also make extra refresh attributes a separate field rather than part of Extra Signed-off-by: Margo Crawford <margaretc@vmware.com>
833 lines
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833 lines
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// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package integration
import (
// safe to run in parallel with serial tests since it only makes read requests to our test LDAP server, see main_test.go.
func TestLDAPSearch_Parallel(t *testing.T) {
// This test does not interact with Kubernetes itself. It is a test of our LDAP client code, and only interacts
// with our test OpenLDAP server, which is exposed directly to this test via kubectl port-forward.
// Theoretically we should always be able to run this test, but something about the kubectl port forwarding
// was very flaky on AKS, so we'll get the coverage by only running it on kind.
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t).WithKubeDistribution(testlib.KindDistro)
// Note that these tests depend on the values hard-coded in the LDIF file in test/deploy/tools/ldap.yaml.
// It requires the test LDAP server from the tools deployment.
if len(env.ToolsNamespace) == 0 {
t.Skip("Skipping test because it requires the test LDAP server in the tools namespace.")
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
t.Cleanup(func() {
cancelFunc() // this will send SIGKILL to the subprocess, just in case
localhostPorts := findRecentlyUnusedLocalhostPorts(t, 3)
ldapLocalhostPort := localhostPorts[0]
ldapsLocalhostPort := localhostPorts[1]
unusedLocalhostPort := localhostPorts[2]
// Expose the the test LDAP server's TLS port on the localhost.
startKubectlPortForward(ctx, t, ldapsLocalhostPort, "ldaps", "ldap", env.ToolsNamespace)
// Expose the the test LDAP server's StartTLS port on the localhost.
startKubectlPortForward(ctx, t, ldapLocalhostPort, "ldap", "ldap", env.ToolsNamespace)
providerConfig := func(editFunc func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig)) *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig {
providerConfig := defaultProviderConfig(env, ldapsLocalhostPort)
if editFunc != nil {
return providerConfig
pinnyPassword := env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserPassword
b64 := func(s string) string {
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s))
tests := []struct {
name string
username string
password string
provider *upstreamldap.Provider
wantError string
wantAuthResponse *authenticators.Response
wantUnauthenticated bool
name: "happy path with TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "happy path with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using a different user search base",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Base = "dc=pinniped,dc=dev" })),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the user search filter is already wrapped by parenthesis",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Filter = "(cn={})" })),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UsernameAttribute is dn and a user search filter is provided",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "dn"
p.UserSearch.Filter = "cn={}"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the user search filter allows for different ways of logging in and the first one is used",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "(|(cn={})(mail={}))"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the user search filter allows for different ways of logging in and the second one is used",
username: "pinny.ldap@example.com",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "(|(cn={})(mail={}))"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UIDAttribute is dn",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "dn" })),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UIDAttribute is sn",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "sn" })),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("Seal"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UsernameAttribute is sn",
username: "seAl", // note that this is not case-sensitive! sn=Seal. The server decides which fields are compared case-sensitive.
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "sn" })),
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "Seal", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev", // note that the final answer has case preserved from the entry
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UsernameAttribute or UIDAttribute are attributes whose value contains UTF-8 data",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "cn={}"
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "givenName"
p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "givenName"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "Pinny the 🦭", UID: b64("Pinny the 🦭"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the search filter is searching on an attribute whose value contains UTF-8 data",
username: "Pinny the 🦭",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "givenName={}"
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "cn"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the UsernameAttribute is dn and there is no user search filter provided",
username: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "dn"
p.UserSearch.Filter = ""
wantError: `must specify UserSearch Filter when UserSearch UsernameAttribute is "dn"`,
name: "group search disabled",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.Base = ""
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "group search base causes no groups to be found for user",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.Base = "ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" // there are no groups under this part of the tree
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using dn as the group name attribute",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute = "dn"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using the default group name attribute, which is dn",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute = ""
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using some other custom group name attribute",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute = "objectClass" // silly example, but still a meaningful test
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"groupOfNames", "groupOfNames"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using a more complex group search filter",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.Filter = "(&(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={}))(cn=seals))"
