- Add `AllowPasswordGrant` boolean field to OIDCIdentityProvider's spec - The oidc upstream watcher controller copies the value of `AllowPasswordGrant` into the configuration of the cached provider - Add password grant to the UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI interface which is implemented by the cached provider instance for use in the authorization endpoint - Enhance the IDP discovery endpoint to return the supported "flows" for each IDP ("cli_password" and/or "browser_authcode") - Enhance `pinniped get kubeconfig` to help the user choose the desired flow for the selected IDP, and to write the flow into the resulting kubeconfg - Enhance `pinniped login oidc` to have a flow flag to tell it which client-side flow it should use for auth (CLI-based or browser-based) - In the Dex config, allow the resource owner password grant, which Dex implements to also return ID tokens, for use in integration tests - Enhance the authorize endpoint to perform password grant when requested by the incoming headers. This commit does not include unit tests for the enhancements to the authorize endpoint, which will come in the next commit - Extract some shared helpers from the callback endpoint to share the code with the authorize endpoint - Add new integration tests
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// Generated documentation. Please do not edit.
:anchor_prefix: k8s-api
== API Reference
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-authentication-concierge-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$authentication.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-config-concierge-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$config.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-config-supervisor-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$config.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-identity-concierge-pinniped-dev-identity[$$identity.concierge.pinniped.dev/identity$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-identity-concierge-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$identity.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-idp-supervisor-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$idp.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-login-concierge-pinniped-dev-v1alpha1[$$login.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1$$]
=== authentication.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped concierge authentication API.
==== Condition
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorstatus[$$JWTAuthenticatorStatus$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticatorstatus[$$WebhookAuthenticatorStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __string__ | type of condition in CamelCase or in foo.example.com/CamelCase. --- Many .condition.type values are consistent across resources like Available, but because arbitrary conditions can be useful (see .node.status.conditions), the ability to deconflict is important. The regex it matches is (dns1123SubdomainFmt/)?(qualifiedNameFmt)
| *`status`* __ConditionStatus__ | status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
| *`observedGeneration`* __integer__ | observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.
| *`lastTransitionTime`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#time-v1-meta[$$Time$$]__ | lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.
| *`reason`* __string__ | reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.
| *`message`* __string__ | message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.
==== ConditionStatus (string)
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$]
==== JWTAuthenticator
JWTAuthenticator describes the configuration of a JWT authenticator.
Upon receiving a signed JWT, a JWTAuthenticator will performs some validation on it (e.g., valid signature, existence of claims, etc.) and extract the username and groups from the token.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorlist[$$JWTAuthenticatorList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorspec[$$JWTAuthenticatorSpec$$]__ | Spec for configuring the authenticator.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorstatus[$$JWTAuthenticatorStatus$$]__ | Status of the authenticator.
==== JWTAuthenticatorSpec
Spec for configuring a JWT authenticator.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticator[$$JWTAuthenticator$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC issuer URL that will be used to discover public signing keys. Issuer is also used to validate the "iss" JWT claim.
| *`audience`* __string__ | Audience is the required value of the "aud" JWT claim.
| *`claims`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwttokenclaims[$$JWTTokenClaims$$]__ | Claims allows customization of the claims that will be mapped to user identity for Kubernetes access.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-tlsspec[$$TLSSpec$$]__ | TLS configuration for communicating with the OIDC provider.
==== JWTAuthenticatorStatus
Status of a JWT authenticator.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticator[$$JWTAuthenticator$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`conditions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$] array__ | Represents the observations of the authenticator's current state.
==== JWTTokenClaims
JWTTokenClaims allows customization of the claims that will be mapped to user identity for Kubernetes access.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorspec[$$JWTAuthenticatorSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`groups`* __string__ | Groups is the name of the claim which should be read to extract the user's group membership from the JWT token. When not specified, it will default to "groups".
| *`username`* __string__ | Username is the name of the claim which should be read to extract the username from the JWT token. When not specified, it will default to "username".
==== TLSSpec
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-jwtauthenticatorspec[$$JWTAuthenticatorSpec$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticatorspec[$$WebhookAuthenticatorSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`certificateAuthorityData`* __string__ | X.509 Certificate Authority (base64-encoded PEM bundle). If omitted, a default set of system roots will be trusted.
