You have successfully logged in. You may now close this tab.
Finish your login
To finish logging in, paste this authorization code into your command-line session:
// It's okay if this changes in the future, but this gives us a chance to eyeball the formatting.
// Our browser-based integration tests should find any incompatibilities.
testExpectedCSP = `default-src 'none'; ` +
`script-src 'sha256-+M/LwI0kltqjqTbsYcEYpN4nMkcCMkOmJcr1pbUSP2Q='; ` +
`style-src 'sha256-CtfkX7m8x2UdGYvGgDq+6b6yIAQsASW9pbQK+sG8fNA='; ` +
`img-src data:; ` +
`connect-src *; ` +
`frame-ancestors 'none'`
func TestTemplate(t *testing.T) {
// Use the Fosite helper to render the form, ensuring that the parameters all have the same names + types.
var buf bytes.Buffer
fosite.WriteAuthorizeFormPostResponse(testRedirectURL, testResponseParams, Template(), &buf)
// Render again so we can confirm that there is no error returned (Fosite ignores any error).
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
require.NoError(t, Template().Execute(&buf2, struct {
RedirURL string
Parameters url.Values
RedirURL: testRedirectURL,
Parameters: testResponseParams,
// t.Logf("actual value:\n%s", buf2.String()) // useful when updating minify library causes new output
require.Equal(t, buf.String(), buf2.String())
require.Equal(t, testExpectedFormPostOutput, buf.String())
func TestContentSecurityPolicyHashes(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, testExpectedCSP, ContentSecurityPolicy())
func TestHelpers(t *testing.T) {
// These are silly tests but it's easy to we might as well have them.
require.Equal(t, "test", mustMinify("test", nil))
require.PanicsWithError(t, "some error", func() { mustMinify("", fmt.Errorf("some error")) })
// Example test vector from
require.Equal(t, "sha256-RFWPLDbv2BY+rCkDzsE+0fr8ylGr2R2faWMhq4lfEQc=", cspHash("doSomething();"))