--- apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PackageInstall metadata: # name, does not have to be versioned, versionSelection.constraints below will handle name: supervisor-install namespace: supervisor-install-ns spec: serviceAccountName: "pinniped-package-rbac-supervisor-sa-superadmin-dangerous" packageRef: refName: "supervisor.pinniped.dev" versionSelection: constraints: "0.25.0" values: - secretRef: name: "supervisor-package-install-secret" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: "supervisor-package-install-secret" namespace: supervisor-install-ns stringData: values.yml: | --- namespace: "supervisor" app_name: "supervisor" # this affects services and things, needs to be just the resource name to match hack scripts replicas: 1 # keep logs testing easy