
322 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package upstreamwatchers
import (
corev1 ""
corev1informers ""
const (
ReasonNotFound = "SecretNotFound"
ReasonWrongType = "SecretWrongType"
ReasonMissingKeys = "SecretMissingKeys"
ReasonSuccess = "Success"
ReasonInvalidTLSConfig = "InvalidTLSConfig"
ErrNoCertificates = constable.Error("no certificates found")
LDAPBindAccountSecretType = corev1.SecretTypeBasicAuth
TestLDAPConnectionTimeout = 90 * time.Second
// Constants related to conditions.
typeBindSecretValid = "BindSecretValid"
typeTLSConfigurationValid = "TLSConfigurationValid"
typeLDAPConnectionValid = "LDAPConnectionValid"
reasonLDAPConnectionError = "LDAPConnectionError"
noTLSConfigurationMessage = "no TLS configuration provided"
loadedTLSConfigurationMessage = "loaded TLS configuration"
// An in-memory cache with an entry for each ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider, to keep track of which ResourceVersion
// of the bind Secret and which TLS/StartTLS setting was used during the most recent successful validation.
type SecretVersionCache struct {
ValidatedSettingsByName map[string]ValidatedSettings
type ValidatedSettings struct {
BindSecretResourceVersion string
LDAPConnectionProtocol upstreamldap.LDAPConnectionProtocol
func NewSecretVersionCache() *SecretVersionCache {
return &SecretVersionCache{ValidatedSettingsByName: map[string]ValidatedSettings{}}
// read only interface for sharing between ldap and active directory.
type UpstreamGenericLDAPIDP interface {
Spec() UpstreamGenericLDAPSpec
Name() string
Namespace() string
Generation() int64
Status() UpstreamGenericLDAPStatus
type UpstreamGenericLDAPSpec interface {
Host() string
TLSSpec() *v1alpha1.TLSSpec
BindSecretName() string
UserSearch() UpstreamGenericLDAPUserSearch
GroupSearch() UpstreamGenericLDAPGroupSearch
type UpstreamGenericLDAPUserSearch interface {
Base() string
Filter() string
UsernameAttribute() string
UIDAttribute() string
type UpstreamGenericLDAPGroupSearch interface {
Base() string
Filter() string
GroupNameAttribute() string
type UpstreamGenericLDAPStatus interface {
Conditions() []v1alpha1.Condition
func ValidateTLSConfig(tlsSpec *v1alpha1.TLSSpec, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) *v1alpha1.Condition {
if tlsSpec == nil {
return validTLSCondition(noTLSConfigurationMessage)
if len(tlsSpec.CertificateAuthorityData) == 0 {
return validTLSCondition(loadedTLSConfigurationMessage)
bundle, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(tlsSpec.CertificateAuthorityData)
if err != nil {
return invalidTLSCondition(fmt.Sprintf("certificateAuthorityData is invalid: %s", err.Error()))
ca := x509.NewCertPool()
ok := ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(bundle)
if !ok {
return invalidTLSCondition(fmt.Sprintf("certificateAuthorityData is invalid: %s", ErrNoCertificates))
config.CABundle = bundle
return validTLSCondition(loadedTLSConfigurationMessage)
func TestConnection(
ctx context.Context,
bindSecretName string,
config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig,
currentSecretVersion string,
) *v1alpha1.Condition {
// First try using TLS.
config.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.TLS
tlsLDAPProvider := upstreamldap.New(*config)
err := tlsLDAPProvider.TestConnection(ctx)
if err != nil {
plog.InfoErr("testing LDAP connection using TLS failed, so trying again with StartTLS", err, "host", config.Host)
// If there was any error, try again with StartTLS instead.
config.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.StartTLS
startTLSLDAPProvider := upstreamldap.New(*config)
startTLSErr := startTLSLDAPProvider.TestConnection(ctx)
if startTLSErr == nil {
plog.Info("testing LDAP connection using StartTLS succeeded", "host", config.Host)
// Successfully able to fall back to using StartTLS, so clear the original
// error and consider the connection test to be successful.
err = nil
} else {
plog.InfoErr("testing LDAP connection using StartTLS also failed", err, "host", config.Host)
// Falling back to StartTLS also failed, so put TLS back into the config
// and consider the connection test to be failed.
config.ConnectionProtocol = upstreamldap.TLS
if err != nil {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeLDAPConnectionValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonLDAPConnectionError,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(`could not successfully connect to "%s" and bind as user "%s": %s`,
config.Host, config.BindUsername, err.Error()),
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeLDAPConnectionValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: ReasonSuccess,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(`successfully able to connect to "%s" and bind as user "%s" [validated with Secret "%s" at version "%s"]`,
config.Host, config.BindUsername, bindSecretName, currentSecretVersion),
func HasPreviousSuccessfulConditionForCurrentSpecGenerationAndSecretVersion(secretVersionCache *SecretVersionCache, currentGeneration int64, upstreamStatusConditions []v1alpha1.Condition, upstreamName string, currentSecretVersion string, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) bool {
for _, cond := range upstreamStatusConditions {
if cond.Type == typeLDAPConnectionValid && cond.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionTrue && cond.ObservedGeneration == currentGeneration {
// Found a previously successful condition for the current spec generation.
