We believe this API is more forwards compatible with future secrets management use cases. The implementation is a cry for help, but I was trying to follow the previously established pattern of encapsulating the secret generation functionality to a single group of packages. This commit makes a breaking change to the current OIDCProvider API, but that OIDCProvider API was added after the latest release, so it is technically still in development until we release, and therefore we can continue to thrash on it. I also took this opportunity to make some things private that didn't need to be public. Signed-off-by: Andrew Keesler <akeesler@vmware.com>
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// Copyright 2020 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package supervisorconfig
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
corev1informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"
configv1alpha1 "go.pinniped.dev/generated/1.19/apis/supervisor/config/v1alpha1"
pinnipedclientset "go.pinniped.dev/generated/1.19/client/supervisor/clientset/versioned"
configinformers "go.pinniped.dev/generated/1.19/client/supervisor/informers/externalversions/config/v1alpha1"
pinnipedcontroller "go.pinniped.dev/internal/controller"
// These constants are the keys in an OPC's Secret's Data map.
const (
// activeJWKKey points to the current private key used for signing tokens.
// Note! The value for this key will contain private key material!
activeJWKKey = "activeJWK"
// jwksKey points to the current JWKS used to verify tokens.
// Note! The value for this key will contain only public key material!
jwksKey = "jwks"
const (
opcKind = "OIDCProvider"
// generateKey is stubbed out for the purpose of testing. The default behavior is to generate an EC key.
var generateKey func(r io.Reader) (interface{}, error) = generateECKey
func generateECKey(r io.Reader) (interface{}, error) {
return ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), r)
// jwkController holds the fields necessary for the JWKS controller to communicate with OPC's and
// secrets, both via a cache and via the API.
type jwksWriterController struct {
jwksSecretLabels map[string]string
pinnipedClient pinnipedclientset.Interface
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface
opcInformer configinformers.OIDCProviderInformer
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer
// NewJWKSWriterController returns a controllerlib.Controller that ensures an OPC has a corresponding
// Secret that contains a valid active JWK and JWKS.
func NewJWKSWriterController(
jwksSecretLabels map[string]string,
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface,
pinnipedClient pinnipedclientset.Interface,
secretInformer corev1informers.SecretInformer,
opcInformer configinformers.OIDCProviderInformer,
withInformer pinnipedcontroller.WithInformerOptionFunc,
) controllerlib.Controller {
return controllerlib.New(
Name: "JWKSController",
Syncer: &jwksWriterController{
jwksSecretLabels: jwksSecretLabels,
kubeClient: kubeClient,
pinnipedClient: pinnipedClient,
secretInformer: secretInformer,
opcInformer: opcInformer,
// We want to be notified when a OPC's secret gets updated or deleted. When this happens, we
// should get notified via the corresponding OPC key.
ParentFunc: func(obj metav1.Object) controllerlib.Key {
if isOPCControllee(obj) {
controller := metav1.GetControllerOf(obj)
return controllerlib.Key{
Name: controller.Name,
Namespace: obj.GetNamespace(),
return controllerlib.Key{}
AddFunc: isOPCControllee,
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj metav1.Object) bool {
return isOPCControllee(oldObj) || isOPCControllee(newObj)
DeleteFunc: isOPCControllee,
// We want to be notified when anything happens to an OPC.
pinnipedcontroller.MatchAnythingFilter(nil), // nil parent func is fine because each event is distinct
// Sync implements controllerlib.Syncer.
func (c *jwksWriterController) Sync(ctx controllerlib.Context) error {
opc, err := c.opcInformer.Lister().OIDCProviders(ctx.Key.Namespace).Get(ctx.Key.Name)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if err != nil && !notFound {
return fmt.Errorf(
"failed to get %s/%s OIDCProvider: %w",
if notFound {
// The corresponding secret to this OPC should have been garbage collected since it should have
// had this OPC as its owner.
"oidcprovider deleted",
klog.KRef(ctx.Key.Namespace, ctx.Key.Name),
return nil
secretNeedsUpdate, err := c.secretNeedsUpdate(opc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot determine secret status: %w", err)
if !secretNeedsUpdate {
// Secret is up to date - we are good to go.
"secret is up to date",
klog.KRef(ctx.Key.Namespace, ctx.Key.Name),
return nil
// If the OPC does not have a secret associated with it, that secret does not exist, or the secret
// is invalid, we will generate a new secret (i.e., a JWKS).
secret, err := c.generateSecret(opc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot generate secret: %w", err)
if err := c.createOrUpdateSecret(ctx.Context, secret); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create or update secret: %w", err)
plog.Debug("created/updated secret", "secret", klog.KObj(secret))
// Ensure that the OPC points to the secret.
newOPC := opc.DeepCopy()
newOPC.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name = secret.Name
if err := c.updateOPC(ctx.Context, newOPC); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update opc: %w", err)
plog.Debug("updated oidcprovider", "oidcprovider", klog.KObj(newOPC))
return nil
func (c *jwksWriterController) secretNeedsUpdate(opc *configv1alpha1.OIDCProvider) (bool, error) {
if opc.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name == "" {
// If the OPC says it doesn't have a secret associated with it, then let's create one.
return true, nil
// This OPC says it has a secret associated with it. Let's try to get it from the cache.
secret, err := c.secretInformer.Lister().Secrets(opc.Namespace).Get(opc.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name)
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if err != nil && !notFound {
return false, fmt.Errorf("cannot get secret: %w", err)
if notFound {
// If we can't find the secret, let's assume we need to create it.
return true, nil
if !isValid(secret) {
// If this secret is invalid, we need to generate a new one.
