- Requires some production code changes, to use pointers to function variables instead of pointers to functions
374 lines
12 KiB
374 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright 2020-2023 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package plog
import (
clocktesting "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
func TestFormat(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var buf bytes.Buffer
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&buf)
now, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313745Z")
require.NoError(t, err)
fakeClock := clocktesting.NewFakeClock(now)
nowStr := now.Local().Format(time.RFC1123)
ctx = TestZapOverrides(ctx, t, &buf, nil, zap.WithClock(ZapClock(fakeClock)))
err = ValidateAndSetLogLevelAndFormatGlobally(ctx, LogSpec{Level: LevelDebug})
require.NoError(t, err)
wd, err := os.Getwd()
require.NoError(t, err)
Info("hello", "happy", "day", "duration", time.Hour+time.Minute)
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat",
"message": "hello",
"happy": "day",
"duration": "1h1m0s"
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-11), scanner.Text())
Logr().WithName("burrito").Error(errInvalidLogLevel, "wee", "a", "b")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "error",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat",
"message": "wee",
"a": "b",
"error": "invalid log level, valid choices are the empty string, info, debug, trace and all",
"logger": "burrito"
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-12), scanner.Text())
Logr().V(klogLevelWarning).Info("hey") // note that this fails to set the custom warning key because it is not via plog
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat",
"message": "hey"
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-9), scanner.Text())
Warning("bad stuff") // note that this sets the custom warning key because it is via plog
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat",
"message": "bad stuff",
"warning": true
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-10), scanner.Text())
func() { DebugErr("something happened", errInvalidLogFormat, "an", "item") }()
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "debug",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat.func1",
"message": "something happened",
"error": "invalid log format, valid choices are the empty string, json and text",
"an": "item"
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-11), scanner.Text())
Trace("should not be logged", "for", "sure")
require.Empty(t, buf.String())
Logr().V(klogLevelAll).Info("also should not be logged", "open", "close")
require.Empty(t, buf.String())
ctx = TestZapOverrides(ctx, t, &buf, nil, zap.WithClock(ZapClock(fakeClock)), zap.AddStacktrace(LevelInfo))
err = ValidateAndSetLogLevelAndFormatGlobally(ctx, LogSpec{Level: LevelDebug})
require.NoError(t, err)
WithName("stacky").WithName("does").Info("has a stack trace!")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.JSONEq(t, fmt.Sprintf(`
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2022-11-21T23:37:26.953313Z",
"caller": "%s/config_test.go:%d$plog.TestFormat",
"message": "has a stack trace!",
"logger": "stacky.does",
"stacktrace": %s
}`, wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-12,
wd, getLineNumberOfCaller()-19, runtime.GOROOT(), getLineNumberOfCaller(2),
), scanner.Text())
ctx = TestZapOverrides(ctx, t, &buf, nil, zap.WithClock(ZapClock(fakeClock)))
err = ValidateAndSetLogLevelAndFormatGlobally(ctx, LogSpec{Level: LevelDebug, Format: FormatCLI})
require.NoError(t, err)
DebugErr("something happened", errInvalidLogFormat, "an", "item")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(nowStr+` plog/config_test.go:%d something happened {"error": "invalid log format, valid choices are the empty string, json and text", "an": "item"}`,
getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
Logr().WithName("burrito").Error(errInvalidLogLevel, "wee", "a", "b", "slightly less than a year", 363*24*time.Hour, "slightly more than 2 years", 2*367*24*time.Hour)
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(nowStr+` burrito plog/config_test.go:%d wee {"a": "b", "slightly less than a year": "363d", "slightly more than 2 years": "2y4d", "error": "invalid log level, valid choices are the empty string, info, debug, trace and all"}`,
getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
origTimeNow := textlogger.TimeNow
t.Cleanup(func() {
textlogger.TimeNow = origTimeNow
textlogger.TimeNow = func() time.Time {
return now
old := New().WithName("created before mode change").WithValues("is", "old")
err = ValidateAndSetLogLevelAndFormatGlobally(ctx, LogSpec{Level: LevelDebug, Format: FormatText})
require.NoError(t, err)
pid := os.Getpid()
// check for the deprecation warning
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config.go:96] "setting log.format to 'text' is deprecated - this option will be removed in a future release" warning=true`,
pid), scanner.Text())
