This should make it easier for us to to notice if something is wrong with our service (especially in any future kubectl tests we add). Signed-off-by: Monis Khan <mok@vmware.com>
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kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- protocol: TCP
# This same port number is hardcoded in the integration test setup
# when creating a Service on a kind cluster. It is used to talk to
# the supervisor app via HTTPS.
containerPort: 31243
hostPort: 12344
- protocol: TCP
# This same port number is hardcoded in the integration test setup
# when creating a Service on a kind cluster. It is used to talk to
# the supervisor app via HTTP.
containerPort: 31234
hostPort: 12345
- protocol: TCP
# This same port number is hardcoded in the integration test setup
# when creating a Service on a kind cluster. It is used to talk to
# the Dex app.
containerPort: 31235
hostPort: 12346
- |
apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: ClusterConfiguration
# To make sure the endpoints on our service are correct (this mostly matters for kubectl based
# installs where kapp is not doing magic changes to the deployment and service selectors).
# Setting this field to true makes it so that the API service will do the service cluster IP
# to endpoint IP translations internally instead of relying on the network stack (i.e. kube-proxy).
# The logic inside the API server is very straightforward - randomly pick an IP from the list
# of available endpoints. This means that over time, all endpoints associated with the service
# are exercised. For whatever reason, leaving this as false (i.e. use kube-proxy) appears to
# hide some network misconfigurations when used internally by the API server aggregation layer.
enable-aggregator-routing: "true"