==== WebhookAuthenticator
WebhookAuthenticator describes the configuration of a webhook authenticator.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticatorlist[$$WebhookAuthenticatorList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticatorspec[$$WebhookAuthenticatorSpec$$]__ | Spec for configuring the authenticator.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticatorstatus[$$WebhookAuthenticatorStatus$$]__ | Status of the authenticator.
==== WebhookAuthenticatorSpec
Spec for configuring a webhook authenticator.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticator[$$WebhookAuthenticator$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`endpoint`* __string__ | Webhook server endpoint URL.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-tlsspec[$$TLSSpec$$]__ | TLS configuration.
==== WebhookAuthenticatorStatus
Status of a webhook authenticator.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-webhookauthenticator[$$WebhookAuthenticator$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`conditions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-authentication-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$] array__ | Represents the observations of the authenticator's current state.
=== config.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped concierge configuration API.
==== CredentialIssuer
CredentialIssuer describes the configuration and status of the Pinniped Concierge credential issuer.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerlist[$$CredentialIssuerList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerspec[$$CredentialIssuerSpec$$]__ | Spec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerstatus[$$CredentialIssuerStatus$$]__ | CredentialIssuerStatus describes the status of the Concierge.
==== CredentialIssuerFrontend
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerstrategy[$$CredentialIssuerStrategy$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __FrontendType__ | Type describes which frontend mechanism clients can use with a strategy.
| *`tokenCredentialRequestInfo`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequestapiinfo[$$TokenCredentialRequestAPIInfo$$]__ | TokenCredentialRequestAPIInfo describes the parameters for the TokenCredentialRequest API on this Concierge. This field is only set when Type is "TokenCredentialRequestAPI".
| *`impersonationProxyInfo`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyinfo[$$ImpersonationProxyInfo$$]__ | ImpersonationProxyInfo describes the parameters for the impersonation proxy on this Concierge. This field is only set when Type is "ImpersonationProxy".
==== CredentialIssuerKubeConfigInfo
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerstatus[$$CredentialIssuerStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`server`* __string__ | The K8s API server URL.
| *`certificateAuthorityData`* __string__ | The K8s API server CA bundle.
==== CredentialIssuerSpec
CredentialIssuerSpec describes the intended configuration of the Concierge.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuer[$$CredentialIssuer$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`impersonationProxy`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyspec[$$ImpersonationProxySpec$$]__ | ImpersonationProxy describes the intended configuration of the Concierge impersonation proxy.
==== CredentialIssuerStatus
CredentialIssuerStatus describes the status of the Concierge.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuer[$$CredentialIssuer$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`strategies`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerstrategy[$$CredentialIssuerStrategy$$] array__ | List of integration strategies that were attempted by Pinniped.
| *`kubeConfigInfo`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerkubeconfiginfo[$$CredentialIssuerKubeConfigInfo$$]__ | Information needed to form a valid Pinniped-based kubeconfig using this credential issuer. This field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
==== CredentialIssuerStrategy
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerstatus[$$CredentialIssuerStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __StrategyType__ | Type of integration attempted.
| *`status`* __StrategyStatus__ | Status of the attempted integration strategy.
| *`reason`* __StrategyReason__ | Reason for the current status.
| *`message`* __string__ | Human-readable description of the current status.
| *`lastUpdateTime`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#time-v1-meta[$$Time$$]__ | When the status was last checked.
| *`frontend`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerfrontend[$$CredentialIssuerFrontend$$]__ | Frontend describes how clients can connect using this strategy.
==== ImpersonationProxyInfo
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerfrontend[$$CredentialIssuerFrontend$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`endpoint`* __string__ | Endpoint is the HTTPS endpoint of the impersonation proxy.
| *`certificateAuthorityData`* __string__ | CertificateAuthorityData is the base64-encoded PEM CA bundle of the impersonation proxy.
==== ImpersonationProxyMode (string)
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyspec[$$ImpersonationProxySpec$$]
==== ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec
ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec describes how the Concierge should provision a Service to expose the impersonation proxy.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyspec[$$ImpersonationProxySpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __ImpersonationProxyServiceType__ | Type specifies the type of Service to provision for the impersonation proxy.
