Monis Khan 212f00ebde
Recommend a single approach to address all goals
Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <>
2022-06-01 10:26:37 -04:00
.. Recommend a single approach to address all goals 2022-06-01 10:26:37 -04:00

title authors status sponsor approval_date
Dynamic Supervisor OIDC Clients

Disclaimer: Proposals are point-in-time designs and decisions. Once approved and implemented, they become historical documents. If you are reading an old proposal, please be aware that the features described herein might have continued to evolve since.

Dynamic Supervisor OIDC Clients

Problem Statement

Pinniped can be used to provide authentication to Kubernetes clusters via kubectl for cluster users such as developers, devops teams, and cluster admins. However, sometimes these same users need to be able to authenticate to webapps running on these clusters to perform actions such as installing, configuring, and monitoring applications on the cluster. It would be fitting for Pinniped to also provide authentication for these types of webapps, to ensure that the same users can authenticate in exactly the same way, using the same identity provider, and resolving their identities to the same usernames and group memberships. Enabling this use case will require new features in Pinniped, which are proposed in this document.

How Pinniped Works Today (as of version v0.15.0)

Each FederationDomain configured in the Pinniped Supervisor is an OIDC Provider issuer which implements the OIDC authorization code flow.

Today, the Pinniped Supervisor only allows one hardcoded OIDC client, called pinniped-cli. This client is only allowed to redirect authcodes to the CLI's localhost listener. This makes it intentionally impossible for this client to be used by a webapp running on the cluster (or anywhere else on the network). The pinniped-cli client is implicitly available on all FederationDomains configured in the Supervisor, since every FederationDomain allows users to authenticate themselves via the Pinniped CLI for kubectl integration.

Terminology / Concepts

  • See the definition of a "client" in the OAuth 2.0 spec. For the purposes of this proposal, a "client" is roughly equal to a webapp which wants to know the authenticated identity of a user, and may want to perform actions as that user on clusters. An admin needs to allow the client to learn about the identity of the users by registering the client with the Pinniped Supervisor.
  • See also the OIDC terminology in the OIDC spec.
  • The OIDC clients proposed in this document are "dynamic" in the sense that they can be configured and reconfigured on a running Supervisor by the admin.


Goals and Non-goals

Goals for this proposal:

  • Allow Pinniped admins to configure applications (OIDC clients) other than the Pinniped CLI to interact with the Supervisor.
  • Provide a mechanism which governs a client's access to the token exchange APIs. Not all webapps should have permission to act on behalf of the user with the Kubernetes API of the clusters, so an admin must be able to configure which clients have this permission.
  • Provide a mechanism for requesting access to different aspects of a user identity, especially getting group memberships or not, to allow the admin to exclude this potentially information for clients which do not need it.
  • Support a web UI based LDAP/ActiveDirectory login screen. This is needed to avoid having webapps handle the user's password, which must only be seen by the Supervisor and the LDAP server. However, the details of this item have been split out to a separate proposal document.
  • Client secrets must be stored encrypted or hashed, not in plain text.
  • Creation of client credentials on the operator's behalf - the server must generate any secrets.
  • The operator must be able to initiate manual rotation of client credentials.
  • Documentation describing the token exchanges a webapp backend must perform to interact with the Kubernetes API.

Non-goals for this proposal:

  • Pinniped's scope is to provide authentication for cluster users. Providing authentication for arbitrary users to arbitrary webapps is out of scope. The only proposed use case is providing the exact same identities that are provided by using Pinniped's kubectl integration, which are the developers/devops/admin users of the cluster.
  • Supporting any OAuth/OIDC flow other than OIDC authorization code flow.
  • Implementing any self-service client registration API. Clients will be registered by the Pinniped admin user.
  • Implementing a consent screen. This would be clearly valuable but will be left as a potential future enhancement in the interest of keeping the first draft of this feature smaller.
  • Orchestration of token exchanges on behalf of the client. Webapps which want to make calls to the Kubernetes API of clusters acting as the authenticated user will need to perform the rest of the token and credential exchange flow that it currently implemented by the Pinniped CLI. Providing some kind of component or library to assist webapp developers with these steps might be valuable but will be left as a potential future enhancement.
  • Supporting JWT-based client auth as described in RFC 7523. For now client secret basic auth will be used. This is left as a potential future enhancement.
  • Supporting public clients.
  • Supporting any policy around which users an OAuth client can interact with. This is left as a potential future enhancement.

