
566 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package supervisorconfig
import (
metav1 ""
configv1alpha1 ""
pinnipedclientset ""
configinformers ""
idpinformers ""
pinnipedcontroller ""
const (
typeReady = "Ready"
typeIssuerURLValid = "IssuerURLValid"
typeOneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname = "OneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname"
typeIssuerIsUnique = "IssuerIsUnique"
reasonSuccess = "Success"
reasonNotReady = "NotReady"
reasonUnableToValidate = "UnableToValidate"
reasonInvalidIssuerURL = "InvalidIssuerURL"
reasonDuplicateIssuer = "DuplicateIssuer"
reasonDifferentSecretRefsFound = "DifferentSecretRefsFound"
celTransformerMaxExpressionRuntime = 5 * time.Second
// FederationDomainsSetter can be notified of all known valid providers with its SetIssuer function.
// If there are no longer any valid issuers, then it can be called with no arguments.
// Implementations of this type should be thread-safe to support calls from multiple goroutines.
type FederationDomainsSetter interface {
SetFederationDomains(federationDomains ...*federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIssuer)
type federationDomainWatcherController struct {
federationDomainsSetter FederationDomainsSetter
clock clock.Clock
client pinnipedclientset.Interface
federationDomainInformer configinformers.FederationDomainInformer
oidcIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.OIDCIdentityProviderInformer
ldapIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.LDAPIdentityProviderInformer
activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer
// NewFederationDomainWatcherController creates a controllerlib.Controller that watches
// FederationDomain objects and notifies a callback object of the collection of provider configs.
func NewFederationDomainWatcherController(
federationDomainsSetter FederationDomainsSetter,
clock clock.Clock,
client pinnipedclientset.Interface,
federationDomainInformer configinformers.FederationDomainInformer,
oidcIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.OIDCIdentityProviderInformer,
ldapIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.LDAPIdentityProviderInformer,
activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer idpinformers.ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer,
withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
) controllerlib.Controller {
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "FederationDomainWatcherController",
Syncer: &federationDomainWatcherController{
federationDomainsSetter: federationDomainsSetter,
clock: clock,
client: client,
federationDomainInformer: federationDomainInformer,
oidcIdentityProviderInformer: oidcIdentityProviderInformer,
ldapIdentityProviderInformer: ldapIdentityProviderInformer,
activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer: activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer,
// Since this controller only cares about IDP metadata names and UIDs (immutable fields),
// we only need to trigger Sync on creates and deletes.
// Since this controller only cares about IDP metadata names and UIDs (immutable fields),
// we only need to trigger Sync on creates and deletes.
// Since this controller only cares about IDP metadata names and UIDs (immutable fields),
// we only need to trigger Sync on creates and deletes.
// Sync implements controllerlib.Syncer.
func (c *federationDomainWatcherController) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error { //nolint:funlen,gocyclo
federationDomains, err := c.federationDomainInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return err
var errs []error
federationDomainIssuers := make([]*federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIssuer, 0)
crossDomainConfigValidator := newCrossFederationDomainConfigValidator(federationDomains)
for _, federationDomain := range federationDomains {
conditions := make([]*configv1alpha1.Condition, 0, 4)
conditions = crossDomainConfigValidator.Validate(federationDomain, conditions)
// TODO: Move all this identity provider stuff into helper functions. This is just a sketch of how the code would
// work in the sense that this is not doing error handling, is not validating everything that it should, and
// is not updating the status of the FederationDomain with anything related to these identity providers.
// This code may crash on invalid inputs since it is not handling any errors. However, when given valid inputs,
// this correctly implements the multiple IDPs features.
// Create the list of IDPs for this FederationDomain.
// Don't worry if the IDP CRs themselves is phase=Ready because those which are not ready will not be loaded
// into the provider cache, so they cannot actually be used to authenticate.
federationDomainIdentityProviders := []*federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{}
var defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider *federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvider
if len(federationDomain.Spec.IdentityProviders) == 0 {
// When the FederationDomain does not list any IDPs, then we might be in backwards compatibility mode.
oidcIdentityProviders, _ := c.oidcIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
ldapIdentityProviders, _ := c.ldapIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
activeDirectoryIdentityProviders, _ := c.activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().List(labels.Everything())
// TODO handle err return value for each of the above three lines
// Check if that there is exactly one IDP defined in the Supervisor namespace of any IDP CRD type.
idpCRsCount := len(oidcIdentityProviders) + len(ldapIdentityProviders) + len(activeDirectoryIdentityProviders)
if idpCRsCount == 1 {
// If so, default that IDP's DisplayName to be the same as its resource Name.