If the type is "None", then the "spec.impersonationProxy.externalEndpoint" field must be set to a non-empty value so that the Concierge can properly advertise the endpoint in the CredentialIssuer's status.
| *`loadBalancerIP`* __string__ | LoadBalancerIP specifies the IP address to set in the spec.loadBalancerIP field of the provisioned Service. This is not supported on all cloud providers.
| *`annotations`* __object (keys:string, values:string)__ | Annotations specifies zero or more key/value pairs to set as annotations on the provisioned Service.
==== ImpersonationProxyServiceType (string)
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]
==== ImpersonationProxySpec
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerspec[$$CredentialIssuerSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`mode`* __ImpersonationProxyMode__ | Mode configures whether the impersonation proxy should be started: - "disabled" explicitly disables the impersonation proxy. This is the default. - "enabled" explicitly enables the impersonation proxy. - "auto" enables or disables the impersonation proxy based upon the cluster in which it is running.
| *`service`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-impersonationproxyservicespec[$$ImpersonationProxyServiceSpec$$]__ | Service describes the configuration of the Service provisioned to expose the impersonation proxy to clients.
| *`externalEndpoint`* __string__ | ExternalEndpoint describes the HTTPS endpoint where the proxy will be exposed. If not set, the proxy will be served using the external name of the LoadBalancer service or the cluster service DNS name.
This field must be non-empty when spec.impersonationProxy.service.type is "None".
==== TokenCredentialRequestAPIInfo
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-config-v1alpha1-credentialissuerfrontend[$$CredentialIssuerFrontend$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`server`* __string__ | Server is the Kubernetes API server URL.
| *`certificateAuthorityData`* __string__ | CertificateAuthorityData is the base64-encoded Kubernetes API server CA bundle.
=== config.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped supervisor configuration API.
==== FederationDomain
FederationDomain describes the configuration of an OIDC provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainlist[$$FederationDomainList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainspec[$$FederationDomainSpec$$]__ | Spec of the OIDC provider.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainstatus[$$FederationDomainStatus$$]__ | Status of the OIDC provider.
==== FederationDomainSecrets
FederationDomainSecrets holds information about this OIDC Provider's secrets.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainstatus[$$FederationDomainStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`jwks`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#localobjectreference-v1-core[$$LocalObjectReference$$]__ | JWKS holds the name of the corev1.Secret in which this OIDC Provider's signing/verification keys are stored. If it is empty, then the signing/verification keys are either unknown or they don't exist.
| *`tokenSigningKey`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#localobjectreference-v1-core[$$LocalObjectReference$$]__ | TokenSigningKey holds the name of the corev1.Secret in which this OIDC Provider's key for signing tokens is stored.
| *`stateSigningKey`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#localobjectreference-v1-core[$$LocalObjectReference$$]__ | StateSigningKey holds the name of the corev1.Secret in which this OIDC Provider's key for signing state parameters is stored.
| *`stateEncryptionKey`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#localobjectreference-v1-core[$$LocalObjectReference$$]__ | StateSigningKey holds the name of the corev1.Secret in which this OIDC Provider's key for encrypting state parameters is stored.
==== FederationDomainSpec
FederationDomainSpec is a struct that describes an OIDC Provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomain[$$FederationDomain$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the OIDC Provider's issuer, per the OIDC Discovery Metadata document, as well as the identifier that it will use for the iss claim in issued JWTs. This field will also be used as the base URL for any endpoints used by the OIDC Provider (e.g., if your issuer is https://example.com/foo, then your authorization endpoint will look like https://example.com/foo/some/path/to/auth/endpoint).
See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#rfc.section.3 for more information.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomaintlsspec[$$FederationDomainTLSSpec$$]__ | TLS configures how this FederationDomain is served over Transport Layer Security (TLS).
==== FederationDomainStatus
FederationDomainStatus is a struct that describes the actual state of an OIDC Provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomain[$$FederationDomain$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`status`* __FederationDomainStatusCondition__ | Status holds an enum that describes the state of this OIDC Provider. Note that this Status can represent success or failure.
| *`message`* __string__ | Message provides human-readable details about the Status.
| *`lastUpdateTime`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#time-v1-meta[$$Time$$]__ | LastUpdateTime holds the time at which the Status was last updated. It is a pointer to get around some undesirable behavior with respect to the empty metav1.Time value (see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/86811).
| *`secrets`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainsecrets[$$FederationDomainSecrets$$]__ | Secrets contains information about this OIDC Provider's secrets.
