Matt Moyer 827e6e0dc0
More website tweaks.
These are some more changes that came up when Pablo and I were reviewing the previous docs PR.

In no particular order:

- Fix "related posts" on the blog section, and hide the section if there are none.

- Minor style changes to several pages (guided by various style guides).

- Redirect the root of to our main page (shouldn't really be hit, but it's nice to do something).

- Add more mobile-friendly CSS for our docs.

- Reword the "getting started" CTA, and hide it on the docs pages (you're already there).

- Fix the "Learn how Pinniped provides identity services to Kubernetes" link on the landing page.

- Add a date to our blog post cards.

- Rewrite the hero text on the landing page.

- Fix the docs link for the "Get Started with Pinniped" button on the landing page.

- Rework the landing page grid text.

- Add Margo and Nanci to the team section and sort it alphabetically.

Signed-off-by: Matt Moyer <>
2021-02-23 14:03:37 -06:00

25 lines
1.2 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ .Site.LanguageCode | default "en-us" }}">
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{{ with .Site.Params.description }}<meta name="description" content="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
{{ with }}<meta name="author" content="{{ . }}">{{ end }}
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{{ $style := resources.Get "scss/site.scss" | resources.ToCSS $options }}
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{{ printf `<link rel="%s" type="%s" href="%s" title="%s">` .Rel .MediaType.Type .RelPermalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }}
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{{ partial "header" . }}
{{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
{{ partial "footer" . }}