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider = &federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{}
switch {
case len(oidcIdentityProviders) == 1:
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.DisplayName = oidcIdentityProviders[0].Name
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.UID = oidcIdentityProviders[0].UID
case len(ldapIdentityProviders) == 1:
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.DisplayName = ldapIdentityProviders[0].Name
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.UID = ldapIdentityProviders[0].UID
case len(activeDirectoryIdentityProviders) == 1:
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.DisplayName = activeDirectoryIdentityProviders[0].Name
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.UID = activeDirectoryIdentityProviders[0].UID
// Backwards compatibility mode always uses an empty identity transformation pipline since no
// transformations are defined on the FederationDomain.
defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider.Transforms = idtransform.NewTransformationPipeline()
plog.Warning("detected FederationDomain identity provider backwards compatibility mode: using the one existing identity provider for authentication",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name)
} else {
// There are no IDP CRs or there is more than one IDP CR. Either way, we are not in the backwards
// compatibility mode because there is not exactly one IDP CR in the namespace, despite the fact that no
// IDPs are listed on the FederationDomain. Create a FederationDomain which has no IDPs and therefore
// cannot actually be used to log in, but still serves endpoints.
// TODO: Write something into the FederationDomain's status to explain what's happening and how to fix it.
plog.Warning("FederationDomain has no identity providers listed and there is not exactly one identity provider defined in the namespace: authentication disabled",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"namespace", federationDomain.Namespace,
"identityProvidersCustomResourcesCount", idpCRsCount,
// If there is an explicit list of IDPs on the FederationDomain, then process the list.
celTransformer, _ := celtransformer.NewCELTransformer(celTransformerMaxExpressionRuntime) // TODO: what is a good duration limit here?
// TODO: handle err
for _, idp := range federationDomain.Spec.IdentityProviders {
var idpResourceUID types.UID
var idpResourceName string
// TODO: Validate that all displayNames are unique within this FederationDomain's spec's list of identity providers.
// TODO: Validate that idp.ObjectRef.APIGroup is the expected APIGroup for IDP CRs ""
// Validate that each objectRef resolves to an existing IDP. It does not matter if the IDP itself
// is phase=Ready, because it will not be loaded into the cache if not ready. For each objectRef
// that does not resolve, put an error on the FederationDomain status.
switch idp.ObjectRef.Kind {
case "LDAPIdentityProvider":
ldapIDP, _ := c.ldapIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().LDAPIdentityProviders(federationDomain.Namespace).Get(idp.ObjectRef.Name)
// TODO: handle notfound err and also unexpected errors
idpResourceName = ldapIDP.Name
idpResourceUID = ldapIDP.UID
case "ActiveDirectoryIdentityProvider":
adIDP, _ := c.activeDirectoryIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().ActiveDirectoryIdentityProviders(federationDomain.Namespace).Get(idp.ObjectRef.Name)
// TODO: handle notfound err and also unexpected errors
idpResourceName = adIDP.Name
idpResourceUID = adIDP.UID
case "OIDCIdentityProvider":
oidcIDP, _ := c.oidcIdentityProviderInformer.Lister().OIDCIdentityProviders(federationDomain.Namespace).Get(idp.ObjectRef.Name)
// TODO: handle notfound err and also unexpected errors
idpResourceName = oidcIDP.Name
idpResourceUID = oidcIDP.UID
// TODO: handle bad user input
plog.Debug("resolved identity provider object reference",
"kind", idp.ObjectRef.Kind,
"name", idp.ObjectRef.Name,
"foundResourceName", idpResourceName,
"foundResourceUID", idpResourceUID,
// Prepare the transformations.
pipeline := idtransform.NewTransformationPipeline()
consts := &celtransformer.TransformationConstants{
StringConstants: map[string]string{},
StringListConstants: map[string][]string{},
// Read all the declared constants.
for _, c := range idp.Transforms.Constants {
switch c.Type {
case "string":
consts.StringConstants[c.Name] = c.StringValue
case "stringList":
consts.StringListConstants[c.Name] = c.StringListValue
// TODO: this shouldn't really happen since the CRD validates it, but handle it as an error
// Compile all the expressions and add them to the pipeline.
for idx, e := range idp.Transforms.Expressions {
var rawTransform celtransformer.CELTransformation
switch e.Type {
case "username/v1":
rawTransform = &celtransformer.UsernameTransformation{Expression: e.Expression}
case "groups/v1":
rawTransform = &celtransformer.GroupsTransformation{Expression: e.Expression}
case "policy/v1":
rawTransform = &celtransformer.AllowAuthenticationPolicy{
Expression: e.Expression,
RejectedAuthenticationMessage: e.Message,
// TODO: this shouldn't really happen since the CRD validates it, but handle it as an error
compiledTransform, err := celTransformer.CompileTransformation(rawTransform, consts)
if err != nil {
// TODO: handle compile err
plog.Error("error compiling identity transformation", err,
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"transformationIndex", idx,
"transformationType", e.Type,
"transformationExpression", e.Expression,
plog.Debug("successfully compiled identity transformation expression",
"type", e.Type,
"expr", e.Expression,
"policyMessage", e.Message,
// Run all the provided transform examples. If any fail, put errors on the FederationDomain status.