==== FederationDomainTLSSpec
FederationDomainTLSSpec is a struct that describes the TLS configuration for an OIDC Provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-config-v1alpha1-federationdomainspec[$$FederationDomainSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName is an optional name of a Secret in the same namespace, of type `kubernetes.io/tls`, which contains the TLS serving certificate for the HTTPS endpoints served by this FederationDomain. When provided, the TLS Secret named here must contain keys named `tls.crt` and `tls.key` that contain the certificate and private key to use for TLS.
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) supported by all major browsers.
SecretName is required if you would like to use different TLS certificates for issuers of different hostnames. SNI requests do not include port numbers, so all issuers with the same DNS hostname must use the same SecretName value even if they have different port numbers.
SecretName is not required when you would like to use only the HTTP endpoints (e.g. when terminating TLS at an Ingress). It is also not required when you would like all requests to this OIDC Provider's HTTPS endpoints to use the default TLS certificate, which is configured elsewhere.
When your Issuer URL's host is an IP address, then this field is ignored. SNI does not work for IP addresses.
=== identity.concierge.pinniped.dev/identity
Package identity is the internal version of the Pinniped identity API.
==== ExtraValue
ExtraValue masks the value so protobuf can generate
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-userinfo[$$UserInfo$$]
==== KubernetesUserInfo
KubernetesUserInfo represents the current authenticated user, exactly as Kubernetes understands it. Copied from the Kubernetes token review API.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-whoamirequeststatus[$$WhoAmIRequestStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`User`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-userinfo[$$UserInfo$$]__ | User is the UserInfo associated with the current user.
| *`Audiences`* __string array__ | Audiences are audience identifiers chosen by the authenticator.
==== UserInfo
UserInfo holds the information about the user needed to implement the user.Info interface.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-kubernetesuserinfo[$$KubernetesUserInfo$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`Username`* __string__ | The name that uniquely identifies this user among all active users.
| *`UID`* __string__ | A unique value that identifies this user across time. If this user is deleted and another user by the same name is added, they will have different UIDs.
| *`Groups`* __string array__ | The names of groups this user is a part of.
| *`Extra`* __object (keys:string, values:string array)__ | Any additional information provided by the authenticator.
==== WhoAmIRequest
WhoAmIRequest submits a request to echo back the current authenticated user.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-whoamirequestlist[$$WhoAmIRequestList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`ObjectMeta`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ |
| *`Spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-whoamirequestspec[$$WhoAmIRequestSpec$$]__ |
| *`Status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-whoamirequeststatus[$$WhoAmIRequestStatus$$]__ |
==== WhoAmIRequestStatus
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-whoamirequest[$$WhoAmIRequest$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`KubernetesUserInfo`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-kubernetesuserinfo[$$KubernetesUserInfo$$]__ | The current authenticated user, exactly as Kubernetes understands it.
=== identity.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped identity API.
==== ExtraValue
ExtraValue masks the value so protobuf can generate
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-userinfo[$$UserInfo$$]
==== KubernetesUserInfo
KubernetesUserInfo represents the current authenticated user, exactly as Kubernetes understands it. Copied from the Kubernetes token review API.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-whoamirequeststatus[$$WhoAmIRequestStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`user`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-userinfo[$$UserInfo$$]__ | User is the UserInfo associated with the current user.
| *`audiences`* __string array__ | Audiences are audience identifiers chosen by the authenticator.
==== UserInfo
UserInfo holds the information about the user needed to implement the user.Info interface.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-kubernetesuserinfo[$$KubernetesUserInfo$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`username`* __string__ | The name that uniquely identifies this user among all active users.
| *`uid`* __string__ | A unique value that identifies this user across time. If this user is deleted and another user by the same name is added, they will have different UIDs.
| *`groups`* __string array__ | The names of groups this user is a part of.
| *`extra`* __object (keys:string, values:string array)__ | Any additional information provided by the authenticator.
