This commit is a WIP commit because it doesn't include many tests for the new feature. Co-authored-by: Ryan Richard <richardry@vmware.com> Co-authored-by: Benjamin A. Petersen <ben@benjaminapetersen.me>
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// Copyright 2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package oidcclientvalidator
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
oidcapi "go.pinniped.dev/generated/latest/apis/supervisor/oidc"
const (
DefaultMinBcryptCost = 12
clientSecretExists = "ClientSecretExists"
allowedGrantTypesValid = "AllowedGrantTypesValid"
allowedScopesValid = "AllowedScopesValid"
reasonSuccess = "Success"
reasonMissingRequiredValue = "MissingRequiredValue"
reasonNoClientSecretFound = "NoClientSecretFound"
reasonInvalidClientSecretFound = "InvalidClientSecretFound"
allowedGrantTypesFieldName = "allowedGrantTypes"
allowedScopesFieldName = "allowedScopes"
// Validate validates the OIDCClient and its corresponding client secret storage Secret.
// When the corresponding client secret storage Secret was not found, pass nil to this function to
// get the validation error for that case. It returns a bool to indicate if the client is valid,
// along with a slice of conditions containing more details, and the list of client secrets in the
// case that the client was valid.
func Validate(oidcClient *v1alpha1.OIDCClient, secret *v1.Secret, minBcryptCost int) (bool, []*v1alpha1.Condition, []string) {
conds := make([]*v1alpha1.Condition, 0, 3)
conds, clientSecrets := validateSecret(secret, conds, minBcryptCost)
conds = validateAllowedGrantTypes(oidcClient, conds)
conds = validateAllowedScopes(oidcClient, conds)
valid := true
for _, cond := range conds {
if cond.Status != v1alpha1.ConditionTrue {
valid = false
return valid, conds, clientSecrets
// validateAllowedScopes checks if allowedScopes is valid on the OIDCClient.
func validateAllowedScopes(oidcClient *v1alpha1.OIDCClient, conditions []*v1alpha1.Condition) []*v1alpha1.Condition {
m := make([]string, 0, 4)
if !allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeOpenID) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must always be included in %q", oidcapi.ScopeOpenID, allowedScopesFieldName))
if allowedGrantTypesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken) && !allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must be included in %q when %q is included in %q",
oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess, allowedScopesFieldName, oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken, allowedGrantTypesFieldName))
if allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience) &&
(!allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeUsername) || !allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeGroups)) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q and %q must be included in %q when %q is included in %q",
oidcapi.ScopeUsername, oidcapi.ScopeGroups, allowedScopesFieldName, oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience, allowedScopesFieldName))
if allowedGrantTypesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.GrantTypeTokenExchange) && !allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must be included in %q when %q is included in %q",
oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience, allowedScopesFieldName, oidcapi.GrantTypeTokenExchange, allowedGrantTypesFieldName))
if len(m) == 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: allowedScopesValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%q is valid", allowedScopesFieldName),
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: allowedScopesValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonMissingRequiredValue,
Message: strings.Join(m, "; "),
return conditions
// validateAllowedGrantTypes checks if allowedGrantTypes is valid on the OIDCClient.
func validateAllowedGrantTypes(oidcClient *v1alpha1.OIDCClient, conditions []*v1alpha1.Condition) []*v1alpha1.Condition {
m := make([]string, 0, 3)
if !allowedGrantTypesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must always be included in %q",
oidcapi.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode, allowedGrantTypesFieldName))
if allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess) && !allowedGrantTypesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must be included in %q when %q is included in %q",
oidcapi.GrantTypeRefreshToken, allowedGrantTypesFieldName, oidcapi.ScopeOfflineAccess, allowedScopesFieldName))
if allowedScopesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience) && !allowedGrantTypesContains(oidcClient, oidcapi.GrantTypeTokenExchange) {
m = append(m, fmt.Sprintf("%q must be included in %q when %q is included in %q",
oidcapi.GrantTypeTokenExchange, allowedGrantTypesFieldName, oidcapi.ScopeRequestAudience, allowedScopesFieldName))
if len(m) == 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: allowedGrantTypesValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%q is valid", allowedGrantTypesFieldName),
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: allowedGrantTypesValid,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonMissingRequiredValue,
Message: strings.Join(m, "; "),
return conditions
// validateSecret checks if the client secret storage Secret is valid and contains at least one client secret.
// It returns the updated conditions slice along with the client secrets found in that case that it is valid.
func validateSecret(secret *v1.Secret, conditions []*v1alpha1.Condition, minBcryptCost int) ([]*v1alpha1.Condition, []string) {
emptyList := []string{}
if secret == nil {
// Invalid: no storage Secret found.
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: clientSecretExists,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonNoClientSecretFound,
Message: "no client secret found (no Secret storage found)",
return conditions, emptyList
storedClientSecrets, err := oidcclientsecretstorage.ReadFromSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
// Invalid: storage Secret exists but its data could not be parsed.
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: clientSecretExists,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonNoClientSecretFound,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("error reading client secret storage: %s", err.Error()),
return conditions, emptyList
// Successfully read the stored client secrets, so check if there are any stored in the list.
storedClientSecretsCount := len(storedClientSecrets)
if storedClientSecretsCount == 0 {
// Invalid: no client secrets stored.
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: clientSecretExists,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonNoClientSecretFound,
Message: "no client secret found (empty list in storage)",
return conditions, emptyList
// Check each hashed password's format and bcrypt cost.
bcryptErrs := make([]string, 0, storedClientSecretsCount)
for i, p := range storedClientSecrets {
cost, err := bcrypt.Cost([]byte(p))
if err != nil {
bcryptErrs = append(bcryptErrs, fmt.Sprintf(
"hashed client secret at index %d: %s",
i, err.Error()))
} else if cost < minBcryptCost {
bcryptErrs = append(bcryptErrs, fmt.Sprintf(
"hashed client secret at index %d: bcrypt cost %d is below the required minimum of %d",
i, cost, minBcryptCost))
if len(bcryptErrs) > 0 {
// Invalid: some stored client secrets were not valid.
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: clientSecretExists,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reasonInvalidClientSecretFound,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%d stored client secrets found, but some were invalid, so none will be used: %s",
storedClientSecretsCount, strings.Join(bcryptErrs, "; ")),
return conditions, emptyList
// Valid: has at least one client secret stored for this OIDC client, and all stored client secrets are valid.
conditions = append(conditions, &v1alpha1.Condition{
Type: clientSecretExists,
Status: v1alpha1.ConditionTrue,
Reason: reasonSuccess,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%d client secret(s) found", storedClientSecretsCount),
return conditions, storedClientSecrets
func allowedGrantTypesContains(haystack *v1alpha1.OIDCClient, needle string) bool {
for _, hay := range haystack.Spec.AllowedGrantTypes {
if hay == v1alpha1.GrantType(needle) {
return true
return false
func allowedScopesContains(haystack *v1alpha1.OIDCClient, needle string) bool {
for _, hay := range haystack.Spec.AllowedScopes {
if hay == v1alpha1.Scope(needle) {
return true
return false