Specification / How it Solves the Use Cases

This document proposes supporting a new Custom Resource Definition (CRD) for the Pinniped Supervisor which allows the admin to create, update, and delete OIDC clients for the Supervisor.

API Changes

Configuring clients

An example of the new CRD to define a client:

kind: OIDCClient
  namespace: pinniped-supervisor
    - authorization_code
    - refresh_token
    - urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange
    - openid
    - offline_access
    - pinniped:request-audience
    - username
    - groups
  phase: Error
  totalClientSecrets: 0
    - type: Ready
      status: False
      reason: NoClientSecret
      message: no secrets have been provisioned for this client

A brief description of each field:

  • The client ID, which is conceptually the username of the client. Note that : characters are not allowed because the basic auth specification disallows them in usernames. Kubernetes custom resource name validation already enforces that this field must be a DNS subdomain, which means it must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (i.e. we do not need to do anything special to enforce that clients do not have a ":" in their name). See the audience confusion discussion below for details on further restrictions that are applied to this field (i.e. required prefix).
  • metadata.namespace: Only clients in the same namespace as the Supervisor will be honored. This prevents cluster users who have write permission in other namespaces from changing the configuration of the Supervisor.
  • allowedRedirectURIs: The list of allowed redirect URI. Must be https:// URIs., localhost, and other forms of loopback redirect URIs are disallowed.
  • allowedGrantTypes: May only contain the following valid options:
    • authorization_code allows the client to perform the authorization code grant flow, i.e. allows the webapp to authenticate users. This grant must always be listed.
    • refresh_token allows the client to perform refresh grants for the user to extend the user's session. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists offline_access.
    • urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange allows the client to perform RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. This grant must be listed if allowedScopes lists pinniped:request-audience.
  • allowedScopes: Decide what the client is allowed to request. Note that the client must also actually request particular scopes during the authorization flow for the scopes to be granted. May only contain the following valid options:
    • openid: The client is allowed to request ID tokens. ID tokens only include the required claims by default (iss, sub, aud, exp, iat). This scope must always be listed.
    • offline_access: The client is allowed to request an initial refresh token during the authorization code grant flow. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists refresh_token.
    • pinniped:request-audience: The client is allowed to request a new audience value during a RFC8693 token exchange, which is a step in the process to be able to get a cluster credential for the user. openid, username and groups scopes must be listed when this scope is present. This scope must be listed if allowedGrantTypes lists urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange.
    • username: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's username. This is a newly proposed scope which does not currently exist in the Supervisor. Without the username scope being requested and allowed, the ID token would not contain the user's username.
    • groups: The client is allowed to request that ID tokens contain the user's group membership, if their group membership is discoverable by the Supervisor. This is a newly proposed scope which does not currently exist in the Supervisor. Without the groups scope being requested and allowed, the ID token would not contain groups.
  • phase: This enum (Pending,Ready,Error) summarizes the overall status of the client (defaults to Pending).
  • totalClientSecrets: The number of client secrets that are currently associated with this client.
  • conditions: The result of validations performed by a controller on these CRs will be written by the controller on the status.

All .spec list fields (i.e. all of them) will be validated to confirm that they do not contain any duplicates and are non-empty.

Some other settings are implied and will not be configurable:

  • All clients must use PKCE during the authorization code flow. There is a risk that some client libraries might not support PKCE, but it is considered a modern best practice for OIDC.
  • All clients must use client secret basic auth for authentication at the token endpoint. This is the most widely supported authentication method in client libraries and is recommended by the OAuth 2.0 spec over the alternative of using query parameters in a POST body.
  • All clients are only allowed to use code as the response_type at the authorization endpoint.
  • All clients are only allowed to use the default or specify query as the response_mode at the authorization endpoint. This excludes clients from using form_post. We could consider allowing form_post in the future if it is desired.

