Ryan Richard e0ecdc004b Allow dynamic clients to be used in downstream OIDC flows
This is only a first commit towards making this feature work.
- Hook dynamic clients into fosite by returning them from the storage
  interface (after finding and validating them)
- In the auth endpoint, prevent the use of the username and password
  headers for dynamic clients to force them to use the browser-based
  login flows for all the upstream types
- Add happy path integration tests in supervisor_login_test.go
- Add lots of comments (and some small refactors) in
  supervisor_login_test.go to make it much easier to understand
- Add lots of unit tests for the auth endpoint regarding dynamic clients
  (more unit tests to be added for other endpoints in follow-up commits)
- Enhance crud.go to make lifetime=0 mean never garbage collect,
  since we want client secret storage Secrets to last forever
- Move the OIDCClient validation code to a package where it can be
  shared between the controller and the fosite storage interface
- Make shared test helpers for tests that need to create OIDC client
  secret storage Secrets
- Create a public const for "pinniped-cli" now that we are using that
  string in several places in the production code
2022-07-14 09:51:11 -07:00

92 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright 2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package login
import (
coreosoidc ""
func NewPostHandler(issuerURL string, upstreamIDPs oidc.UpstreamIdentityProvidersLister, oauthHelper fosite.OAuth2Provider) HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, encodedState string, decodedState *oidc.UpstreamStateParamData) error {
// Note that the login handler prevents this handler from being called with OIDC upstreams.
_, ldapUpstream, idpType, err := oidc.FindUpstreamIDPByNameAndType(upstreamIDPs, decodedState.UpstreamName, decodedState.UpstreamType)
if err != nil {
// This shouldn't normally happen because the authorization endpoint ensured that this provider existed
// at that time. It would be possible in the unlikely event that the provider was deleted during the login.
plog.Error("error finding upstream provider", err)
return httperr.Wrap(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "error finding upstream provider", err)
// Get the original params that were used at the authorization endpoint.
downstreamAuthParams, err := url.ParseQuery(decodedState.AuthParams)
if err != nil {
// This shouldn't really happen because the authorization endpoint encoded these query params correctly.
plog.Error("error reading state downstream auth params", err)
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error reading state downstream auth params")
// Recreate enough of the original authorize request so we can pass it to NewAuthorizeRequest().
reconstitutedAuthRequest := &http.Request{Form: downstreamAuthParams}
authorizeRequester, err := oauthHelper.NewAuthorizeRequest(r.Context(), reconstitutedAuthRequest)
if err != nil {
// This shouldn't really happen because the authorization endpoint has already validated these params
// by calling NewAuthorizeRequest() itself.
plog.Error("error using state downstream auth params", err)
return httperr.New(http.StatusBadRequest, "error using state downstream auth params")
// Automatically grant the openid, offline_access, pinniped:request-audience and groups scopes, but only if they were requested.
// This is instead of asking the user to approve these scopes. Note that `NewAuthorizeRequest` would have returned
// an error if the client requested a scope that they are not allowed to request, so we don't need to worry about that here.
downstreamsession.GrantScopesIfRequested(authorizeRequester, []string{coreosoidc.ScopeOpenID, coreosoidc.ScopeOfflineAccess, oidc.RequestAudienceScope, oidc.DownstreamGroupsScope})
// Get the username and password form params from the POST body.
username := r.PostFormValue(usernameParamName)
password := r.PostFormValue(passwordParamName)
// Treat blank username or password as a bad username/password combination, as opposed to an internal error.
if username == "" || password == "" {
// User forgot to enter one of the required fields.
// The user may try to log in again if they'd like, so redirect back to the login page with an error.
return RedirectToLoginPage(r, w, issuerURL, encodedState, ShowBadUserPassErr)
// Attempt to authenticate the user with the upstream IDP.
authenticateResponse, authenticated, err := ldapUpstream.AuthenticateUser(r.Context(), username, password, authorizeRequester.GetGrantedScopes())
if err != nil {
plog.WarningErr("unexpected error during upstream LDAP authentication", err, "upstreamName", ldapUpstream.GetName())
// There was some problem during authentication with the upstream, aside from bad username/password.
// The user may try to log in again if they'd like, so redirect back to the login page with an error.
return RedirectToLoginPage(r, w, issuerURL, encodedState, ShowInternalError)
if !authenticated {
// The upstream did not accept the username/password combination.
// The user may try to log in again if they'd like, so redirect back to the login page with an error.
return RedirectToLoginPage(r, w, issuerURL, encodedState, ShowBadUserPassErr)
// We had previously interrupted the regular steps of the OIDC authcode flow to show the login page UI.
// Now the upstream IDP has authenticated the user, so now we're back into the regular OIDC authcode flow steps.
// Both success and error responses from this point onwards should look like the usual fosite redirect
// responses, and a happy redirect response will include a downstream authcode.
subject := downstreamsession.DownstreamSubjectFromUpstreamLDAP(ldapUpstream, authenticateResponse)
username = authenticateResponse.User.GetName()
groups := authenticateResponse.User.GetGroups()
customSessionData := downstreamsession.MakeDownstreamLDAPOrADCustomSessionData(ldapUpstream, idpType, authenticateResponse)
openIDSession := downstreamsession.MakeDownstreamSession(subject, username, groups, authorizeRequester.GetGrantedScopes(), customSessionData)
oidc.PerformAuthcodeRedirect(r, w, oauthHelper, authorizeRequester, openIDSession, false)
return nil