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "using a group filter which causes no groups to be found for the user",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.Filter = "foobar={}" // foobar is not a valid attribute name for this LDAP server's schema
wantAuthResponse: &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
name: "when the bind user username is not a valid DN",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.BindUsername = "invalid-dn" })),
wantError: `error binding as "invalid-dn" before user search: LDAP Result Code 34 "Invalid DN Syntax": invalid DN`,
name: "when the bind user username is wrong",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.BindUsername = "cn=wrong,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" })),
wantError: `error binding as "cn=wrong,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" before user search: LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials": `,
name: "when the bind user password is wrong",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.BindPassword = "wrong-password" })),
wantError: `error binding as "cn=admin,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" before user search: LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials": `,
name: "when the bind user username is wrong with StartTLS: example of an error after successful connection with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
p.BindUsername = "cn=wrong,dc=pinniped,dc=dev"
wantError: `error binding as "cn=wrong,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" before user search: LDAP Result Code 49 "Invalid Credentials": `,
name: "when the end user password is wrong",
username: "pinny",
password: "wrong-pinny-password",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
name: "when the end user password has the wrong case (passwords are compared as case-sensitive)",
username: "pinny",
password: strings.ToUpper(pinnyPassword),
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
name: "when the end user username is wrong",
username: "wrong-username",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
name: "when the user search filter does not compile",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Filter = "*" })),
wantError: `error searching for user: LDAP Result Code 201 "Filter Compile Error": ldap: error parsing filter`,
name: "when the group search filter does not compile",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.GroupSearch.Filter = "*" })),
wantError: `error searching for group memberships for user with DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": LDAP Result Code 201 "Filter Compile Error": ldap: error parsing filter`,
name: "when there are too many search results for the user",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "objectClass=*" // overly broad search filter
wantError: `error searching for user: LDAP Result Code 4 "Size Limit Exceeded": `,
name: "when the server is unreachable with TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.Host = "" + unusedLocalhostPort })),
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": dial tcp connect: connection refused`, unusedLocalhostPort, unusedLocalhostPort),
name: "when the server is unreachable with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + unusedLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": dial tcp connect: connection refused`, unusedLocalhostPort, unusedLocalhostPort),
name: "when the server is not parsable with TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.Host = "too:many:ports" })),
wantError: `error dialing host "too:many:ports": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": host "too:many:ports" is not a valid hostname or IP address`,
name: "when the server is not parsable with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
p.Host = "too:many:ports"
wantError: `error dialing host "too:many:ports": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": host "too:many:ports" is not a valid hostname or IP address`,
name: "when the CA bundle is not parsable with TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.CABundle = []byte("invalid-pem") })),
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": could not parse CA bundle`, ldapsLocalhostPort),
name: "when the CA bundle is not parsable with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
p.CABundle = []byte("invalid-pem")
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": could not parse CA bundle`, ldapLocalhostPort),
name: "when the CA bundle does not cause the host to be trusted with TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.CABundle = nil })),
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority`, ldapsLocalhostPort),
name: "when the CA bundle does not cause the host to be trusted with StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort
p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
p.CABundle = nil
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": TLS handshake failed (x509: certificate signed by unknown authority)`, ldapLocalhostPort),
name: "when trying to use TLS to connect to a port which only supports StartTLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.Host = "" + ldapLocalhostPort })),
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": LDAP Result Code 200 "Network Error": EOF`, ldapLocalhostPort),
name: "when trying to use StartTLS to connect to a port which only supports TLS",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS })),
wantError: fmt.Sprintf(`error dialing host "": unable to read LDAP response packet: unexpected EOF`, ldapsLocalhostPort),
name: "when the UsernameAttribute attribute has multiple values in the entry",
username: "wally.ldap@example.com",
password: "unused-because-error-is-before-bind",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "mail" })),
wantError: `found 2 values for attribute "mail" while searching for user "wally.ldap@example.com", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UIDAttribute attribute has multiple values in the entry",
username: "wally",
password: "unused-because-error-is-before-bind",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "mail" })),
wantError: `found 2 values for attribute "mail" while searching for user "wally", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UsernameAttribute attribute is not found in the entry",