To provide a nice table output for this API, the following printer columns will be used:

- additionalPrinterColumns:
  # this client is "dangerous" because it has access to user tokens that are valid against the Kubernetes API server
  - jsonPath: '{range .spec.allowedScopes[?(@ == "pinniped:request-audience")]}{true}{end}{false}'
    name: Privileged
    type: boolean
  - jsonPath: .status.phase
    name: Status
    type: string
  - jsonPath: .status.totalClientSecrets
    name: Total
    type: integer
  - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
    name: Age
    type: date
Configuring client secrets

We wish to avoid storage of client secrets (passwords) in plaintext. They must be stored encrypted or hashed and must be generated by the server.

Perhaps the most common approach for this is to use bcrypt with a random salt and a sufficiently high input cost. The salt protects against rainbow tables, and the input cost provides some protection against brute force guessing when the hashed password is leaked or stolen. However, the input cost also makes it slower for users to authenticate. The cost must be balanced against the current compute power available to attackers versus the inconvenience to users caused by a long pause during a genuine login attempt.

Many OIDC Providers auto-generate client secrets and return the generated secret once (and only once) in their API or UI. This is good for ensuring that the secret contains a large amount of entropy by auto-generating long random strings using lots of possible characters. We will follow this approach.

Even if the client secrets are hashed with bcrypt, the hashed value is still very confidential, due to the opportunities for brute forcing provided by knowledge of the hashed value. Confidential data in Kubernetes should be stored in Secret resources. This makes it explicit that the data is confidential. Kubernetes best practices suggest that admins should use authorization policies to restrict read permission to Secrets as much as possible. Additionally, some clusters may use the Kubernetes feature to encrypt Secrets at rest, and thus reasonably expect that all confidential data is encrypted at rest. We will use Kubernetes secrets to store the client secret hash.

CRDs are convenient to use, however, they have one core limitation - they cannot represent non-CRUD semantics. For example, the existing token credential request API could not be implemented using a CRD - it processes an incoming token and returns a client certificate without writing any data to etcd. Aggregated APIs have no such limitation. We will use an aggregated API to handle generation of client secrets.

We will use the existing token credential request API as a model for the new OIDC client secret request API. Only the create verb will be supported (but this resource will be part of the pinniped category and will have no-op list implementation just like token credential request to prevent kubectl get pinniped -A from returning an error).

type OIDCClientSecretRequest struct {
  metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
  metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`  // must be set to the client ID

  Spec   OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec   `json:"spec"`
  Status OIDCClientSecretRequestStatus `json:"status"`

type OIDCClientSecretRequestSpec struct {
  GenerateNewSecret bool `json:"generateNewSecret"`
  RevokeOldSecrets  bool `json:"revokeOldSecrets"`

type OIDCClientSecretRequestStatus struct {
  GeneratedSecret    string `json:"generatedSecret,omitempty"`
  TotalClientSecrets int    `json:"totalClientSecrets"`

Unlike token credential request, OIDC client secret request will require that be set (so that it can determine what OAuth client is being referred to). When .spec.generateNewSecret is set to true, the response will provide the plaintext client secret via the .status.generatedSecret field. This is the only time that the plaintext client secret is made available. To aid in rotation, this API may be called multiple times with .spec.generateNewSecret set to true to cause the creation of a new client secret. The response will include the total number of client secrets (including any newly generated ones) that exist for the OAuth client in the .status.totalClientSecrets field. When the admin is ready, they may call the API with .spec.revokeOldSecrets set to true to cause all but the latest secret to be revoked. In the event of a client secret disclosure, a "hard" rotation may be performed by setting both .spec.generateNewSecret and .spec.revokeOldSecrets to true (this will revoke all pre-existing client secrets and return a newly generated secret). Leaving both of these fields set to false will simply return the number of existing client secrets via the .status.totalClientSecrets field (this same information is available via the .status.totalClientSecrets field of the OIDCClient resource).

