Make the scopes in the cache key include the new groups scope Signed-off-by: Margo Crawford <margaretc@vmware.com>
558 lines
26 KiB
558 lines
26 KiB
// Copyright 2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package integration
import (
coreosoidc "github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3/oidc"
authorizationv1 "k8s.io/api/authorization/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
rbacv1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1"
authv1alpha "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/concierge/authentication/v1alpha1"
configv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/config/v1alpha1"
idpv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/idp/v1alpha1"
func TestSupervisorWarnings_Browser(t *testing.T) {
env := testlib.IntegrationEnv(t)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Minute)
defer cancelFunc()
// Build pinniped CLI.
pinnipedExe := testlib.PinnipedCLIPath(t)
tempDir := testutil.TempDir(t)
// Infer the downstream issuer URL from the callback associated with the upstream test client registration.
issuerURL, err := url.Parse(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.CallbackURL)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(issuerURL.Path, "/callback"))
issuerURL.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(issuerURL.Path, "/callback")
t.Logf("testing with downstream issuer URL %s", issuerURL.String())
// Generate a CA bundle with which to serve this provider.
t.Logf("generating test CA")
ca, err := certauthority.New("Downstream Test CA", 1*time.Hour)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Save that bundle plus the one that signs the upstream issuer, for test purposes.
testCABundlePath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "test-ca.pem")
testCABundlePEM := []byte(string(ca.Bundle()) + "\n" + env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.CABundle)
testCABundleBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(testCABundlePEM)
require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(testCABundlePath, testCABundlePEM, 0600))
// Use the CA to issue a TLS server cert.
t.Logf("issuing test certificate")
tlsCert, err := ca.IssueServerCert([]string{issuerURL.Hostname()}, nil, 1*time.Hour)
require.NoError(t, err)
certPEM, keyPEM, err := certauthority.ToPEM(tlsCert)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Write the serving cert to a secret.
certSecret := testlib.CreateTestSecret(t,
map[string]string{"tls.crt": string(certPEM), "tls.key": string(keyPEM)},
// Create the downstream FederationDomain and expect it to go into the success status condition.
downstream := testlib.CreateTestFederationDomain(ctx, t,
// Create a JWTAuthenticator that will validate the tokens from the downstream issuer.
clusterAudience := "test-cluster-" + testlib.RandHex(t, 8)
authenticator := testlib.CreateTestJWTAuthenticator(ctx, t, authv1alpha.JWTAuthenticatorSpec{
Issuer: downstream.Spec.Issuer,
Audience: clusterAudience,
TLS: &authv1alpha.TLSSpec{CertificateAuthorityData: testCABundleBase64},
const (
yellowColor = "\u001b[33;1m"
resetColor = "\u001b[0m"
t.Run("LDAP group refresh flow", func(t *testing.T) {
testlib.SkipTestWhenLDAPIsUnavailable(t, env)
expectedUsername := env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeValue
setupClusterForEndToEndLDAPTest(t, expectedUsername, env)
// Use a specific session cache for this test.
sessionCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-sessions.yaml"
credentialCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-credentials.yaml"
kubeconfigPath := runPinnipedGetKubeconfig(t, env, pinnipedExe, tempDir, []string{
"get", "kubeconfig",
"--concierge-api-group-suffix", env.APIGroupSuffix,
"--concierge-authenticator-type", "jwt",
"--concierge-authenticator-name", authenticator.Name,
"--oidc-session-cache", sessionCachePath,
"--credential-cache", credentialCachePath,
"--oidc-scopes", "offline_access,openid,pinniped:request-audience,groups",
// Run "kubectl get namespaces" which should trigger a cli-based login.
start := time.Now()
kubectlCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
var kubectlStdoutPipe io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe, err = kubectlCmd.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the username prompt, then type the user's username.
readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Username: ")
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(expectedUsername + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the password prompt, then type the user's password.
readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Password: ")
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserPassword + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
if kubectlStdoutPipe != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes))
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
// To simulate the groups having changed without actually changing the groups the user belongs to in the LDAP
// server, we update the refresh token secret to have a different value for the groups.
// Then the refresh flow will update them back to their real values.