username: "wally",
password: "unused-because-error-is-before-bind",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.Filter = "cn={}"
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "attr-does-not-exist"
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "attr-does-not-exist" while searching for user "wally", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UIDAttribute attribute is not found in the entry",
username: "wally",
password: "unused-because-error-is-before-bind",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "attr-does-not-exist" })),
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "attr-does-not-exist" while searching for user "wally", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UsernameAttribute has the wrong case",
username: "Seal",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "SN" })), // this is case-sensitive
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "SN" while searching for user "Seal", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UIDAttribute has the wrong case",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "SN" })), // this is case-sensitive
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "SN" while searching for user "pinny", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the GroupNameAttribute has the wrong case",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute = "CN" })), // this is case-sensitive
wantError: `error searching for group memberships for user with DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": found 0 values for attribute "CN" while searching for user "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UsernameAttribute is DN and has the wrong case",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.UsernameAttribute = "DN" // dn must be lower-case
p.UserSearch.Filter = "cn={}"
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "DN" while searching for user "pinny", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the UIDAttribute is DN and has the wrong case",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.UserSearch.UIDAttribute = "DN" // dn must be lower-case
wantError: `found 0 values for attribute "DN" while searching for user "pinny", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the GroupNameAttribute is DN and has the wrong case",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) {
p.GroupSearch.GroupNameAttribute = "DN" // dn must be lower-case
wantError: `error searching for group memberships for user with DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": found 0 values for attribute "DN" while searching for user "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev", but expected 1 result`,
name: "when the user search base is invalid",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Base = "invalid-base" })),
wantError: `error searching for user: LDAP Result Code 34 "Invalid DN Syntax": invalid DN`,
name: "when the group search base is invalid",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.GroupSearch.Base = "invalid-base" })),
wantError: `error searching for group memberships for user with DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": LDAP Result Code 34 "Invalid DN Syntax": invalid DN`,
name: "when the user search base does not exist",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Base = "ou=does-not-exist,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" })),
wantError: `error searching for user: LDAP Result Code 32 "No Such Object": `,
name: "when the group search base does not exist",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.GroupSearch.Base = "ou=does-not-exist,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" })),
wantError: `error searching for group memberships for user with DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": LDAP Result Code 32 "No Such Object": `,
name: "when the user search base causes no search results",
username: "pinny",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(func(p *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) { p.UserSearch.Base = "ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev" })),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
name: "when there is no username specified",
username: "",
password: pinnyPassword,
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
name: "when there is no password specified",
username: "pinny",
password: "",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantError: `error binding for user "pinny" using provided password against DN "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev": LDAP Result Code 206 "Empty password not allowed by the client": ldap: empty password not allowed by the client`,
name: "when the user has no password in their entry",
username: "olive",
password: "anything",
provider: upstreamldap.New(*providerConfig(nil)),
wantUnauthenticated: true,
for _, test := range tests {
tt := test
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
authResponse, authenticated, err := tt.provider.AuthenticateUser(ctx, tt.username, tt.password)
switch {
case tt.wantError != "":
require.EqualError(t, err, tt.wantError)
require.False(t, authenticated, "expected the user not to be authenticated, but they were")
require.Nil(t, authResponse)
case tt.wantUnauthenticated:
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, authenticated, "expected the user not to be authenticated, but they were")
require.Nil(t, authResponse)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, authenticated, "expected the user to be authenticated, but they were not")
require.Equal(t, tt.wantAuthResponse, authResponse)
func TestSimultaneousLDAPRequestsOnSingleProvider(t *testing.T) {
// This test does not interact with Kubernetes itself. It is a test of our LDAP client code, and only interacts
// with our test OpenLDAP server, which is exposed directly to this test via kubectl port-forward.
// Theoretically we should always be able to run this test, but something about the kubectl port forwarding
// was very flaky on AKS, so we'll get the coverage by only running it on kind.
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t).WithKubeDistribution(testlib.KindDistro)
// Note that these tests depend on the values hard-coded in the LDIF file in test/deploy/tools/ldap.yaml.
// It requires the test LDAP server from the tools deployment.
if len(env.ToolsNamespace) == 0 {
t.Skip("Skipping test because it requires the test LDAP server in the tools namespace.")