for idx, e := range idp.Transforms.Examples {
// TODO: use a real context param below
result, _ := pipeline.Evaluate(context.TODO(), e.Username, e.Groups)
// TODO: handle err
resultWasAuthRejected := !result.AuthenticationAllowed
if e.Expects.Rejected && !resultWasAuthRejected { //nolint:gocritic,nestif
// TODO: handle this failed example
plog.Warning("FederationDomain identity provider transformations example failed: expected authentication to be rejected but it was not",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"exampleIndex", idx,
"expectedRejected", e.Expects.Rejected,
"actualRejectedResult", resultWasAuthRejected,
"expectedMessage", e.Expects.Message,
"actualMessageResult", result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage,
} else if !e.Expects.Rejected && resultWasAuthRejected {
// TODO: handle this failed example
plog.Warning("FederationDomain identity provider transformations example failed: expected authentication not to be rejected but it was rejected",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"exampleIndex", idx,
"expectedRejected", e.Expects.Rejected,
"actualRejectedResult", resultWasAuthRejected,
"expectedMessage", e.Expects.Message,
"actualMessageResult", result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage,
} else if e.Expects.Rejected && resultWasAuthRejected && e.Expects.Message != result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage {
// TODO: when expected message is blank, then treat it like it expects the default message
// TODO: handle this failed example
plog.Warning("FederationDomain identity provider transformations example failed: expected a different authentication rejection message",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"exampleIndex", idx,
"expectedRejected", e.Expects.Rejected,
"actualRejectedResult", resultWasAuthRejected,
"expectedMessage", e.Expects.Message,
"actualMessageResult", result.RejectedAuthenticationMessage,
} else if result.AuthenticationAllowed {
// In the case where the user expected the auth to be allowed and it was allowed, then compare
// the expected username and group names to the actual username and group names.
// TODO: when both of these fail, put both errors onto the status (not just the first one)
if e.Expects.Username != result.Username {
// TODO: handle this failed example
plog.Warning("FederationDomain identity provider transformations example failed: expected a different transformed username",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"exampleIndex", idx,
"expectedUsername", e.Expects.Username,
"actualUsernameResult", result.Username,
if !stringSlicesEqual(e.Expects.Groups, result.Groups) {
// TODO: Do we need to make this insensitive to ordering, or should the transformations evaluator be changed to always return sorted group names at the end of the pipeline?
// TODO: What happens if the user did not write any group expectation? Treat it like expecting an empty list of groups?
// TODO: handle this failed example
plog.Warning("FederationDomain identity provider transformations example failed: expected a different transformed groups list",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"idpDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"exampleIndex", idx,
"expectedGroups", e.Expects.Groups,
"actualGroupsResult", result.Groups,
// For each valid IDP (unique displayName, valid objectRef + valid transforms), add it to the list.
federationDomainIdentityProviders = append(federationDomainIdentityProviders, &federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIdentityProvider{
DisplayName: idp.DisplayName,
UID: idpResourceUID,
Transforms: pipeline,
plog.Debug("loaded FederationDomain identity provider",
"federationDomain", federationDomain.Name,
"identityProviderDisplayName", idp.DisplayName,
"identityProviderResourceUID", idpResourceUID,
// Now that we have the list of IDPs for this FederationDomain, create the issuer.
var federationDomainIssuer *federationdomainproviders.FederationDomainIssuer
if defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider != nil {
// This is the constructor for the backwards compatibility mode.
federationDomainIssuer, err = federationdomainproviders.NewFederationDomainIssuerWithDefaultIDP(federationDomain.Spec.Issuer, defaultFederationDomainIdentityProvider)
} else {
// This is the constructor for any other case, including when there is an empty list of IDPs.
federationDomainIssuer, err = federationdomainproviders.NewFederationDomainIssuer(federationDomain.Spec.Issuer, federationDomainIdentityProviders)
if err != nil {
// Note that the FederationDomainIssuer constructors only validate the Issuer URL,
// so these are always issuer URL validation errors.