==== WhoAmIRequest
WhoAmIRequest submits a request to echo back the current authenticated user.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-whoamirequestlist[$$WhoAmIRequestList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-whoamirequestspec[$$WhoAmIRequestSpec$$]__ |
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-whoamirequeststatus[$$WhoAmIRequestStatus$$]__ |
==== WhoAmIRequestStatus
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-whoamirequest[$$WhoAmIRequest$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`kubernetesUserInfo`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-identity-v1alpha1-kubernetesuserinfo[$$KubernetesUserInfo$$]__ | The current authenticated user, exactly as Kubernetes understands it.
=== idp.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped supervisor identity provider (IDP) API.
==== Condition
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderstatus[$$LDAPIdentityProviderStatus$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderstatus[$$OIDCIdentityProviderStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`type`* __string__ | type of condition in CamelCase or in foo.example.com/CamelCase. --- Many .condition.type values are consistent across resources like Available, but because arbitrary conditions can be useful (see .node.status.conditions), the ability to deconflict is important. The regex it matches is (dns1123SubdomainFmt/)?(qualifiedNameFmt)
| *`status`* __ConditionStatus__ | status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
| *`observedGeneration`* __integer__ | observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.
| *`lastTransitionTime`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#time-v1-meta[$$Time$$]__ | lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.
| *`reason`* __string__ | reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.
| *`message`* __string__ | message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.
==== ConditionStatus (string)
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$]
==== LDAPIdentityProvider
LDAPIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderlist[$$LDAPIdentityProviderList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderspec[$$LDAPIdentityProviderSpec$$]__ | Spec for configuring the identity provider.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderstatus[$$LDAPIdentityProviderStatus$$]__ | Status of the identity provider.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderBind
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderspec[$$LDAPIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName contains the name of a namespace-local Secret object that provides the username and password for an LDAP bind user. This account will be used to perform LDAP searches. The Secret should be of type "kubernetes.io/basic-auth" which includes "username" and "password" keys. The username value should be the full dn (distinguished name) of your bind account, e.g. "cn=bind-account,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com". The password must be non-empty.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearch
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderspec[$$LDAPIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`base`* __string__ | Base is the dn (distinguished name) that should be used as the search base when searching for groups. E.g. "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com". When not specified, no group search will be performed and authenticated users will not belong to any groups from the LDAP provider. Also, when not specified, the values of Filter and Attributes are ignored.
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for groups for a user. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the dn (distinguished name) of the user entry found as a result of the user search. E.g. "member={}" or "&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(member={})". For more information about LDAP filters, see https://ldap.com/ldap-filters. Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as "member={}".
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the group's information should be read from each LDAP entry which was found as the result of the group search.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearchAttributes
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearch[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearch$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`groupName`* __string__ | GroupName specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP entries whose value shall become a group name in the user's list of groups after a successful authentication. The value of this field is case-sensitive and must match the case of the attribute name returned by the LDAP server in the user's entry. E.g. "cn" for common name. Distinguished names can be used by specifying lower-case "dn". Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the GroupName were specified as "dn" (distinguished name).
==== LDAPIdentityProviderSpec
Spec for configuring an LDAP identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovider[$$LDAPIdentityProvider$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`host`* __string__ | Host is the hostname of this LDAP identity provider, i.e., where to connect. For example: ldap.example.com:636.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-tlsspec[$$TLSSpec$$]__ | TLS contains the connection settings for how to establish the connection to the Host.
| *`bind`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderbind[$$LDAPIdentityProviderBind$$]__ | Bind contains the configuration for how to provide access credentials during an initial bind to the LDAP server to be allowed to perform searches and binds to validate a user's credentials during a user's authentication attempt.
| *`userSearch`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderusersearch[$$LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearch$$]__ | UserSearch contains the configuration for searching for a user by name in the LDAP provider.
| *`groupSearch`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovidergroupsearch[$$LDAPIdentityProviderGroupSearch$$]__ | GroupSearch contains the configuration for searching for a user's group membership in the LDAP provider.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderStatus
Status of an LDAP identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityprovider[$$LDAPIdentityProvider$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`phase`* __LDAPIdentityProviderPhase__ | Phase summarizes the overall status of the LDAPIdentityProvider.
| *`conditions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$] array__ | Represents the observations of an identity provider's current state.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearch
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderspec[$$LDAPIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`base`* __string__ | Base is the dn (distinguished name) that should be used as the search base when searching for users. E.g. "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com".