An admin would interact with this API by using standard kubectl commands:

apiVersion:  # different group to avoid collision with the CRD
kind: OIDCClientSecretRequest
  namespace: pinniped-supervisor
  generateNewSecret: true

Assuming the above yaml is stored in file.yaml, then running:

kubectl create -f file.yaml

would cause the server to respond with (note the custom columns in the table output):

NAMESPACE               NAME                                SECRET     TOTAL
pinniped-supervisor     12..xz     2

All client secret hashes for an OAuth client will be stored in pinniped-storage-oidcclientsecret-<metadata.uid> where metadata.uid is the UID generated by the Kuberentes API server for the OIDCClient custom resource instance that represents the given OAuth client. This secret will have an owner reference back to the OIDCClient to guarantee that it is automatically garbage collected if the OIDCClient is deleted. As the client secret lookup is UID based, it is resilient against any vulnerabilities that arise from the client ID being re-used over time. Using the UID also prevents any issues that could arise from giving the user control over the secret name (i.e. length issues, collision issues, validation issues, etc). Each client will have a 1:1 mapping with a Kubernetes secret - there would always be at most one Kubernetes secret per client. Since the secret name is deterministic based on the client UID, no reference field is required on the client. Kubernetes secrets have a size limit of ~1 MB which is enough to hold many thousands of hashes. This API will enforce a hard limit of 100 secrets per client (having this many client secrets is likely a configuration mistake).

The bulk of the aggregated API server implementation would involve copy-pasting the concierge aggregated API server code and changing the API group strings. The interesting part of the implementation would be the rest storage implementation of the OIDCClientSecretRequest API. Normally this would be done via direct calls to etcd, but running etcd is onerous. Instead we would follow the same model we use for the fosite storage layer - the existing crud.Storage code will be re-used. Each Kubernetes secret would store a single JSON object with the following schema:

type oidcClientSecretStorage struct {
  // list of bcrypt hashes validated to have a cost of at least 15 (requires roughly a second to process)
  SecretHashes [][]byte `json:"hashes"`
  // set to "1" - updating this would require some form of migration
  // this is not the same as crud.secretVersion which has remained at "1" for the lifetime of the project
  // this is the first resource where we cannot simply bump the storage version and "drop" old data
  Version string `json:"version"`

Since an aggregated API is indistinguishable from any other Kuberentes REST API, no explanation will be required in regards to how RBAC should be handled for this API. Authentication is handled by the Kubernetes API server itself and the aggregated API server library code handles authorization automatically by delegating to the Kubernetes API server. We will need to manually invoke the createValidation rest.ValidateObjectFunc function that is provided to the rest storage because this is how admission is enforced (which would be required if the admin wanted to give a user the ability to create client secrets but only for specific clients - this limitation is because the name of a new object may not be known at authorization time).

The OIDC client secret request API will support open API schema docs to make sure commands such as kubectl explain oidcclientsecretrequests.spec work (this is not true for token credential request today).

Disallowing audience confusion

Who decides the names of the dynamic client and the workload clusters?

  • The name of the dynamic client would be chosen by the admin of the Supervisor.
  • The name of the workload cluster is chosen by the admin of the workload cluster (potentially a different person or automated process). We dont currently limit the string which chooses the audience name for the workload cluster, so it can be any non-empty string. The Supervisor is not aware of these strings in advance.

Given that, there are two kinds of potential audience confusion for the token exchange.

  1. The ID token issued during the original authorization flow (before token exchange) will have an audience set to the name of the dynamic client. If this clients name happened to be the same name as the name of a workload cluster, then the client could potentially skip the token exchange and use the original ID token to access the workload cluster via the Concierge (acting as the user who logged in). These initial ID tokens were not meant to grant access to any particular cluster. An admin may even deliberately try use dynamic clients to represent clusters as is traditionally done with Dex.

