# Notes for story acceptance for the dynamic clients feature Rather than writing a webapp to manually test the dynamic client features during user story acceptance, we can simulate the requests that a webapp would make to the Supervisor using the commands shown below. The commands below the happy path for a fully-capable OIDCClient which is allowed to use all supported grant types and scopes. These commands can be adjusted to test other scenarios of interest. ## Deploy and configure a basic Supervisor locally We can use the developer hack scripts to deploy a working Supervisor on a local Kind cluster. These clusters have no ingress, so we use Kind's port mapping feature to expose a web proxy outside the cluster. The proxy can then be used to access the Supervisor. In this setup, the Supervisor's CA is not trusted by the web browser, however, the curl commands can trust the CA cert by using the `--cacert` flag. ```shell ./hack/prepare-for-integration-tests.sh -c source /tmp/integration-test-env # We'll use LDAP so we can login in via curl commands through the Supervisor. ./hack/prepare-supervisor-on-kind.sh --ldap --flow browser_authcode ``` Alternatively, the Supervisor could be installed into a cluster in a more production-like way, with ingress, a DNS entry, and TLS certs. In this case, the proxy env vars used below would not be needed, and the issuer string would be adjusted to match the Supervisor's ingress DNS hostname. ## Create an OIDCClient ```shell cat <