| *`filter`* __string__ | Filter is the LDAP search filter which should be applied when searching for users. The pattern "{}" must occur in the filter at least once and will be dynamically replaced by the username for which the search is being run. E.g. "mail={}" or "&(objectClass=person)(uid={})". For more information about LDAP filters, see https://ldap.com/ldap-filters. Note that the dn (distinguished name) is not an attribute of an entry, so "dn={}" cannot be used. Optional. When not specified, the default will act as if the Filter were specified as the value from Attributes.Username appended by "={}". When the Attributes.Username is set to "dn" then the Filter must be explicitly specified, since the default value of "dn={}" would not work.
| *`attributes`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderusersearchattributes[$$LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearchAttributes$$]__ | Attributes specifies how the user's information should be read from the LDAP entry which was found as the result of the user search.
==== LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearchAttributes
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderusersearch[$$LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearch$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`username`* __string__ | Username specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP entry whose value shall become the username of the user after a successful authentication. This would typically be the same attribute name used in the user search filter, although it can be different. E.g. "mail" or "uid" or "userPrincipalName". The value of this field is case-sensitive and must match the case of the attribute name returned by the LDAP server in the user's entry. Distinguished names can be used by specifying lower-case "dn". When this field is set to "dn" then the LDAPIdentityProviderUserSearch's Filter field cannot be blank, since the default value of "dn={}" would not work.
| *`uid`* __string__ | UID specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP entry which whose value shall be used to uniquely identify the user within this LDAP provider after a successful authentication. E.g. "uidNumber" or "objectGUID". The value of this field is case-sensitive and must match the case of the attribute name returned by the LDAP server in the user's entry. Distinguished names can be used by specifying lower-case "dn".
==== OIDCAuthorizationConfig
OIDCAuthorizationConfig provides information about how to form the OAuth2 authorization request parameters.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderspec[$$OIDCIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`additionalScopes`* __string array__ | AdditionalScopes are the scopes in addition to "openid" that will be requested as part of the authorization request flow with an OIDC identity provider. In the case of a Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant flow, AdditionalScopes are the scopes in addition to "openid" that will be requested as part of the token request (see also the AllowPasswordGrant field). By default, only the "openid" scope will be requested.
| *`allowPasswordGrant`* __boolean__ | AllowPasswordGrant, when true, will allow the use of OAuth 2.0's Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-4.3) to authenticate to the OIDC provider using a username and password without a web browser, in addition to the usual browser-based OIDC Authorization Code Flow. The Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is not officially part of the OIDC specification, so it may not be supported by your OIDC provider. If your OIDC provider supports returning ID tokens from a Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant token request, then you can choose to set this field to true. This will allow end users to choose to present their username and password to the kubectl CLI (using the Pinniped plugin) to authenticate to the cluster, without using a web browser to log in as is customary in OIDC Authorization Code Flow. This may be convenient for users, especially for identities from your OIDC provider which are not intended to represent a human actor, such as service accounts performing actions in a CI/CD environment. Even if your OIDC provider supports it, you may wish to disable this behavior by setting this field to false when you prefer to only allow users of this OIDCIdentityProvider to log in via the browser-based OIDC Authorization Code Flow. Using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant means that the Pinniped CLI and Pinniped Supervisor will directly handle your end users' passwords (similar to LDAPIdentityProvider), and you will not be able to require multi-factor authentication or use the other web-based login features of your OIDC provider during Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant logins. AllowPasswordGrant defaults to false.
==== OIDCClaims
OIDCClaims provides a mapping from upstream claims into identities.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderspec[$$OIDCIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`groups`* __string__ | Groups provides the name of the token claim that will be used to ascertain the groups to which an identity belongs.
| *`username`* __string__ | Username provides the name of the token claim that will be used to ascertain an identity's username.
==== OIDCClient
OIDCClient contains information about an OIDC client (e.g., client ID and client secret).
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderspec[$$OIDCIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`secretName`* __string__ | SecretName contains the name of a namespace-local Secret object that provides the clientID and clientSecret for an OIDC client. If only the SecretName is specified in an OIDCClient struct, then it is expected that the Secret is of type "secrets.pinniped.dev/oidc-client" with keys "clientID" and "clientSecret".
