Also fix some tests that were broken by bumping golang and dependencies in the previous commits. Note that in addition to changes made to satisfy the linter which do not impact the behavior of the code, this commit also adds ReadHeaderTimeout to all usages of http.Server to satisfy the linter (and because it seemed like a good suggestion).
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// Copyright 2020-2022 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package oidc
import (
fositepkce "github.com/ory/fosite/handler/pkce"
corev1client "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/core/v1"
type KubeStorage struct {
clientManager fosite.ClientManager
authorizationCodeStorage oauth2.AuthorizeCodeStorage
pkceStorage fositepkce.PKCERequestStorage
oidcStorage openid.OpenIDConnectRequestStorage
accessTokenStorage accesstoken.RevocationStorage
refreshTokenStorage refreshtoken.RevocationStorage
var _ fositestoragei.AllFositeStorage = &KubeStorage{}
func NewKubeStorage(secrets corev1client.SecretInterface, timeoutsConfiguration TimeoutsConfiguration) *KubeStorage {
nowFunc := time.Now
return &KubeStorage{
clientManager: &clientregistry.StaticClientManager{},
authorizationCodeStorage: authorizationcode.New(secrets, nowFunc, timeoutsConfiguration.AuthorizationCodeSessionStorageLifetime),
pkceStorage: pkce.New(secrets, nowFunc, timeoutsConfiguration.PKCESessionStorageLifetime),
oidcStorage: openidconnect.New(secrets, nowFunc, timeoutsConfiguration.OIDCSessionStorageLifetime),
accessTokenStorage: accesstoken.New(secrets, nowFunc, timeoutsConfiguration.AccessTokenSessionStorageLifetime),
refreshTokenStorage: refreshtoken.New(secrets, nowFunc, timeoutsConfiguration.RefreshTokenSessionStorageLifetime),
// Authorization Code sessions:
// These are keyed by the signature of the authcode.
// Fosite will create these in the authorize endpoint.
// Fosite will never delete them. Instead, it wants to mark them as invalidated once the authcode is used to redeem tokens.
// That way, it can later detect the case where an authcode that was already redeemed gets used again.
func (k KubeStorage) CreateAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string, r fosite.Requester) (err error) {
return k.authorizationCodeStorage.CreateAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode, r)
func (k KubeStorage) GetAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string, s fosite.Session) (request fosite.Requester, err error) {
return k.authorizationCodeStorage.GetAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode, s)
func (k KubeStorage) InvalidateAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string) (err error) {
return k.authorizationCodeStorage.InvalidateAuthorizeCodeSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode)
// PKCE sessions:
// These are keyed by the signature of the authcode.
// Fosite will create these in the authorize endpoint at the same time that it is creating an authcode.
// Fosite will delete these in the token endpoint during authcode redemption since they are no longer needed after that.
// If the user chooses to never redeem their authcode, then fosite will never delete these.
func (k KubeStorage) CreatePKCERequestSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string, requester fosite.Requester) error {
return k.pkceStorage.CreatePKCERequestSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode, requester)
func (k KubeStorage) GetPKCERequestSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string, session fosite.Session) (fosite.Requester, error) {
return k.pkceStorage.GetPKCERequestSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode, session)
func (k KubeStorage) DeletePKCERequestSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAuthcode string) error {
return k.pkceStorage.DeletePKCERequestSession(ctx, signatureOfAuthcode)
// OpenID Connect sessions:
// These are keyed by the full value of the authcode (not just the signature).
// Fosite will create these in the authorize endpoint when it creates an authcode, but only if the user
// requested the openid scope.
