conn.SearchWithPaging(p.groupSearchRequest(userDN, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue), groupSearchPageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error searching for group memberships for user with DN %q: %w`, userDN, err)
groupAttributeName := p.c.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute
if len(groupAttributeName) == 0 {
groupAttributeName = distinguishedNameAttributeName
groups := []string{}
for _, groupEntry := range searchResult.Entries {
if len(groupEntry.DN) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for group memberships for user with DN %q resulted in search result without DN`, userDN)
if overrideFunc := p.c.GroupAttributeParsingOverrides[groupAttributeName]; overrideFunc != nil {
overrideGroupName, err := overrideFunc(groupEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error finding groups for user %s: %w", userDN, err)
groups = append(groups, overrideGroupName)
continue entries
// if none of the overrides matched, use the default behavior (no mapping)
mappedGroupName, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(groupAttributeName, groupEntry, userDN)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error searching for group memberships for user with DN %q: %w`, userDN, err)
groups = append(groups, mappedGroupName)
// de-duplicate the list of groups by turning it into a set,
// then turn it back into a sorted list.
return sets.NewString(groups...).List(), nil
func (p *Provider) validateConfig() error {
if p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute == distinguishedNameAttributeName && len(p.c.UserSearch.Filter) == 0 {
// LDAP search filters do not allow searching by DN, so we would have no reasonable default for Filter.
return fmt.Errorf(`must specify UserSearch Filter when UserSearch UsernameAttribute is "dn"`)
return nil
func (p *Provider) SearchForDefaultNamingContext(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
t := trace.FromContext(ctx).Nest("slow ldap attempt when searching for default naming context", trace.Field{Key: "providerName", Value: p.GetName()})
defer t.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond) // to help users debug slow LDAP searches
conn, err := p.dial(ctx)
if err != nil {
p.traceSearchBaseDiscoveryFailure(t, err)
return "", fmt.Errorf(`error dialing host %q: %w`, p.c.Host, err)
defer conn.Close()
err = conn.Bind(p.c.BindUsername, p.c.BindPassword)
if err != nil {
p.traceSearchBaseDiscoveryFailure(t, err)
return "", fmt.Errorf(`error binding as %q before querying for defaultNamingContext: %w`, p.c.BindUsername, err)
searchResult, err := conn.Search(p.defaultNamingContextRequest())
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`error querying RootDSE for defaultNamingContext: %w`, err)
if len(searchResult.Entries) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`error querying RootDSE for defaultNamingContext: expected to find 1 entry but found %d`, len(searchResult.Entries))
searchBase := searchResult.Entries[0].GetAttributeValue("defaultNamingContext")
if searchBase == "" {
// if we get an empty search base back, treat it like an error. Otherwise we might make too broad of a search.
return "", fmt.Errorf(`error querying RootDSE for defaultNamingContext: empty search base DN found`)
return searchBase, nil
func (p *Provider) searchAndBindUser(conn Conn, username string, grantedScopes []string, bindFunc func(conn Conn, foundUserDN string) error) (*authenticators.Response, error) {
searchResult, err := conn.Search(p.userSearchRequest(username))
if err != nil {
plog.All(`error searching for user`,
"upstreamName", p.GetName(),
"username", username,
"err", err,
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error searching for user: %w`, err)
if len(searchResult.Entries) == 0 {
if plog.Enabled(plog.LevelAll) {
plog.All("error finding user: user not found (if this username is valid, please check the user search configuration)",
"upstreamName", p.GetName(),
"username", username,
} else {
plog.Debug("error finding user: user not found (cowardly avoiding printing username because log level is not 'all')", "upstreamName", p.GetName())
return nil, nil
// At this point, we have matched at least one entry, so we can be confident that the username is not actually
// someone's password mistakenly entered into the username field, so we can log it without concern.
if len(searchResult.Entries) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q resulted in %d search results, but expected 1 result`,
username, len(searchResult.Entries),
userEntry := searchResult.Entries[0]
if len(userEntry.DN) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`searching for user %q resulted in search result without DN`, username)
mappedUsername, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute, userEntry, username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We would like to support binary typed attributes for UIDs, so always read them as binary and encode them,
// even when the attribute may not be binary.