// To do this, we get the refresh token signature out of the cache, use it to get the Secret, update it, and
// put it back.
cache := filesession.New(sessionCachePath, filesession.WithErrorReporter(func(err error) {
require.NoError(t, err)
// construct the cache key
downstreamScopes := []string{coreosoidc.ScopeOfflineAccess, coreosoidc.ScopeOpenID, "pinniped:request-audience", "groups"}
sessionCacheKey := oidcclient.SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: downstream.Spec.Issuer,
ClientID: "pinniped-cli",
Scopes: downstreamScopes,
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
// use it to get the cache entry
token := cache.GetToken(sessionCacheKey)
require.NotNil(t, token)
// using the refresh token signature contained in the cache, get the refresh token session
// out of kube secret storage.
kubeClient := testlib.NewKubernetesClientset(t).CoreV1()
refreshTokenSignature := strings.Split(token.RefreshToken.Token, ".")[1]
oauthStore := oidc.NewKubeStorage(kubeClient.Secrets(env.SupervisorNamespace), oidc.DefaultOIDCTimeoutsConfiguration())
storedRefreshSession, err := oauthStore.GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// change the groups to simulate them changing in the IDP.
pinnipedSession, ok := storedRefreshSession.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
require.True(t, ok, "should have been able to cast session data to PinnipedSession")
pinnipedSession.Fosite.Claims.Extra["groups"] = []string{"some-wrong-group", "some-other-group"}
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature))
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature, storedRefreshSession))
// remove the credential cache, which includes the cached cert, so it won't be reused and the refresh flow will be triggered.
err = os.Remove(credentialCachePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// wait for the existing tokens to expire, triggering the refresh flow.
ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Minute)
defer cancel2()
// Run kubectl, which should work without any prompting for authentication.
kubectlCmd2 := exec.CommandContext(ctx2, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd2.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
startTime2 := time.Now()
var kubectlStdoutPipe2 io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe2, err = kubectlCmd2.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile2, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile2)
if kubectlStdoutPipe2 != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe2)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2))
// the output should include a warning that the groups have changed.
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), fmt.Sprintf(`%sWarning:%s User %q has been added to the following groups: %q`+"\r\n", yellowColor, resetColor, env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeValue, env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserDirectGroupsDNs))
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), fmt.Sprintf(`%sWarning:%s User %q has been removed from the following groups: ["some-other-group" "some-wrong-group"]`+"\r\n", yellowColor, resetColor, env.SupervisorUpstreamLDAP.TestUserMailAttributeValue))
t.Logf("second kubectl command took %s", time.Since(startTime2).String())
t.Run("Active Directory group refresh flow", func(t *testing.T) {
testlib.SkipTestWhenActiveDirectoryIsUnavailable(t, env)
expectedUsername, password := testlib.CreateFreshADTestUser(t, env)
t.Cleanup(func() {
testlib.DeleteTestADUser(t, env, expectedUsername)
sAMAccountName := expectedUsername + "@" + env.SupervisorUpstreamActiveDirectory.Domain
setupClusterForEndToEndActiveDirectoryTest(t, sAMAccountName, env)
// Use a specific session cache for this test.
sessionCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-sessions.yaml"
credentialCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-credentials.yaml"
kubeconfigPath := runPinnipedGetKubeconfig(t, env, pinnipedExe, tempDir, []string{
"get", "kubeconfig",
"--concierge-api-group-suffix", env.APIGroupSuffix,
"--concierge-authenticator-type", "jwt",
"--concierge-authenticator-name", authenticator.Name,
"--oidc-session-cache", sessionCachePath,
"--credential-cache", credentialCachePath,
"--oidc-scopes", "offline_access,openid,pinniped:request-audience,groups",
// Run "kubectl get namespaces" which should trigger a cli-based login.
start := time.Now()
kubectlCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
var kubectlStdoutPipe io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe, err = kubectlCmd.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the username prompt, then type the user's username.
readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Username: ")
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(expectedUsername + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the password prompt, then type the user's password.
readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Password: ")
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(password + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
if kubectlStdoutPipe != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes))
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
// create an active directory group, and add our user to it.
groupName := testlib.CreateFreshADTestGroup(t, env)
t.Cleanup(func() {
testlib.DeleteTestADUser(t, env, groupName)
testlib.AddTestUserToGroup(t, env, groupName, expectedUsername)
// remove the credential cache, which includes the cached cert, so it won't be reused and the refresh flow will be triggered.
err = os.Remove(credentialCachePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Minute)
defer cancel2()
// Run kubectl, which should work without any prompting for authentication.
kubectlCmd2 := exec.CommandContext(ctx2, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd2.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
startTime2 := time.Now()
var kubectlStdoutPipe2 io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe2, err = kubectlCmd2.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile2, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile2)
if kubectlStdoutPipe2 != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe2)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2))
// the output should include a warning that a group has been added.