==== OIDCIdentityProvider
OIDCIdentityProvider describes the configuration of an upstream OpenID Connect identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderlist[$$OIDCIdentityProviderList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderspec[$$OIDCIdentityProviderSpec$$]__ | Spec for configuring the identity provider.
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderstatus[$$OIDCIdentityProviderStatus$$]__ | Status of the identity provider.
==== OIDCIdentityProviderSpec
Spec for configuring an OIDC identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityprovider[$$OIDCIdentityProvider$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`issuer`* __string__ | Issuer is the issuer URL of this OIDC identity provider, i.e., where to fetch /.well-known/openid-configuration.
| *`tls`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-tlsspec[$$TLSSpec$$]__ | TLS configuration for discovery/JWKS requests to the issuer.
| *`authorizationConfig`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcauthorizationconfig[$$OIDCAuthorizationConfig$$]__ | AuthorizationConfig holds information about how to form the OAuth2 authorization request parameters to be used with this OIDC identity provider.
| *`claims`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcclaims[$$OIDCClaims$$]__ | Claims provides the names of token claims that will be used when inspecting an identity from this OIDC identity provider.
| *`client`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcclient[$$OIDCClient$$]__ | OIDCClient contains OIDC client information to be used used with this OIDC identity provider.
==== OIDCIdentityProviderStatus
Status of an OIDC identity provider.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityprovider[$$OIDCIdentityProvider$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`phase`* __OIDCIdentityProviderPhase__ | Phase summarizes the overall status of the OIDCIdentityProvider.
| *`conditions`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-condition[$$Condition$$] array__ | Represents the observations of an identity provider's current state.
==== TLSSpec
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-ldapidentityproviderspec[$$LDAPIdentityProviderSpec$$]
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-supervisor-idp-v1alpha1-oidcidentityproviderspec[$$OIDCIdentityProviderSpec$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`certificateAuthorityData`* __string__ | X.509 Certificate Authority (base64-encoded PEM bundle). If omitted, a default set of system roots will be trusted.
=== login.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the Pinniped login API.
==== ClusterCredential
ClusterCredential is the cluster-specific credential returned on a successful credential request. It contains either a valid bearer token or a valid TLS certificate and corresponding private key for the cluster.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequeststatus[$$TokenCredentialRequestStatus$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`expirationTimestamp`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#time-v1-meta[$$Time$$]__ | ExpirationTimestamp indicates a time when the provided credentials expire.
| *`token`* __string__ | Token is a bearer token used by the client for request authentication.
| *`clientCertificateData`* __string__ | PEM-encoded client TLS certificates (including intermediates, if any).
| *`clientKeyData`* __string__ | PEM-encoded private key for the above certificate.
==== TokenCredentialRequest
TokenCredentialRequest submits an IDP-specific credential to Pinniped in exchange for a cluster-specific credential.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequestlist[$$TokenCredentialRequestList$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`metadata`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#objectmeta-v1-meta[$$ObjectMeta$$]__ | Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of `metadata`.
| *`spec`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequestspec[$$TokenCredentialRequestSpec$$]__ |
| *`status`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequeststatus[$$TokenCredentialRequestStatus$$]__ |
==== TokenCredentialRequestSpec
TokenCredentialRequestSpec is the specification of a TokenCredentialRequest, expected on requests to the Pinniped API.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequest[$$TokenCredentialRequest$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`token`* __string__ | Bearer token supplied with the credential request.
| *`authenticator`* __link:https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#typedlocalobjectreference-v1-core[$$TypedLocalObjectReference$$]__ | Reference to an authenticator which can validate this credential request.
==== TokenCredentialRequestStatus
TokenCredentialRequestStatus is the status of a TokenCredentialRequest, returned on responses to the Pinniped API.
.Appears In:
- xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-tokencredentialrequest[$$TokenCredentialRequest$$]
[cols="25a,75a", options="header"]
| Field | Description
| *`credential`* __xref:{anchor_prefix}-go-pinniped-dev-generated-1-19-apis-concierge-login-v1alpha1-clustercredential[$$ClusterCredential$$]__ | A Credential will be returned for a successful credential request.
| *`message`* __string__ | An error message will be returned for an unsuccessful credential request.