  2. A user can use the public pinniped-cli client to log in and then to perform a token exchange to any audience value. They could even ask for an audience which matches the name of an existing dynamic client to get back an ID token that would appear as if it were issued to that dynamic client. Then they could try to find a way to use that ID token with a webapp which uses that dynamic client to authenticate its users (although that may not be possible depending on the implementation of the webapp).

To address all of these issues we will:

  • Require a static, reserved prefix ( for all dynamic OAuth client IDs
  • Require a static, reserved prefix ( for audiences requested via the token exchange API
  • All ID tokens issued by the supervisor will contain the azp claim and its value will always be set to the client ID of the client that was used for the initial login flow. This is meant to prevent any information loss during flows such as the token exchange API.
  • In the ID token retrieved from the authorization flow (and only this ID token), nest the username and groups claims under a pinniped object and thus prevent the existing Kubernetes OIDC integration code from consuming this data (this same code is used to implement the JWTAuthenticator). Note that we must provide some mechanism for a webapp to retrieve this information since it is commonly used to enrich UIs.
  • No changes are proposed for the JWTAuthenticator as it is meant to be interchangeable with the Kubernetes OIDC server flags. Some environments use old versions of the concierge with newer versions of the supervisor and thus we cannot rely on changes to the concierge being rolled out to enforce security contracts.
  • Implicit behavioral changes to APIs are avoided as they can be difficult to understand and reason about.

The validation associated with dynamic clients will be used to enforce that clients have set to a value that starts with Thus while it will be possible to create a dynamic client with a name such as pinniped-cli, it will not be usable. For the time being, the "magic" pinniped-cli client will not be represented in the CRD API (for a few reasons, i.e. it is a public client).

The token exchange API will always reject audience values that start with and will usually reject audience values that do not start with (described further below). In a future release, this validation will be simplified to require that requested audiences always start with

To make the above changes backwards compatible:

If and only if there are no dynamic clients registered with the supervisor (as determined via a live list call with limit=1), and the access token passed via the subject_token parameter was issued for the pinniped-cli OAuth client, and the requested audience is not prefixed with or, then the audience validation rules are skipped and the resulting ID token will have its audience value set to both the requested value and<requested_value>. When this legacy path is taken, a debug log statement will be generated to allow the admin to track if users have not updated their kubeconfigs yet. If any of the conditions above are not met, then the requested audience must be prefixed with

Thus on an upgrade, existing kubeconfigs, pinniped CLIs, JWTAuthenticator configs, etc will keep working and kubectl based logins will not be disrupted. However, using the new dynamic OAuth client feature would force JWTAuthenticator config updates and the regeneration and redistribution of kubeconfigs (non-admin users will not need to upgrade the CLI though). The upgrade process would involve the following steps (the order is important):

  1. Admin upgrades their copy of the pinniped CLI
  2. Admin upgrades the supervisor
  3. Admin upgrades the concierge on all clusters (optional but recommended)
  4. Admin updates the JWTAuthenticator config for all clusters by prepending the new required prefix .spec.audience = + .spec.audience
  5. Admin uses the new pinniped CLI to generate updated kubeconfigs
  6. Admin distributes the new kubeconfigs to all users
  7. Admin communicates to users that they need to update their kubeconfigs
  8. Before using the new dynamic client feature, admin checks the supervisor logs to confirm that the legacy token exchange path is no longer in use

On a new install with the latest components, we must ensure that admins are prevented from creating kubeconfigs that will need migration at a later date. This requires us to make a backwards incompatible change to the pinniped get kubeconfig command. This command will now refuse to generate a kubeconfig with a --request-audience flag set to a value that is not prefixed with (the flag can still be left unset). The default scopes set by the pinniped get kubeconfig and pinniped login oidc commands will be updated to include the new username and groups scopes. These changes ensure that newly generated kubeconfigs from the latest pinniped CLI have the correct behavior going forward. Admins can always manually edit the resulting kubeconfig if they need to (or they could use an older pinniped CLI).