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), fmt.Sprintf(`%sWarning:%s User %q has been added to the following groups: %q`+"\r\n", yellowColor, resetColor, sAMAccountName, []string{groupName + "@" + env.SupervisorUpstreamActiveDirectory.Domain}))
// there should not be a warning about being removed from groups, since we haven't done so.
require.NotContains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), "has been removed from")
t.Logf("second kubectl command took %s", time.Since(startTime2).String())
t.Run("OIDC group refresh flow", func(t *testing.T) {
if len(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups) == 0 {
t.Skip("Skipping OIDC group refresh test since there are no groups")
// Start a fresh browser driver because we don't want to share cookies between the various tests in this file.
page := browsertest.Open(t)
expectedUsername := env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username
// Create a ClusterRoleBinding to give our test user from the upstream read-only access to the cluster.
rbacv1.Subject{Kind: rbacv1.UserKind, APIGroup: rbacv1.GroupName, Name: expectedUsername},
rbacv1.RoleRef{Kind: "ClusterRole", APIGroup: rbacv1.GroupName, Name: "view"},
testlib.WaitForUserToHaveAccess(t, expectedUsername, []string{}, &authorizationv1.ResourceAttributes{
Verb: "get",
Group: "",
Version: "v1",
Resource: "namespaces",
// Create upstream OIDC provider and wait for it to become ready.
testlib.CreateTestOIDCIdentityProvider(t, idpv1alpha1.OIDCIdentityProviderSpec{
Issuer: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Issuer,
TLS: &idpv1alpha1.TLSSpec{
CertificateAuthorityData: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.CABundle)),
AuthorizationConfig: idpv1alpha1.OIDCAuthorizationConfig{
AdditionalScopes: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.AdditionalScopes,
Claims: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClaims{
Username: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.UsernameClaim,
Groups: env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.GroupsClaim,
Client: idpv1alpha1.OIDCClient{
SecretName: testlib.CreateClientCredsSecret(t, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ClientID, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ClientSecret).Name,
}, idpv1alpha1.PhaseReady)
// Use a specific session cache for this test.
sessionCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-sessions.yaml"
credentialCachePath := tempDir + "/ldap-test-refresh-credentials.yaml"
kubeconfigPath := runPinnipedGetKubeconfig(t, env, pinnipedExe, tempDir, []string{
"get", "kubeconfig",
"--concierge-api-group-suffix", env.APIGroupSuffix,
"--concierge-authenticator-type", "jwt",
"--concierge-authenticator-name", authenticator.Name,
"--oidc-ca-bundle", testCABundlePath,
"--oidc-session-cache", sessionCachePath,
"--oidc-scopes", "offline_access,openid,pinniped:request-audience,groups",
"--credential-cache", credentialCachePath,
// Run "kubectl get namespaces" which should trigger a cli-based login.
start := time.Now()
kubectlCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
var kubectlStdoutPipe io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe, err = kubectlCmd.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Wait for the subprocess to print the login prompt.
t.Logf("waiting for CLI to output login URL and manual prompt")
output := readFromFileUntilStringIsSeen(t, ptyFile, "Optionally, paste your authorization code: ")
require.Contains(t, output, "Log in by visiting this link:")
require.Contains(t, output, "Optionally, paste your authorization code: ")
// Find the line with the login URL.
var loginURL string
for _, line := range strings.Split(output, "\n") {
trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
if strings.HasPrefix(trimmed, "https://") {
loginURL = trimmed
require.NotEmptyf(t, loginURL, "didn't find login URL in output: %s", output)
t.Logf("navigating to login page")
require.NoError(t, page.Navigate(loginURL))
// Expect to be redirected to the upstream provider and log in.
browsertest.LoginToUpstreamOIDC(t, page, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC)
// Expect to be redirected to the downstream callback which is serving the form_post HTML.
t.Logf("waiting for response page %s", downstream.Spec.Issuer)
browsertest.WaitForURL(t, page, regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(downstream.Spec.Issuer)))
// The response page should have failed to automatically post, and should now be showing the manual instructions.
authCode := formpostExpectManualState(t, page)
// Enter the auth code in the waiting prompt, followed by a newline.
t.Logf("'manually' pasting authorization code %q to waiting prompt", authCode)
_, err = ptyFile.WriteString(authCode + "\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile)
if kubectlStdoutPipe != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes))
t.Logf("first kubectl command took %s", time.Since(start).String())
// To simulate the groups having changed without actually changing the groups the user belongs to in the LDAP
// server, we update the refresh token secret to have a different value for the groups.