mappedUID, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute, userEntry, username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mappedGroupNames []string
if slices.Contains(grantedScopes, oidcapi.ScopeGroups) {
var groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue string
if p.useGroupSearchUserAttributeForFilter() {
groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue, err = p.getSearchResultAttributeValue(p.c.GroupSearch.UserAttributeForFilter, userEntry, username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappedGroupNames, err = p.searchGroupsForUserMembership(conn, userEntry.DN, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappedRefreshAttributes := make(map[string]string)
for k := range p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks {
mappedVal, err := p.getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(k, userEntry, username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mappedRefreshAttributes[k] = mappedVal
// Caution: Note that any other LDAP commands after this bind will be run as this user instead of as the configured BindUsername!
err = bindFunc(conn, userEntry.DN)
if err != nil {
plog.DebugErr("error binding for user (if this is not the expected dn for this username, please check the user search configuration)",
err, "upstreamName", p.GetName(), "username", username, "dn", userEntry.DN)
ldapErr := &ldap.Error{}
if errors.As(err, &ldapErr) && ldapErr.ResultCode == ldap.LDAPResultInvalidCredentials {
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`error binding for user %q using provided password against DN %q: %w`, username, userEntry.DN, err)
if len(mappedUsername) == 0 || len(mappedUID) == 0 {
// Couldn't find the username or couldn't bind using the password.
return nil, nil
response := &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{
Name: mappedUsername,
UID: mappedUID,
Groups: mappedGroupNames,
DN: userEntry.DN,
ExtraRefreshAttributes: mappedRefreshAttributes,
return response, nil
func (p *Provider) defaultNamingContextRequest() *ldap.SearchRequest {
return &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: "",
Scope: ldap.ScopeBaseObject,
DerefAliases: ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
SizeLimit: 2,
TimeLimit: 90,
TypesOnly: false,
Filter: "(objectClass=*)",
Attributes: []string{"defaultNamingContext"},
Controls: nil, // don't need paging because we set the SizeLimit so small
func (p *Provider) userSearchRequest(username string) *ldap.SearchRequest {
// See https://ldap.com/the-ldap-search-operation for general documentation of LDAP search options.
return &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: p.c.UserSearch.Base,
Scope: ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree,
DerefAliases: ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
SizeLimit: 2,
TimeLimit: 90,
TypesOnly: false,
Filter: p.userSearchFilter(username),
Attributes: p.userSearchRequestedAttributes(),
Controls: nil, // this could be used to enable paging, but we're already limiting the result max size
func (p *Provider) groupSearchRequest(userDN string, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue string) *ldap.SearchRequest {
// See https://ldap.com/the-ldap-search-operation for general documentation of LDAP search options.
return &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: p.c.GroupSearch.Base,
Scope: ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree,
DerefAliases: ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
SizeLimit: 0, // unlimited size because we will search with paging
TimeLimit: 90,
TypesOnly: false,
Filter: p.groupSearchFilter(userDN, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue),
Attributes: p.groupSearchRequestedAttributes(),
Controls: nil, // nil because ldap.SearchWithPaging() will set the appropriate controls for us
func (p *Provider) refreshUserSearchRequest(dn string) *ldap.SearchRequest {
// See https://ldap.com/the-ldap-search-operation for general documentation of LDAP search options.
return &ldap.SearchRequest{
BaseDN: dn,
Scope: ldap.ScopeBaseObject,
DerefAliases: ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
SizeLimit: 2,
TimeLimit: 90,
TypesOnly: false,
Filter: "(objectClass=*)", // we already have the dn, so the filter doesn't matter
Attributes: p.userSearchRequestedAttributes(),
Controls: nil, // this could be used to enable paging, but we're already limiting the result max size
func (p *Provider) useGroupSearchUserAttributeForFilter() bool {
return len(p.c.GroupSearch.UserAttributeForFilter) > 0 &&
p.c.GroupSearch.UserAttributeForFilter != distinguishedNameAttributeName
func (p *Provider) userSearchRequestedAttributes() []string {
attributes := make([]string, 0, len(p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks)+2)
if p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute != distinguishedNameAttributeName {
attributes = append(attributes, p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute)
if p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute != distinguishedNameAttributeName {
attributes = append(attributes, p.c.UserSearch.UIDAttribute)
if p.useGroupSearchUserAttributeForFilter() {
attributes = append(attributes, p.c.GroupSearch.UserAttributeForFilter)
for k := range p.c.RefreshAttributeChecks {
attributes = append(attributes, k)
return attributes
func (p *Provider) groupSearchRequestedAttributes() []string {
switch p.c.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute {
case "":
return []string{}
case distinguishedNameAttributeName:
return []string{}
return []string{p.c.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute}
func (p *Provider) userSearchFilter(username string) string {
// The username is end user input, so it should be escaped before being included in a search to prevent
// query injection.