// Now figure out which version of the bind Secret was used during that previous validation, if any.
validatedSecretVersion := secretVersionCache.ValidatedSettingsByName[upstreamName]
if validatedSecretVersion.BindSecretResourceVersion == currentSecretVersion {
// Reload the TLS vs StartTLS setting that was previously validated.
config.ConnectionProtocol = validatedSecretVersion.LDAPConnectionProtocol
return true
return false
func validTLSCondition(message string) *v1alpha1.Condition {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeTLSConfigurationValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: ReasonSuccess,
Message: message,
func invalidTLSCondition(message string) *v1alpha1.Condition {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeTLSConfigurationValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: ReasonInvalidTLSConfig,
Message: message,
func ValidateSecret(secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer, secretName string, secretNamespace string, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) (*v1alpha1.Condition, string) {
secret, err := secretInformer.Lister().Secrets(secretNamespace).Get(secretName)
if err != nil {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeBindSecretValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: ReasonNotFound,
Message: err.Error(),
}, ""
if secret.Type != corev1.SecretTypeBasicAuth {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeBindSecretValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: ReasonWrongType,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("referenced Secret %q has wrong type %q (should be %q)",
secretName, secret.Type, corev1.SecretTypeBasicAuth),
}, secret.ResourceVersion
config.BindUsername = string(secret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey])
config.BindPassword = string(secret.Data[corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey])
if len(config.BindUsername) == 0 || len(config.BindPassword) == 0 {
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeBindSecretValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: ReasonMissingKeys,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("referenced Secret %q is missing required keys %q",
secretName, []string{corev1.BasicAuthUsernameKey, corev1.BasicAuthPasswordKey}),
}, secret.ResourceVersion
return &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeBindSecretValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: ReasonSuccess,
Message: "loaded bind secret",
}, secret.ResourceVersion
type GradatedConditions struct {
gradatedConditions []GradatedCondition
func (g *GradatedConditions) Conditions() []*v1alpha1.Condition {
conditions := []*v1alpha1.Condition{}
for _, gc := range g.gradatedConditions {
conditions = append(conditions, gc.condition)
return conditions
func (g *GradatedConditions) Append(condition *v1alpha1.Condition, isFatal bool) {
g.gradatedConditions = append(g.gradatedConditions, GradatedCondition{condition: condition, isFatal: isFatal})
// A condition and a boolean that tells you whether it's fatal or just a warning.
type GradatedCondition struct {
condition *v1alpha1.Condition
isFatal bool
func ValidateGenericLDAP(ctx context.Context, upstream UpstreamGenericLDAPIDP, secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer, validatedSecretVersionsCache *SecretVersionCache, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) GradatedConditions {
conditions := GradatedConditions{}
secretValidCondition, currentSecretVersion := ValidateSecret(secretInformer, upstream.Spec().BindSecretName(), upstream.Namespace(), config)
conditions.Append(secretValidCondition, true)
tlsValidCondition := ValidateTLSConfig(upstream.Spec().TLSSpec(), config)
conditions.Append(tlsValidCondition, true)
// No point in trying to connect to the server if the config was already determined to be invalid.
var ldapConnectionValidCondition *v1alpha1.Condition
if secretValidCondition.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionTrue && tlsValidCondition.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionTrue {
ldapConnectionValidCondition = validateAndSetLDAPServerConnectivity(ctx, validatedSecretVersionsCache, upstream, config, currentSecretVersion)
if ldapConnectionValidCondition != nil {
conditions.Append(ldapConnectionValidCondition, false)
return conditions
func validateAndSetLDAPServerConnectivity(ctx context.Context, validatedSecretVersionsCache *SecretVersionCache, upstream UpstreamGenericLDAPIDP, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig, currentSecretVersion string) *v1alpha1.Condition {
// TODO refactor validateAndSetLDAPServerConnectivity to be shared and take a helper function for the defaultNamingContext stuff
// so that can be shared.
if HasPreviousSuccessfulConditionForCurrentSpecGenerationAndSecretVersion(validatedSecretVersionsCache, upstream.Generation(), upstream.Status().Conditions(), upstream.Name(), currentSecretVersion, config) {
return nil
testConnectionTimeout, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctx, TestLDAPConnectionTimeout)
defer cancelFunc()
condition := TestConnection(testConnectionTimeout, upstream.Spec().BindSecretName(), config, currentSecretVersion)
if condition.Status == v1alpha1.ConditionTrue {
// Remember (in-memory for this pod) that the controller has successfully validated the LDAP provider
// using this version of the Secret. This is for performance reasons, to avoid attempting to connect to
// the LDAP server more than is needed. If the pod restarts, it will attempt this validation again.
validatedSecretVersionsCache.ValidatedSettingsByName[upstream.Name()] = ValidatedSettings{
BindSecretResourceVersion: currentSecretVersion,
LDAPConnectionProtocol: config.ConnectionProtocol,
return condition
func EvaluateConditions(conditions GradatedConditions, config *upstreamldap.ProviderConfig) (provider.UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI, bool) {
for _, gradatedCondition := range conditions.gradatedConditions {
if gradatedCondition.condition.Status != v1alpha1.ConditionTrue && gradatedCondition.isFatal {
// Invalid provider, so do not load it into the cache.
return nil, true
for _, gradatedCondition := range conditions.gradatedConditions {
if gradatedCondition.condition.Status != v1alpha1.ConditionTrue && !gradatedCondition.isFatal {
// Error but load it into the cache anyway, treating this condition failure more like a warning.
// Try again hoping that the condition will improve.
return upstreamldap.New(*config), true
// Fully validated provider, so load it into the cache.
return upstreamldap.New(*config), false