// Fosite will never delete these, which is likely a bug in fosite. Although there is a delete method below, fosite
// never calls it. Used during authcode redemption, they will never be accessed again after a successful authcode
// redemption. Although that implies that they should probably follow a lifecycle similar the the PKCE storage, they
// are, in fact, not deleted.
func (k KubeStorage) CreateOpenIDConnectSession(ctx context.Context, fullAuthcode string, requester fosite.Requester) error {
return k.oidcStorage.CreateOpenIDConnectSession(ctx, fullAuthcode, requester)
func (k KubeStorage) GetOpenIDConnectSession(ctx context.Context, fullAuthcode string, requester fosite.Requester) (fosite.Requester, error) {
return k.oidcStorage.GetOpenIDConnectSession(ctx, fullAuthcode, requester)
func (k KubeStorage) DeleteOpenIDConnectSession(ctx context.Context, fullAuthcode string) error {
return k.oidcStorage.DeleteOpenIDConnectSession(ctx, fullAuthcode) //nolint:staticcheck // we know this is deprecated and never called. our GC controller cleans these up.
// Access token sessions:
// These are keyed by the signature of the access token.
// Fosite will create these in the token endpoint whenever it wants to hand out an access token, including the original
// authcode redemption and also during refresh.
// Fosite will not use the delete method. Instead, it will use the revoke method to delete them.
// During a refresh in the token endpoint, the old access token is revoked just before the new access token is created.
// Also, if the token endpoint receives an authcode that was already used successfully, then it revokes the access token
// that was previously handed out for that authcode. If a user stops coming back to refresh their tokens, then that
// access token will never be deleted.
func (k KubeStorage) CreateAccessTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAccessToken string, requester fosite.Requester) (err error) {
return k.accessTokenStorage.CreateAccessTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfAccessToken, requester)
func (k KubeStorage) GetAccessTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAccessToken string, session fosite.Session) (request fosite.Requester, err error) {
return k.accessTokenStorage.GetAccessTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfAccessToken, session)
func (k KubeStorage) DeleteAccessTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfAccessToken string) (err error) {
return k.accessTokenStorage.DeleteAccessTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfAccessToken)
func (k KubeStorage) RevokeAccessToken(ctx context.Context, requestID string) error {
return k.accessTokenStorage.RevokeAccessToken(ctx, requestID)
// Refresh token sessions:
// These are keyed by the signature of the refresh token.
// Fosite will create these in the token endpoint whenever it wants to hand out an refresh token, including the original
// authcode redemption and also during refresh. Refresh tokens are only handed out when the user requested the
// offline_access scope on the original authorization request.
// Fosite will not use the delete method. Instead, it will use the revoke method to delete them.
// During a refresh in the token endpoint, the old refresh token is revoked just before the new refresh token is created.
// Also, if the token endpoint receives an authcode that was already used successfully, then it revokes the refresh token
// that was previously handed out for that authcode. If a user stops coming back to refresh their tokens, then that
// refresh token will never be deleted.
func (k KubeStorage) CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfRefreshToken string, request fosite.Requester) (err error) {
return k.refreshTokenStorage.CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfRefreshToken, request)
func (k KubeStorage) GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfRefreshToken string, session fosite.Session) (request fosite.Requester, err error) {
return k.refreshTokenStorage.GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfRefreshToken, session)
func (k KubeStorage) DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx context.Context, signatureOfRefreshToken string) (err error) {
return k.refreshTokenStorage.DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx, signatureOfRefreshToken)
func (k KubeStorage) RevokeRefreshToken(ctx context.Context, requestID string) error {
return k.refreshTokenStorage.RevokeRefreshToken(ctx, requestID)
func (k KubeStorage) RevokeRefreshTokenMaybeGracePeriod(ctx context.Context, requestID string, signature string) error {
return k.refreshTokenStorage.RevokeRefreshTokenMaybeGracePeriod(ctx, requestID, signature)
// OAuth client definitions:
func (k KubeStorage) GetClient(ctx context.Context, id string) (fosite.Client, error) {
return k.clientManager.GetClient(ctx, id)
func (k KubeStorage) ClientAssertionJWTValid(ctx context.Context, jti string) error {
return k.clientManager.ClientAssertionJWTValid(ctx, jti)
func (k KubeStorage) SetClientAssertionJWT(ctx context.Context, jti string, exp time.Time) error {
return k.clientManager.SetClientAssertionJWT(ctx, jti, exp)