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeIssuerURLValid,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonInvalidIssuerURL,
Message: err.Error(),
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeIssuerURLValid,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: "spec.issuer is a valid URL",
if err = c.updateStatus(ctx.Context, federationDomain, conditions); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("could not update status: %w", err))
if !hadErrorCondition(conditions) {
// Successfully validated the FederationDomain, so allow it to be loaded.
federationDomainIssuers = append(federationDomainIssuers, federationDomainIssuer)
return errors.NewAggregate(errs)
func (c *federationDomainWatcherController) updateStatus(
ctx context.Context,
federationDomain *configv1alpha1.FederationDomain,
conditions []*configv1alpha1.Condition,
) error {
updated := federationDomain.DeepCopy()
if hadErrorCondition(conditions) {
updated.Status.Phase = configv1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseError
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeReady,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonNotReady,
Message: "the FederationDomain is not ready: see other conditions for details",
} else {
updated.Status.Phase = configv1alpha1.FederationDomainPhaseReady
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeReady,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("the FederationDomain is ready and its endpoints are available: "+
"the discovery endpoint is %s/.well-known/openid-configuration", federationDomain.Spec.Issuer),
_ = conditionsutil.MergeConfigConditions(conditions,
federationDomain.Generation, &updated.Status.Conditions, plog.New(), metav1.NewTime(c.clock.Now()))
if equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(federationDomain, updated) {
return nil
_, err := c.client.
UpdateStatus(ctx, updated, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
type crossFederationDomainConfigValidator struct {
issuerCounts map[string]int
uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress map[string]map[string]bool
func issuerURLToHostnameKey(issuerURL *url.URL) string {
return lowercaseHostWithoutPort(issuerURL)
func issuerURLToIssuerKey(issuerURL *url.URL) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", issuerURL.Scheme, strings.ToLower(issuerURL.Host), issuerURL.Path)
func (v *crossFederationDomainConfigValidator) Validate(federationDomain *configv1alpha1.FederationDomain, conditions []*configv1alpha1.Condition) []*configv1alpha1.Condition {
issuerURL, urlParseErr := url.Parse(federationDomain.Spec.Issuer)
if urlParseErr != nil {
// Don't write a condition about the issuer URL being invalid because that is added elsewhere in the controller.
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeIssuerIsUnique,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionUnknown,
Reason: reasonUnableToValidate,
Message: "unable to check if spec.issuer is unique among all FederationDomains because URL cannot be parsed",
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeOneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionUnknown,
Reason: reasonUnableToValidate,
Message: "unable to check if all FederationDomains are using the same TLS secret when using the same hostname in the spec.issuer URL because URL cannot be parsed",
return conditions
if issuerCount := v.issuerCounts[issuerURLToIssuerKey(issuerURL)]; issuerCount > 1 {
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeIssuerIsUnique,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonDuplicateIssuer,
Message: "multiple FederationDomains have the same spec.issuer URL: these URLs must be unique (can use different hosts or paths)",
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeIssuerIsUnique,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: "spec.issuer is unique among all FederationDomains",
if len(v.uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress[issuerURLToHostnameKey(issuerURL)]) > 1 {
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeOneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonDifferentSecretRefsFound,
Message: "when different FederationDomains are using the same hostname in the spec.issuer URL then they must also use the same TLS secretRef: different secretRefs found",
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, &configv1alpha1.Condition{
Type: typeOneTLSSecretPerIssuerHostname,
Status: configv1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: "all FederationDomains are using the same TLS secret when using the same hostname in the spec.issuer URL",
return conditions
func newCrossFederationDomainConfigValidator(federationDomains []*configv1alpha1.FederationDomain) *crossFederationDomainConfigValidator {
// Make a map of issuer strings -> count of how many times we saw that issuer string.
// This will help us complain when there are duplicate issuer strings.
// Also make a helper function for forming keys into this map.
issuerCounts := make(map[string]int)
// Make a map of issuer hostnames -> set of unique secret names. This will help us complain when
// multiple FederationDomains have the same issuer hostname (excluding port) but specify
// different TLS serving Secrets. Doesn't make sense to have the one address use more than one
// TLS cert. Ignore ports because SNI information on the incoming requests is not going to include
// port numbers. Also make a helper function for forming keys into this map.
uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress := make(map[string]map[string]bool)
for _, federationDomain := range federationDomains {
issuerURL, err := url.Parse(federationDomain.Spec.Issuer)
if err != nil {
continue // Skip url parse errors because they will be handled in the Validate function.
setOfSecretNames := uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress[issuerURLToHostnameKey(issuerURL)]
if setOfSecretNames == nil {
setOfSecretNames = make(map[string]bool)
uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress[issuerURLToHostnameKey(issuerURL)] = setOfSecretNames
if federationDomain.Spec.TLS != nil {
setOfSecretNames[federationDomain.Spec.TLS.SecretName] = true
return &crossFederationDomainConfigValidator{
issuerCounts: issuerCounts,
uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress: uniqueSecretNamesPerIssuerAddress,
func hadErrorCondition(conditions []*configv1alpha1.Condition) bool {
for _, c := range conditions {
if c.Status != configv1alpha1.ConditionTrue {
return true
return false
func stringSlicesEqual(a []string, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, itemFromA := range a {
if b[i] != itemFromA {
return false
return true