Previously, when triggering a Tilt reload via a *.go file change, a reload would take ~13 seconds and we would see this error message in the Tilt logs for each component. Live Update failed with unexpected error: command terminated with exit code 2 Falling back to a full image build + deploy Now, Tilt should reload images a lot faster (~3 seconds) since we are running the images as root. Note! Reloading the Concierge component still takes ~13 seconds because there are 2 containers running in the Concierge namespace that use the Concierge image: the main Concierge app and the kube cert agent pod. Tilt can't live reload both of these at once, so the reload takes longer and we see this error message. Will not perform Live Update because: Error retrieving container info: can only get container info for a single pod; image target image:image/concierge has 2 pods Falling back to a full image build + deploy Signed-off-by: Andrew Keesler <>
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#! Copyright 2020-2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
app_name: pinniped-concierge
#! Creates a new namespace statically in yaml with the given name and installs the app into that namespace.
namespace: pinniped-concierge
#! If specified, assumes that a namespace of the given name already exists and installs the app into that namespace.
#! If both `namespace` and `into_namespace` are specified, then only `into_namespace` is used.
into_namespace: #! e.g. my-preexisting-namespace
#! All resources created statically by yaml at install-time and all resources created dynamically
#! by controllers at runtime will be labelled with `app: $app_name` and also with the labels
#! specified here. The value of `custom_labels` must be a map of string keys to string values.
#! The app can be uninstalled either by:
#! 1. Deleting the static install-time yaml resources including the static namespace, which will cascade and also delete
#! resources that were dynamically created by controllers at runtime
#! 2. Or, deleting all resources by label, which does not assume that there was a static install-time yaml namespace.
custom_labels: {} #! e.g. {myCustomLabelName: myCustomLabelValue, otherCustomLabelName: otherCustomLabelValue}
#! Specify how many replicas of the Pinniped server to run.
replicas: 2
#! Specify either an image_digest or an image_tag. If both are given, only image_digest will be used.
image_digest: #! e.g. sha256:f3c4fdfd3ef865d4b97a1fd295d94acc3f0c654c46b6f27ffad5cf80216903c8
image_tag: latest
#! Optionally specify a different image for the "kube-cert-agent" pod which is scheduled
#! on the control plane. This image needs only to include `sleep` and `cat` binaries.
#! By default, the same image specified for image_repo/image_digest/image_tag will be re-used.
#! Specifies a secret to be used when pulling the above `image_repo` container image.
#! Can be used when the above image_repo is a private registry.
#! Typically the value would be the output of: kubectl create secret docker-registry x --docker-server= --docker-username="USERNAME" --docker-password="PASSWORD" --dry-run=client -o json | jq -r '.data[".dockerconfigjson"]'
#! Optional.
image_pull_dockerconfigjson: #! e.g. {"auths":{"":{"username":"USERNAME","password":"PASSWORD","auth":"BASE64_ENCODED_USERNAME_COLON_PASSWORD"}}}
#! Pinniped will try to guess the right K8s API URL for sharing that information with potential clients.
#! This settings allows the guess to be overridden.
#! Optional.
discovery_url: #! e.g.,
#! Specify the duration and renewal interval for the API serving certificate.
#! The defaults are set to expire the cert about every 30 days, and to rotate it
#! about every 25 days.
api_serving_certificate_duration_seconds: 2592000
api_serving_certificate_renew_before_seconds: 2160000
#! Specify the verbosity of logging: info ("nice to know" information), debug (developer
#! information), trace (timing information), all (kitchen sink).
log_level: #! By default, when this value is left unset, only warnings and errors are printed. There is no way to suppress warning and error logs.
run_as_user: 1001 #! run_as_user specifies the user ID that will own the local-user-authenticator process
run_as_group: 1001 #! run_as_group specifies the group ID that will own the local-user-authenticator process