Client registry

The supervisor's OIDC implementation currently performs live reads against the Kubernetes API (i.e. it does not use a cache). No performance impact has been observed from this implementation. A positive of this implementation is that the supervisor is always up to date with the latest state - i.e. if a session is deleted, it is immediately observed on the next API call that attempts to use that session. The dynamic client registry must avoid using a cache based implementation to ensure that is always up to date with the current config. Furthermore, the implementation must guarantee that deleting and recreating a client invalidates all sessions and client secrets associated with said client. Revocation of a client secret must invalidate all sessions that were authenticated using that client secret.

Configuring association between clients and issuers

There will be no configuration to associate a client with a particular issuer (i.e. federation domain). Just as the pinniped-cli OAuth client is available for use with all federation domains, all dynamic clients will be available for use with all federation domains.


See the section about audience confusion above for the bulk of the discussion around upgrades.

No backwards incompatible changes to any existing Kuberentes API resource schema are proposed in this design.

The pinniped-cli client needs to continue to act as before for backwards compatibility with existing installations of the Pinniped CLI on user's machines. Therefore, it will temporarily be excluded from any new scope-based requirements which would restrict the username and group memberships from being returned. When this exclusion is used, the supervisor will issue warnings and request that the user contact their admin for an updated kubeconfig. This exclusion will be dropped in a future release. Having this temporary exclusion will allow mixing of old CLIs with new supervisors, and new CLIs with old supervisors. New CLIs will automatically include these new scopes in the kubeconfigs that they generate.


As usual, unit tests must be added for all new/changed code.

Integration tests must be added to mimic the usage patterns of a webapp. Dynamic clients must be configured with various options to ensure that the options work as expected. Those clients must be used to perform the authcode flow, RFC8693 token exchanges, and TokenCredentialRequest calls. Negative tests must include validation failures on the new CRs, and failures to perform actions that are supposed to be disallowed on the client by its configuration. Integration tests will be used to mimic an upgrade scenario (with and without dynamic clients) to confirm that audience confusion is not possible.

New Dependencies

None are foreseen.

Performance Considerations

Extra calls will be made to the Kubernetes API to lookup dynamic OAuth clients. No performance impact is foreseen.

Observability Considerations

See the audience confusion section for some logging requirements related to the legacy token exchange path.

The usual error messages and log statements will be included for the new features similar to what is already implemented in the supervisor (along with the information present in the .status field of the OIDCClient resource).

Security Considerations

All flows performed against the token endpoint (code exchange, token exchange, etc) with a dynamic client must authenticate said client via client secret basic auth.

The above section regarding the client registry implementation covers various security considerations.

Ensuring reasonable client secrets

Since the client secret is always generated by the supervisor, we can guarantee that it has the appropriate entropy. Furthermore, as the hash type and cost used is a server side implementation detail, we can change it over time (during login flows the client secret is presented in plaintext to the supervisor which allows for transparent hash upgrades).

Preventing web apps from caching identities without re-validation

Even with opaque tokens, once a web app learns the identity of a user, it is free to ignore the expiration on a short lived token and cache that identity indefinitely. Thus at a minimum, we must provide guidance to web apps to continue to perform the refresh grant at regular intervals to allow for group memberships to be updated, sessions to be revoked, etc.

Usability Considerations


Documentation Considerations

The new CRD's API will be documented, along with any other changes to related CRDs. kubectl explain will be supported for all APIs, including aggregated APIs.

A new documentation page will be provided to show an example of using these new features to setup auth for a webapp. Further documentation describing the token exchanges a webapp backend must perform to interact with the Kubernetes API will also be provided. Best practices around frequent refreshing of the user's identity will also be documented.

Other Approaches Considered

Many other approaches were considered. See the git history of this file for details.

Open Questions


Answered Questions

None yet.

Implementation Plan

The maintainers will implement these features. It might fit into one PR.

Implementation PRs

This section is a placeholder to list the PRs that implement this proposal. This section should be left empty until after the proposal is approved. After implementation, the proposal can be updated to list related implementation PRs.