// Then the refresh flow will update them back to their real values.
// To do this, we get the refresh token signature out of the cache, use it to get the Secret, update it, and
// put it back.
cache := filesession.New(sessionCachePath, filesession.WithErrorReporter(func(err error) {
require.NoError(t, err)
// construct the cache key
downstreamScopes := []string{coreosoidc.ScopeOfflineAccess, coreosoidc.ScopeOpenID, "pinniped:request-audience", "groups"}
sessionCacheKey := oidcclient.SessionCacheKey{
Issuer: downstream.Spec.Issuer,
ClientID: "pinniped-cli",
Scopes: downstreamScopes,
RedirectURI: "http://localhost:0/callback",
// use it to get the cache entry
token := cache.GetToken(sessionCacheKey)
require.NotNil(t, token)
// using the refresh token signature contained in the cache, get the refresh token session
// out of kube secret storage.
kubeClient := testlib.NewKubernetesClientset(t).CoreV1()
refreshTokenSignature := strings.Split(token.RefreshToken.Token, ".")[1]
oauthStore := oidc.NewKubeStorage(kubeClient.Secrets(env.SupervisorNamespace), oidc.DefaultOIDCTimeoutsConfiguration())
storedRefreshSession, err := oauthStore.GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
// change the groups to simulate them changing in the IDP.
pinnipedSession, ok := storedRefreshSession.GetSession().(*psession.PinnipedSession)
require.True(t, ok, "should have been able to cast session data to PinnipedSession")
pinnipedSession.Fosite.Claims.Extra["groups"] = []string{"some-wrong-group", "some-other-group"}
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature))
require.NoError(t, oauthStore.CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, refreshTokenSignature, storedRefreshSession))
// remove the credential cache, which includes the cached cert, so it won't be reused and the refresh flow will be triggered.
err = os.Remove(credentialCachePath)
require.NoError(t, err)
// wait for the existing tokens to expire, triggering the refresh flow.
ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Minute)
defer cancel2()
// Run kubectl, which should work without any prompting for authentication.
kubectlCmd2 := exec.CommandContext(ctx2, "kubectl", "get", "namespace", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfigPath)
kubectlCmd2.Env = append(os.Environ(), env.ProxyEnv()...)
startTime2 := time.Now()
var kubectlStdoutPipe2 io.ReadCloser
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
// For some unknown reason this breaks the pty library on some MacOS machines.
// The problem doesn't reproduce for everyone, so this is just a workaround.
kubectlStdoutPipe2, err = kubectlCmd2.StdoutPipe()
require.NoError(t, err)
ptyFile2, err := pty.Start(kubectlCmd2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Read all of the remaining output from the subprocess until EOF.
t.Logf("waiting for kubectl to output namespace list")
// Read all output from the subprocess until EOF.
// Ignore any errors returned because there is always an error on linux.
kubectlPtyOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ptyFile2)
if kubectlStdoutPipe2 != nil {
// On non-MacOS check that stdout of the CLI contains the expected output.
kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(kubectlStdoutPipe2)
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlStdOutOutputBytes2))
} else {
// On MacOS check that the pty (stdout+stderr+stdin) of the CLI contains the expected output.
requireKubectlGetNamespaceOutput(t, env, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2))
// the output should include a warning that the groups have changed.
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), fmt.Sprintf(`%sWarning:%s User %q has been added to the following groups: %q`+"\r\n", yellowColor, resetColor, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.ExpectedGroups))
require.Contains(t, string(kubectlPtyOutputBytes2), fmt.Sprintf(`%sWarning:%s User %q has been removed from the following groups: ["some-other-group" "some-wrong-group"]`+"\r\n", yellowColor, resetColor, env.SupervisorUpstreamOIDC.Username))
t.Logf("second kubectl command took %s", time.Since(startTime2).String())