safeUsername := p.escapeForSearchFilter(username)
if len(p.c.UserSearch.Filter) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s=%s)", p.c.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute, safeUsername)
return interpolateSearchFilter(p.c.UserSearch.Filter, safeUsername)
func (p *Provider) groupSearchFilter(userDN string, groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue string) string {
valueToInterpolate := userDN
if p.useGroupSearchUserAttributeForFilter() {
// Instead of using the DN in placeholder substitution, use the value of the specified attribute.
valueToInterpolate = groupSearchUserAttributeForFilterValue
// The value to interpolate can contain characters that are considered special characters by LDAP searches,
// so it should be escaped before being included in the search filter to prevent bad search syntax.
// E.g. for the DN `CN=My User (Admin),OU=Users,OU=my,DC=my,DC=domain` we must escape the parens.
escapedValueToInterpolate := p.escapeForSearchFilter(valueToInterpolate)
if len(p.c.GroupSearch.Filter) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("(member=%s)", escapedValueToInterpolate)
return interpolateSearchFilter(p.c.GroupSearch.Filter, escapedValueToInterpolate)
func interpolateSearchFilter(filterFormat, valueToInterpolateIntoFilter string) string {
filter := strings.ReplaceAll(filterFormat, searchFilterInterpolationLocationMarker, valueToInterpolateIntoFilter)
if strings.HasPrefix(filter, "(") && strings.HasSuffix(filter, ")") {
return filter
return "(" + filter + ")"
func (p *Provider) escapeForSearchFilter(s string) string {
return ldap.EscapeFilter(s)
// Returns the (potentially) binary data of the attribute's value, base64 URL encoded.
func (p *Provider) getSearchResultAttributeRawValueEncoded(attributeName string, entry *ldap.Entry, username string) (string, error) {
if attributeName == distinguishedNameAttributeName {
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(entry.DN)), nil
attributeValues := entry.GetRawAttributeValues(attributeName)
if len(attributeValues) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`found %d values for attribute %q while searching for user %q, but expected 1 result`,
len(attributeValues), attributeName, username,
attributeValue := attributeValues[0]
if len(attributeValue) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`found empty value for attribute %q while searching for user %q, but expected value to be non-empty`,
attributeName, username,
if overrideFunc := p.c.UIDAttributeParsingOverrides[attributeName]; overrideFunc != nil {
return overrideFunc(entry)
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(attributeValue), nil
func (p *Provider) getSearchResultAttributeValue(attributeName string, entry *ldap.Entry, username string) (string, error) {
if attributeName == distinguishedNameAttributeName {
return entry.DN, nil
attributeValues := entry.GetAttributeValues(attributeName)
if len(attributeValues) != 1 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`found %d values for attribute %q while searching for user %q, but expected 1 result`,
len(attributeValues), attributeName, username,
attributeValue := attributeValues[0]
if len(attributeValue) == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf(`found empty value for attribute %q while searching for user %q, but expected value to be non-empty`,
attributeName, username,
return attributeValue, nil
func (p *Provider) traceAuthFailure(t *trace.Trace, err error) {
t.Step("authentication failed",
trace.Field{Key: "authenticated", Value: false},
trace.Field{Key: "reason", Value: err.Error()},
func (p *Provider) traceAuthSuccess(t *trace.Trace) {
t.Step("authentication succeeded",
trace.Field{Key: "authenticated", Value: true},
func (p *Provider) traceSearchBaseDiscoveryFailure(t *trace.Trace, err error) {
t.Step("search base discovery failed",
trace.Field{Key: "reason", Value: err.Error()})
func (p *Provider) traceRefreshFailure(t *trace.Trace, err error) {
t.Step("refresh failed",
trace.Field{Key: "reason", Value: err.Error()},
func AttributeUnchangedSinceLogin(attribute string) func(*ldap.Entry, provider.RefreshAttributes) error {
return func(entry *ldap.Entry, storedAttributes provider.RefreshAttributes) error {
prevAttributeValue := storedAttributes.AdditionalAttributes[attribute]
newValues := entry.GetRawAttributeValues(attribute)
if len(newValues) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf(`expected to find 1 value for %q attribute, but found %d`, attribute, len(newValues))
encodedNewValue := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(newValues[0])
if prevAttributeValue != encodedNewValue {
return fmt.Errorf(`value for attribute %q has changed since initial value at login`, attribute)
return nil