Debug("what is happening", "does klog", "work?")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "what is happening" does klog="work?"`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
Logr().WithName("panda").V(KlogLevelDebug).Info("are the best", "yes?", "yes.")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "panda: are the best" yes?="yes."`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
New().WithName("hi").WithName("there").WithValues("a", 1, "b", 2).Always("do it")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "hi/there: do it" a=1 b=2`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
l := WithValues("x", 33, "z", 22)
l.Debug("what to do")
l.Debug("and why")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "what to do" x=33 z=22`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-5), scanner.Text())
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "and why" x=33 z=22`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-8), scanner.Text())
old.Always("should be klog text format", "for", "sure")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "created before mode change: should be klog text format" is="old" for="sure"`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-4), scanner.Text())
// make sure child loggers do not share state
old1 := old.WithValues("i am", "old1")
old2 := old.WithName("old2")
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "created before mode change: warn" is="old" i am="old1" warning=true`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-5), scanner.Text())
require.True(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(`I1121 23:37:26.953313%8d config_test.go:%d] "created before mode change/old2: info" is="old"`,
pid, getLineNumberOfCaller()-8), scanner.Text())
Trace("should not be logged", "for", "sure")
require.Empty(t, buf.String())
Logr().V(klogLevelAll).Info("also should not be logged", "open", "close")
require.Empty(t, buf.String())
require.False(t, scanner.Scan())
require.NoError(t, scanner.Err())
require.Empty(t, scanner.Text())
require.Empty(t, buf.String())
func TestValidateAndSetLogLevelGlobally(t *testing.T) {
originalLogLevel := getKlogLevel()
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, int(originalLogLevel), int(klog.Level(0)), "cannot get klog level")
tests := []struct {
name string
level LogLevel
wantLevel klog.Level
wantEnabled []LogLevel
wantErr string
name: "unset",
wantLevel: 0,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning},
name: "warning",
level: LevelWarning,
wantLevel: 0,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning},
name: "info",
level: LevelInfo,
wantLevel: 2,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning, LevelInfo},
name: "debug",
level: LevelDebug,
wantLevel: 4,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning, LevelInfo, LevelDebug},
name: "trace",
level: LevelTrace,
wantLevel: 6,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning, LevelInfo, LevelDebug, LevelTrace},
name: "all",
level: LevelAll,
wantLevel: 108,
wantEnabled: []LogLevel{LevelWarning, LevelInfo, LevelDebug, LevelTrace, LevelAll},
name: "invalid level",
level: "panda",
wantLevel: originalLogLevel,
wantErr: errInvalidLogLevel.Error(),
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt // capture range variable
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
defer func() {
undoGlobalLogLevelChanges(t, originalLogLevel)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
err := ValidateAndSetLogLevelAndFormatGlobally(ctx, LogSpec{Level: tt.level})
require.Equal(t, tt.wantErr, errString(err))
require.Equal(t, tt.wantLevel, getKlogLevel())
if tt.wantEnabled != nil {
allLevels := []LogLevel{LevelWarning, LevelInfo, LevelDebug, LevelTrace, LevelAll}
for _, level := range allLevels {
if contains(tt.wantEnabled, level) {
require.Truef(t, Enabled(level), "wanted %q to be enabled", level)
} else {
require.False(t, Enabled(level), "did not want %q to be enabled", level)
require.Equal(t, originalLogLevel, getKlogLevel())
func contains(haystack []LogLevel, needle LogLevel) bool {
for _, hay := range haystack {
if hay == needle {
return true
return false
func errString(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return ""
return err.Error()
func undoGlobalLogLevelChanges(t *testing.T, originalLogLevel klog.Level) {
_, err := logs.GlogSetter(strconv.Itoa(int(originalLogLevel)))
require.NoError(t, err)
func getKlogLevel() klog.Level {
// hack around klog not exposing a Get method
for i := klog.Level(0); i < 256; i++ {
if klog.V(i).Enabled() {
return i - 1
return -1
// getLineNumberOfCaller returns the line number of the source code that invoked this function.
// If maybeSkip is provided, returns the line number from a different point in the call stack.
// This is useful to test log output that prints a call stack with line numbers.
func getLineNumberOfCaller(maybeSkip ...int) int {
skip := 1
if len(maybeSkip) > 0 {
skip = maybeSkip[0]
if _, _, line, ok := runtime.Caller(skip); ok {
return line
return -1