To make the subject of the downstream ID token more unique when there are multiple IDPs. It is possible to define two IDPs in a FederationDomain using the same identity provider CR, in which case the only thing that would make the subject claim different is adding the IDP display name into the values of the subject claim.
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// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package upstreamprovider
import (
type RevocableTokenType string
// These strings correspond to the token types defined by https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7009#section-2.1
const (
RefreshTokenType RevocableTokenType = "refresh_token"
AccessTokenType RevocableTokenType = "access_token"
// RefreshAttributes contains information about the user from the original login request
// and previous refreshes.
type RefreshAttributes struct {
Username string
Subject string
DN string
Groups []string
AdditionalAttributes map[string]string
GrantedScopes []string
type UpstreamOIDCIdentityProviderI interface {
// GetName returns a name for this upstream provider. The controller watching the OIDCIdentityProviders will
// set this to be the Name of the CR from its metadata. Note that this is different from the DisplayName configured
// in each FederationDomain that uses this provider, so this name is for internal use only, not for interacting
// with clients. Clients should not expect to see this name or send this name.
GetName() string
// GetClientID returns the OAuth client ID registered with the upstream provider to be used in the authorization code flow.
GetClientID() string
// GetResourceUID returns the Kubernetes resource ID
GetResourceUID() types.UID
// GetAuthorizationURL returns the Authorization Endpoint fetched from discovery.
GetAuthorizationURL() *url.URL
// HasUserInfoURL returns whether there is a non-empty value for userinfo_endpoint fetched from discovery.
HasUserInfoURL() bool
// GetScopes returns the scopes to request in authorization (authcode or password grant) flow.
GetScopes() []string
// GetUsernameClaim returns the ID Token username claim name. May return empty string, in which case we
// will use some reasonable defaults.
GetUsernameClaim() string
// GetGroupsClaim returns the ID Token groups claim name. May return empty string, in which case we won't
// try to read groups from the upstream provider.
GetGroupsClaim() string
// AllowsPasswordGrant returns true if a client should be allowed to use the resource owner password credentials grant
// flow with this upstream provider. When false, it should not be allowed.
AllowsPasswordGrant() bool
// GetAdditionalAuthcodeParams returns additional params to be sent on authcode requests.
GetAdditionalAuthcodeParams() map[string]string
// GetAdditionalClaimMappings returns additional claims to be mapped from the upstream ID token.
GetAdditionalClaimMappings() map[string]string
// PasswordCredentialsGrantAndValidateTokens performs upstream OIDC resource owner password credentials grant and
// token validation. Returns the validated raw tokens as well as the parsed claims of the ID token.
PasswordCredentialsGrantAndValidateTokens(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (*oidctypes.Token, error)
// ExchangeAuthcodeAndValidateTokens performs upstream OIDC authorization code exchange and token validation.
// Returns the validated raw tokens as well as the parsed claims of the ID token.
ctx context.Context,
authcode string,
pkceCodeVerifier pkce.Code,
expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce,
redirectURI string,
) (*oidctypes.Token, error)
// PerformRefresh will call the provider's token endpoint to perform a refresh grant. The provider may or may not
// return a new ID or refresh token in the response. If it returns an ID token, then use ValidateToken to
// validate the ID token.
PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
// RevokeToken will attempt to revoke the given token, if the provider has a revocation endpoint.
// It may return an error wrapped by a RetryableRevocationError, which is an error indicating that it may
// be worth trying to revoke the same token again later. Any other error returned should be assumed to
// represent an error such that it is not worth retrying revocation later, even though revocation failed.
RevokeToken(ctx context.Context, token string, tokenType RevocableTokenType) error
// ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo will validate the ID token. It will also merge the claims from the userinfo endpoint response
// into the ID token's claims, if the provider offers the userinfo endpoint. It returns the validated/updated
// tokens, or an error.
ValidateTokenAndMergeWithUserInfo(ctx context.Context, tok *oauth2.Token, expectedIDTokenNonce nonce.Nonce, requireIDToken bool, requireUserInfo bool) (*oidctypes.Token, error)
type UpstreamLDAPIdentityProviderI interface {
// GetName returns a name for this upstream provider.
GetName() string
// GetURL returns a URL which uniquely identifies this LDAP provider, e.g. "ldaps://host.example.com:1234".
// This URL is not used for connecting to the provider, but rather is used for creating a globally unique user
// identifier by being combined with the user's UID, since user UIDs are only unique within one provider.
GetURL() *url.URL
// GetResourceUID returns the Kubernetes resource ID
GetResourceUID() types.UID
// UserAuthenticator adds an interface method for performing user authentication against the upstream LDAP provider.
// PerformRefresh performs a refresh against the upstream LDAP identity provider
PerformRefresh(ctx context.Context, storedRefreshAttributes RefreshAttributes, idpDisplayName string) (groups []string, err error)