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
t.Cleanup(func() {
cancelFunc() // this will send SIGKILL to the subprocess, just in case
ldapHostPort := findRecentlyUnusedLocalhostPorts(t, 1)[0]
// Expose the the test LDAP server's TLS port on the localhost.
startKubectlPortForward(ctx, t, ldapHostPort, "ldaps", "ldap", env.ToolsNamespace)
provider := upstreamldap.New(*defaultProviderConfig(env, ldapHostPort))
b64 := func(s string) string {
return base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s))
// Making multiple simultaneous requests on the same upstreamldap.Provider instance should all succeed
// without triggering the race detector.
iterations := 150
resultCh := make(chan authUserResult, iterations)
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
go func() {
authUserCtx, authUserCtxCancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute)
defer authUserCtxCancelFunc()
authResponse, authenticated, err := provider.AuthenticateUser(authUserCtx,
env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserCN, env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserPassword,
resultCh <- authUserResult{
response: authResponse,
authenticated: authenticated,
err: err,
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
result := <-resultCh
// Record failures but allow the test to keep running so that all the background goroutines have a chance to try.
assert.NoError(t, result.err)
assert.True(t, result.authenticated, "expected the user to be authenticated, but they were not")
assert.Equal(t, &authenticators.Response{
User: &user.DefaultInfo{Name: "pinny", UID: b64("1000"), Groups: []string{"ball-game-players", "seals"}},
DN: "cn=pinny,ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
ExtraRefreshAttributes: map[string]string{},
}, result.response)
type authUserResult struct {
response *authenticators.Response
authenticated bool
err error
func defaultProviderConfig(env *testlib.TestEnv, port string) *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig {
return &upstreamldap.ProviderConfig{
Name: "test-ldap-provider",
Host: "" + port,
ConnectionProtocol: upstreamldap.TLS,
CABundle: []byte(env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.CABundle),
BindUsername: "cn=admin,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
BindPassword: "password",
UserSearch: upstreamldap.UserSearchConfig{
Base: "ou=users,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
Filter: "", // defaults to UsernameAttribute={}, i.e. "cn={}" in this case
UsernameAttribute: "cn",
UIDAttribute: "uidNumber",
GroupSearch: upstreamldap.GroupSearchConfig{
Base: "ou=groups,dc=pinniped,dc=dev",
Filter: "", // defaults to member={}
GroupNameAttribute: "cn", // defaults to dn, but here we set it to cn
func startKubectlPortForward(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, hostPort, remotePort, serviceName, namespace string) {
startLongRunningCommandAndWaitForInitialOutput(ctx, t,
fmt.Sprintf("service/%s", serviceName),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostPort, remotePort),
"-n", namespace,
"Forwarding from ",
func findRecentlyUnusedLocalhostPorts(t *testing.T, howManyPorts int) []string {
listeners := []net.Listener{}
for i := 0; i < howManyPorts; i++ {
unusedPortGrabbingListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
listeners = append(listeners, unusedPortGrabbingListener)
ports := make([]string, len(listeners))
for i, listener := range listeners {
splitHostAndPort := strings.Split(listener.Addr().String(), ":")
require.Len(t, splitHostAndPort, 2)
ports[i] = splitHostAndPort[1]
for _, listener := range listeners {
require.NoError(t, listener.Close())
return ports
func startLongRunningCommandAndWaitForInitialOutput(
ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
command string,
args []string,
waitForOutputToContain string,
waitForOutputOnFd string, // can be either "stdout" or "stderr"
) {
t.Logf("Starting: %s %s", command, strings.Join(args, " "))
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command, args...)
var stdoutBuf, stderrBuf syncBuffer
cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, &stdoutBuf)
cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, &stderrBuf)
var watchOn *syncBuffer
switch waitForOutputOnFd {
case "stdout":
watchOn = &stdoutBuf
case "stderr":
watchOn = &stderrBuf
t.Fatalf("oops bad argument")
err := cmd.Start()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
// If the cancellation of ctx was already scheduled in a t.Cleanup, then this
// t.Cleanup is registered after the one, so this one will happen first.
// Cancelling ctx will send SIGKILL, which will act as a backup in case
// the process ignored this SIGINT.
err := cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt)
require.NoError(t, err)
testlib.RequireEventually(t, func(requireEventually *require.Assertions) {
t.Logf(`Waiting for %s to emit output: "%s"`, command, waitForOutputToContain)
requireEventually.Equal(-1, cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode(), "subcommand ended sooner than expected")
requireEventually.Contains(watchOn.String(), waitForOutputToContain, "expected process to emit output")
}, 1*time.Minute, 1*time.Second)
t.Logf("Detected that %s has started successfully", command)