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (c *jwksWriterController) generateSecret(opc *configv1alpha1.OIDCProvider) (*corev1.Secret, error) {
// Note! This is where we could potentially add more handling of OPC spec fields which tell us how
// this OIDC provider should sign and verify ID tokens (e.g., hardcoded token secret, gRPC
// connection to KMS, etc).
// For now, we just generate an new RSA keypair and put that in the secret.
key, err := generateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot generate key: %w", err)
jwk := jose.JSONWebKey{
Key: key,
KeyID: "pinniped-supervisor-key",
Algorithm: "ES256",
Use: "sig",
jwkData, err := json.Marshal(jwk)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal jwk: %w", err)
jwks := jose.JSONWebKeySet{
Keys: []jose.JSONWebKey{jwk.Public()},
jwksData, err := json.Marshal(jwks)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot marshal jwks: %w", err)
s := corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: opc.Name + "-jwks",
Namespace: opc.Namespace,
Labels: c.jwksSecretLabels,
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
*metav1.NewControllerRef(opc, schema.GroupVersionKind{
Group: configv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group,
Version: configv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version,
Kind: opcKind,
Data: map[string][]byte{
activeJWKKey: jwkData,
jwksKey: jwksData,
return &s, nil
func (c *jwksWriterController) createOrUpdateSecret(
ctx context.Context,
newSecret *corev1.Secret,
) error {
secretClient := c.kubeClient.CoreV1().Secrets(newSecret.Namespace)
return retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
oldSecret, err := secretClient.Get(ctx, newSecret.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
notFound := k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)
if err != nil && !notFound {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get secret: %w", err)
if notFound {
// New secret doesn't exist, so create it.
_, err := secretClient.Create(ctx, newSecret, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create secret: %w", err)
return nil
// New secret already exists, so ensure it is up to date.
if isValid(oldSecret) {
// If the secret already has valid JWK's, then we are good to go and we don't need an update.
return nil
oldSecret.Data = newSecret.Data
_, err = secretClient.Update(ctx, oldSecret, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
func (c *jwksWriterController) updateOPC(
ctx context.Context,
newOPC *configv1alpha1.OIDCProvider,
) error {
opcClient := c.pinnipedClient.ConfigV1alpha1().OIDCProviders(newOPC.Namespace)
return retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
oldOPC, err := opcClient.Get(ctx, newOPC.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get opc: %w", err)
if newOPC.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name == oldOPC.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name {
// If the existing OPC is up to date, we don't need to update it.
return nil
oldOPC.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name = newOPC.Status.Secrets.JWKS.Name
_, err = opcClient.Update(ctx, oldOPC, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
// isOPCControlle returns whether the provided obj is controlled by an OPC.
func isOPCControllee(obj metav1.Object) bool {
controller := metav1.GetControllerOf(obj)
return controller != nil &&
controller.APIVersion == configv1alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion.String() &&
controller.Kind == opcKind
// isValid returns whether the provided secret contains a valid active JWK and verification JWKS.
func isValid(secret *corev1.Secret) bool {
jwkData, ok := secret.Data[activeJWKKey]
if !ok {
plog.Debug("secret does not contain active jwk")
return false
var activeJWK jose.JSONWebKey
if err := json.Unmarshal(jwkData, &activeJWK); err != nil {
plog.Debug("cannot unmarshal active jwk", "err", err)
return false
if activeJWK.IsPublic() {
plog.Debug("active jwk is public", "keyid", activeJWK.KeyID)
return false
if !activeJWK.Valid() {
plog.Debug("active jwk is not valid", "keyid", activeJWK.KeyID)
return false
jwksData, ok := secret.Data[jwksKey]
if !ok {
plog.Debug("secret does not contain valid jwks")
var validJWKS jose.JSONWebKeySet
if err := json.Unmarshal(jwksData, &validJWKS); err != nil {
plog.Debug("cannot unmarshal valid jwks", "err", err)
return false
foundActiveJWK := false
for _, validJWK := range validJWKS.Keys {
if !validJWK.IsPublic() {
plog.Debug("jwks key is not public", "keyid", validJWK.KeyID)
return false
if !validJWK.Valid() {
plog.Debug("jwks key is not valid", "keyid", validJWK.KeyID)
return false
if validJWK.KeyID == activeJWK.KeyID {
foundActiveJWK = true
if !foundActiveJWK {
plog.Debug("did not find active jwk in valid jwks", "keyid", activeJWK.KeyID)
return false
return true