#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2021 the Pinniped contributors. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # A script to perform the setup required to manually test using the supervisor on a kind cluster. # Assumes that you installed the apps already using hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh. # # This uses the Supervisor and Concierge in the same cluster. Usually the Supervisor would be # deployed in one cluster while each workload cluster would have a Concierge. All the workload # cluster Concierge configurations would be similar to each other, all trusting the same Supervisor. # # Depends on `step` which can be installed by `brew install step` on MacOS. # set -euo pipefail # Change working directory to the top of the repo. ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)" cd "$ROOT" # Read the env vars output by hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh source /tmp/integration-test-env # Choose some filenames. root_ca_crt_path=root_ca.crt root_ca_key_path=root_ca.key tls_crt_path=tls.crt tls_key_path=tls.key # Choose an audience name for the Concierge. audience="my-workload-cluster-$(openssl rand -hex 4)" # These settings align with how the Dex redirect URI is configured by hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh. # Note that this hostname can only be resolved inside the cluster, so we will use a web proxy running inside # the cluster whenever we want to be able to connect to it. issuer_host="pinniped-supervisor-clusterip.supervisor.svc.cluster.local" issuer="https://$issuer_host/some/path" # Create a CA and TLS serving certificates for the Supervisor. step certificate create \ "Supervisor CA" "$root_ca_crt_path" "$root_ca_key_path" \ --profile root-ca \ --no-password --insecure --force step certificate create \ "$issuer_host" "$tls_crt_path" "$tls_key_path" \ --profile leaf \ --not-after 8760h \ --ca "$root_ca_crt_path" --ca-key "$root_ca_key_path" \ --no-password --insecure --force # Put the TLS certificate into a Secret for the Supervisor. kubectl create secret tls -n "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_NAMESPACE" my-federation-domain-tls --cert "$tls_crt_path" --key "$tls_key_path" \ --dry-run=client --output yaml | kubectl apply -f - # Make a FederationDomain using the TLS Secret from above. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --namespace "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_NAMESPACE" -f - apiVersion: config.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1 kind: FederationDomain metadata: name: my-federation-domain spec: issuer: $issuer tls: secretName: my-federation-domain-tls EOF echo "Waiting for FederationDomain to initialize..." sleep 5 # Test that the federation domain is working before we proceed. echo "Fetching FederationDomain discovery info..." https_proxy="$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY" curl -fLsS --cacert "$root_ca_crt_path" "$issuer/.well-known/openid-configuration" | jq . # Make an OIDCIdentityProvider which uses Dex to provide identity. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --namespace "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_NAMESPACE" -f - apiVersion: idp.supervisor.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1 kind: OIDCIdentityProvider metadata: name: my-oidc-provider spec: issuer: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_ISSUER" tls: certificateAuthorityData: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_ISSUER_CA_BUNDLE" authorizationConfig: additionalScopes: [ ${PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_ADDITIONAL_SCOPES} ] claims: username: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_USERNAME_CLAIM" groups: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_GROUPS_CLAIM" client: secretName: my-oidc-provider-client-secret EOF # Make a Secret for the above OIDCIdentityProvider to describe the OIDC client configured in Dex. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --namespace "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_NAMESPACE" -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: my-oidc-provider-client-secret stringData: clientID: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_CLIENT_ID" clientSecret: "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET" type: "secrets.pinniped.dev/oidc-client" EOF # Grant the test user some RBAC permissions so we can play with kubectl as that user. kubectl create clusterrolebinding test-user-can-view --clusterrole view \ --user "$PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_USERNAME" \ --dry-run=client --output yaml | kubectl apply -f - # Make a JWTAuthenticator which respects JWTs from the Supervisor's issuer. # The issuer URL must be accessible from within the cluster for OIDC discovery. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: authentication.concierge.pinniped.dev/v1alpha1 kind: JWTAuthenticator metadata: name: my-jwt-authenticator spec: issuer: $issuer audience: $audience tls: certificateAuthorityData: $(cat "$root_ca_crt_path" | base64) EOF echo "Waiting for JWTAuthenticator to initialize..." # Our integration tests wait 10 seconds, so use that same value here. sleep 10 # Compile the CLI. go build ./cmd/pinniped # Use the CLI to get the kubeconfig. Tell it that you don't want the browser to automatically open for logins. ./pinniped get kubeconfig --oidc-skip-browser >kubeconfig # Clear the local CLI cache to ensure that the kubectl command below will need to perform a fresh login. rm -f "$HOME"/.config/pinniped/sessions.yaml echo echo "Ready! 🚀" echo "To be able to access the login URL shown below, start Chrome like this:" echo " open -a \"Google Chrome\" --args --proxy-server=\"$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY\"" echo "Then use these credentials at the Dex login page:" echo " Username: $PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_USERNAME" echo " Password: $PINNIPED_TEST_SUPERVISOR_UPSTREAM_OIDC_PASSWORD" # Perform a login using the kubectl plugin. This should print the URL to be followed for the Dex login page. echo echo "Running: https_proxy=\"$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY\" no_proxy=\"\" kubectl --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig get pods -A" https_proxy="$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY" no_proxy="" kubectl --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig get pods -A # Print the identity of the currently logged in user. The CLI has cached your tokens, and will automatically refresh # your short-lived credentials whenever they expire, so you should not be prompted to log in again for the rest of the day. echo echo "Running: https_proxy=\"$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY\" no_proxy=\"\" ./pinniped whoami --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig" https_proxy="$PINNIPED_TEST_PROXY" no_proxy="" ./pinniped whoami --kubeconfig ./kubeconfig